
GM Jiggy's page

1,854 posts. Alias of Jiggy (RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32).

Current Campaigns

Adventure Ensues! (inactive)

Current location: Eastern Ruins (northeast area, ziggurat, tier 1)
Day 9 (early afternoon)
Weather: Fair
XP — 2297/2700

GM Jiggy's Adventures in Avonali [5E] (inactive)

Current location: Silverwood (lake island)
Time of day: Midday

GM Jiggy's Impact at Woodhaven (inactive)

When a meteor strike turns Woodhaven upside down and brings dark secrets to light, the PCs are called upon to restore the peace.

GM Jiggy's The Order of the Griffon (5e) (inactive)

Current location: Koriszegy Keep
The Final Day
Theme music: Battle Against a True Hero

The Hunt (inactive)

Current location: Wilderness, in the forest
Day 4 (mid-morning)
Weather: Sunny and very warm