Hellknight Hill: The Lost Ring

Game Master Joana

Hero Points: Highness * Jonagher ** Ragna * Darla *

Goblin = Telugu
Draconic = Amharic

Annotated map of Breachill
1. Breachill Archives
2. Breach Creek Lumber
3. Breachill Town Hall
4. Cayden's Keg
5. Crimson Wood Furs
6. The Great Dreamhouse
7. Lamond's Lament
8. Monument Circle
9. Morta's Mortuary
10. Pickled Ear
11. Posandi Bros.
12. Quarters and Bits
13. Reliant Book Company
14. Shelyn's Smile
15. Tuskhead Stoneworking
16. Vusker's Carts & Wheels
17. Wizard's Grace

Breachill NPCs:
Greta Gardania, president of the town council
Jorsk Hinterclaw, town councilor
Quentino Posandi, town councilor & owner of Posandi Bros. masonry company
Melma Ann Sendari, town councilor
Trini Sprizzlegig, town councilor
Neven Deckard, lumberjack at Breach Creek Lumber & recent Hero
Voz Lirayne, owner of Reliant Book Company
Calmont Trenault, employee of Reliant Book Company
Trinil Uskwold, owner of Wizard's Grace
Jorell Blacktusk, chief archivist at Breachill Archives
Morta Valaskin, owner of Morta's Mortuary

Citadel Altaerein main floor plan
Citadel Altaerein basement plan

Default exploration activities:
Ragna : Defend (to raise her shield early)
Darla : Detect Magic (to find anything magical at hand)
Shaserai/Alak : Investigate (to Recall Knowledge for clues)
Highness : Scout (to make sure we don't get ambushed by anything)
Jonagher : Search (to check for any hidden doors, traps, and the like)

Party XP total 828 XP:
fire (complex hazard 1) (40 XP)
story award (rescuing spectators) 100 XP
story award (putting out fire) 30 XP
goblin dogs (creature 1 x3) 120 XP
graveshells (creature 1 x2) 80 XP
warg (creature 2) 60 XP
skeleton guards (creature -1 x4) 80 XP
giant bat (creature 2) 60 XP
spear launcher (simple hazard 2) 12 XP
imp (creature 1) 40 XP
bugbear (creature 2) 60 XP
story award (rescuing & healing squirrel) 60 XP
grauladon (creature 2) 60 XP
story award (rescuing Bumblebrashers) 120 XP
emperor birds (creature 2 x2) 120 XP
Level up to 2: 42 XP remainder
elite soulbound doll (creature 3) 60 XP
boggard warrior (creature 2) 40 XP
charau-kas (creature 1 X2) 60 XP
boggard scouts (creature 1 x2) 60 XP
grizzly bear (creature 3) 60 XP
boggard warriors (creature 2 x2) 80 XP
kobold dragon mages (creature 2 x2) 80 XP
story award (rescuing Bumblebrashers) 30 XP
gelatinous cube (creature 3) 60 XP
spiked doorframe (hazard 4) 16 XP
story award (discovering Voz's connection to the citadel) 120 XP
story award (finding Alak's ring) 120 XP