GarvokTla's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


gah! brain needs replacing. just read my above statement and it just looks weird. here is the rewording;

to further compound the "dont like it" and "doesnt make sense" portions of the Downtime system of UCam; as a PC you can only sell items at 1/2 value (Core book rule). however in the Downtime system if you own a business and make and sell items with that business, why as a PC doing an NPC's job do you still have to sell at half value for newly made goods? how is it that NPCs whom have the same shop and everything can sell for full?

this was not addressed in UCam, but is inherently implied due to the Core Rule Books rule of selling items as a PC.

oh and to further compound the "doesn't make sense" of the situation brought up by this system; if you have a shop and sell your wares for 1/2 price (because you're a PC taking on a NPC's roll during downtime) why is it NPCs can sell their wares at full value?

problems that i've noticed with the Downtime system in UCam;

if you think of using it for supplemental income or may want to reconsider (especially if you're not a magic item crafter). here's why;

An inn’s investment price is 2130gp (if bought outright) for those whom don’t want to do the math. So if allowed to use a building’s bonuses apply to a skill (especially as direct income) then; +52(to gp Capital) +10 (taking 10 on check) +10 (for PC being there to encourage work) + 10 (skill in profession (innkeeper)) =82 skill check. Using the Profession Skill for weekly income it generates 82gp/week or 11gp 7sp (rounding down) per day. This is 4gp more than the downtime system’s daily earned income (7gp 2sp) based off of gp production if the PC is there (with no manager and not able to use a skill to boost its income). Which is a 62% increase in income. Using the Inn to supplement your Profession (innkeeper) skill would allow you to pay off your investment of the Inn within 183 days (182.05…). Whereas if you weren’t (aren’t) able to use it to add to your profession check for earned income and just ran it as a building making money, it’d take 304 days to pay off the investment. So unless you’re playing in a campaign where you are going to be in/around 1 location for over a year, its not worth the investment.

Problems/difficulty if you are a crafter; (M=Magic Capital)

A 1000gp magical item takes 1 day to make costing you 500gp to make and selling it gives you 500gp. If using the downtime system (taking a 10 in the check) to make the same magical item it takes 5 days (1M/day x 5days =500gp worth of M to craft the item) and 250gp (5M x 50gp). Even if you have a facility that produces 5M/day (approximately a 4100gp investment) it would still take you 2 days to craft the item. 1 day spent making the M required and 1 day making the item. This difference in time increases exponentially for higher value items. 10,000gp magic item requires 5000gp worth of M or 50M to craft. With a building that produces 5M/day that would take 10 days to get the required M to craft the item and still another 10 days to actually craft the item. It would cost you 2500gp for crafting the item and selling it at half cost would be 5000gp with a 2500gp profit margin. The downtime system allows (averagely speaking) makes it so you craft magical items for ¼ of the listed Price (thus making ¼ profit) but at twice the amount of time(minimumly, if no M is in storage) than it normally takes. In other words, you’re trading time for money. The ONLY time you’d not have to spend more time is if you have a business making M while you are out adventuring and have enough M to cover the costs for making all the magical gear you plan on making in your down time. This is possible, but then you have to deal with the Currency Attrition as well as possibly losing your business (lame feature, that basically says stealing is ok if you’re gone for 1 month or more. Ignoring the fact that you hold the title and deed to the property and building that is used).

on the plus side the system did break down the costs and time for making good lairs or bases of opperations within a community that allows you to build there. as well as any bonuses each type of room within said base/lair can provide.

so i have mixed feelings on this particular system, which is leaning to the "don't like it" side.

Skylancer4 wrote:

...6) This one is a great deal less straight forward. I personally would allow use of natural weapons with the typical rules regarding manufactured and natural weapons. You are still limited to your own BAB and constructs typically don't have more than 2 attacks so you aren't really gaining that much.

9) It isn't splint mail, it is similar to breastplate for statistics (but isn't because it doesn't adjust speed). Nor is it armor, it is a construct, an actual creature. It can't be enchanted as armor. Your dodge feat would be active like normal. The constructs dodge feat would do nothing for the wearer. The wearer uses their stats, nothing points to you using the constructs stats (which incidentally would be acting independantly and so not possible). This isn't a 'combination' of the two like the synth, it is basically an item when worn and that can do specific actions...

good answers Skylancer, however, there are a few things you did not take into consideration based off of what UM had put in as rules for upgrading your constructs. for instance on your answer for #6 i agree for the most part, that you use your stats and your BAB for attacks. since your would allow the use of the Constructs slams or natural attacks since you are wearing it, then in UM it said you can modify and improve weapon and attack qualities as if it were a magical weapon using the Craft Arms and Armor feat and paying the apporiate costs. in doing this, you would then carry over the Enhancement modifiers you placed on the Constructs "weapons/attacks" since you are using them. its somthing to think about allowing since you would let the constructs "forms" of attacks carry over.

the same rule additions are true for #9 in the armor improvement section of upgrading you construct. only now you are improving it's enhancement value (and enchantments) to armor. these i would think should carry over moreso from using the Construct Armor portion than anything else. since wearing the construct "acts" like a breastplate for most purposes then the enchantments you put on your construct should carry over to you when wearing it as an armor. you enchanted it as if it were armor and thusly it should benefit you when wearing it as an armor.

i agree with you all in that it was not clear cut in the rules on how exactly to treat it. well, that is my 2 cents and a can of worms.

I know a lot of you who referance this message board about FoM to see if you can get some game mechanic questions answered. well here is the research i've done on it.
First off a refresher of what the spell says, taken from the PRD (thus the most updated source of the spell):

This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. All combat maneuver checks made to grapple the target automatically fail. The subject automatically succeeds on any combat maneuver checks and Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.

The spell also allows the subject to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. The freedom of movement spell does not, however, grant water breathing

So the first line has brough up major contestations in the interpretation of it. this is what i've come up with; First line has 2 parts to it. The mundane world and the magical world. the mundane world effects of FoM "This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell,..." (the comma seperates the mundane from the magical effects that it applies to). Some of you say that the mundane world hinderance effects dont apply, i contest that point of view by how the sentence was writen. then you might say that you cant normally move through underbrush so it doesnt apply. yes, and no. it applies because you are spending extra Movement squares/speed to overcome the actual hinderance. however FoM allows you to move normally inspite of Movement cost hinderance.

This is where we turn to the Core rules on movement. Under the Tactical Movement section of the Core Book pg192 "Your speed is determined by your race and your armor(see Table 8–3). Your speed while unarmored is your base land speed." This is the rules for normal speed. so if you were heavy armor that would slow you down. the slower speed is still your normal movement due to wearing it. Heavy armor Modifies your Base move speed, thus modifies your Normal movement and is NOT effected by FoM. Encumbrance is also NOT negated by FoM because weight of carried items is slowing you down normally and modifies your base speed thusly.

The Main mundane things that FoM does effect is Hampered Movement. Core Rules of Hampered Movement "Hampered Movement: Difficult terrain, obstacles, or poor visibility can hamper movement." Reason i point this out to you is because if you go into the rules for Terrain and Obstacles(pg193), is because you are spending movement points (EI 5ft squares) to actually move the 5 or more feet needed to actually move. Thus not moving normally, becuase it is hindered. Difficult Terrain- costs 2 squares of movement(3for diagnals) for each square you actually move. Obstacles- costs 2 squares of movement (3 for diagnals). Squeezing- costs 2 squares of movement (3 for diagnals). FoM elimiates the extra movement/square costs for moving through these impeded situations becuase you are then moving Normally by spending 5ft for actual 5ft of movement.
If the terrain incures any other types of penalties, such as Squeezing incures a -4to AC and -4 to attack rolls due to hindered movement. the AC penalty still applies, but the attack penalty does not, because again FoM allows you to move and Attack normally.
FoM does not allow you to "phase" through walls since you cannot do that normally, it is an illegal move(unless you're a ghost or other incorporeal).
So to recap; FoM allows you to move and attack normally, so anything that costs extra movement points (difficult terrain, etc...) costs the normal amount of movement points to move through. FoM negates all the conditions that impedes movement, but not any other modfiers that do not apply to movement specifically.
Armor Check penalties are not a form of hindered movement. they affect skills, not movement. Climb, Swim, and Fly are methods of movement so long as you have a Climb, Swim, or Fly Speed. Armor check penalties are still incured during those types of movement Normally even when you have those methods of movement, so FoM does NOT negate Armor Check Penalties for those skills inspite of having those types of movement.
Webs spun by spiders Entangle the target. Entangle impedes movement, by either half (if not achored to an immovable object) or full (by being anchored to an imoveable object). All of which is negated by FoM. Entangle is a movement based condition, since FoM negates movement hinderances Web does not work against a character under the effects of FoM.

Now the Magical aspects from the 2nd part of the first line. "...even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web." These spells were most likely picked as example spells because of the magical and mundane aspects that are inclusive into their effects.
Paralysis-makes you unable to move, period. So FoM allows you to move unhindered, thusly negating paralysis. This could very much include other special abilities that are paralytic as well, such as a ghouls bite, which is what the spell emulates or vice versa. so since FoM negates the magical Paralysis because that condition hinders movement, its pretty safe to say that it effects the more mundane ghoul bite as well. magic always trumps mundane unless you're stuck in a large anti-magic field.
Solid Fog-impedes movement by halving your speed. So it costs 2 squares of movement to actually move 1 square. FoM negates the movement cost increase(penalty) and it also negates the penalties to attack.
Slow- parts affected by FoM; half movement rate (becomes normal), -1 to attack rolls (negated). parts NOT affected by FoM; Staggered condition (limits actions, not movement or attacks), -1 to AC (ability to defend one's self is not unhindered by FoM), and Reflex saves (same reason as before).
Web- Grapples targets in its effect, which FoM automatically negates. The area in the Web is considered Difficult terrain (2 squares of movement to move one square) which i believe is negated by FoM as stated in the Mundane parts that FoM negates. Cover caused by the Web is NOT negated.
these spells are not the soul limitation to the types of spells that can be negated fully or partially by FoM. the however do set up good examples of why and what parts are negated by FoM. if a spell or effect limits normal Movement or Attacks then FoM negates it.

Now for the underwater part of FoM. everyone moves normally through water at 1/4 speed (move action), unless you have an actual swim speed. what FoM negates is the attacking while under water, which is stated what affects it has in the spell. it also would negate the "difficult terrain" aspects of swimming, such as swimming through an area overgrown by seaweed.
The Grey Area of underwater and FoM; one could contest that upon reaching the waterbed (the bottom) that they could then walk at normal speed underwater since they are walking, which they have a speed for. well, i leave that up to each DM then. reason being that if the DM allows this. then someone who has a fly speed could "fly" through the water unimpeded as well since the guy who walks on the bottom doesnt have to deal with resistance of movement due to the nature of water, then those who can move 3 dimensionally (so long as its not a solid object they are moving through) can do so unimpeded under the effects of FoM. Again, not touching that with a 10ft pole cuz its a bag of worms i'd like to avoid by saying "no, the guy who gets to the bottom cannot 'walk' along the bottom unimpeded by the resistance of the water under the effects of FoM. he's still in water, therefore still is swimming (without making a check cuz its via walking. so he still has the slower speed but doesnt have to make checks so long as he stays at the bottom of the water)or not moving."

hope this gives insight as to which way you wish to interpret Freedom of Movement. if not... look! Worms! <hands over a can>

well, nice to see some feedback on my post. to help clear things up though, Water Child is not elf (or helf elf) specific. it was used in those races because yes there are aquatic versions of those races. in most of the other skill traits the RP cost is 1rp for +1 to 2 skills, +2 skills cost 2-4rp, +4 skills cost 1-5rp, each of the variable skill ones usually do makes sense the higher bonus for lesser RP cost is due to the limitation or situational uses of the skill. Yes, i did compare a skill trait verse a movement trait (and that they could stack, but who would spend 4rp for Water Child(+4swim and take 10) instead of Skill Focus(+4 early, +8 later) to stack with swim? absolutely no one who thought about it and understands the rules of swim speed and what bonuses it gives you.
you guys focus on one section of my example without seeing the rest of the post for what it is. which is that some of the racial build system does not add up for balancing issues with other abilities that are equally available.
yes the DM will have to be more judicial on the availablility of certain racial abilities and the book pretty much explains that when they say its an "option".
all i'm saying is as an option and as a rule set for racial builds and new races, that they should balance it more and figured out the point system a little better than they had. its a great lay out as is, its just the point costs dont always make sense. it can be argued that the evolutionary points for the Summoner eidolon is the same way. Yes, it all depends on your players and what the Gm allows, but if you are making a rules system to set an exampled pressident(sp?) for you to base most if not all variations and races on, then it should be more balanced and thought through.

correction: Water child gives +4 not +8 to swim skill and can take 10s. which doesnt help with its heavy 4rp cost vs the 2rp for swim speed 30ft.

First off i'd like to give 2 thumbs up to paizo for putting this book out and working hard on it. Its a great book full of helpful content. there is one place where it is "iffy" in its lack of consideration and balancing; the build your own race. i realize that this area of the game let alone this book is often shaded with grey or mixed feelings dependant upon your group/DM(GM). However, there are some aspects of the racial point buy system that really need a once over again. For instance the racial stat block building section. makes no sense mathematically but in its breakdown of categories (human, standard, flexible) makes some sense for their racial point costs. there are a few that do not however; Paragon, greater paragon, advanced, weakness, and greater weakness. A lot of these groupings do not break down mathematically to match up with another in RP costs. Nor do a few of the Traits add up either. Flying 2 for 30ft(clumsy), 2rp for +10ft and one step improvement on flight control. Nice, but doesn't add up to some races like the Strix for RP costs (probably why they excluded it from the breakdown). Swim 30ft., 2rp gets +10ft. Good, but then have a 4RP cost of Water Child that gets you +8 to swim skill and can take 10s. Cost makes some sense in that it improves a skill that much, but the ability to have a swim speed inherently gives you +4 or +8 (i dont recall) and can take 10s (unless in stressful situations)to the skill anyhow. This doesnt add up. There are a few others that do not add up either, but i was only able to take so many notes since i read it while at a friend's who has it already.

Frankly, it looks like you're trying to screw with the system inorder to get reach and dual-weild for a DPS fighter. Honestly...if you want reach and put out the damage, then ask if you can have a custom crafted item such as a belt/vestment/ring or what not that your GM oks and get Enlarge person as a continuous effect for 2,ooo gp (more for unusual body slots or ability linked locations. also may increase if the GM thinks its too little money for such a powerful item) this gives you reach of 10ft ups your weapon damage cuz they are now Large and you dont have to deal with the pesky situation of "well its in reach so i guess i use the shortsword again and cant use my polearm...". All 10ft is your threatened area no matter what you wield. Yeah, you probably cant use it in corridors that are 5ft wide, but you can barely use the polearm then too (some GMs rule that unless its a piercing polearm, you dont have room to swing it). if that is the case, then take Lunge and it saves you the trouble on that. "what if they run into another room that has only a 5 foot wide door?" well either dismiss the continuous effect or use the Squeezing condition in the Core book pg 193. Either way most GMs wouldnt allow you to undercut the Phalynx Fighter by not actually using the shield. That particular variant on fighter is the High Defense/Protection type. Had a dwarven fighter go into it. great crowd control (via bullrush granted by feats and the variant abilities) in keeping the casters behind me and the enemy in front.

ok first off, i'd like to address the issue Jeremiziah is having with all this:

"Except it really doesn't, respectfully, because treasure is not always divided equally. See, for example, the Keen Longsword example I gave in my last post. What's going to happen there? The monk's going to demand that the fighter sell his sweet new sword or else the monk's going to take his, wait, he doesn't have a ball...and go home? If I'm the fighter, I'm going to say "Try playing a character that doesn't eff up my fun at the expense of your own."

Party treasure distribution is by need a malleable concept, and nobody I know likes bookkeeping. Well, OK I know this one accountant, but he doesn't count, NPI. Who wants to be the guy that does the long arithmatic at the table in order to satisfy some character's vow of poverty? I wouldn't."

My group generally runs a rule of: everything is group loot. you want something out of it, you buy it from the group loot at the value of what the group would get for it if sold to an NPC. thus all treasure is divided equally, no one gets a uber big item that the rest lag behind in and it solves the issues of class incombatibility of loot (aka; last 3 adventures you got 5 dwarven waraxes and you only have 1 fighter in the group with a monk a mage and a cleric). the system makes it FAIR to everyone. so what if you need to take out some small amount of time of your life to bookkeep for 4-8 peoples. its just math. if you think this makes it too complicated to play with then fine, its your game, but i dont wanna get boned cuz some dupe is running it easy mode off the random table of loot and there is nothing in it for my class for the last 5 runs whilest the fighter gets everything just cuz he can use it.

As for the the VoP from BoED. well that was available for Every class, not just monk. though i do understand that its become a bit of a topic due to UM's listing of it, and limitation of it to monks.
i do like however the idea of the "chakra unlock/buyout" thing. it does account for making it balanced wealth wise, but it doesnt give a whole lot of background of "i did a good dead, so god decided to give me xxx ability" like BoED did. plus the "chakra" system can and will work for other aligned characters such as the LN and LE monks without the "good only divine intervention" that was only possible in BoED. the "chakra" (and i keep using quotes on it due to lack of a better name. cuz it needs a new name to not confuse it w/ Incarnum things) is one of the best solutions or suggestions i've read thus far for including the VoP as a viable option.

another option you may or may not want to dig into is running the option of; if you take VoP, you can take an archtype/variant without having to swap out the listed class ability to get the one from the variant. just an idea, though it doesnt account for item bonuses. it does give your character more options of abilities it can use without resorting to gp value based bonuses, and its already level dependant ready made for you. you might even be able to apply it to other classes if they so wished. just another idea to go into the pile.

Another Question
Could a player take the Ability Focus feat to improve say stunning fist DC, or assassin death attack DC? As a GM, a player in my current game is a monk assassin and wants to know if this is possible. I have ruled that it is okay for death attack as i see that qualifying as a special ability, but stunning fist? I'm not sure.


Feel free to answer either or both questions and thanks in advance.

If you have access to the Game Mastery Guide, there are 3 listings of Monks on page 274-275. All 3 of them have Stunning Fist as a listing under the "Special Attacks" heading. keep this in mind.

Now i direct your attention to the Beastiary page 314, where we find the Ability Focus feat.
Prerequisite: Special Attack
Benefit: Choose one of the creature's special attacks. Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against the special attack on which the creature focuses.
Special: A creature can gain this feat multiple times. its effects do not stack. Each time the creature takes the feat, it applies to a different special attack.

So taking these two examples, Pathfinder does inherently allow Stunning Fist (as well as Quivering Palm) to be modified by this feat.

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nephandys wrote:
MSAbaddon wrote:
You can also use a hoster like Forge
I didn't go that route because I didn't want to pay a monthly fee, but I can see why others might choose to do so.

Good point.

I also started with a server on AWS but decided to switch to Forge. Sure, you pay a charge, but you also get additional functions like easy user management

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Wow, quite some activity in the thread :-)

I absolutely recommend using Foundry both for virtual and for running maps in person - it's simply ways better than Roll20.

I really hope Paizo will officially support Foundry with the Adventure Paths in the future.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Since roll20 was mentioned.

If you play online or use a VTT to run in-person games you should give Foundry VTT a try - it surpassed roll20 in nearly every aspect.

Foundry VTT

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Added a Dense Jungle map for Cult of Cinders and Kite Hill for Tomorrow Must Burn.
Ages of Ashes
Hellknight Hill: Citadel Altaerein (original and modified), Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Completed
Tomorrow Must Burn: Completed
Fires of the Haunted City: Completed
Against the Scarlet Triad: Completed

Extinction Curse
The Show Must Go On: Odlin’s Orchard

Year of the open Road
The Absalom Initiation: Surfaced Wreck, Blakros Museum, Mavedarus Manor, Statue Street

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.
Some of the maps were created using assets from Forgotten Adventures.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Finished basement and subbasement sections of the Red Pyramid as well as an outside view of the structure.
Ages of Ashes
Hellknight Hill: Citadel Altaerein (original and modified), Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Completed
Tomorrow Must Burn: Completed
Fires of the Haunted City: Completed
Against the Scarlet Triad: Duskgate Waystation, Katapesh Streets, Red Pyramid – Outside, Red Pyramid – Basement, Red Pyramid – Subbasement

Extinction Curse
The Show Must Go On: Odlin’s Orchard

Year of the open Road
The Absalom Initiation: Surfaced Wreck, Blakros Museum, Mavedarus Manor, Statue Street

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.
Some of the maps were created using maps from Forgotten Adventures.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Timothy A Dohrer wrote:

I just finished running Hellknight Hill and Cult of Cinders...about to start Tomorrow Must Burn...

THANK YOU MSAbaddon for saving my hide! I am working 60 hours a week from home on my job and it is killing me. The only saving me is our now weekly Age of Ashes campaign. Each Saturday night, this group of 8 friends with 35 years of gaming experience gathers to play through this pandemic. I don't have time to create maps or to really learn Roll20. If it wasn't for this message board and your amazing map work, I would be LOST! This community is amazing. I am grateful and humbled by you all!

I'm glad you like the maps and that they help you keeping your RPG group active :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Let's start a thread similar to the one for Age of Ashes, where everyone can post material he created for Extinction Curse :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Started creating the maps for book 5, Duskgate Waystation is finished. It’s a test using both the Dungeonfog apllication and assets from Forgotten Adventures. Hope you like it.
Ages of Ashes
Hellknight Hill: Citadel Altaerein (original and modified), Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Completed
Tomorrow Must Burn: Completed
Fires of the Haunted City: Completed
Against the Scarlet Triad: Duskgate Waystation

Extinction Curse
The Show Must Go On: Odlin’s Orchard

Year of the open Road
The Absalom Initiation: Surfaced Wreck, Blakros Museum, Mavedarus Manor, Statue Street

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.
Some of the maps were created using maps from Forgotten Adventures.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Finally completed book 4, adding maps for the Haunted Halls and King’s Hall.
Moreover, I created a first map from Extinction Curse book 1 as a test using assets from Forgotten Adventures.


Ages of Ashes
Hellknight Hill: Citadel Altaerein (original and modified), Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Completed
Tomorrow Must Burn: Completed
Fires of the Haunted City: Completed

Extinction Curse
The Show Must Go On: Odlin’s Orchard

Year of the open Road
The Absalom Initiation: Surfaced Wreck, Blakros Museum, Mavedarus Manor, Statue Street

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Added the missing Tanessen Towder for Tomorrow Must Burn.


Ages of Ashes
Hellknight Hill: Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Completed
Tomorrow Must Burn: Completed
Fires of the Haunted City: Jewelgate Waystation, Crystal Tunnels & Hall of the Devouring Giants, Back Alley, Buildings & Courtyard, Ruined Buildings, Prison, Hidden Forge & Old Workshop, Temple of All Gods, The Dragon's Domain

Year of the open Road
The Absalom Initiation: Surfaced Wreck, Blakros Museum, Mavedarus Manor, Statue Street

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
kompanpawel wrote:
MSAbaddon wrote:
kompanpawel wrote:

Hey, does anyone has just dragon pillars kinda tokens or single images of them in different colors? I'm preparing maps for encounters from your assets, which all are superb and awesome, but I'm just lacking pillars

Would be grateful for help.
It's pretty easy to create those by yourself. Make a screenshot from the pillar and go to Tokenstamp

Sorry, I didn't speak myself clear :D

What i meant were pure png pillars without backgrounds to take them onto some of my maps.
Would that be possible to get?

Ok, that's much clearer ;-)

Look here: Dragon Pillars Colorized

3 people marked this as a favorite.

More maps of Fires of the Haunted City: Buildings & Courtyard, Ruined Buildings, Hidden Forge & Old Workshop.


Ages of Ashes
Hellknight Hill: Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Completed
Tomorrow Must Burn: Completed
Fires of the Haunted City: Jewelgate Waystation, Crystal Tunnels & Hall of the Devouring Giants, Back Alley, Buildings & Courtyard, Ruined Buildings, Prison, Hidden Forge & Old Workshop, Temple of All Gods, The Dragon's Domain

Year of the open Road
The Absalom Initiation: Surfaced Wreck, Blakros Museum, Mavedarus Manor, Statue Street

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I created some maps for the Absalom Initiation Scenario - have fun using them.

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Ages of Ashes
Hellknight Hill: Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Jungle Clearing 1, Jungle Clearing 2, Cliff-Top Temple, Ruined Temple, Burnt Village, Swamp, Cinderclaw Mine, Fortress of Sorrow
Tomorrow Must Burn: Wainwright's Shop, Dreamgate Waystation

Year of the open Road
The Absalom Initiation: Surfaced Wreck, Blakros Museum, Mavedarus Manor, Statue Street

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Update: Cult of Cinders - Swamp map added

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Hellknight Hill: Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Jungle Clearing 1, Jungle Clearing 2, Cliff-Top Temple, Ruined Temple, Burnt Village, Swamp

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Dalvyn wrote:

Nice maps, MSAbaddon, and thank you for sharing your work!

I am wondering, would you mind also sharing gridless versions of the same maps if possible?

Sure I can.

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Hellknight Hill: Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Jungle Clearing 1, Jungle Clearing 2, Cliff-Top Temple, Ruined Temple, Burnt Village

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.

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I'm currently creating the maps for Cult of Cinders.
This is what I finished so far:

Jungle Clearing 1
Jungle Clearing 2
Burnt Village
Cliff-Top Temple
Ruined Temple

I also published the maps on Dongeonfog, just search me (@MSAbaddon) in the public maps.

I'll add more of the maps as soon as I finish them.

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If you look at the pregenerated rogue Paizo made they add Str to the thrown dagger.