
GM Itzi's page

2,299 posts. Alias of Itzi.

Book 1 - The Brinewall Legacy
Part One: Fires Over Brinestump


Being a settlement a fair distance from what would normally be called 'Civilization', the village of Sandpoint has always had a problem with goblins. It's been an issue for most of the village's storied history to a greater or lesser extent. Up until recently, it's been the latter. However, recent reports have told that the Licktoad goblins of Brinestump Marsh have grown unusually aggressive. The reason for this uncharacteristic bravery seems clear — the goblins have somehow managed to arm themselves with what appears to be a considerable supply of fireworks. The problem stems not so much from the additional “firepower” these fireworks provide as from the inflated sense of ego and power that the devices have given the goblins — the fireworks have made them dangerously brave.

Several merchant caravans and travelers have been attacked so far, and according to the victims, the damage caused by horses panicking at the sight and sound of exploding pyrotechnics is almost as destructive as the goblin attacks themselves. With the last few attacks resulting in severe injuries to three unfortunate travelers, the problem has escalated from an annoyance to a threat. However, as none of the attacks have yet inconvenienced Magnimar, the city has been slow to react. Unwilling to idly sit by and wait for the goblin problem to escalate to actual deaths on the Lost Coast Road in order to attract Magnimar’s attention, Sandpoint’s leaders have put out the call for goblin exterminators.

Those interested in this task have been advised to appear this Oathday evening in the common room of the Rusty Dragon - the village's tavern - two days hence.

Hello, all.

As stated in the recruitment thread, my goal is for the discussion thread to be used primarily for chronicling character level ups. The majority of discussion will be in the discord channel that I've set up for the campaign. For those that don't already have access, I'll send over an invitation link through PM.

If your crunch isn't already finalized, then please do so. I'll have the first post setting up the stage for the game later today.

With Sandpoint being such a small village, I'm going with the assumption that you all know each other. How well you know each other is entirely up to you.

Feel free to work that out. :)

Leaving their home of Sandpoint and braving the long and dangerous trek across the Crown of the World, our brave heroes are going to undertake the danger-fueled quest to escort their friend Ameiko Kaijitsu to the other side of the world and the throne that awaits her.

What Kind Of Adventure Is This?

If you're not familiar with this AP (and even if you are), feel free to grab the Player's Guide.

As stated above, this AP will have the PCs facing challenges and foes all the way from the small town of Sandpoint to the far-flung continent of Tian Xia. There will be a lot of focus in this AP on the relationships the PCs have with the four primary NPCs; Ameiko Kaijitsu, Sandru Vhiski, Koya Mvashti, and Shalelu Andosana.

I heavily favor character driven games, so some drama is always nice and romance fits right in. I try my best to give my NPCs personality and have a lot of fun when players interact with them. I don't shy away from romance in my games. If you're looking for a love interest for your character and none of the existing personalities (PC or NPC) appeal, let me know and I can come up with something more to your taste. That said, I'd like to keep the game on the conservative side of an 'R' rating. If romance isn't your thing, that's totally fine. Just be aware that there's a strong possibility that it'll be happening somewhere in the game. If that bothers you or turns you off, this probably isn't the game for you.

The goal is to finish the entire AP, so be expecting a ride of at least a year or two. I'm planning on accepting 3 submittals for this game with two additional slots pre-allocated for a total of 5 players.

Creation Guidelines:

Attributes: 20-point Buy

Race: I won't disallow any official Paizo race, but I have a preference for those in the Jade Regent Players Guide.

Alignment: Characters should be decidedly on the side of good. I'll consider neutrals, but selfish loners won't get more than a first glance.

Class: Unchained versions of the classes that offer them. Otherwise, again, the Jade Regent Players Guide is a good reference.

Starting Funds: Maximum for 1st level.

Traits: A campaign trait from the Jade Regent Players Guide is a must. You can take a drawback for a third trait if so desired.

Backstory: There's no minimum word count required, but give me a couple of short paragraphs at least.

Special: We will be using Background Skills. No pre-game crafting allowed.


Who Am I?:

I've been a player in three different attempts to complete this AP and none of them have run it to completion. So I've decided to run it myself.

I'm an IT professional with a number of years of experience with RPGs under my belt. I cut my teeth on the original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook before the Dungeon Master's Guide was published. Yeah, that was a long time ago. I'm old. I've played in quite a few PBF games and GM'd a few as well.

Be warned, I love the structure and detail that the Pathfinder rules provide, but I favor RAI rather than RAW. And I heavily favor story over rules. If I get a rule wrong, feel free to point out my mistake (it won't be the first or last) - I'll most likely correct it. But there may be times when the story plays better without correction and I'll leave it as is.

I'm in California (GMT-0800) and I can typically make small posts throughout the day. I'll most likely be putting up a single larger post later in the afternoon. Weekends get much more chaotic but I'm usually near a keyboard and responded to posts both days.


What Are My Player Expectations?:

I'm looking for players that will commit to at least a post a day during the week. I don't expect posts on the weekends. If something comes up and you won't be able to post for a few days, that's fine - Real Life happens. Please let us know in advance if possible. In your application, please note what time zone you're in and what time of the day you usually post - if consistent. I would like to see at least a little fluff in every post you make - even the combat ones.

I will probably reserve one slot to give a first timer a chance to get their foot in the door. Otherwise, I will be checking post histories.

Also note, that I will hope, expect?, wish?, that you will have read Painlord's Building a Better Doomed Hero. In fact, if you're wanting to get in on the 'first-timer' slot, I'll expect you to let me know that you have read it. There is invaluable information there.


What Do I Expect In An Application?:

The crunch and alias isn't required in the application. Give me your character concept and background - preferably in a spoiler to avoid walls'o'text. I don't need a thousand words, but a few paragraphs would be nice.

Specifically, as the campaign traits are tied to the four central NPCs in the AP, explain your trait choice and what relationship you expect to develop/enhance with your chosen NPC.

Optionally, if there's a particular post (or posts) you've made in another game that you're proud of, put a link to it in your application.

I will be taking party balance into considering when choosing characters, but it won't be my primary focus. In that regard the two pre-filled slots are probably going to be a shifter and an arcane caster.

Campaign Notes/Gameplay Conventions:

We'll be using milestone leveling, so no experience tracking will be required. And, as such, there may be some 'filler' encounters that get hand-waved with a couple of descriptive paragraphs.

I also may be adding some encounters/story elements in some of the areas of the AP that require ... a bit more.

I'll be rolling for everyone's initiative in combat and I'll be using block initiatives. Feel free to post your actions as soon as your block comes up. Within a given initiative block I'll be resolving the actions in posted order. I make it pretty clear who's actions are pending and I'll do my best to keep combat moving along. I won't hesitate to bot someone if the game is dragging down waiting for someone to post their action. You've been warned. :)
Speaking of botting, it'll be a big help if you put some general botting instructions in your character's profile.

To keep the game moving along, I'll also be following the 'Majority of Two' rule. If the course of action for the group is unclear and it seems like the group is getting bogged down in indecision, once a suggestion is made and agreed with by a second player, then I'm taking that as a decision made and moving forward with it.

If you think a knowledge roll, Perception roll, or face-skill roll might be needed for the actions in your post, feel free to roll it. If you don't, I might ask you to roll it or I might roll it for you depending on how the pacing's going. Be aware that if you make a roll in advance, please don't get annoyed because you rolled a 20 and then I post that the roll wasn't needed.

Maps will be through Google Docs.

There will be a Discord channel set up for OOC discussions and I would prefer that that's where OOC discussions take place, rather than the Gameplay thread.



The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, January 8th, 09:00 PST and I'll announce the final choices Thursday morning.

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The subject line itself summarizes the question. What do you think is the general viewpoint of the Calistrian clergy in regards to succubi?


'Yeah, they're the epitome of lust, what's not to like?'


'Too reckless and they ignore the general idea of revenge.'


'They give lust a bad name!'

This came up because in a side story thread of a game that's now ended (and involving characters from a previous game), a high level priestess of Calistria was attending (and co-officiating) a wedding where two of the abyssal beasties decided to attend (in disguise). We were wondering what would the church's official stance on the demons be.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just started my own run of this AP and one of the players (The Rising Phoenix) spent an inordinate amount of time to create a amazing trailer for it with renders of all the PCs as well as the BD514 and the Oliphaunt.

Fly Free or Die Trailer

The stage has been set and the cameras are rolling for the first mission. However, feel free to involve yourself in any sort of prelude RP to establish character dynamics.

At the very least, dot in to make your presence known. :)

4 people marked this as a favorite.

See gorgeous trailier here: Fly Free or Die - Shiny!

Book 1: We're No Heroes
Part I: Punching the Clock

Pact Worlds Date: 321-07-14 AG
Location: The Planet Castrovel
Ship Ident: COM-EJCORP03-FS-BD514
Current Mission: Produce Delivery

Rain pours down on the small freighter, BD514, as it moves over the dark ocean toward the city of Qabarat, which grows rapidly on the horizon. Though known as the Jewel of the Western Sea, little of the city sparkles in this weather. Qabarat lines the mouth of the Yaro River, which stretches past the city, into the foothills of the Stormshield Mountains beyond. Navigation beacons and the city’s traffic control AI direct BD514 to a landing pad at Ship’s End, the city’s bustling starport.

Your crew received a transmission from your dispatcher recently tasking you to pick up 50 tons of Yaro berries from a local establishment called Prat’s Produce and transport them to Hivemarket on Akiton — where such a delicacy can go for 10 credits a bowl. Yaro berries are a tangy fruit that grows only on the banks of the Yaro River. This seasonal, sizable purple berry is relatively commonplace in the markets of Qabarat, but it’s considered a delicacy on other worlds.

However, the fruit must be delivered before it spoils which gives you 6 days. If the cargo is delivered early, you'll likely earn a bonus.

To land the starship safely despite the harsh weather and poor visibility, the pilot of the transport must succeed at a DC 15 Piloting check.

Discussion Thread Created

Gameplay Thread Created

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ahoy Mateys an' prepare t' be boarded!

The weather's good and there's wind in our sails so the time is right to open up recruitment for the classic Skull & Shackles. Does the sight of a loaded-down fat merchant ship get yer blood pumpin'? Does the sway o' the deck beneath yer feet feel like home? Does the smell of pitch and sea air sing ta yer very bones? If'n so then this is the game for you, matey!

The goal is to finish the entire AP, so be expecting a ride of at least a year or two. I'm planning on accepting 3-4 submittals for this game with 2 additional slots pre-allocated for a total of 5-6 players.

What kind of adventure is this?:
Yer gonna be a pirate! What kind o' silly addled question is that?

Yes, this game is for those that want to be a pirate. You can download the free Player's Guide here (that is, if you can get past the bug I keep running into where it sends me back to the 'All Adventure Paths' page sometimes). You'll start out as lowly swabs and eventually captain/command your own ship and crew. There will be ship-to-ship combat as well as boarding actions, merchant ship raiding, and mutinies to quell. Not to leave the land-lubbers out, there will be many land encounters/explorations also.

Please note that as far as the players are concerned, this will be the Golden Era of film's version of piracy; Errol Flynn, Burt Lancaster, etc. For you younger folk, Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom. What I mean by that is you may not be the Good Guys, but I'm not interested in anyone playing the Bad Guys. Bloodthirsty Killers need not apply. You may be robbing ships, but you'll most likely ransom back the survivors rather than just kill them. But more on that in the Character Creation section below.

I heavily favor character driven games, so some drama is always nice and romance fits right in. I try my best to give my NPCs personality and have a lot of fun when players interact with them. I don't shy away from romance in my games. If you're looking for a love interest for your character and none of the existing personalities (PC or NPC) appeal, let me know and I can come up with something more to your taste. That said, I'd like to keep the game on the conservative side of an 'R' rating. If romance isn't your thing, that's fine. Just be aware that it will be happening around you. If that bothers you or turns you off, this probably isn't the game for you.

Who Am I?:
I'm an IT professional with a number of years of experience with RPGs under my belt. I cut my teeth on the original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook before the Dungeon Master's Guide was published. Yeah, with a little math and a little research that will give you a year and, by inference, my approximate age - we don't speak of numbers that big, though. The majority of that time was spend as a DM. I've played many other RPs as well, but this genre has always been my first love. I moved over to Pathfinder when the abomination known as 4th edition was released and it's now the game I prefer.

Getting older, FtF groups were harder to find. So back in the late 90's and early oughts, I moved into a number of PbE (Play by Email) games which really fired my love for the anonymity of the written game. This eventually progressed to forum games, but I came to that late. I've only been playing in them for a couple of years.

Be warned, I love the structure and detail that the Pathfinder rules provide, but I favor RAI rather than RAW. And I heavily favor story over rules. If I get a rule wrong, feel free to point out my mistake (it won't be the first or last) - I'll most likely correct it. But there may be times when the story plays better without correction and I'll leave it as is.

I'm in California (GMT-0800) and I can typically make small posts throughout the day. I'll most likely be putting up a single larger post later in the afternoon. Weekends get much more chaotic but I'm usually near a keyboard and responded to posts both days.

What Are My Player Expectations?:
I'm looking for players that will commit to one post a day, at the very least, during the week and 1 post on the weekends. A higher availability would be better. If something comes up and you won't be able to post for a few days, that's fine - Real Life happens. Please let us know in advance if possible. In your application, please note what time zone you're in and what time of the day you usually post - if consistent. I would like to see at least a little fluff in every post you make - even the combat ones.

I will probably reserve one slot to give a first timer a chance to get their foot in the door. Otherwise, I will be checking post histories.

Also note, that I will hope, expect?, wish?, that you will have read Painlord's Building a Better Doomed Hero. In fact, if you're wanting to get in on the 'first-timer' slot, I'll expect you to let me know that you have read it. There is invaluable information there.

What do you expect in an application?:
The crunch and alias isn't required in the application, but tell me a little about yourself, your gaming history, your time zone and when you usually post. Give me your character concept and background - preferably in a spoiler to avoid walls'o'text. I don't need a thousand words, but a few paragraphs would be nice. Why does your character want to be a pirate? What role do you see them filling in the group? On the ship? I love personal growth in characters. So along those lines, how do you see this character changing over the next 15-16 levels?

Optionally, if there's a particular post (or posts) you've made in another game that you're proud of, put a link to it in your application.

Character Creation:
Characters will be a 20 point buy. Official Paizo sources only - no 3PP, so don't ask. Unchained versions of classes where applicable. No sleep-hex witches.

HPs will be maximum at first level and average plus one for each additional HD.

Considering the nature of the game - you'll eventually have a crew, after all - I'll be allowing Leadership as a feat. However, I'll be keeping a close eye on anyone that takes it and won't hesitate to adjust things if someone attempts to abuse it. I expect your cohort to be something other than just a magic item manufacturing shop.

We will be using Background Skills.

Starting funds will be average per class and no pre-crafting gear.

Alignments. No evil please. That includes Neutrals that pretend they're neutral, but like to dance on the line. Yes, you're going to be a pirate, but it should be a pirate with a heart of gold, rather than a black-blooded villain.

Avoid loners, please. To succeed, you're going to need a cohesive group. Along those lines, character backgrounds can be tied together if you wish. If you've read the Players Guide (and if you haven't, get on it ;) ), you know that you're going to be drawn in to the adventure unwillingly (at least at the outset). The adventure will actually begin just before you get shanghaied, so you'll get a chance to meet everyone else if you wish beforehand.

A Warning: Hard-headed, stubborn characters probably won't live long in this game. Characters in this game need to know when to bend the knee and submit to an obnoxious, horribly demanding, NPC, who's in a position of power over them. They'll get their chance for payback when the time's right. :)

I wouldn't recommend taking a mount-based character.

My campaign is at the stage of Emerging Guns, so gunslingers are certainly appropriate and you'll probably see a few guns used by other pirates.

Gameplay Conventions:

I'll be rolling for everyone's initiative in combat and I'll be using block initiatives. Feel free to post your actions as soon as your block comes up. I'll still resolve them in initiative order, however. I make it pretty clear who's actions are pending and I'll do my best to keep combat moving along. I won't hesitate to bot someone if the game is dragging down waiting for someone to post their action. You've been warned. :)

Speaking of botting, it'll be a big help if you put some general botting instructions in your character's profile.

If you think a knowledge roll, Perception roll, or face-skill roll might be needed for the actions in your post, feel free to roll it. If you don't, I might ask you to roll it or I might roll it for you depending on how the pacing's going. Be aware that if you make a roll in advance, please don't get annoyed because you rolled a 20 and then I post that the roll wasn't needed.

Maps will be through Google Docs.


Submissions deadline will be Saturday, November 16th at 10PM (GMT-8.00) and I'll announce the final choices Sunday evening or Monday morning.

25th of Pharast, 4718 ar

The three-day trip from Port Freedom on the Kaava Cutter has been calm and uneventful.

The Kaava Cutter, a naval vessel that regularly runs cargo and passengers between Eleder and Port Freedom, makes monthly stops in Pridon’s Hearth and is serving as convenient transport for you and your fellow travelers. The Captain is one Marley Manus, a capable young man.

The ship has stayed closed to the coastline amidst mutterings amongst the crew regarding the dark clouds that have been loitering a few miles out from shore. Apart from the dark clouds, the only inclement weather was a light rain on the second day. There's been no other threats.

In fact, there's been no distractions at all other than your fellow travelers.

Notable among them are the following:

Annabella Tullia, a half-elven cleric of Shelyn. She's garbed in a radiant red dress and a constant glower. NPC

Gallio Menius, a human aristocrat. He's accompanied by about a dozen indentured laborers and it's clearly his first trip away from Eledar. NPC

Mr. Blackwell, a sharply dressed human businessman. Traveling with six others that seem subservient to him, he's seemed reluctant to converse. NPC

Umuzu, a Zenj woman that looks to be no stranger to the jungle. NPC

Bavick Whiteriver, a halfling rogue dressed as a guide. He's a nimble fellow, sporting a rapier matching his diminutive size. PC

Rory of the Tiger Eye Monastery, a human ascetic. He's tall and his bronze skin is evidence of much time spent outdoors. PC

Yolar Sundigr a human cleric of Gozreh. He's tall and pale with blue eyes and long blonde hair filled with gray tied behind him. PC

Pai Throphentomp a gnomish bard. She's tall for a gnome, but Pai seems still to embody the otherwordly First-World air common to most all of her kind. PC

Tygrah and Ashlion a half-orc couple. The woman is tall, strong, and reserved. While her mate, though much shorter, seems to make up for it with his brash and boisterous air. PC

According to Captain Manus, you should be putting into Pridon's Hearth late this afternoon or early evening.

Ok folks, I'm going to give everyone an in-game afternoon to introduce yourselves and - maybe - get to know some of the other travelers. If that's not enough time, feel free to backpost to a previous day in the trip.

Hello all. Looking forward to gaming with everyone.

I should have the first game post up by tomorrow afternoon.

Just out of curiousity, does anyone have any experience with this particular module?

Welcome to the Jungle!

Yeah, it's been done before. I still had to say it.

Looking for a place to call home beyond the crowded cities, you've made your way to the Sargavan settlement of Eleder. But even this seemed too crowded, too crushing. So you listened to more gossip and paid for more rumors and that has led you to board the Kaava Cutter, bound for Pridon's Hearth. A small colony on the very edge of the untamed jungle. Yes, this is what you have been looking for and now you're almost there.


Hello all. Welcome to the recruitment for my very first attempt at GMing a PbP game. I've taken various forms of advice to heart and I'll be running Ire of the Storm. I'll be looking for 4-6 characters of 1st level to participate. Assuming we survive all the way through it, those characters will end at about 6th level. My goal is to finish before the end of the year.

Stop laughing!

What kind of adventure is this?:
As the teaser above points out, this three-part series takes place in a very small colony south of the Shackles and on the edge of the humid and hot Jungle of Hungry Trees. It's about evenly divided between village RPing, jungle exploration, and dungeon crawling.

I heavily favor character driven games, so some drama is always nice. I'd like to keep the game on the conservative side of an 'R' rating, so please keep that in mind.

Who are you?:
I'm an IT professional with a number of years of experience with RPGs under my belt. I cut my teeth on the original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook before the Dungeon Master's Guide was published. Yeah, with a little math and a little research that will give you a year and, by inference, my approximate age - we don't speak of that, though. The majority of that time was spend as a DM. I've played many other RPs as well, but this genre has always been my first love. I moved over to Pathfinder when the abomination known as 4th edition was released and it's now the game I prefer.

Getting older, FtF groups were harder to find. So back in the late 90's and early oughts, I moved into a number of PbE (Play by Email) games which really fired my love for the anonymity of the written game. This eventually progressed to forum games, but I came to that late. I've only been playing in them for about a year and a half.

Be warned, I love the structure and detail that the Pathfinder rules provide, but I favor RAI rather than RAW. And I heavily favor story over rules. If I get a rule wrong, feel free to point out my mistake - I'll most likely correct it. But there may be times when the story plays better without correction.

I'm in California (GMT-0700) and I can typically make small posts from 6AM to 9PM during the week. I'll most likely be putting up a single larger post around 2PM. Weekends get much more chaotic but I'm usually near a keyboard both days.

What do you expect from the Players?:
I'm looking for players that will commit to one post a day, at the very least, during the week and 1 post on the weekends. A higher availability would be better. In your application, please note what time zone you're in and what time of the day you usually post. I would like to see at least a little fluff in every post you make - even the combat ones.

I will probably reserve one slot to give a first timer a chance to get their foot in the door. Otherwise, I will be checking post histories.

Also note, that I will hope, expect?, wish?, that you will have read Painlord's Building a Better Doomed Hero. In fact, if you're wanting to get in on the 'first-timer' slot, I'll expect you to let me know that you have read it. There is invaluable information there.

What do you expect in an application?:
The crunch and alias isn't required in the application, but tell me a little about yourself, your gaming history, your time zone and when you usually post. Give me your character concept and background - preferrable in a spoiler to avoid walls'o'text. I don't need a thousand words, but a few paragraphs would be nice. Why is your character heading to the tiny, hot and humid corner of the world that is Pridon's Hearth?

Character Creation:
Be honest; you looked here first, didn't you? ;)

The is my first run as a PbP GM, so I want to keep the twists, turns, and corner cases to a minimum. Core only.

Boo! Hiss! But I really want to run my Aasimar Unchained Summoner that'll dip into Investigator and then Mesmerist!

Sorry, not this game. This will be a 20 point buy. Races, Classes, Feats, etc., out of the Core Book only.

But that's boring!

I like to think that good RPers can make a viable, fun, and entertaining character out of anything.

The one non-core element we will be using will be Background Skills. Please don't ask for more exceptions - I thought long and hard before I added that one, and at my age that counts as exercise which I hate.

Starting funds will be average per class and no pre-crafting gear. Speaking of crafting; There will be a little downtime, but probably not enough to warrant a lot of investing in Craft feats.

Alignments. No evil please. That includes Neutrals that pretend they're neutral, but like to dance on the line. We want heroes.

Character backgrounds can be tied together if you wish. The adventure will begin on the boat prior to making landfall at Pridon's Hearth.

My only recommendations would be to avoid depending on a mount (it's a jungle after all), and it probably wouldn't be bad to have at least one character that speaks Polyglot. Given the above limitations, I think any class/race can have fun in this particular adventure.

Gameplay Conventions:
I'll be rolling for everyone's initiative in combat and I'll be using block initiatives. If you think a knowledge roll, Perception roll, or face-skill roll might be needed for the actions in your post, feel free to roll it. If you don't, I might ask you to roll it or I might roll it for you depending on how the pacing's going.


Submissions deadline will be Saturday, March 23rd at 10PM (my TZ - see above) and I'll announce the final choices Monday morning.

It looks like, with the most recent site update, newsfeeds are broken.

Clicking on the RSS subscribe icon generates the following message:

The requested application was not found on this server.

Hope that can be fixed soon.

After placing this order, I see that there are three charges for the order amount.

Please correct this.

This is probably one of the items that's on the list-o-broken-things for the new website, but I wanted to check to make sure I wasn't missing something.

I've created aliases before and set avatar images for them. However, when I try to select an avatar for the newest alias I've created, I get empty images on the Avatar Selection page.

The filter selection information is still being shown on the left column and it looks like it's trying to show images. Page navigation is there as well so it obviously thinks it's showing me a whole lotta images. But I ain't seeing them.

If I'm missing something obvious then please educate this thick skull.

The ship building rules really take me back to Car Wars. :)

In that vein I've bashed up a spreadsheet to create ships.

If the powers-that-be have no problem with it, I'd like to post a link here to it to let other folks have at it.

It's an ODS file (Open Office Calc Spreadsheet). I don't have Excel so I won't make any claims that it will work in Excel. Although there aren't any macros or scripting - just formulas, so it _should_ work.

I've used it to create all the example ships in the Core Rulebook. That let me work out some bugs and it showed me some places that it appears that the example ships break the ship build rules.

It's still in a basic (read: not very attractive) form without a final summary sheet and there are a couple of limitations:

There's currently no mechanism for adding better quality Smuggler's Compartment expansion bays.

There's currently a hard limit of 7 Power Cores. The rules say that Huge, Gargantuan, and Colossal ships can have more Power Cores (2, 3, and 4, respectively) and that Medium and Large can be outfitted with extra core housings (via expansion bays). I'm not sure if that means that Huge, etc. can use those expansion bays as well.

There's currently no means to add Anti-Personnel weapons nor weapon linking.

Add another one to the list that didn't notice that pre-ordering back in February wouldn't automatically get me the PDF for the Starfinder Core Rulebook.

I've subscribed to the main Starfinder line (order #4422805). Is there any way that I can still get a copy of the Core Rulebook PDF without ordering it separately?