Skeletal Technician

GM zebeev's page

834 posts. Organized Play character for zebeev.


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Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Sadly, I think I'll have to bow out - I just started a new job, and I've been playing on the Roll for Combat Discord server ever since the Paizo forums blackout; there's a con happening at the moment, and I'm running a handful of tables and playing on just as many. Any free time I have each night is spent updating those games, so one more just isn't in the cards.

(That, and with the exception of this group, I haven't touched 1st edition since the release of 2nd, haha)

I wish you all the best!

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just so anyone in the future isn't confused - this topic was clarified as part of the first round of errata for the CRB:

CRB Errata 1.0 wrote:
Page 377: In telekinetic projectile, change the second sentence to read “Make a spell attack roll against the target.”

Grand Lodge *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

First table: Snuck past the opening to A2, broke into A4 with a successful Pick a Lock check, spotted the traps within, grabbed One-Who-Waits, and then sat in ambush while the party ranger's bird companion swooped in and created a diversion. Then when Meleeka and the disciples investigated, they noticed the open door, springing the trap. Meleeka and her disciples are soundly trounced, but no one in the party has a high enough Diplomacy to attempt to turn her back to the 'light side' (classic good role play / bad roll play).

Second table: Greeted Meleeka as merchants of antiquities, then were subjected to the Trial of Embers. Completed the first two events without issue, winning them - then confronted Meleeka with the truth as she was about to return One-Who-Waits. Party face attempts to make a Request to hand the statue over without a fight, she obviously refuses. Initiative is rolled, same sorcerer casts sleep, resulting in two failures and a critical failure for the frightened Meleeka and her gang. PCs tie up the monks, then attempt to turn her. Still waiting on the results of that one (play-by-post game).

to Leo: All in all, a great scenario! I love the ability to approach the solution in multiple ways - give the PCs a more open box, and they'll start thinking outside of it!
This, coupled with the finale of the Rose Street Revenge means I'll be looking forward to running the next thing with your name on the cover. :]

Grand Lodge

Yes, I was able to find a few profiles to PM; no replies so far.

Grand Lodge

Looking for a few people who've signed up but have yet to muster for games on the Roll for Combat Discord.

1-01 The Absalom Initiation - Table 83

1-01 The Absalom Initiation - Table 84

1-02 The Mosquito Witch

If you've signed up thinking it was for the Paizo boards and do not wish to play via Play-by-Discord, please let me know. Otherwise, DM me on Discord @zebeev#0269 and we can get you set up.

If I do not hear from you by Friday, Sept. 6th by 11:59pm, I have been given the go-ahead to recruit replacements for those slots.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, no problem at all!

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I'm fine with that sequence. I have a bunch of GM credits as well that I can burn to start at 3rd level, I believe.

Grand Lodge

I've played absolutely nothing from Season 5, and am open to GMing whatever is needed!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

I'd certainly be down, though perhaps I'd run a different character.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
kevin_video wrote:
And for anyone who can answer this, what is the design behind the AC? Is that a suit of armor? A shield? I can't tell.
GentleGiant wrote:
I believe it's from an existing piece of art, but I can't remember which.

I believe it's based on the suit of elven chain on p. 356 of the Playtest Rulebook.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

I've held off on account of Domrilin for reporting the event, but I'm going to go ahead. Hopefully they respond to PMs. Thanks again, everyone!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

It was played as a 1-2 Tier scenario, so you wouldn't have access to the 4-5 list. Some GMs cross it out, or black it out like a redacted document.

Just a different way of doing so.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |


@Domrilin: I don't have a chronicle for you yet because I don't have your PFS number. Once I have that, I'll whip up a chronicle for you and report the session.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@GM Aest: If an event has convention support, there are convention boons that any participant can win by rolling a d20 and getting a result of 19 or 20. The more tables you GM or play at, the better your chances of acquiring one.

Since you've done so, there are four available boons. Roll a d4, and I'll make note of that when I report the session - the Event Coordinator will email you a copy of the boon.

GM zebeev - Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 9
... no boon.

Also, @Domrilin: I'll need your PFS number for reporting and to give you a chronicle.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Most likely, I haven't run a 4-5 or anything higher yet, so we'll see. I think I'm going to take a bit of a break for the time being, but I'll be sure to post in the Flaxseed Lodge if I do.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

There's naught much else to do but pass a simple diplomacy check, which Ai can pass on anything but a 1.

Ai, DC 10 Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Given your previous interaction with Chieftain Korag, you've endeared yourselves to her, so she greets you with a warm and friendly tone.

With the physical evidence of the monolith (albeit now in pieces), and your honeyed words, she is willing to concede to the fact that the fire was not the goblins' fault.

"It seems though for once, the goblins weren't the source of a wildfire. How curious."

Back in Mishkar, you bring news of the brokered peace to Nelket and Dolok Darkfur. Darkfur addresses the Dragonskulls, offering them his continued protection if they wish to make the journey to Sarkoris. Many of the goblins join the Farheaven’s caravan, where they can more readily enjoy the god’s protection. The goblins hold a joyful celebration before leaving Mishkar, enjoying the prospect of life without threats from humans or centaurs for the first time in any of their memories.

Several of these goblins choose a different path, instead expressing interest in joining the Pathfinder Society.

This grants you access to the Firebreaker boon, which will be explained on your chronicle sheets.

For successfully destroying or deactivating the monument, you each gain 1 Prestige Point and the Champion of the Farheavens boon.
And lastly, for brokering peace between the Redpine centaurs and Mishkar, you succeed at this scenario's secondary success condition and gain 1 additional Prestige Point.


DOLOK DARKFUR turns to camera, and points.

"Remember kids; If you come across an ancient Cylopean monolith, run and tell a parent. Only you can prevent forest fires."

* credits roll *

Episode written by Michael Sayre

Directed by GM zebeev

That wraps it up! I'll have Chronicles ready probably by midnight tonight, so just ensure that I have all your correct information in the Discussion tab, and if you haven't rolled for a boon, make a d20 roll as well.

I want to thank everyone for playing, if you've any feedback, anything I can improve on, please PM me, I know there were a few slip ups, but hopefully everything was fair and above board.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@Oded: Ah, that's my bad. I was looking at the wrong table's party cheat sheet - Oops is (was) a PC from Table A.

As it stands, no one else in the party has UMD trained, so destroying the monolith would be the only option. With hardness 3 and 40 HP, it takes some time, but with the entire party going to town on it, it breaks on Round 8 of combat (and as everyone had imbibed the potions of resist energy (fire), there was no reflex/reaction damage sustained from hitting the monolith).

Wreckin' Crew (auto-resolve, public knowledge):

Ai, lt. crossbow: 1d8 - 3 ⇒ (5) - 3 = 2
Ankird, lance: 1d6 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 - 3 = 5
Cork, +1 cutlass: 1d6 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 - 3 = 4
Domrilin, warhammer: 1d8 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (6) + 1 - 3 = 4
Oded, mwk cold iron scimitar: 1d6 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (3) + 1 - 3 = 1
= 16 DMG

Ai, lt. crossbow: 1d8 - 3 ⇒ (2) - 3 = -1
Ankird, lance: 1d6 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 - 3 = 2
Cork, +1 cutlass: 1d6 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 - 3 = 3
Domrilin, warhammer: 1d8 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (1) + 1 - 3 = -1
Oded, mwk cold iron scimitar: 1d6 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (6) + 1 - 3 = 4
= 9 + 16 = 25 DMG

Ai, lt. crossbow: 1d8 - 3 ⇒ (6) - 3 = 3
Ankird, lance: 1d6 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 - 3 = 4
Cork, +1 cutlass: 1d6 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 - 3 = 3
Domrilin, warhammer: 1d8 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (4) + 1 - 3 = 2
Oded, mwk cold iron scimitar: 1d6 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (4) + 1 - 3 = 2
= 25 + 14 = 39 DMG

Ai, lt. crossbow: 1d8 - 3 ⇒ (5) - 3 = 2 - 41 DMG
Ankird, lance: 1d6 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 - 3 = 2
Cork, +1 cutlass: 1d6 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 - 3 = 2
Domrilin, warhammer: 1d8 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (1) + 1 - 3 = -1
Oded, mwk cold iron scimitar: 1d6 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (2) + 1 - 3 = 0
= 39 + 6 = 45 DMG

- - - - - - - -

At Oded's suggestion, you head to the Centaur Encampment, and speak once more with the Redpines' chieftain, Kaana Korag. "Greetings, pathfinders. I see that the fires have begun to subside - I trust you uncovered the source of the goblin's arson, and dealt with them once and for all?"

What do you do? What do you say?

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Oded strikes the rock, but finds that it doesn't so much as mar the surface (from this, you can discern from the result that the object has a hardness of at least 3).

Cork looks to the device, but can't quite discern how the thing operates.

The only other party member with UMD is Oops, so...

Oops, DC 18 Use Magic Device: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Oops on the other hand – with his innate connection to all things fiery – recognizes a few cyclopean symbols on the stone - he traces his finger across a few glowing-orange runes, and the light fades, rendering it inert.

Lifting the rock reveals that the monolith is not actually part of a larger structure buried under the earth, but is merely a small statue scarcely larger than the visible surface, resting inside a bowl-shaped depression.

Once the ash and debris are cleared from around it, it can be picked up. It weighs 60 pounds and thrums with the resonant magic that's bound within it.

Dragbog follows through the valley, surveying the debris that once was his tribe's village. "Such mess. Dragonskulls will have to rebuild, now that fires have gone. Hrmph."

He scrambles into a pile of ash and emerges a few seconds later, presenting you with some tokens of his appreciation; a shortsword, and an emerald-studded ring.

DC 22 Spellcraft:
The emerald ring is a ring of spell knowledge I.

"It not much, but it befitting of Dragonskull chief to give something to thank you." says the goblin.

With the monolith deactivated and the burning dragonskull elementals defeated, the fires around the forest begin to burn out, no longer fuelled by the elemental flame of the monolith.

The Return Trip

As you make your trek back to Mishkar, you encounter a group of druids on the second day out, led by Cenenviel, the elven druid you rescued. After a short greeting, he explains that they have already begun the arduous task of reclaiming the forest from the flames. "Such destruction only makes way for new growth..." he says.

A Heroes' Welcome?

By the time you return to Mishkar on the third day, you find that the fires have all but completely burned out. Nelket and Dolok Darkfur greet you at the gates.

"Scouts saw you approach from the treeline, so we thought it fitting to give you a heroes' welcome." says Nelket through a wide grin. "As you can see, things have gotten pretty much back to normal."

"Unfortunately," interrupts Dolok, "... normal around these parts means conflict with the Redpine Tribe. Tensions between the people of Mishkar and those centaurs still remain high. They still blame the goblins for the wildfire, and have demanded that we turn them over for justice."

Dragbog reacts with a mixture of outrage and fear. "But, no! It was not us!"

How will you resolve this situation?

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Ankird stabs the elemental, and while it's still on the end of the halfling's lance, Cork fires a ray of frost at it, shattering it into countless fragments.

Combat over!

Dragbod yells from the mouth of the valley. "The stone! Looks!"

There's not much to do now but either deactivate or destroy the stone monolith that is the source of the fires. If someone wishes to deactivate it, it would be a DC 18 Use Magic Device check. Otherwise, you're making attack rolls to damage it (given it's an inanimate object, you can consider it an automatic hit, just roll damage).

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Scenario has been reported, so I'll mark this as inactive. Thanks again for playing!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Domrilin steps around the debris that lays between him and the remaining elemental, then looses an acid dart at it.

Domrilin > Dragonskull C
Ranged Touch (acid dart): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Damage, acid: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

He hits the burning dragonskull for 3 acid damage.

Random Target, alphabetical: 1d2 ⇒ 1 - Cork/Domrilin

The dragonskull elemental rushes Cork, and chomps at the salty veteran.
Melee, bite: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Cork puts his forearms up, attempting to parry or block the attack, but he's not fast enough for the elemental - luckily, the chittering dragonskull can only find purchase on a leather vambrace, the few remaining fangs left in it's jaw doing naught but skating harmlessly off of the boiled leather.

Initiative Order wrote:

COMBAT: Round 3/4 (those in bold may act)


3A: Ai, Ankird
3C: Cork, Domrilin, Oded
4A: Ai, Ankird

With that, everyone is up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@Ai: Ah, the ol' Frodo defense. :]
(If we don't hear from Domrilin by noon EST tomorrow (04-23-19), I'll bot.)

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Perfect. I'll need an email address from when I report the game, you'll be emailed your boon by the VC.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

19 or 20 wins a boon, so that's good!
Roll a d4, and that will dictate the specific boon you win!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Chronicles can be found here (LINK).

Let me know if there's anything out of sorts, otherwise I'll be reporting on Tuesday.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Just looked over the reporting email; you can do it either way, so you can all roll a d20, and you'll get a boon on a 19 or a 20.

Boon for zebeev?: 1d20 ⇒ 4

... no boon for zebeev.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Oded doesn't manage to do much but tie up the attention of the burning dragonskull with his scimitar, but that affords Ankird the opening to drive his lance into the wretched thing from behind, dealing 5 damage and dropping the elemental. (Burning Dragonskull B is 'dead')

Cork emits a sub-zero beam of energy at the remaining dragonskull elemental, dealing 2 damage.

Ai and Domrilin are up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Domrilin hits Dragonskull B with an acid dart, dealing 4 acid damage!
Ankird pokes at the same one, but is unable to connect with his lance.

Random Target, alphabetical (1=Ankird, 2=Oded): 1d2 ⇒ 2

Dragonskull B advances and attempts to attack Oded.

Dragonskull B > Oded
Dragonskull B, DC 14 Will: 1d20 ⇒ 14 - success
Melee, bite: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 - miss

The elemental misses the keleshite cleric, however.

Dragonskull C, 50% ignore mind-affecting effect (fails on 1-50): 1d100 ⇒ 76 - success

Dragonskull C shakes off Ai's enchantment, and rises into the defensive stance it had taken earlier. It then advances towards the kitsune spellcaster, threatening her. (Move to stand up from prone, Standard to move 25')

Initiative Order wrote:

2A: Ai, Ankird

2C: Cork, Domrilin, Oded
3A: Ai, Ankird

Essentially, everyone is up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@Ankird: That last attack was the attack of opportunity - you also have your Round 2 turn that you can take.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

I'll try to get Chronicles written up tonight, as with the four-day holiday coming up, it might slip my mind with all the travel and obligations.

Thanks everyone for playing, if you've any feedback, anything I can improve on, please PM me, I know there were a few slip ups, but hopefully everything was fair and above board.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@Cork: It's in the PBP GM Toolkit that HMM has put together. I figure that's the standard.

Cork's additional recalled information wrote:
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold, HD 2d10

Ankird senses an opportunity to strike and stabs Dragonskull B, dealing 4 damage!

Domrillin, Ai and Ankird are up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

And there's the final successful skill check for the scenario!


You head to the Centaur Encampment, and speak once more with the Redpines' chieftain, Kaana Korag. Due to your previous interaction with her, the physical evidence of the monolith, and Oops' honeyed sylvan words, she is willing to concede to the fact that the fire was not the goblins' fault.

She then addresses her tribe, and calls off their feud.

Back in Mishkar, you bring news of the brokered peace to Nelket and Dolok Darkfur. Darkfur addresses the Dragonskulls, offering them his continued protection if they wish to make the journey to Sarkoris. Many of the goblins join the Farheaven’s caravan, where they can more readily enjoy the god’s protection. The goblins hold a joyful celebration before leaving Mishkar, enjoying the prospect of life without threats from humans or centaurs for the first time in any of their memories.

Several of these goblins choose a different path, instead expressing interest in joining the Pathfinder Society.

This grants you access to the Firebreaker boon, which will be explained on your chronicle sheets.

For successfully destroying or deactivate the monument, you each gain 1 Prestige Point and the Champion of the Farheavens boon.

And lastly, for brokering peace between the Redpine centaurs and Mishkar, you succeed at this scenario's secondary success condition and gain 1 additional Prestige Point.


DOLOK DARKFUR turns to camera, and points.

"Remember kids; If you come across an ancient Cylopean monolith, run and tell a parent. Only you can prevent forest fires."

* credits roll *

Episode written by Michael Sayre

Directed by GM zebeev

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@Ankird: The dragonskull moving out of a square you threaten will incur an attack of opportunity from you.

- - -

Domrillin is up to close off Round 1, and given the flow of combat, Ai and Ankird may take their actions for Round 2!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@Cork: Oded recalled a few things with a check of their own:

Burning Dragonskull:

This chattering dragon skull is wreathed in tongues of flame that grasp hungrily at anything within reach.

N Small outsider (elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Immune elemental traits, fire
Special Attacks burn (1d4, DC 11)

Special Abilities
Burn (Ex):
A burning dragonskull deals fire damage in addition to damage dealt on a successful hit in melee. Creatures damaged by the dragonskull’s bite must also succeed at a DC 11 Reflex saving throw or catch fire, taking 1d4 fire damage for the next 3 rounds at the start of their turn. A burning creature can attempt a new save as a full-round action. Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. Creatures that hit a burning dragonskull with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the dragonskull and must make a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire.

You've got a result that's at least 10 over the DC, so that would reveal two additional items from the following list; Knowledge Checks

Cork cools off one of the elementals with a snowball, turning it into naught but a pile of dragon bones. (Dragonskull A is 'dead')

Domrilin and Oded are up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Shilak'ho discerns how to deactivate the monolith, tracing a finger through a few cyclopean runes to render it inert.

Lifting the rock reveals that the monolith is not actually part of a larger structure buried under the earth, but is merely a small statue scarcely larger than the visible surface, resting inside a bowl-shaped depression.

Once the ash and debris are cleared from around it, it can be picked up. It weighs 60
pounds and thrums with the resonant magic that's bound within it.

Dragbog follows through the valley, surveying the debris that once was his tribe's village. "Such mess. Dragonskulls will have to rebuild, now that fires have gone. Hrmph."

He scrambles into a pile of ash and emerges a few seconds later, presenting you with some tokens of his appreciation; a shortsword, and an emerald-studded ring.

DC 22 Spellcraft:
The emerald ring is a ring of spell knowledge I

"It not much, but it befitting of Dragonskull chief to give something to thank you."

With the monolith deactivated and the burning dragonskull elementals defeated, the fires around the forest begin to burn out, no longer fuelled by the elemental flame of the monolith.

The Return Trip

As you make your trek back to Mishkar, you encounter a group of druids on the second day out, led by Cenenviel. After a short greeting, he explains that they have already begun the arduous task of reclaiming the forest from the flames. "Such destruction only makes way for new growth..." he says.

A Heroes' Welcome?

By the time you return to Mishkar on the third day, you find that the fires have all but completely burned out. Nelket and Dolok Darkfur greet you at the gates.

"Scouts saw you approach from the treeline, so we thought it fitting to give you a heroes' welcome." says Nelket through a wide grin. "As you can see, things have gotten pretty much back to normal."

"Unfortunately," interrupts Dolok, "... normal around these parts means conflict with the Redpine Tribe. Tensions between the people of Mishkar and those centaurs still remain high. They still blame the goblins for the wildfire, and have demanded that we turn them over for justice."

Dragbog reacts with a mixture of outrage and fear. "No! It was not us!"

How will you resolve this situation?

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Ankird charges Dragonskull A, dealing 5 damage!

Its companion retaliates, and charges the halfling cavalier.

Dragonskull B > Ankird (incurs an attack of opportunity)
Melee, bite: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 - miss
Dragonskull B finds the pointy end of a lance and attempts to bite it.

Dragonskull C, 50% ignore mind-affecting effect (fails on 1-50): 1d100 ⇒ 7 - fail

Dragonskull C does nothing more than twitch on the soot covered ground.

COMBAT: Round 1 (those in bold may act)

1A wrote:
Ai, Ankird
1B wrote:
ENEMY B, ENEMY C (hideous laughter)
1C wrote:
1D wrote:
ENEMY A (-5)
1E wrote:
Domrilin, Oded

Cork is up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@Oops: Ah, okay. Didn't see anything in regards to the school aside from Spell Focus. S'all good. :]

Angrboda casts snowball, but fumbles the projectile. (miss)
She then flanks the elemental, bringing her scimitar down onto the being, but it skates off the hard bone. (miss)
Eniac slurps the same lone elemental, dealing 4 damage!
Then Shilak'ho steps up and crushes the thing with his exotic sword, dealing 47(!) damage and bifurcating the blasted thing.

Combat over!

There's not much to do now but either deactivate or destroy the stone monolith that is the source of the fires. If someone wishes to deactivate it, it would be a DC 18 Use Magic Device check. Otherwise, you're making attack rolls to damage it (given it's a large inanimate object, you can consider it an automatic hit, just roll damage).

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Teraren, DC 15 Reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Teraren, Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

The patch of fallen ash and greasy soot that Teraren plants his feet to cast his icy projectile hides a scorching pile of burning embers! Luckily, he is able to keep his footing and doesn't fall prone into the hazard. He then is able to point out the affected area for the rest of the party to avoid.

Teraren's icy projectile pierces the planar fire that consumes the animated dragon skull, and it clatters to the ground. (Dragonskull A is dead)

COMBAT: Round 2 (those in bold may act)

2B wrote:
Oops (-4), Verdant (-6)
2C wrote:
ENEMY: Burning Dragonskull C
2D wrote:
Angrboda (delayed), Shilak'ho, Teraren
3A wrote:
Oops (-4), Verdant (-6)
3B wrote:
ENEMY: Burning Dragonskull C
3C wrote:
Shilak'ho, Teraren

Everyone (save for Teraren) may act!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@Oops: I see that the Pyromaniac alternate racial trait treats it at CL+1 but what else do you have to make it CL+2? And no, your DC doesn't go up with caster level, it's just [10+(spell level)+casting stat mod].

The dragonskull doesn't even bother to avoid the gout of flame that emerges from Oops' hands, drinking it in as if it were a breath of fresh air.

The fire damage appears to be completely ineffective.

Dragonskull C, random target (alphabetical): 1d4 ⇒ 4 - Angrboda/Eniac/Oops/Verdant

The unharmed dragonskull moves up and bites at the small leshy.

Dragonskull C > Verdant
Melee, bite: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 (plus burn)

Dragonskull C chomps Verdant, dealing 6 damage!
(Verdant must make a DC 11 Reflex save)

COMBAT: Round 2 (those in bold may act)

2A wrote:
ENEMY: Burning Dragonskull A (10 DMG)
2B wrote:
Angrboda, Oops, Verdant
2C wrote:
ENEMY: Burning Dragonskull C
2D wrote:
Shilak'ho, Teraren

Angrboda still has a Move/Standard action, and Shilak'ho and Teraren are up to end the round!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Ankird: There were only enough potions for the PCs, unfortunately.

Dragonskull C, DC 17 Will: 1d20 ⇒ 12- fail

Ai stares at the chattering skull, and it begins to twitch, jerking around in a seemingly random set of movements. A moment later, it drops to the ashen floor of the valley, motionless save for the odd twitch.

Ankird is up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Verdant advances to brace the front line, and Shilak is able to quickly extinguish the flames from the burning dragonskull's bite attack.

Angrboda and Oops are up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Shilak'ho knocks one of the elementals out of commission in one fell blow!
Teraren hits Dragonskull A with a blunt arrow for 5 bludgeoning damage!

Dragonskull A advances to Shilak and attempts to take a bite out of the nagaji monk.

Dragonskull A > Shilak'ho
Melee, bite: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 (plus burn)

The dragonskull rends Shilak'ho's flesh, dealing 7 damage!
Flames engulf Shilak'ho!

(Shilak'ho must attempt a DC 11 Reflex saving throw.)

Round 2!
Angrboda, Oops and Verdant are up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@Angrboda: Retcon approved. :]

Eniac hawks a caustic loogie onto one of the elementals, dealing 5 acid damage!

Sensing the hostile action, a second elemental rushes out and bites at the brave slug!

Dragonskull A > Eniac, (charge)
Melee, bite: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7 - miss

Shilak'ho and Teraren are up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

@Cork: with that successful check, you know it will last 10 minutes.

We'll assume everyone drinks a potion of resist energy (fire) (unless you wish to decline), and trudge on to the mouth of the valley.

Roll for Initiative!:

Cork: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Domrilin: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Oded: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Ai: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Ankird: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
ENEMY: Burning Dragonskull A: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
ENEMY: Burning Dragonskull B: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
ENEMY: Burning Dragonskull C: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

COMBAT: Round 1 (those in bold may act)

1A wrote:
Ai, Ankird
1B wrote:
ENEMY B, ENEMY C (delayed from top initiative)
1C wrote:
1D wrote:
1B wrote:
Domrilin, Oded

Ai and Ankird are first up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Verdant's flatbow bolt clatters against the stony hide of one of the elementals to no effect.

Angrboda is up!

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

Oded knows them to be neutral small outsiders (with the elemental, extraplanar, and fire descriptors) who are immune to fire damage, and have a tendency to burn things it attacks.

Oded's recalled knowledge - Burning Dragonskull, CR 1:

This chattering dragon skull is wreathed in tongues of flame that grasp hungrily at anything within reach.

N Small outsider (elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Immune elemental traits, fire
Special Attacks burn (1d4, DC 11)

Special Abilities
Burn (Ex):
A burning dragonskull deals fire damage in addition to damage dealt on a successful hit in melee. Creatures damaged by the dragonskull’s bite must also succeed at a DC 11 Reflex saving throw or catch fire, taking 1d4 fire damage for the next 3 rounds at the start of their turn. A burning creature can attempt a new save as a full-round action. Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. Creatures that hit a burning dragonskull with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the dragonskull and must make a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire.


Dragbog's shoulders slump slightly from Cork's gentle ribbing. "Dragbog didn't expect things to get out of hand! At first, stone makes fire, so we make party in celebration! Then the fires got bigger. Then bigger. Too much for even Dragonskull tribe. Dragbog knew we have problem then."

The goblin sighs, then points to the rock once more. "Dragbog think if you break stone, that be end of the fires."

With nothing left but the task of pacifying the source of the flames, you gear up to head into the valley, making any preparations needed.

You might recall you were given some equipment during the course of the scenario, perhaps it could be of some use. In any regard, if you've any buffs or prep to do before the inevitable clash, do so now, and we'll set a marching order into the valley.

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

The druid shows concern when Ai mentions the conflict, but relieved when she reveals that their lives were spared. "I cannot thank you enough for saving them, despite their wild nature. I'm afraid given the dangers of the fires, their savage spirits must have got the better of them."

The druid fiddles with a small clasp on his cloak. "Here. If you are accompanying Dragbog here to his village, take this along with you - it is a snapleaf. If one of you finds yourself in a high vantage point, it should be of some use to you."

The druid grabs his staff and prepares to follow the trail back to the wolverines. ".. be careful at the goblin village; if you weren't aware, it is now overrun with strange fire elementals that appear to have bonded with the dragon skeletons littering the valley. Stay safe, friends."

With that, you can now continue to the Dragonskulls' village.

Dragbog leads you a vantage point that looks down into the valley where the goblin village resides. Once there, you see that the rocks and scorched ruins spill down a stony valley studded with the scorched stumps of small trees. In the centre of a small dell at the southern end of the valley juts a 3-foot tall granite monolith, graven with fiery runes. Flames arc from it intermittently, and there appear to be three flaming dragonskulls that mottle about like marionettes of stalking beasts.

Given this bit of recon, and Cenenviel's indication that they are elementals and not undead as previously thought, you can make a Knowledge (planes) check with a +5 bonus to recall any such knowledge of these things.

Grand Lodge

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Haven't heard from Oops, but given their recent parental duties, and the fact that they're a spellcaster, I think it's safe to assume it'd be the back row for them.

You see the chattering dragon skulls, wreathed in tongues of flame - they mill about, seemingly mindless in their movements.

COMBAT: Round 1 (those in bold may act)

1A wrote:
ENEMY: Burning Dragonskull A, B
1B wrote:
Angrboda, Oops, Verdant
1C wrote:
ENEMY: Burning Dragonskull C
1D wrote:
Shilak'ho, Teraren

Angrboda, Oops and Verdant are up!

Grand Lodge

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Domrilin bushwacks a path to the druid's hovel, and gets the elf out of there before it comes crashing down on top of his head.

Once back to the main trail and out of the immediate danger, the elven druid speaks in a weakened, smoke-scarred rasp of a voice. "My eternal gratitude to you... kind strangers." He manages to smile, before continuing. He takes a drag from a waterskin, then manages to clear his hoarse throat. "My name is Cenenviel, protector of these woods. Some protection I turned out to be."

He stands tall, despite being slightly weakened from smoke inhalation, and casts endure elements on up to four of you, and provides each of you with a goodberry.

"I hope that will aid you in your travels, I'm afraid I have to see where my faithful companion has ran off to. I told her to flee the burning forest, and my hope is that she made it out safe with her mate. Did you happen to see a wolverine, by chance in your travels here?"

Grand Lodge

Maps: |

It's unclear in the scenario's text, but it doesn't matter now with Dom's two most recent rolls. :P

Bell Cranell has not participated in any online campaigns.