
GM Grey's page

1,901 posts. Alias of Lord Grey.

Current Campaigns

1. GM Edwin's Zeitgeist Campaign

When the people and King of Risur have internal or external enemies but won't or can't call in the military... They Call in the RHC(Royal Homeland Constabulary)

Act 1: The Investigation Begins!
Chapter 1: The Island at the Axis of the World
Chapter 2: The Dying Skyseer
Chapter 3: Digging for Lies
Chapter 4: Always on Time
Chapter 5: Cauldron Born
Zeigeist World Map
Avery Coast Train

Act 2: The Grand Design

Chapter 6: Revelations From the Mouth of a Mad Man


Ascension - Mageocracy


The Bogshark Fiasco

Chapter 3 - Circling Sharks

The storm spins overhead. Lightning crashes, fiery explosions cast red glares in brief bursts over the city. Freezing rain sweeps the streets, and the cities' dazers shamble toward the lightning struck house.

Merchants and Mages

Palace of the Vampire Queen, the 5e version (inactive)

A Simplified, House Ruled, 5th edition D&D Classic Dungeon Crawl

The Scales of Blackened Souls (inactive)

Having survived one day into their quest, the group readies to head back out to the Temple of Final Rests.

VERY very rough map of the area
Temple of final Rests map