
GM_Colin's page

567 posts. Alias of Colin_Mercer.


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Since this is not a PaizoCon game, we don't exactly have a time constraint. No worries.

When you're ready, please fill out the info in the second slide, and place your character token in the cyan box in the first slide.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Campaign thread for level 2 The Cellars. You're welcome to dot in and fill out the reporting info and stuff. It's for character level 1~3. The game will start after the PaizonCon Online game are over (probably start at the same time as the PaizoCon's PbP/PbD games).

The game will start sometime after the PaizoCon Online 2024 / memorial day weekend (in US) are over. Please add your token to the Google Slide as usual and fill in the RPG Chronicle.

Arachnophobia warning!

After dealing with the goblinoids in the tower ruins, the Pathfinders regroup and resupply at Fort Inevitable before venturing into the next level of the Emerald Spire......

The steep stair descends through solid bedrock for fifty feet before ending in a stone-lined room. A large stone door stands directly south of the stair, a small alcove lies to the east, and another door to the southeast is slightly ajar. An extinguished torch rests on the floor of the alcove.

I'm in the process of moving to another state, and there're some tables for PaizoCon Online next week that I need to prepare. I would prefer not running my part immediately after this one, but I will be fine as the 3rd (when all the May madness is over)

"Well, I'm not exactly a business gnome, but if you got something that can help fund my researches, I'm all ears."

You got it, Professor Poppo for the Dark Archives. He is probably not the first eccentric gnomes in Zarta's occultism party anyway.

Kaervek the Spiteful wrote:
Did we "participate in a magical or occult ritual" or did Poppo do it completely on his own?

I think Poppo did it all on his own, I'm afraid.

Kaervek the Spiteful wrote:
Would Poppo count as a "NPC scholar, knowledgeable spellcaster, or similar figure"? And if yes, could I try to recruit him to the Dark Archive?

Yes and yes, a professor is certainly considered a scholar, and with him out of Pezzack, I'm sure he needs a new place to work...

Lady Vanessa Reisende wrote:
Did we recover a "named text" listed in italics or quotes in the scenario?

No named text was involved in this scenario, unfortunately.

Lady Vanessa Reisende wrote:
Did we find a spellbook? If so, did it contain spells whose Combined Spell Level equals or exceeds 24 total? I'm not sure what that boss was at the end that Bon Jon liquified, or if the spider-guys had spellbooks that they would have surrendered.

The red leader of the 1st wave is a cleric. Spider-drow cast like sorcerer. The lady in the Maesoleum library was also a cleric. Only the 10-11 tier have wizard, I think.

Lady Vanessa Reisende wrote:
You said we managed to close the portal to the Hao Jin tapestry. Did that involve a ritual of some kind?

Yes! It does invovles a ritual that takes 10 minutes to complete iirc.

Kaervek the Spiteful wrote:

My chronicle looks mostly good, but Kaervek spent 2 PP on a wand of protecion from evil (posted here nearly 2 months ago, so I should have reminded you).

Could you add the purchase and correct the current PP, please?


This is the Google Drive folder that has your chronicle sheets. Let me know if you have any question.

Yeah, the net trade good more than break even, so don't worry about that little bit of money. If the scenario REALLY want the player to spend money, they usually do it in the ugly way.....

Anyway, here's your chronicle sheets. Let me know if you have any question!

Ashwell wrote:
I’ll take resilience and yeah, I’ll do the Gauntlets with my down time then…I’d forgotten that.

Don't bother to roll since you can't fail the DC18 knowledge check. I will mark it on your chronicle sheet

1 person marked this as a favorite.

With a glorious charge, Ling Chang cut the headcrab's zombie in half with his sharp scimitar. The threat of incutilis is no more, allowing you to sail in peace.
End of combat. Handwaving the poor loyalist that's still blinded and stunned. He will probably stay that way till the end of his life.

"Good job, fellas. In to the high sea we go!" Poppo says, as he accelerates the whale and leaves Pezzack behind.

~~~~~few hours later~~~~~
When you return to the Grinning Pixie, Venture-Captain Benarry’s face breaks into a broad grin. “You lot had me worried! I watched the blockade closing in, and I was starting to think maybe I’d need to send in a retrieval team for you too. So, tell me, what happened in there?”

~~~~~tea time, story time~~~~~
Benarry listens intently to you report, occasionally jumping in with her own comments and suggestions for embellishments to “get the story ready for the Chronicles”. After that, Venture-Captain Benarry offers Olandil a sincere apology for how long he was stuck in Pezzack. In reply, Olandil apologizes to you for his rudeness during the mission.
“I will need time to reflect on this experience before I decide what my future with the Society will hold. However, you all saved my life, and for that, I am grateful. At the very least, I will complete my original mission, and share with you what I have learned of the situation in Cheliax, as it relates to establishing a foothold for a new Pathfinder Lodge, as well as everything I know about the current situation in Pezzack.”

With Olandil’s information, the Society gains a significant advantage in future expeditions in western Cheliax. While he has burned his bridges in Pezzack, his knowledge about potential safe houses and Chelish politics sets the groundwork for future Society expeditions in the region.

The End

Congratulations. You have successfully extracted the Person of Interest, and protected the Society's reputation in Pezzack. What a successful adventure!

RPG Chronicle is having problem generating chronicles......sorry for the wait. In the meantime, there's more PFS paperwork.

There're 4 boons on the chronicle to choose from (pick one):
口口Pathfinder’s Excellence (Combat): Before making an attack, you may check one of the boxes preceding this boon in order to roll the attack twice and take the better result. If the attack is against a member of the Aspis Consortium or someone directly in the Consortium’s employ, the critical threat range of the attack doubles; this benefit doesn’t stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon (such as the Improved Critical feat). Once you check the last box, cross this entire boon off your Chronicle sheet.

口口Pathfinder’s Excellence (Magic): Before casting a spell or using a spell-like ability, you can check one of the boxes preceding this boon in order to roll twice for any caster level check to overcome spell resistance and on caster level or concentration checks made to cast a spell in an impeded area (such as a fire spell underwater or a plane with the impeded magic trait). Any members of the Aspis Consortium or foes directly in the Consortium’s employ suffer a –2 penalty on any saving throw against the spell.
As a standard action, you can instead check two boxes in order to recall a spell that you have already cast that day. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. Once you check the last box, cross this entire boon off your Chronicle sheet.

口口Pathfinder’s Excellence (Resilience): As a swift action, you can check one of the boxes preceding this boon to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 plus twice your character level. These temporary hit points last for 10 minutes and do not stack with any other temporary hit points. So long as you have at least 1 of these temporary hit points remaining, you also have DR 2/— against attacks made by members of the Aspis Consortium and anyone in their direct employ. Alternatively, as a standard action you can check a box in order to heal 1d2 points of ability damage to one ability score. Once you check the last box, cross this entire boon off your Chronicle sheet.

口口Pathfinder’s Excellence (Skill): Before attempting a skill check, you can check one of the boxes preceding this boon in order to roll the check twice and take the better result. If the skill check is one attempted during an encounter in which you are directly opposing a member of the Aspis Consortium or someone in their employ, you gain a bonus to the check equal to half your character level (minimum +1). Once you check the last box, cross this entire boon off your Chronicle sheet.

Let me know hich boon would you like to take, and I will cross out the other boon for you when I fill up (manually) your chronicle.

As a player on the 10-11 table, all of us picked the third option (Resilience). This magic boon only allow you to reprepare a single spell compared to the other multi-table special's boon (regain 1~3 spells depends on subtier), and is not as good as the d8+2xlevel temp HP option that other multi-table special does not have.
Feel free to pick the boon of your liking, I'm merely offering some insight/analysis from a player's perspective, and is in no way pressuring anyone to select a particular option.

Also @Ashwell, don't forget you have boon from The Gauntlets that you can spent downtime on. Do you wish to try to complete the Gauntlet boon, or spend downtime for day job?

Kaevek's shortspear misses its target, while Kageryu's gladius leaves a scratch on the now-hostless puppet.

Initiative Order, round 2
incutilis' puppet -3
Ling Chang
Tuke Aran
Kageryu -8
Purple unconcious1 blind5 stunned5

(Bold are up!)

Assuming you aim for the head(crab)
Tuke advances toward the Incutilis, greatsword in hands, and cut down on the headcrab. The greatsword easily break through its shell, cutting the aberration in half. It's puppet-zombie however, is still standing. Migsund can tell you that it's the poison, not the incuilis' direct contact, that control the puppet to attack.

Initiative Order, round 2
incutilis' puppet
Ling Chang

Tuke Aran
Kageryu -8
Purple unconcious1 blind5 stunned5

(Bold are up!)

This totally-not-headcrab will be the final encounter, and after that you will rendezvous with your Venture-Captain.

I will be travelling from the 30th of April till the 12th of May, one day before Outpost VII ending date, during which I will not have access to PDF editing software. If you guys can all roll your day job and boon rolls now if you haven't done so, therefore I can have the chronicle ready before I leave, that would be awesome.

I will be good with anything other than season 2(Shadow Lodge), 3(Blood under Absalom), 4(Runecarved Key), and 10(Gallowspire)'s multi table, as I recently GMed those in the past 7 months or so.

GM Roll:
don't forget your axe is X3 crit: 2d10 + 10 ⇒ (2, 8) + 10 = 20Fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Checked the edit history, the blue headcrab ends up in the position where Tempestas could 5ft step to. Moved Tempesta's token

Tempestas' longsword bounce off the creature's hard shell, while Migsund absolutely destorys the cyan sailor with a soft blow like how you would crash a watermelon, with red bits and pieces flying everywhere.

Initiative Order, round 2
blue headcrab
Ling Chang

Tuke Aran
Kageryu -8

Purple unconcious1 blind5 stunned5

(Bold are up!)

Putting it out now so that I don't forget about it later:

GM Bulletin wrote:
We also have a set of boons for our PFS1 players. Each GM and Player of a PFS1 game has a 10% chance to win one of our lovely boons at random. Have everyone at your table roll a d20 and a roll of 1 or 20 wins.

It's BOON ROLL time

BOOOM: 1d20 ⇒ 2

BOOOOM: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Tempestas wrote:

[dice=k dungeoneering]d20+1

Tempestas tells the others what he knows about it before moving up and attacking.
[dice=longsword]d20+6 [dice=damage]d8+4

This is why I prefer real ones

Can you specify which one Tempesta is targeting? The Head or the body?

Kageryu's gladius and Tuke's bulleye shot drop the boasting Loyalist, and their threat is neutualized. Before you can celebrate, a rib of the whale burst open, and within the opening, a pirate-looking humanoid creature with a nautilus-like helmet lump toward the group.
"I though you have make sure that the whale is safe to use!" Olandil shouts to Poppo as he help him maintain the stability of the vessal with the broken rib. "I'm sure you know that the sea is full of surprise!" Poppo yells back, "And you don't have the luxury of getting a order made Whale carcass in Pezzack either!"

Kn Dungeoneering DC12:
This is a Incutilis, a tiny LE aquatic abeeration. The strange nautilus drags itself forward on over-sized tentacles, its crimson-streaked flesh textured like the surface of some exposed, alien brain. Basically the headcrab and its zombie from Half-Life, but aquatic themed. It's poison turns helpless creatures into zombie.

Initiative Order, round 2
Ling Chang
Tuke Aran
Kageryu -8

Cyan unconcious1 blind3 stunned3
Purple unconcious1 blind5 stunned5

(Bold are up!)

Oh shoot, I just forgot about one very important thing

GM Bulletin wrote:
We also have a set of boons for our PFS1 players. Each GM and Player of a PFS1 game has a 10% chance to win one of our lovely boons at random. Have everyone at your table roll a d20 and a roll of 1 or 20 wins.

Let's roll some BOON ROLL!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kageryu Takeda wrote:

@GM: I'm waiting to see if Misgund casts Sleep on Red before taking Kageryu's action.

Puppetmaster archetype wrote:
Charmstrike (Su): At 2nd level, as a swift action when a foe fails a saving throw against a spell (but not a spelllike or supernatural ability) cast by a puppetmaster, the puppetmaster can expend 1 point from his arcane pool to cast a prepared 1st-level enchantment on the foe. The foe must be one that the spell can target, and is the only creature affected (even if the spell can normally target multiple creatures). At 10th level, the puppetmaster can instead cast a 2nd-level enchantment spell on the foe, and at 16th level, a 3rd-level enchantment spell. The prepared spell is expended, as if cast normally. This ability replaces spellstrike, fighter training, and counterstrike.

It only work when the target fail the will save. Red succeed on the Will save. Purple failed and fall unconcious, and Migsund explicitly want to target foe that both failed the save and still standing (a.k.a high Hit Dice).

My understanding is Migsund does not cast Sleep.

GM roll:
Purple: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Red: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

After the second blast, the leader is still standing. Her purple subordinate drops to the ground, unconcious just like his cyan comrade. "Is that the only thing you have in mind?" Red says to Migsund.

Initiative Order, round 1
Tuke Aran
Kageryu -8

Cyan unconcious2 blind4 stunned4
Purple unconcious2 blind6 stunned6
Ling Chang

(Bold are up!)

GM roll:
Will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Touch: 1d20 - 1 + 4 ⇒ (20) - 1 + 4 = 23
Touch: 1d20 - 1 + 4 ⇒ (8) - 1 + 4 = 11
Zap: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 2) + 2 = 8

The color spray knocks down the cyan sailor, but fail to affect the other two. "If death is what you seek, so be it." The red leader steps toward Kageryu and does a electric handshake with him. ZAP!

Initiative Order, round 1
Tuke Aran
Kageryu -8

Cyan unconcious2 blind4 stunned4
Ling Chang

(Bold are up!)

Unfortunately, spells that are allowed to use on Day Job roll is whitelisted————essentially only Crafter's Fortune is allowed.

If anyone else has a Day Job roll, this would be a good time to roll it now!

Potions are fine.

GM Rolls:
Init(Ling Chang): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Init(Tuke Aran): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Init(Migsund): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Init(Kaervek): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Init(Tempestas): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Init(Kageryu): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Init(Cyan): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Init(Purple): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Init(Red): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

without further ado, the Pathfinders initiate combat with the unwelcomed chelish boarders. "Damn it, those loyalist are fast! Fend them off while I accelerate the whale to lose their ship!" Poppo yells from the helm.

Initiative Order, round 1
Tuke Aran
Ling Chang

(Bold are up!)

Thanks for playing, everyone! You guys have one of the funniest characters that I played with.

DM Carbide wrote:
As stated, the tables earned enough successes to get Impressive Defense, so every player gets 2 Prestige and can choose one boon on their chronicle sheet.

Rani, could you fill out the RPG Chronicle with your character info, so that I can get the reporting information out to the VC, and generate everyone's chronicle sheets?

New map is up
The team spreads around and guard the Whale-marine as Poppo and Olanil navigates the vessal into the high sea. As you sailing out of the secret tunnel out of the Guts, you heard heavy footstep on top of the Whale-vessal, and “Where did you buy these worthless harpoons? Screw those Docktown arm dealers!” followed by four resounding splashes.

The porthole is blasted open soon after, and three figures jumps down into your Whale-vessal. The leading female(red) speaks calmly: "You're all under arrest by the Chelish marine. Drop your weapons and surrender immediately. Failture to comply will result in your life being forfeit."

Will: 1d20 + 10 - 4 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 10 - 4 - 1 = 9
The Aspis has his brain fried by Ashwell's mental thrust. He too drops to the ground, blood leaking out from his ears.

As you defeated the last Aspis agents, the circle containing the protean begins crackling with energy, and the a strange silver-colored metal object, which many of you recognize it as the Sky Key, comes out of the Aspis leader's belonging, and begins to pulse as it begins gravitating toward the circle.

One Success! You have 1 round (plus the current round of action, if you haven't act yet) to get prepare yourself for whatever that's coming next or do something with the Sky Key.

Part of being a GM is to endure some of the editing that Paizo might not be so proud of. *wink*

I was going through Ultimate Campaign and didn't find anything...
According to the reference document, a large town has a base value of 2000gp. So if Pezzack's academy's arcane research is at the "we figure out non-Necromancy Raise-Dead-but-for-whale" level, I figure it should have at least 1st level scrolls available.

Kageryu Takeda wrote:
GM_Colin wrote:
Kageryu Takeda wrote:

@GM: Are there scrolls and/or potions of either Air Bubble or Touch of the Sea available in the Tubmarket?

Correction for my previous statements: Potions and Scrolls are indeed available for purchase, not from the Tubmarket or Professor Poppo(not directly), but the Academy's store.

@GM: Ah okay, what does the Academy Store have in stock?

According to pathfinderwiki, Pezzack has a population of about 4800 people, which falls in "Large Town" category. A large town would have up to 5th level spellcasting available, and 3d4 ⇒ (1, 2, 3) = 6 magic item. So, a large selection of spells available but extremely limited stock......

The Aspis leader falls unconcious with Bon Jon's ferocious strike!

Initiative, round 3
Lady Vanessa -19, grappled, haste BlesOfFerv
Ellismus -5, invisible, haste BlesOfFerv
Ashwell haste BlesOfFerv
Grunjar haste BlesOfFerv
Bon Jon -14 haste BlesOfFerv
Rani -38, haste BlesOfFerv, sickened
Purple -46 cursed fatigued grappled

(Bold are up!)

While the Pathfinders are busy finding allies and saving the Society's reputation, Poppo spend the time to patch up the hidden whale carcass, and get it ready to go. By the time you finish your shopping, the Whaler’s Point swarms with Chelish marines. Poppo proposes to use a secret tunnel near the Guts exit to Whaler’s Point that leads to the smugglers’ grotto.

A few rays of sunlight streak into the narrow grotto to glint from the ocean outside to the shallow water within. Poppo sloshes through the water to pull at a stepping-stone in the middle of the cavern.
It dislodges with a pop, and a small swirling whirlpool gurgles in its place. “Quick!” Poppo says, as low but urgently as he can. “Into the blowhole!”
The carcass is wedged in the inlet, which is much deeper than it appears. The whale itself is cavernous, its throat littered with improvised tools, sealed kegs, and broken bits of small boats. An intricate ritual circle glows on one of the interior “walls” of the whale’s body.
Poppo seals the blowhole behind Olandil and the Pathfinders with a large iron porthole. “All aboard! We’re setting sail! Or whale... I haven’t figured out the jargon yet.”

Poppo stands in front of the ritual circle and dedicates his attention to steering the whale. He asks two of you to be his eyes by standing at the pair of hemispherical glass windows that bulge from side of the whale where its eyes once were. The “ceiling” inside the whale is 10 feet tall. A sturdy rope ladder reaches from the blowhole to the “floor” of the whale (DC 0 to Climb).

Who would like to volunteer to be the "Eye" of the whale?

Kageryu Takeda wrote:
GM_Colin wrote:

Under Migsund's successful leadership, the team launched an anti-propaganda campaign against the Loyalist by crafting and distributing various pro-Society posters, trinkets, and souvenirs. As this opposing voice enters the battlefield to manipulate the public opinion, the citizen of Pezzack realizes that this is yet another propaganda warfare between the factions, and promptly ignores whatever the Loyalist said and continue with their life.

"Well, I guess Benarry cares enough to send some promising rookies afterall." Oandil comments at your effort. He told you to gather any supplies you might need on the escape trip, and rest up for the night. The plan is to leave at early morning.
Time to re-prepare your spells, purchase supplis, and get ready for whatever awaits you in the sea!

Kageryu bows slightly at the praise from Olandil on the team's efforts.

"Luckily for both of us the rest of those gathered were more capable than I in securing a favorable opinion of the Society."

@GM: Are there scrolls and/or potions of either Air Bubble or Touch of the Sea available in the Tubmarket?

Correction for my previous statements: Potions and Scrolls are indeed available for purchase, not from the Tubmarket or Professor Poppo(not directly), but the Academy's store.

Rani managed to poke between the gap of the half-plate, wounding the Aspis twice, which angers him even more. The cursed Aspis disregards Lady Vanessa's warning, and managed to grapples her. "I'm not stuck in here with you, YOU ARE STUCK IN HERE WITH ME!"

GM Roll:

CMB: 1d20 + 15 - 1 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 15 - 1 - 4 = 29
If Misfortune: 1d20 + 15 - 1 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 15 - 1 - 4 = 25

Initiative, round 3
Lady Vanessa -19, grappled, haste BlesOfFerv
Ellismus -5, invisible, haste BlesOfFerv
Ashwell haste BlesOfFerv
Grunjar haste BlesOfFerv
Bon Jon -14 haste BlesOfFerv
Red -41
Rani -38, haste BlesOfFerv, sickened
Cyan -163
Purple -46 cursed fatigued grappled

(Bold are up!)

GM Roll:

Will: 1d20 + 10 - 4 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 10 - 4 - 1 = 19
Fort: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Axe: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 12 - 2 - 1 = 22 destructive smite: 1d12 + 9 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 6 + 4 = 27

Ashwell absolutely crushes the purple Aspis's mind, leaving it fatigued, while the invisible alchemist bombard the red Aspis from above. The Aspis leader is staggered from the temperature shock.

The red Aspis swings his greataxe with destructive force at the rogue that dares to melee him, leaving a deep wound on Rani's shoulder.

Initiative, round 2
Lady Vanessa -19, haste BlesOfFerv
Ellismus -5, invisible, haste BlesOfFerv
Ashwell haste BlesOfFerv
Grunjar haste BlesOfFerv
Bon Jon -14 haste BlesOfFerv
Red -30
Rani -38, haste BlesOfFerv, sickened
Cyan -163
Purple -46 cursed fatigued

(Bold are up!)

Under Migsund's successful leadership, the team launched an anti-propaganda campaign against the Loyalist by crafting and distributing various pro-Society posters, trinkets, and souvenirs. As this opposing voice enters the battlefield to manipulate the public opinion, the citizen of Pezzack realizes that this is yet another propaganda warfare between the factions, and promptly ignores whatever the Loyalist said and continue with their life.

"Well, I guess Benarry cares enough to send some promising rookies afterall." Oandil comments at your effort. He told you to gather any supplies you might need on the escape trip, and rest up for the night. The plan is to leave at early morning.
Time to re-prepare your spells, purchase supplis, and get ready for whatever awaits you in the sea!

Vanessa places a terrible curse on the purple Aspis, while Bon Jon's draconic punches obliterate the cyan Aspis into indescribable lump of meat and blood.

Initiative, round 2
Lady Vanessa -19, haste BlesOfFerv
Ellismus -5, invisible, haste BlesOfFerv
Ashwell haste BlesOfFerv
Grunjar haste BlesOfFerv
Bon Jon -14 haste BlesOfFerv
Red -4
Rani -11, haste BlesOfFerv, sickened
Cyan -163
Purple cursed

(Bold are up!)

Migsund Schadenfreude wrote:
Well, I think that's everyone.. four successes isn't bad, right?

Actually it's 5 successes.

Two from Migsund, one from Tempestas, one from Kaervek, and one from Tuke.

And 5 is what you need.

Will: 1d20 + 10 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 10 - 1 = 15 His luck run out this time :)

Will: 1d20 + 12 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 12 - 1 = 24

Kaervek the Spiteful wrote:

Following the advice of Migsund Kaervek tries to craft some cheap but nice looking Pezzack Pride Bracelets - the colors of the town with the addition of the glyph of the open road.

[dice=Craft: Jewellery]1d20+11
[dice=Craft: Jewellery]1d20+11

These rolls... >:-(

4 successes!

Tempestas wrote:

Tempestas tries again to craft some posters. The first attempt ended up in the bin.


3 successes!

Remember, it doesn't have to be the skills listed----they're just exmaples. Be creative!

Rani's rapier leave a small wound on the Aspis leader.

The two Aspis do something to the device, and suddenly two red hot rays of fire shoot out from their lens toward the caster in the center. One of the narrowly miss Lady Vanessa, while the other one hits the mark. Seeing the ray of fire miss his target, the purple Aspis move up to his target.

GM Roll:

Touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22Scorching Ray: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 4) = 17
Touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12Scorching Ray: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 3) = 12

Initiative, round 2
Lady Vanessa -19, haste BlesOfFerv
Ellismus -5, invisible, haste BlesOfFerv
Ashwell haste BlesOfFerv
Grunjar haste BlesOfFerv
Bon Jon -14 haste BlesOfFerv
Red -4
Rani -11, haste BlesOfFerv, sickened
Cyan -59

(Bold are up!)

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