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Rebellion sheet
Can You Hear The People Sing? (Hell's Rebels) Cap'n Voodoo's Freebooter PBP Castle Amber DM Jesse's Temple of Elemental Evil PbP, Pathfinder style GM Dak - Shattered Star 2 GM Dak - War for the Crown 2 GM Ragged's Core Rules Souls for Smuggler's Shiv Hellknight Hill: The Lost Ring Motteditor's Strange Aeons PBP Rise of the Runelords Table 1 (Closed) Savage Tide in Greyhawk, 595 CY, by the random DM Stormcrow27 and his 5 personalities War for the Crown DM-Camris' SKULL & SHACKLES Chapter 0: MURDER aboard the THROATY MERMAID (inactive) GM Litejedi - Rise of the Runelords (inactive) Hellknight Hill: Bumblebrashers! (inactive) Luke's Crimson Throne Campaign (inactive) Madness in Kintargo (inactive) Perils of Crescent Harbor (inactive) Second Darkness: Dark Omens (inactive) A Song for Silver Ravens (Hell's Rebels AP) (inactive) Treasure on the high seas (inactive)