Zoresk of Silverhall |
GM SpiderBeard |
In the beginning...
11 Aroden, 4714
A new day has dawned on Golarion, and scattered across Avistan six would-be heroes go about their daily lives. They are inexorably linked, their fates tied together in ways few know or understand. Unbeknownst to them, their significance has attracted the attentions of the malevolent and powerful. These poor souls do not know their enemies, but their enemies know them. And soon, these enemies will make the first move.
Gameplay thread is open. Please start your characters in the locations appropriate to their background, doing whatever it is you think is appropriate.
Irina Kayzeld |
Irina awoke with a start. She had been dreaming...she sat up and ran her hair through her fingers. The funeral. She stood up frowning and put on her clothes.
She had been in Ustalav a couple of weeks now arriving in Caliphas, making the journey out into the heart of the country. She paid her respects and came back. She had the distinct sense that something had passed her by but could not put her finger on it. Some moment or opportunity lost. Irina shrugged away the sensation.
Seeing her gear was all in place and that she was ready Irina left to head to the docks. She has done what she had promised to do now she needed to find whatever was next...
Koriko Honokami |
The brush sets down once again at the start of the line, Koriko focuses and draws it anew. The first stroke was skewed, the Kanji has already been ruined. This normally doesn't happen to her. Something has her upset this morning.
As usual she was already up well before dawn to consult her spell book and train her katas. The Kanji being the first. She tears the paper apart and begins a new symbol. "River", a simple form that gives her inner balance, three downward strokes.
After the new kanji is sucessfully completed, she gets up and picks up the katana leaning at her bed.
Her last lead has brought Koriko to Corentyn at the south-western shore of Cheliax, guarding the Arch of Aroden, but went cold just as she arrived there, she has been taking residence in a small and quiet harbor tavern while gathering her thoughts and looking for a way forward.
Narciso Valdlin |
The dream was the same kind that Narciso had suffered from since his childhood. Images and pseudo sounds like drug addicts would claim to see after sobering up. And in the background the persistent anger. As if he was a failure to whatever the source of the sounds was.
One thing was different though. If only he could place his finger on exactly what it was.
With a start he awoke in the alley he fell asleep in. The sun was well up and many people were already busy with their day to day activities.
Great, another fine day to be me. Guess I should see if anyone has problems they are willing to pay to get rid of.
GM SpiderBeard |
With the grim determination that follows your morning rites, you step out into the dusty village. It is mid summer and although the cold in Ustalav can be frightful, right now the heat is dusty and oppressive. You lean on your cane as you make your way towards the morning market in search of breakfast, and perhaps news. Rumours of a ghoul devouring cadavers in a family plot have reached your ears, and it's about time you investigate.
As you make your way down the street, you suddenly notice a figure walking beside you. You were convinced that you were alone seconds ago. A dwarven woman now keeps pace. Her hair, a distinct shade of red, is elegantly done up, pinned with a diamond hairpin. She is dressed in finery, jewels, and wears far more makeup than you've ever even heard of on a dwarf. Her presence is commanding, if off-putting. She has a scroll in her hand as she keeps pace with you.
"Hello Nilan. I am right in that you're Nilan?"
The reek of Caliphas assaults our nostrils as you step out into the street. As you begin to reach the inner city the smell cleans up a bit and the spectacular architecture of Ustalav's ruling elite come into the view. You wend your way through the streets, and finally break through out onto the docks where you stare out onto the magnificent waters of Lake Encarthan.
As you inhale deeply and sort your thoughts out for the day, somebody taps you on the shoulder.
"Irina Kayzeld. Hrm. I thought you'd be more impressive."
Cheliax has been a serious culture shock, particularly the bizarre practice of worshipping devils here. However, the appearance of your Sensei's murderer was reported in the area. Frustratingly, the people here know how to speak Taldan but often choose not to, using a superior tone and the clipped Chelaxian language. Determined to set your thoughts for the day, you make your way downstairs to the common room of the inn you are staying at.
Settling in with a bowl of the infuriatingly bland food served over here, you take the first spoonful, and then look up to see a white-haired halfling sitting in front of you.
"Honokami Koriko?" he asks. His voice is dry and raspy as he speaks common.
You wake up with a shout to see the cleanest ally you could find, much unchanged. Wiping the sweat from your brow, you try to take in the day. A beggar groans, and slowly wakes up beside you. Nobody was sleeping her earlier. It is impossible to see her face - she wears a dark veil and what appears to be a tattered, heavily patched wedding dress. A loud, rattling breath sounds out as she exhales.
"My oh my what's happened to you..." she hisses as her veiled face regards you.
Irina Kayzeld |
Irina knew how to handle herself. That she was known was surprising but she resolved to not let the situation get the better of her. Irina turned to see the origin on of the voice feeling her muscles tense in preperation if there was to be a scuffle...
"Fingers" Mitchell |
Fingers dunked his head in the water tank with a groan and a sigh. Another hungover morning in this sleazy tavern in Absalom and not much more to show for it. What little he had taken last night got split between himself and Blacktooth, the proprietor. On top of that he had to pay for his board (no more than a hard cot in a back storeroom) and meals (a few wormy biscuits) and drink, and most of the few coins pinched the night before were gone.
"Too much drink," he said to himself, his stomach still reeling. "Am gettin' soft and fallin' to ruin. I need to get out o' this place. But how?"
He mentally replayed the scenes from the past several weeks. Getting tossed from his hometown, Korvosa, by the Cerulean Society for not paying dues to the thieves guild. Taking on aboard The Bearded Lady for a tour across the Inner Sea, he soon found himself mired in the endless card games below decks. When most of the ships' coin ended up in his purse, he quickly became a persona non grata aboard The Lady. As soon as he could, he set himself ashore leaving the crew AWOL and hiding out in this run-down sailor's bar. The Poop Deck was well named, and Gundar Blacktooth, the proprietor has every intention of keeping the place filthy and low rent. When Gundar caught him pilfering from the customers, they came to an understanding that 50% went to the house and the pickpocketing could continue. And here he sat two weeks later, trying to save money for a ride anywhere, but seemingly drinking away his money faster than he could earn it.
Fingers sighed again, and began dressing in the few simple seaman's clothes he had. Unless something changed, and soon, he might find himself a full-time drunk with no income to speak of. He grimaced as he buckled on his rapier and slipped the daggers into his boot and sleeve. "Gotta fin' somethin' else. Gotta find it right soon." He settled himself in his now-familiar bar stool and crooked a finger at Gundar, ordering his first of many shots of cheap, bitter whiskey. The dwarven bar keep grinned at him with the few teeth remaining in his foul mouth and uncorked the bottle.
GM SpiderBeard |
The bartender fills your shot, waits for it to empty, and refills it. "That why they call yeh Fingers? So many fingers'a whiskey?" He laughs at his own joke. "Sure hopin' yeh gots t'coin fer this," mutters Gundar incomprehensibly. "That be sayin', some tiefling woman was askin' about yeh, Fingers. Banged on yer door but ya weren't responding to naught. She left this." Gundar holds up letter, sealed with a strange symbol you do not recognize. "That one ain't right, hear? Talks funny."
The note reads:
To Mister Mitchell,
I apologize for intruding upon your person after what must have been a stressful evening. My associates and I have a business proposition for you that I am certain will be to our mutual benefit. We have money, and you have talents. If coinage is not enough to persuade you, we may also be willing to answer questions about a certain ring in your possession.
With warmest regards,
Narciso Valdlin |
Strange... the beggar wasn't there this evening... I always chose empty streets just in case... Narciso shakes his head, clearing the thought away. And, more importantly, where the chain of thought would head away too.
"Work has been light, ma'am. Not even here in Mimere is there much work to be found. Well, at least not for my kind it seems."
Narciso attempts a smile, but has his fingers ready to draw one of his hidden daggers in case this situation turns violent.
"I am sorry, I didn't catch your name."
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
"Fingers" Mitchell |
"Yeah, tha's a good un, Gundar. Real funny." says Fingers barely able to suppress the sarcasam. If he had a copper for every time that mealy-mouthed dwarf said that same line, well then, he'd be rich as The Sapphire Sage he reckoned.
"Sure hope he don't ask for coin up front fer this," thought Fingers lightly brushing his purse and feeling the signficant absence of weight there. He didn't remember spending all his coins last night, but of course, there was a lot these days he didn't remember.
He belts back the second shot as Gundar says somethnig incomprehensible and then nearly blows it back out as he learns he might have missed a visitor. A tiefling, no less. Fingers reckons he seen one or two of them half-fiends around in Korvosa, but not since. And a lady at that.
As the whiskey courses through his body and his legs become just a bit numb, Fingers listens to Gundar relate about the lady. Passing over the note, Fingers traces the strange symbol on the front wondering what it could mean.
Never much of a student, he sounds out the bigger words of the letter, but the meaning doesn't escape him. "It says 'we have money, you have talents.' Reckon tha's about right, eh Gunder? Eh? Maybe I'll jes' have ta move me talents to where the breakfast is free and there ain't fleas in t'storeroom cot. Where's this lady stayin, anyhow?" Then the human rogue sees the postscript and he wonders no more. Sucking in his cheeks and blowing out the air slowly, Fingers considers. "The note says they know about his ring. It's worth it to go see what that's on about alone," he surmises.
Tossing back one more shot for good luck, Fingers steps away from the bar and looks at the stairs that lead up to the guest rooms. "Can't imagine who'd actually pay coin to stay in this place," wonders the rogue as he starts up the stairway.
The hallway is narrow and smells of old beer, vomit, and urine. Turning the corner to the back entrance, Fingers sees the door for number 5 lingering in front like a cheap vaudeville show. Gathering up his shreds of courage, Fingers reaches for the door and gives a sharp knock.
Knowing that anything could happen now, Fingers readies his sword his hand absently drawing the blade from its scabbard then flashing it closed.
GM SpiderBeard |
A tiefling dressed in black grins at you, his teeth showing sharpened points. Horns curl over his ears and a red glow shows in his eyes. He rocks back on his heels, completely relaxed. "Oh this will be fun." He sends a rock skipping over the waters. "I'm supposed to talk to you a little bit but I can't imagine what you would know. Daereth, by the way. I wouldn't want to put you at a disadvantage."
"Hah!" he barks out a laugh. "Perfect choice of words. Common as a second language and you pick exactly what I want you to say." The halfling taps his fingers on the table. "Yess... Yes you can help me. How goes the search for your Sensei's murderer? Awful business, that. I sort of lost track of where things were as I got ready to meet you."
"Kha," she hisses. "I am Kha. You ... heh you are just not what I expected. What I have seen of you, well, I see differently than others. Your dreams, Narciso. Your dreams are intriguing to us and I want to know how you are handling things before we go."
You approach the door, and knock sharply. It opens on its own, and you see a woman within, strange tattoos covering her face, dressed in simple brown leathers. A shock of black hair has been pulled sharply back away from her face. She sits on a chair in the bare, stinking room and smiles at you. She kicks another chair in your direction.
"So there you are. Mitchell. What a bland name for such an interesting person." Her voice is a luxurious, throaty purr. "I apologize for the strange meeting - I have little use for you as a drunk wretch. You can't answer any questions now, can you? But now you have your wits, such as they are, and we can have a chat."
"Oh, that's... that's good," says the dwarven woman as she fumbles at her side. People gawk at her as she walks with you, her fine clothes, heavy makeup, and the fact she's a dwarf means she sticks out like a sore thumb. "We need to have a short conversation before we start - just a couple of questions."
Narciso Valdlin |
At the mention of his dreams, Narciso shudders involuntarily. His powers, aching to be used again after weeks of suppression, starts to bang against the mental constraints he used to contain it.
"... give in ... she knows ... giiiive iiiiin ... kill her ..."
Quiet! You shall stay inside, you shall! No time to play today, there is not.
"I do not know what you mean, I don't. Dreams are for oracles, are they not, and I am just a simple farmer's son, I am. Nothing to concern me with, nor you. Nothing to keep you from hiring me if you have something simple to do."
As he is saying this, a frown begins to crease Narciso's face.
I do not remember introducing myself by name, I don't. Two things she knows about me that she should not, troubling.
"....... told ..... you .... must ....... kiiiiIILL HEEEeer! ...."
Unwittingly, Narciso begins flexing his fingers.
Shut up, stay put, shut up! No killing, no claws, no playing today!
Irina Kayzeld |
Irina frowns at the tiefling and then promptly folds her arms against her chest, Well then this will be short. What do you want to know?
Irina did her best to remain aware despite her tension. Did some cabal from home send an agent to find me? I thought I had left in quiet enough circumstances... The bralwer raises her eyebrows at the newcomer in expectation.
GM SpiderBeard |
The strangely veiled woman looks you over, and can be heard smacking her lips. "Come Narciso, we know about the power that burns within you, yearning to be let free. If you could learn to control it the world would tremble beneath your feet. That will not come to pass, for tragic reasons, but we still have questions."
She advances a bit. "What do you dream about? You shout in your sleep. Snarl, and gnash your teeth. It fascinates me."
"My name is Sentos. I am here to question you and then we're going to do some long-distance travelling in a very short amount of time." The white-haired halfling seems amused. "Unfortunately things will move very quickly, otherwise I'd travel and then question, but it cannot be. Tell me Koriko - do you feel different? Does something set you apart?"
Daereth seems possessed of boundless energy. The tiefling fidgets constantly, and grabs another stone to send it skipping.
"Do you know why you never a good fit in Cheliax?"
GM SpiderBeard |
"So polite," says the dwarf. She nods solmenly. "I appreciate that. Nilan, we're interested your views on the heretical Bishop you've been watching. Where does your objection spring from? Are you... driven to it? Are you being lead to this conclusion from something greater than you? Or is it simple theological difference?"
"Fingers" Mitchell |
Fingers glances around the room, and over his shoulder behind the door making sure there aren't a pair of bullies behind him ready to pummel away on his ribcage.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
"Alright, you have my attention." says Fingers calmly even as a cold sweat broke out on his forehead and neck. "I have s'much wits about me now as ever I might. Thinkin' ain't my strong suit, yeh might say. But I've survived t'now. Who 'r you, an' what do yeh want wit' t'likes o' me?"
As she speaks he watches her closely for tells -- little signs that she's not speaking the truth or revealing all she knows, eyes cut to the side perhaps, or looking down when speak, or a stutter in the wrong place.
Sense Motive to determine her truthfulness as she speaks: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Irina Kayzeld |
Irina offers an honest laugh, Oh so many reasons but chief among them I think people deserve more pride than being boot licking toadies to those who confer with demons and rule without care or compassion.
GM SpiderBeard |
Ysania smiles. She has a slow, sensuous way of moving and speaking that is a strange match for her plain dress and bizarre tattoos.
"It's okay, you won't need to think any more. We'll take care of you, Mitchell. What do you know about your ring? It is an object of interest to us. How have you come to never pawn it, or lose it? Has it brought you any luck or... otherwise?"
The dwarf, despite her very serious demeanour, manages to look amused. "The Bishop? Oh gods no. I care nothing for him. I care about your opinions about the church, and how you came to them. I called him a heretic; not you."
She slows a bit and looks at you directly. "Nilan, you must answer me truthfully. Do you feel different? Are you aware of any forces greater than yourself guiding your actions?"
The tiefling rolls his eyes dramatically.
"That is a useless answer! Don't be useless to me Irina, I can make this as difficult! Why do you think people deserve more pride? Where do these ideas come from? Are they just how you are? Or is there something bigger - something different at work here? Why are you the way you are?" As he speaks he becomes more agitated and irritable. His hands flex over a rapier at his side.
"Fingers" Mitchell |
Fingers rarely ever wears the ring, but he keeps it in a drawstring bag around his neck. His hand goes unconsciously to the ring as he speaks. "Never thought much 'bout it bringin' luck. If it has, it ain't been lots o' good luck," he smiles spreading his hands around showing the surroundings he's in a self-deprecating way.
"Nah, I ain't noticed nothin' special 'bout it. Got a name scratched inside o' it. Mitchell. I figured that's me name, but no one knows for sure. It's what your callin' me though ain't it? Got a lions head on it. Figured it fer an heirloom or some sort, but I don't reckon I know much more 'bout it."
He grunts a bit then adds, "Who's this 'we' you keep talkin' 'bout, and what's your int'rest in a fella like me and my jewelry?"
Narciso Valdlin |
... kill ... kill ... KILL HER NOW ... before ... it is ... too late ... kiiiiill ...
Narciso shakes his head violently, attempting to clear it.
Maybe she deserves to die, perhaps. But my way, not yours, if so. To your cell you go.
... fine ... for now ... one day ... your chains ... will ... no ... longer ... biiind ...
So saying, the raw fury subsides a bit.
"Kha, it was, wasn't it? Worlds at my feet interest me little. Gods war for worlds, worlds war against their gods. Why fight for that which will not thank you for it?"
He stands, keeping his eyes on her.
"Why worry about my nightmares, Kha, when you should worry about your dress? Your groom will be sad to see the stains on it, he will. The colors and fury of him will rival any conjured by my dreams, I think, yes and make them small to behold."
Irina Kayzeld |
Irina flushes as the tiefling picks at her uncrossing her arms, "I choose to learn, to listen, to fight! A pretty girl. A nice girl. Never useless. "
Irina points at the tiefling in irritation rising to anger "But you are wrong. They all could learn. All could fight. Was i lucky? Maybe. Raised this way? Maybe. But I chose this life and I think others could and would if they had the chance"
-Posted with Wayfinder
Nilan Milarne |
The dwarf, despite her very serious demeanor, manages to look amused. "The Bishop? Oh gods no. I care nothing for him. I care about your opinions about the church, and how you came to them. I called him a heretic; not you."
She slows a bit and looks at you directly. "Nilan, you must answer me truthfully. Do you feel different? Are you aware of any forces greater than yourself guiding your actions?"
Taken aback by this strange dwarf's speech Nilan stammers I.I..I do not..know. I believe that we must fulfill whatever destiny the Lady has decreed for us. Mine has been to meet the needs of the poor and destitute here...but I have felt restless of late. Nilan turns red, ashamed at the sudden confession he gives to the dwarf.
GM SpiderBeard |
She leans in, her large eyes intense as she looks at you.
"Go on..." she breathes. You see a small scroll in her hand, held in a death grip.
The tiefling looks at another rock, and tosses it over his shoulder.
"You, my good woman, are completely bloody useless."
Faster than you can blink, his rapier is in his hand, and the hilt descends to your forehead.
Nonlethal Sneak Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 Damage: 6d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 6, 2, 5, 3, 1) + 3 = 25
You start to duck out of the way, but he neatly trips you up, and the rapier connects. Blinding pain shoots through your skull and you lose control of your body as you crumple. The last thing you see before you fade out is the tiefling reading from a scroll. A burning energy begins to build in you, and then you are falling...
This concludes the intro portion of the game! please stay tight while I resolve everyone else.
Kha remains unresponsive as you tease her. A horrible paralysis begins to creep over your body.
Narciso's Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
However, you manage to fight it off! She hisses and starts casting!
Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Narciso Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
As you are trying to react, she quickly weaves a second spell, a similar paralysis creeping over you.
Narciso's Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
This time it takes hold. She lets out a long, rattling breath and moves up to you. She smells of old spices and mold.
"Pointless orders... here, hold still, heh." She produces a scroll, and reads from it.
The constant battle within you suddenly surges forth as you feel an incredible, electric energy build within you! As it reaches a crescendo, the world falls away and you descend into darkness.
This concludes the intro portion of the game! hold on while I resolve everyone else.
Sentos tsks. "Infuriatingly vague question, I know. Koriko, we are trying to understand a power within you. Something mightier than these other..." he waves his little hand vaguely at the patrons in the bar. "People." The word comes out with distaste.
"Have you felt greater? Different? With purpose? Guided? Prophetic? I'm running out of adjectives, dear, help me out."
Ysania bites her lower lip as she looks you over, as if deciding to act.
"Something is special about you, Mitchell. Different. Powerful. We want to know what it is, but I need to be sure that you know - well, anything to be sure."
Nilan Milarne |
I do not feel that the Bishop's message is the truth. The Lady does not revel in pain and distress, she does not encourage suffering. My Lady is the answer, the final answer to all mortal questions. I..do not know that I can continue to minister to the poor souls here in Caliphas while the Bishop holds such power in the church, perhaps I need to move on.
Koriko Honokami |
"Most people here probably can't weave a spell or even use a sword like I do, but that doesn't sound like what you are talking about. So you're telling me you think I have some sort of power?", she pushes her breakfast aside and now leans on the table: "How do you know so much about me, and what makes you think I have such a power? Sounds like a strange ploy to sell me something. Like a lifetime cult membership."
GM SpiderBeard |
Gah! I wrote something but it didn't take, bet I hit preview by accident. Responses will be up this evening!
"Fingers" Mitchell |
"Not exactly comforting words," thought Fingers bitterly. "If I'm so god-pounding powerful, why am I stuck swiping coppers from drunken sailors in a dive bar in the armpit of the world?"
He looked at the tiefling lady directly. A challenge in his eyes. "So how d'you fin' out? Arm wrasslin'? Let's get this over wit' r'get me back to me spot on t'rail."
GM SpiderBeard |
The dwarf steps back, disappointed. "I was certain you wouldn't know anything, but orders are orders. Hold still."
As she speaks, you feel a horrible paralysis creep over your body! The onlookers start to edge closer as they sense something is wrong.
Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
However, your faith in your goddess is strong and you manage to wrench yourself free of her spell.
Initiative: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Her eyes wide as you resist, she quickly weaves a second spell in an attempt to hold you.
Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
This time the paralysis takes hold. You freeze in mid-step and she sighs, producing a scroll. She begins to read from it.
"What the... stop that! What are you doing to the father?!"
WIthout even looking up, five small glowing blue darts fly out from her to slam into the chest of the man who has protested. With a scream he flies backwards, and lands, instantly dead.
Damage: 5d4 + 5 ⇒ (2, 1, 3, 2, 4) + 5 = 17
She finishes her spell, and a sudden burning energy begins to build within you. As the energy intensifies, she turns away to step over to the body. Around you, people are screaming and running. Then, the world falls away. The last thing you hear is...
"Healthy body. I suppose I could put that to use."
Sentos grins widely. "Our club is far too exclusive. We wouldn't have you as a member. But your sacrifice will be appreciated."
As he speaks, paralysis begins to creep over your body. Your limbs slowly freeze and soon you are only able to move your eyes and breathe.
Will save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Sentos stands up on his chair and ruffles your hair, he seems both amused and irritated.
"None of you knew anything. None. We could have just come for you while you slept, but no - we had to interview you and waste time and resources." A scroll is now in his hand. He holds it up. "Goodbye Koriko, rest easy in knowing your death will bring me great power."
He starts to read from the scroll, and a burning energy builds inside of you. As people in the bar begin to stand and shout, your world suddenly falls away. Then you are falling... falling...
Ysania is not amused, and shakes her head. "How did I find out? Mitchell we've been watching you for years! Arm wrestling - pah. God, you're as idiotic as the rest. I'm done with you. There's nothing I can learn from a fool like you."
She snaps her fingers and your limbs suddenly start to freeze!
Will Save: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Try as you might, you are unable to resist her spell. She snarls as she leans in to you, smelling of roses and leather.
"Weak. Useless. Nobody. You will die never knowing your importance, and I will live knowing what kind of gifts you squandered. Pathetic little worm - I will enjoy watching your soul ripped out of you."
With flick she produces a scroll and begins reading from it. A burning energy starts to build within you and as it reaches a crest, the world suddenly falls away. You descend into blackness.
GM SpiderBeard |
Introductions are over! This is for everyone.
Some time later...
The first thing you feel is helplessness. You are paralyzed and appear to be floating in place, unable to move and do much more than breath and move your eyes. As you adjust to your surroundings, the first thing you notice is the heavy, cloying scent of incense and incessant chanting. The chanting is deep, sonorous, with many voices speaking as one.
You open your eyes. The room you are in is massive, lit by strange green and purple lights that hover in the air. Your eyes flit down and alight upon a crystal sphere. Scenes from your life over the past ten years play rapidly. There you see your life at its best, at its worst, and at its most private and vulnerable. The room itself is many sided with at least twenty sides, each of which are a good five to teen feet wide. And on each side is a large, circular symbol with a humanoid, floating in front of it with their own crystal playing scenes from their lives. Your eyes flick around and you can see others awakening, looking to you with expression of panic and confusion.
Within the centre of the room are dozens of figures in purple and green robes. They dance around, chanting with several of them casting spell after spell. One man stands directly in the centre. Wizened and old, he looks to be Keleshite and strangely naked save for a large blue crystal around his neck.
The chanting increases in volume, and slowly, you and the other victims begin to rise in the air over top of the Keleshite man. Ten feet in the air, you begin rotating amongst each other, like gears. A burning energy begins to build within you and you can see strange auras building around the floating people in the room. Each aura is a different colour, shade, and intensity. The energy you feel begins to build rapidly as the chant reaches a fever pitch. It is almost unbearable.
Something has gone wrong.
A blast of yellow light explodes from the centre of the room. All of the figures in the room are sent flying and you, as well as the other floating beings, crash to the ground in a heap. But the strange burning power within you has changed and grown. You feel powerful. Invincible. Better yet; you can move. The naked Keleshite man staggers to his feet.
A portal suddenly opens in the centre of the room, and three dark-skinned women, covered in glowing tattoos emerge. The scrying spheres around the room start exploding as the women step out.
"Destroy the spheres and protect the prisoners!"
You can all move and take an action. No map as this is a kind of special case. You have all of your gear and are unharmed, scattered around the room. Right now the room around you is a chaos of twenty confused prisoners (including yourself), three tattooed women, a naked dude, and around forty hooded figures trying to kill said tattooed women.
"Fingers" Mitchell |
Unable to make heads or tails of the scene so far, Fingers jumps up as soon as his feet hit the ground, he draws his rapier which is still strangely with him, and takes a defensive stance, ready against anyone in the room, since he can't tell friend from foe.
Draw weapon as move action; take Total Defense as Standard Action while seeing what happens in the room.
Narciso Valdlin |
Narciso hits the ground, feeling energy course through him like a wild current.
YES, the POWER! I told you your chains would not bind me forever.... as I told you to kill that woman Kha. No matter, I will settle that score for you now, assuming she is in the room. None defy me and live!
Narciso stands up, eyes closed. He is strangely calm on the outside, brushing out a few creases in his robes. Then he opens his eyes, revealing not the typical hazel color, but instead a deep glowing blue. An evil smile plays across his face.
"Well, mortals, you wanted to know his source of dreams... his power that he struggles to control. Be careful what you wish for."
So saying he moves to the closest cultist (preferably Kha if she is nearby/in the room) and Cast Shocking Grasp on him or her.
Touch Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 201d6 ⇒ 6
"Have some real power, fool!"
Koriko Honokami |
With a flash of steel Koriko's katana slides out of its scabbard as the slight, pale half-elf rises and she draws a pattern in the air with the sword's motion, chanting a few short words she conjures an incorporeal shield floating next to her.
"Protect the prisoners" from what? Are these women here to free us or kill us? she thinks as she raises her sword in a defensive stance.
Casting shield; AC is now 19/14/15