The Expansionist

GM SpiderBeard's page

10,124 posts. Alias of Barvo Delancy.

So I'm running a game which is a 2e conversion. We're starting session 3.

Spoilers Abound:

My issue here is that the players are playing very outlawish mercenary types. I've allowed them significant reign to play who they want and adapt the game world to their characters.

The party is:

- A military deserter who is wanted and goes around in a mask. He is trying to uncover a conspiracy where a political figure he admired was assassinated (Arkonas did it). Rolth has info on the conspiracy he wants.

- A crazy old wizard on the run from agents of Charon because he stole an artifact he can't interpret.

- A happy-go lucky monk who will go along with whatever (she's new)

- A drug-dealing circus carnie. Her circus is in town right now and so she has a breadth of NPCs to play with. She is looking for ROlth because he got a good friend of hers (he will show up in the carrion golem)

- A merchant/fence type with Cerulean Society connections.

The last game ended on an ambiguous note and I'm unsure if they're going to deliver the queen's brooch. If they don't do that I'm cool, but I need to find a way to feed them the missions. The group is also not openly motivated to stay together since Gaedren is now dead. I could have a guy in the circus send them to All the World's Meat and Barvasi before they uncover where ROlth's lair is, but life is easier if they end up working for the guard.

Anyways, looking for suggestions, thanks!

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Arodus 1, AR 2719

Although some could say that Isger has seen better years, that's likely a lie. None of Isger's years have been that great. Isger has always been adjacent to power, never independent and capable of forging its own destiny. Founded as a vassal of Taldor it has since traded masters for diabolic Cheliax, who considers it a glorified trade route and source of some useful resources. Isger's masters have always taken from the land, but never given back.

Isger is best understood by its river. The mighty Conerica bisects the land, cutting west to east and providing Cheliax with a vital trade route to Druma and Lake Encarthan. The Conerica is Isger's lifeblood and identity and its industry, fortifications, and military concentrate solely on this one trade route. Its hinterlands are largely ignored, which proved to be the nation's undoing when goblins flooded out of the Chitterwood and devastated the countryside twenty years ago. The Goblinblood Wars were ended by a united force of several nations, but the massacre of entire towns has left the hinterlands more overgrown and wild than ever.

Isger is now rebuilding. The mass deaths on both sides from the war lead to a surge in undead and resulting alliances between rural communities and the goblin tribes that were once their enemies. Cheliax has taken a newfound interest in Isger and their relationship has become (for some) uncomfortably close. To the north, Lastwall has failed in its task of containing the Whispering Tyrant, and refugees from around Lake Encarthan have flooded south, some coming to Isger.

Right now though, you are leaving this land, traveling southwards towards the democratic city of Almas. It is here that we begin.


The caravan bangs noisily along this very poorly-maintained road, now largely a dirt track interrupted by uncomfortably large rocks. The scenery around you is verdant forest with spectacular mountains to both the east and the west. It is beautiful here, but isolated.

It has been three days since you left Elidir, climbing into the back of one of Bort Bargith’s wagons bound for the faraway Andoran capital of Almas. The smiling caravan
master cut your travel cost to only a handful of coppers, so long as you promised to protect the wagons should any trouble arise. Fortunately, your journey through the
hinterlands of Isger has been quiet, even if the ride itself has been far from comfortable.

As you broke camp this morning, Bort announced you should arrive at the town of Etran’s Folly by nightfall, and he promised a comfortable bed for the night as a reward for a long day’s travel. The caravan’s teamsters shared a chuckle between them, trading knowing glances and subtle nods, but soon enough you are on the road again, the wagon bouncing and creaking along the uneven trail.

You are all in the rear wagon, which you share with the food for the caravan, and the camp cook, an absolutely ancient elf who goes by Cooky. He's currently curled up amongst some sacks of flour, sleeping peacefully despite the incredibly uncomfortable ride.

Gameplay thread is open! This is free RP and as such don't expect much of consequence to happen, but you can try on your characters before the game gets going proper on Monday.


Arodus 1, AR 2719

Although some could say that Isger has seen better years, that's likely a lie. None of Isger's years have been that great. Isger has always been adjacent to power, never independent and capable of forging its own destiny. Founded as a vassal of Taldor it has since traded masters for diabolic Cheliax, who considers it a glorified trade route and source of some useful resources. Isger's masters have always taken from the land, but never given back.

Isger is best understood by its river. The mighty Conerica bisects the land, cutting west to east and providing Cheliax with a vital trade route to Druma and Lake Encarthan. The Conerica is Isger's lifeblood and identity and its industry, fortifications, and military concentrate solely on this one trade route. Its hinterlands are largely ignored, which proved to be the nation's undoing when goblins flooded out of the Chitterwood and devastated the countryside twenty years ago. The Goblinblood Wars were ended by a united force of several nations, but the massacre of entire towns has left the hinterlands more overgrown and wild than ever.

Isger is now rebuilding. The mass deaths on both sides from the war lead to a surge in undead and resulting alliances between rural communities and the goblin tribes that were once their enemies. Cheliax has taken a newfound interest in Isger and their relationship has become (for some) uncomfortably close. To the north, Lastwall has failed in its task of containing the Whispering Tyrant, and refugees from around Lake Encarthan have flooded south, some coming to Isger.

Right now though, you are leaving this land, traveling southwards towards the democratic city of Almas. It is here that we begin.


The caravan bangs noisily along this very poorly-maintained road, now largely a dirt track interrupted by uncomfortably large rocks. The scenery around you is verdant forest with spectacular mountains to both the east and the west. It is beautiful here, but isolated.

It has been three days since you left Elidir, climbing into the back of one of Bort Bargith’s wagons bound for the faraway Andoran capital of Almas. The smiling caravan
master cut your travel cost to only a handful of coppers, so long as you promised to protect the wagons should any trouble arise. Fortunately, your journey through the
hinterlands of Isger has been quiet, even if the ride itself has been far from comfortable.

As you broke camp this morning, Bort announced you should arrive at the town of Etran’s Folly by nightfall, and he promised a comfortable bed for the night as a reward for a long day’s travel. The caravan’s teamsters shared a chuckle between them, trading knowing glances and subtle nods, but soon enough you are on the road again, the wagon bouncing and creaking along the uneven trail.

You are all in the rear wagon, which you share with the food for the caravan, and the camp cook, an absolutely ancient elf who goes by Cooky. He's currently curled up amongst some sacks of flour, sleeping peacefully despite the incredibly uncomfortable ride.

Gameplay thread is open! This is free RP and as such don't expect much of consequence to happen, but you can try on your characters before the game gets going proper on Monday.


Discussion thread for group two!


Discussion thread for group one!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You are a new adventurer, hitching a ride on the caravan of one Bort Bargith, a gregarious dwarven merchant and lover of tall tales. The caravan travels from Eilidir, the capital of Isger to Almas, the capital of Andoran on a road between the Apsodell and Five Kings mountains. The next stop on the road is the town of Etran's Folly a strange little town that also goes by an ominous nickname: Plaguestone.

About Me

I've been tabletop gaming for 25 years and on these boards since 2013. I'm running a few other games including one AP into its fifth chapter. If I can promise anything as a GM, I can say I show up reliably and will see the game through short of personal catastrophe.

What I'm Looking For

Just be fun to play with. Make a cool character and roleplay them well. Prioritize the storytelling experience of the group, resolve disputes like an adult, avoid PvP and treat sensitive or upsetting game content with care. Don't hesitate to discuss rules or point out details I missed (which I do), just be decent about it.

Post regularly and let people know about absences in advance as much as you can. Regular posting makes games healthy and fun, please only apply if you can commit to that.

How to Apply

No need for a full character sheet but I'll accept them if you have them. Everything Paizo has published for second edition is legal, including Lost Omens World Guide (which I haven't read yet lol).

Characters must be heroically motivated irrespective of alignment. I am not applying any house rules or restrictions because the game is brand new and will attempt to run it as close as I can to RAW, notwithstanding modifications for the PBP format.

I want the following:

- Character pitch (Who is your character, why are they awesome, what do they do in a fight)
- Ancestry
- Background selected from the Fall of Plaguestone list of backgrounds, although I'll accept core rulebook backgrounds.
- Class

Group will be selected based on personal whim and with slight preference to new players and those who don't already have PF2 games.

Recruitment will be open until end of day Wednesday and size will depend on volume of applications.


Welcome to Tyrant's Grasp!

This is a survival horror adventure path with plenty of undead goodness and great personal loss. The tone of this AP is bleak with moments of weird and wonderful. I'm sure we'll have a blast :D

Character Creation Guidelines:

- No alignment restriction but if you wanna be evil you have to have a good concept.

- This is the last 1st edition adventure path. If Pazio has published it, I will allow it.

- My rule on unusual races is keep them unusual. I don't mind if someone plays a campaign-appropriate weird race provided there's one or two and it's not the whole group.

- I use background skills and all classes from Unchained

- 20 point buy, 150 gp, and max hp at level 1 followed by 1/2+1 per level (you can roll if you want)

- 2 traits - one campaign, one of your choice

- You are starting at a small town in southern Lastwall. Read the player's guide and set your characters there. This AP works best if your characters have a sense of home and connection - if not to Roslar's Coffer then to something. This AP starts off better if you have something to fight for or something to lose.

Please complete the following before we begin:

- Full stat block for your character
- Whatever fluff you think is best (background, appearance, etc..)
- A class/level tag with vital information

My Preferred Vital Info Tag Format:

Paste this format into the following fields on your character profile. When you post it'll format out nicely and show a short version character sheet that makes my job a lot easier as a GM.

Race: | HP: XX/XX | [ ooc]AC: X (T: X, FF: X) [/ooc] | CMB: +X, CMD: XX | [ ooc]F: +X, R: +X, W: +X[/ ooc] | Init: +X | [ ooc]Perc: +X[/ooc]

Level: | Speed XXft | [ ooc]Eample Power: 1/1 [/ooc] | Active conditions: None

Gender: [ ooc]Gender Race Class Level[/ooc]


Campaign thread goes here.


Gameplay thread goes here.


Discussion thread goes here.


Gameplay thread.


Discussion thread.

My niece (uh, so to speak - anyways) has a bunch of friends who are interested in trying roleplaying games. So I've been recruited to run something for them. Although I've brought in new players before, it's been a long time since I've had a bunch of newbies. They're around 18.

What's a good module to start them off on? A few people have mentioned We Be Goblins, but I'd prefer to save that for later. Acting zany and wrecking everything is an instinct of people new to rpgs and I'd like to train that out of them ;)


Discussion thread here!


Gameplay thread here!

I'm about to start up a roll20 game with several friends and after narrowing down some adventure path choices, the group seems torn between Curse of the Crimson Throne and Way of the Wicked. I've never run or played in either and am almost down to a coin flip after some reading. Way of the Wicked looks just plain fun, but CoTC has such an excellent reputation.

The group is two experienced players, and two newer players to Pathfinder but everyone is a longtime tabletop veteran. Advice? Is one better for a virtual tabletop, or is one just straight up better?

Note - this is a re-post, changing the title as I've changed my criteria.

A foul omen looms over the Varisian city of Riddleport. What could the dark blot over the city of swindlers and thieves mean? Apocalyptic whispers fill the street, priests search for signs from their gods, and rumors of strange happenings shake the city. Could this ominous portent be the work of a scheming crime boss, mysterious Cyphermages, or a petty pirate lord? Or does it prophesize some new menace come to Golarion? A step into Riddleport's high-stakes underworld of sin and debauchery reveals that not all in the pirate's paradise is as it seems. Only you can foil a terrible new plot that reaches from below to take hold of Varisia's city of sin.

This is a new thread for an open recruitment.

I am now recruiting TWO players for TWO Second Darkness Games!

Game A is about to start Chapter 2
Link to gameplay thread.
Game B (I just inherited) is midway through Chapter 2 Link to gameplay thread.

I'm interested in a NEW player for Game A. The Game B spot is open for anyone.


My name is Dave Powell. I've been in PbP for somewhere over two years, and have been doing tabletop rp for almost 25 years. I run three PbP games (Carrion Crown and Wrath of the Righteous) and play in a few more. I'm in Mountain Time or GMT -7 and keep up a very good posting rate, usually in the first half of the day (for me) although occasional evenings. I work in rural northern Canada as an IT bureaucrat.

My goal as a GM is to keep the game fun, keep players engaged, and keep things moving.


I am running the Adventure Path Second Darkness, which takes place on Golarion and was written before the Pathfinder RPG was out, so I'm using conversion. We are about finished Chapter 1, and so this character will begin with Chapter 2.

The game takes place in Riddleport, a nasty pirate city in the huge, wild country of Varisia. Riddleport has had a strange cloud called the Blot hovering overhead that should interest your character in some way - strange magical effects have been occurring since it showed up.

The details of how your character gets involved will be sorted out after I choose someone.


- You need to post once per weekday, once per weekend and do so for a long time, I intend to finish this AP which will take a couple of years
- This is a game, don't take in-game insults or troubles for your character personally
- Make the game fun for me and others
- Communicate! Good and bad, and particularly about absences
- Roleplay! A good character should 'pop' and be obvious in the first post


First off, I'd read this and this which are guides to Play by Post. These were immensely helpful to me when I started.

Once done, you need to reply to this thread with the following:

- a concept (you describing the character)
- a personality
- a backstory (simple is fine)
- a character stat block (this should be complete or close to it)

It is totally fine to repurpose a character you applied with to another game. And you can of course reply to express interest and 'dot' the thread to follow it while you write your character. I will respond to applications with questions where appropriate.


Group A: Witch, Bloodrager, Skald, and Inquisitor

Group B: Fighter, Sorcerer, Rogue, TBD


- 20 point buy
- 2 traits (you'll get a third but we'll work that out if you're chosen)
- Starting level FOUR with 6k gold, again - a level 1 PC is good enough to apply
- Heroes required - you may not be personally heroic, but need to act in such a way
- Max hp at level 1, half+1 hp every subsequent level
- All Paizo classes are fine, and unchained is fine too - eastern classes are less likely to get picked
- Unusual races are less likely to get picked
- No third party material


After a few characters are in, I start a roleplay prompt in this thread so that people can begin interacting with each other and the world. Your character will be in a tavern in Riddleport. Participation is not mandatory, but will certainly help - this is where you can not only show your RP chops, but show that you can post once a day.


Tentatively March 13th.

A foul omen looms over the Varisian city of Riddleport. What could the dark blot over the city of swindlers and thieves mean? Apocalyptic whispers fill the street, priests search for signs from their gods, and rumors of strange happenings shake the city. Could this ominous portent be the work of a scheming crime boss, mysterious Cyphermages, or a petty pirate lord? Or does it prophesize some new menace come to Golarion? A step into Riddleport's high-stakes underworld of sin and debauchery reveals that not all in the pirate's paradise is as it seems. Only you can foil a terrible new plot that reaches from below to take hold of Varisia's city of sin.

Hey there, I am running a Second Darkness AP and my group is about to finish Chapter 1, and begin Chapter 2.

I am interested in recruiting one NEW player. This is meant to be a spot for someone who isn't quite established on the boards. Someone who doesn't have all the spots he/she wants in games quite yet. It can be hard to get into APs, and harder without a long posting history.


My name is Dave Powell. I've been in PbP for somewhere over two years, and have been doing tabletop rp for almost 25 years. I run three PbP games (Carrion Crown and Wrath of the Righteous) and play in a few more. I'm in Mountain Time or GMT -7 and keep up a very good posting rate, usually in the first half of the day (for me) although occasional evenings. I work in rural northern Canada as an IT bureaucrat.

My goal as a GM is to keep the game fun, keep players engaged, and keep things moving.


I am running the Adventure Path Second Darkness, which takes place on Golarion and was written before the Pathfinder RPG was out, so I'm using conversion. We are about finished Chapter 1, and so this character will begin with Chapter 2.

The game takes place in Riddleport, a nasty pirate city in the huge, wild country of Varisia. Riddleport has had a strange cloud called the Blot hovering overhead that should interest your character in some way - strange magical effects have been occurring since it showed up.

The details of how your character gets involved will be sorted out after I choose someone.


- You need to post once per weekday, once per weekend and do so for a long time, I intend to finish this AP which will take a couple of years
- This is a game, don't take in-game insults or troubles for your character personally
- Make the game fun for me and others
- Communicate! Good and bad, and particularly about absences
- Roleplay! A good character should 'pop' and be obvious in the first post


First off, I'd read this and this which are guides to Play by Post. These were immensely helpful to me when I started.

Once done, you need to reply to this thread with the following:

- a concept (you describing the character)
- a personality
- a backstory (simple is fine)
- a character stat block (this should be complete or close to it)

It is totally fine to repurpose a character you applied with to another game. And you can of course reply to express interest and 'dot' the thread to follow it while you write your character. I will respond to applications with questions where appropriate.


The group we have now is a Witch, Bloodrager, Skald, and Inquisitor. I will choose the best character, not the best party balance.


- 20 point buy
- 2 traits (you'll get a third but we'll work that out if you're chosen)
- Starting level FOUR with 6k gold, again - a level 1 PC is good enough to apply
- Heroes required - you may not be personally heroic, but need to act in such a way
- Max hp at level 1, half+1 hp every subsequent level
- All paizo classes are fine, and unchained is fine too - eastern classes are less likely to get picked
- Unusual races are less likely to get picked
- No third party material


After a few characters are in, I start a roleplay prompt in this thread so that people can begin interacting with each other and the world. Your character will be in a tavern in Riddleport. Participation is not mandatory, but will certainly help - this is where you can not only show your RP chops, but show that you can post once a day.


I'd like to have the new character chosen by March 13th, however I reserve the right to change the deadline accordingly.

So I've been running games on these boards for a couple of years now and I've realized I don't have a particularly good feedback mechanism from my players. I'm aware of some faults and strengths people comment on, but people are unlikely to volunteer up, or even be aware of stuff they like or dislike in my games.

So I'm going to write a quick survey for my players (which others are free to poach if anyone cares), but I'm looking for some advice on what criteria you judge a good GM by.

Here's what I have thus far. I'm just thinking of five-point questions (5 is strong yes, 3 is neutral, 1 is strong no) with comments sections. I think around ten questions is fair as that will just take a couple minutes to fill out.

I'm interested in feedback from GMs and players. What kind of stuff do you think is important in a good PbP GM? Here's what I have thus far:

Tone and Style - Are the games engrossing?

Communication - Are absences explained, the expectations of the game laid out, and what's going on communicated properly?

New Players - Is the GM accommodating to new players in training, answering rules questions, and so forth?

Fairness - If the GM rules on 'grey areas', or breaks the rules is it done fairly?

Attention to Detail - Does the GM read everything and respond to each character?

Character and Story - Does the GM encourage character development and give people space to roleplay and engage in the story?

Mapping System - Do you like the GM's mapping system?


Discussion thread goes here!


Chapter One: The Shadow in the Sky

It is the 15th of Gozran in the year 4709 in Absalom Reckoning, and our story begins in Riddleport. The third-largest city in Varisia, this bustling port is a notorious den of lawlessness, corruption, and violence. Ruled by the former pirate captain Overlord Cromarcky, it is on the frontier of the frontier, far north on the Lost Coast of the untamed land Varisia.

Here, a strange thing has happened. A few months ago, a shadow appeared in the sky. This ill omen has hung over Riddleport since then, appearing like a strange dark cloud, never moving, and apparently never affecting anything. It has drawn interest from around Avistan, and been a subject of great interest by the Order of Cyphers, a society of wizards dedicated to studying the Cyphergate, a monumental arch in the centre of the city that predates modern civilization.

However, tonight is a night for celebration. Saul Vancaskerkin has launched "Cheat the Devil and Take his Gold", an enormous gambling tournament in his hall the Gold Goblin. Here, 10,000 silver pieces are up for whoever can win the infernally-themed gambling tournament. The residents of Riddleport, sick of the sense of doom hanging over the city, have flocked to the Goblin.

It is here our story begins.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Welcome to Second Darkness!

Character Creation Guidelines

I am a traditionalist and much prefer a well played human fighter to a half-vampire starslayer or some nonsense like that. So core races and classes are my favorite. I will consider
- All classes allowed. I'm not a fan of genre-mixing so keep it western fantasy if you can unless it's a really cool concept.
- Standard races preferred.
- Make your characters at level one
- 2 traits and a campaign trait.
- 150 gold
- 20 point buy. Your stats should figure in to how you play your character.
- You are playing a hero.
- Max HP at 1st, half +1 from there on out.
- 3rd party requires specific approval.
- Please post a full stat block.
- Summary detail should be on the class/level section of your profile like so:

Class Level | AC XX T XX F XX | HP XX/XX | F +X R +X W +X | Init +X | Perc +X

Game Expectations

- If you don't have something to add to a scene, post something about your character being silent or some thoughts.
- Posting rate is 1/day, 1/weekend. I GMPC readily and without mercy or apology. If you do not post I will automate your character, particularly in combat.
- Please post in the discussion board if you will miss some time.
- I break the rules when it is dramatically appropriate. I try to never do so in a way that is unfair to PCs.
- Play your character with the fun of the entire party as your first goal. So inter-party drama, sexual themes, or anything like that must be handled with caution.


Gameplay thread. Dot away.


Discussion goes here! Say hi and get comfy. We'll be a few weeks before we start.


Welcome everyone! Take a while to get to know each other. Campaign is still cooking so please be patient.


Campaign for group two goes here.

After taking a long break from writing games and instead running APs exclusively, I've realised that PbP's incredibly decompressed storytelling allows me ample time to write what I'd like.

As such I am interested in running a campaign.. Standard Pathfinder; if it's Paizo published I'm generally okay with it, and set in Golarion. I am looking for 4-6 players (depending on interest).

Although recruitment opens with this post, you do not need to post a full character sheet. Your background, personality, and appearance will be sufficient. The reason is that the game is not done yet, and the backgrounds of the characters who app will heavily influence what I write. If you give me something, I'll give it back in the game plot.

What you need to know:

- Write the backstory you want. This includes whatever you want. Goals, NPCs who may reappear in the future, family, anything you want that can produce a level 1 character. Any location you want as well. My job will be to bring it together.

- Characters start at level one. All published Paizo books are acceptable, including Advanced Class Guide since it's coming out so soon. If you app with an unusual race, it will have to be an exceptional app to be get in.

- Heroic characters make my life easier. Evil characters have to be exceptional to be considered.

- Posting rate is 1/day, 1/weekend. It may go up if everyone posts more than that.

- Mythic adventures will be used in this game eventually.

- If you want to write up your crunch we're going 20 point buy, max hp, 2 traits, 150 gold.

What are you looking for?

- Players who can post regularly with interesting, well-played characters. I am not interested in optimization and will be less likely to select people who have a post history of excessively min-maxed characters. I also value decent spelling and grammar and a respectful out of game manner.

When does this get started?

That depends. If I can get my maps together early enough we can start in a couple of weeks. Otherwise it may be in a month or so.

I'm unsure of the volume of applicants for homebrew games, so I will open recruiting until I have a good pool to select from.

So again, if you are interested please submit character ideas below. Once more, full crunch is NOT REQUIRED, but doesn't hurt either.


In the beginning...

It has been over a century since the death of the god Aroden plunged the world out of alignment and opened the Worldwound. The proud barbarian nation of Sarkoris was consumed by a demonic invasion, charging through the thinning layer of reality between our world and the Abyss. The followers of Aroden powerless and in dissaray, it fell to Iomedae and her clergy of priests and paladins to lead the counterattack in the first crusade, using the bordering nation of Mendev as the base of operations. Four crusades have been lead against the demonic invasion, the second being responsible for the creation of the vital wardstones, which have been instrumental in keeping the demons at bay.

It is 16 Aroden, late summer, and you are in Kenabres, a small border city in Mendev and home to one of the wardstones. The fourth crusade is dying. Although started with great intention by Queen Galfrey, it has slowly lost itself to supply shortages, in fighting between factions, and corruption brought on by the increasing numbers of exiled criminals and other social detritus sent north to join the ranks. Kenabres' own history has been troubled and noted for clashing factions, corruption, and a notorious, now shameful witch hunt lead by the city's current prelate Hulrun Shappok.

However, today that is forgotten. For several weeks, excitement has been building in Kenabres-Armasse is coming! Traditionally an opportunity for scholars and priests to come together to study the lessons of history from wars past, since Aroden's death, this holy day has become more about training commoners in weaponry, choosing squires, and ordaining new priests. Over time, Armasse has grown to encompass jousting competitions, mock duels, battle reenactments, and other festival events. In Kenabres, the festival is eagerly anticipated, for it provides distractions from the horrors of being on the front line of the war. Smiles on faces normally marred by downcast eyes and furrowed brows do wonders for city morale in the weeks leading up to the event. Armasse is a citywide celebration, but the majority of the event, including its jousting matches and other entertainments, takes place at Clydwell Plaza, just west of the cathedral.


When a wardstone falls, the city of Kenabres is assaulted by a demon host. Massive demons smash paths of ruin through the city, while droves of the worst the Worldwound has to offer spread through the streets, offering death, dismemberment, and horror to all they find. The collapse of one of Kenabres's greatest landmarks, the Cathedral of Saint Clydwell, sends the heroes tumbling into forgotten catacombs deep below the city, from which they must find their way out or perish alone in the dark. But when they finally emerge, they find Kenabres transformed into a post-apocalyptic devastation. Can the heroes navigate the dying city and make contact with the ragged remnants of the Silver Crusade in time to aid them in defending the city's refugees until the cavalry arrives? And what of the damaged wardstone that flashes and thunders across the ruined cityscape—has the city's one-time defense become a ticking time bomb poised to deliver a death blow to them all?

About This Game
Welcome to Wrath of the Righteous! I am quite excited about this AP and have been itching to run or play it. This group brings over three people who are re-purposed from a Carrion Crown game, who I hope to compliment with some of the excellent people I have met on these boards. Please note this game uses the new mythic rules. Please choose your path as you create your character.

Link to mythic rules

About Me

I've been roleplaying for around 20 years with a variety of systems, but seem to have become entrenched in Pathfinder. I work in project management at a northern Canadian university in a remote rural area, huddled against the cold with my wife and dogs. Although I've been playing Pathfinder for a while, I am somewhat new to the Pathfinder community at large and may be clueless of certain conventions and expectations. This is also my first crack at running a game on the boards, as I have just been playing until now. I encourage constructive criticism.

Combat and Party Tracking

Experience will be awarded as we go, and will be tracked in a google doc spreadsheet along with all items picked up and money gained/spent. You level up instantly but if you have to prepare new spells you must rest.

I've seen a few different ways of handling maps here and my favorite is use of the google draw feature where players move their own tokens.

Character Creation Guidelines:

WoTR is for 4-6 players, so I'll recruit for five and consider a sixth. This game uses mythic rules, so please familiarize yourself with the paths, and choose one with the character creation. This will be formalized in choice of trait.

I am a traditionalist and much prefer a well played human fighter to a half-vampire starslayer or some nonsense like that. So core races and classes are my favorite. That said, WoTR is about unlikely allies against an unstoppable foe, so I will consider nonstandard races more readily than I would otherwise.

- All classes allowed. I do not like eastern classes (ninja/samurai/etc) and am cautious of summoners for balance reasons.
- Standard races preferred.
- Make your characters at level one
- 2 traits and a campaign trait. Please note that your campaign trait will determine your mythic path.
- 150 gold
- 20 point buy. Your stats should figure in to how you play your character.
- You are playing a hero, good characters, or heroic neutral characters only.
- Max HP at 1st, roll from there on out. Reroll 1s.
- No 3rd party supplements.
- Please post a full stat block.
- Summary detail should be on the class/level section of your profile like so:

Class Level | AC XX T XX F XX | HP XX/XX | F +X R +X W +X | Init +X | Perc +X

Game Expectations

- Posting rate is 1/day, 1/weekend. I GMPC readily and without mercy or apology. If you do not post I will automate your character, particularly in combat.
- Please post in the discussion board if you will miss some time.
- There will be some less experienced players in this game. Give 'em a hand!
- Play your character sheet. Your stats and alignment should be reflected in your personality.
- I break the rules when it is dramatically appropriate. I try to never do so in a way that is unfair to PCs.
- Play your character with the fun of the entire party as your first goal. So inter-party drama, sexual themes, or anything like that must be handled with caution.

That's it! Sorry for the wall of text, but hopefully that gets everything out of the way. I intend to run this through to completion, and if we can keep a steady posting rate this can be done. Thanks for your interest.


Discussion thread for GM Spiderbeard's Carrion Crown game.


Campaign thread for Carrion Crown - The Trial of the Beast.

Hey there,

I've been playing Pathfinder and its d20 predecessor for a while now, but have been a GM-only for the last decade or so. I'd really like to get back into playing, and PbP seems to fit my model of how much free time I have. I've never done PbP but can promise regular updates, enthusiasm, and cooperation. I also have no preference for race/class - it's all fun to me. So you need a role filled and I will fill it.

Oh yeah, I should mention I am currently running ROTR and Carrion Crown so those have obviously been spoiled all to hell for me. :D


Hi there,

Might as well chime in with the eighty million 'recommend an adventure path' threads. I'm currently running ROTR anniversary in person and my group loves every second of it. However, I'm going to start running a game over a chat client, or perhaps a VTT and I'm curious if any adventure path is best suited for that environment. I've done many games over IRC before, though not with this particular group.

Is there an adventure path which lends itself best to this medium? One player is really keen on trying Carrion Crown for the horror theme. I'm leaning towards Curse of the Crimson Throne due to its near-universal praise but am open to suggestions.

I have one very experienced player, one who is experienced with non-Pathfinder games, one moderately experienced, and one utter total noob.
