Kaigon the Miscreant

Franco Nymmis's page

39 posts. Alias of redclover.


Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco immediately notices Mortimer's wary eye upon him as they stand in the parlor, and stands with arms crossed across his chest, giving his most stern expression. He was used to folks being wary around him, and maybe anyway it wasn't a bad idea, Franco wasn't even entirely sure what kind of person he was. As the man approaches, Franco gives a thin smile and shakes his hand halfheartedly."Thanks, the name is Franco." he retracts his hand and now that some of the tension has washed away, allowed his stance to relax and his eyes to take in the sights of the Lorrimor house." I have to say; now that young, attractive Kendra is out of earshot, I don't have much experience babysitting, but I could get used to the digs." He pulls a random volume from a bookshelf and thumbs through it while speaking, seemingly uninterested for effect. He even gives Mortimer a slight wink at the mention of Kendra, clearly making a slight effort to get under the skin of the polite man. "Beat's the hell out of the jail house that's for sure, Mortimer." He laughs lightly and glances up at the half orc who he had drifted near." It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well big man, From your words at the Restlands I gathered that your name is Vharg was it?"

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

off to bed early tonight, starting a new job at 4 in the morning ugh. see you guys tomorrow afternoon.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco listens one by one to the others testimony. Noticeable uneasiness showed clear on his face but at the exchange between Alexei and Vharg a laugh escaped briefly before being quickly stifled by his better sense. When he sensed his time was approaching, a thorough rummage through his shirt's interior pockets produced a crinkled, but still smokable, previously rolled cigarette. Removing his hat and holding it in his off hand behind his back, he moved intently first to Vharg who he leans in close to for a moment talking lowly." Burnin' the remains always made more sense to me too friend. No use for it in the ground."

He uses the opportunity of his close proximity to the half orc, and more specifically the half orc's torch, to hold one end of his unlit cigarette in the flame. Stepping towards the coffin now he puffs it to life as a bit of smoke plumes upward from his mouth, caught up in his unruly mustache for a split second before being inhaled by his broad nostrils. He clears his throat and gives a long look down at the coffin before him." I didn't know this man." Franco begins matter of factually." At least not in a broad sense. In fact, a lot of what I know about him I've learned today. It seems he was one heluva' guy." He paused to inhale the tobacco smoke once more. Formalities had never been his strongpoint" Defeating undead and braving the hold of Belkzen and all of that, I imagine any man would be happy to be half of the man he was-" He looks in Kendra's direction with a knowing smile"-and I can't imagine how proud it must make you to call him your father." he extends an arm towards the girl for emphasis before returning the hand to his mouth for the cigarette.

" But I never got the chance to call him a friend, and I blame only myself for that." Letting his old dusty hat fall to the ground behind him, Franco laid his outstretched off-hand on the casket for a brief moment." I never have had too many breaks in my life, but I won't get into all of that here and now. The professor here paid me the greatest generosity of my life some time ago in Caliphas. He was there on business of some sort as it were and saw something tangible in me when he passed the slave market that day, and for no other reason than to give a fighting young man a fighting chance, gave me my freedom. I never knew the man, but I learned all I needed to know of his character on that day."

Franco experiences an unexpected welling of tears, but with some effort, wills them not to fall. He draws deeply from the smoke and clears his throat which had become increasingly tight against his will." I'm still trying to see that tangible something Lorrimor saw in me that day half a decade ago. I owe him my freedom, I owe him my life. Here's to ya old timer." He finishes with the half burnt cigarette up in the air in some sort of toast for several silent moments. Once he had said his peace, Franco recovered his hat and placed it on his head after a quick dusting off, stepping aside for any other who would speak.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

for some reason the boards didn't tell me there was any new posts throughout the day when i checked on my campaigns page in the alias. oh well, about to bed down but i'll be sure to get something up in the morning, i apologize for the inconvenience friends.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

The casket weighed heavy on his right shoulder and Franco shifted his weight uncomfortably. For all he knew, he was carrying the body of a necromancer. Frankly however it wasn't a concern to him, whether he owed this final debt to a necromancer or a stage magician, Lorrimor had done him a great service and he'd be damned if a bunch of superstitious sheep would stop him. A certain anger quelled in his core and his thoughts wondered to the shillelagh like cudgel hanging at his side, although he doubted he could use it with much efficiency while supporting the weight of the coffin. He kept his gaze stern and focused intently on the older wiry man, scoffing lightly at the other pallbearer's attempt at honeyed words. If the crowd would not listen to niceties , he prepared himself to take a more sharp-tongued approach.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

what kind of time zonage are we looking at here fellas?

I'm in eastern US here myself

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco inhaled deeply the early autumn aroma and manages a relieved smile even on this grim occasion. A week ago he had been inhaling the same Ustalavan air, but he couldn't help but notice how much more satisfying the act was without chains around his ankles, chains that had since been removed thanks to the late Professor(and for the second time none-the-less). This thought brought him rapidly back to the destination he was nearing at the Restlands. He scoffed inwardly so as not to alarm the carriage driver. Franco had been emancipated by the old man's generosity twice, but he knew there as no such thing as a free lunch.

As anxiety lurched in his core along with the plodding rhythm of the carriage, Franco dug into his crowded backpack and produced a rolling parchment and his sack of tobacco. Skillfully folding the parchment into a pouch in one hand, he used the other to distribute the tobacco evenly. Franco brought together the two top ends of the rolling parchment together and lightly manipulated the tobacco inside to tightly pack it into a rough cylinder. The carriage jostled to a stop as Franco began forcing the bottom end of the paper behind the tobacco so that it stays and begins to become rolled. A final lick along the top edge and a bit of thumb work and Franco was finished. He used up one of his six tindertwigs in lighting it but figured it was a worthy use- Getting him through this funeral.

Franco placed a wide brimmed hat upon his head to hide the wild flume of red upon his scalp, but his prison tattoos, beard and adventuring gear made certain that none would be able to resist staring. He nods to the others who looked like they might be capable of holding their own and takes one last drag off of the cigarette before dropping the remains to the ground and squashing them underfoot.

He gives the Professor's daughter a comforting smile and places one hand on her shoulder" It's the least I could do for the man. It'd be my honor Miss." He says solemnly before letting the hand drop to his side.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Still here friends, excited to get started as well, But enjoy your vacation Jo!

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Just checkin' in. Today's probably gonna be busy and I'll be having company from tomorrow through the weekend, so I'll post when I can, but expect it to be a little sparse, I apologize!

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

DM, I like the trait selection, it certainly suits Franco's hard boiled life, but it's going to encourage me to play him as a bit more of a drinker once he has the coin for it. The stoic type though, not the wino or town drunk type haha.

Gonna have a once over on my sheet to see if i need to fix or finalize anything, but beyond that I'm excited to get started with this group, looks to be an interesting mix.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Thanks for the selection DM

Any thought towards the DM selected traits for each of us?

Franco's open to intertwining backgrounds, but I'll have to look over everyone's profile again to see what fits, and I encourage others to do the same.

anticipationnnnnnnnn, Haha.

Vharg Half-Man wrote:
Franco, I really like your concept and story. Very well written.

thanks a lot man(or half-man as it may be), I truly appreciate it. It was actually your post [/i]"Of Orc and Man"[/i] that inspired me to title the backstory haha, so thanks for that too.

Crunch is essentially done in the profile besides gold spending and armor class calculating too.

DM Jonasty,

Essentially complete back story here for your review. I'll give it a final polish over once you've had a look- I apologize for any typos-, and get on the actual stat block portion. I was hoping to make sure you were fine with a few of the details, particularly the ones towards the end.

Pretty excited about the character, thanks for the consideration.

"Third Time's the Charm."


Franco's earliest memories are of an orphanage in the decaying city of Ardis. The orphanage was overcrowded and underfunded as it were, and the children there, Franco included, etched out a life for themselves largely by learning to take what they needed. While he understood the importance of not being seen, stealth, and quick fingers like many of his peers, Franco also possessed a fiery spirit and demanding personality. He soon learned that he could often make others simply do things for him, and reap the benefits. His words carried weight, and with it fear. It was an easy lesson to learn that when he spoke with intent, others listened. He was a smart boy, and had a way of keeping his ear to the ground despite occasional absent mindedness.

This served him well with children of his own age but by the time Franco was eleven years old, he had grown tired of not being able to boss around the caretakers at the orphanage. Ardis was practically a cesspool of abandoned estates and lax authority. Such cesspools are breeding grounds for criminal activity and Franco became fascinated with the Sczarni, having heard of sects of the group residing in the City. One night after an argument with the headmistress of the orphanage, Franco packed his sparse belongings into a stolen backpack and fled in search of his criminal idols.

Franco soon found the Sczarni, or rather they found him. A rather unscrupulous pack of men who dealt largely in kidnapping from the decaying streets of Ardis and selling them into slavery found the runaway easy prey. Ardis has a thriving slave market. The few remaining farmers there have a high demand for cheap slaves to tend their fallow fields. Children are cheaper and as such the unsettling practice grew unfortunately profitable and common. Franco had but a moment of optimism in encountering his 'heroes', before the confusion at the source of sudden pain in the back of neck,from a crude sap, perhaps a scarf with chain links within, he figured at a later date. Next came a sudden glittering blackness over his young eyes. And finally, some time later waking up with in chains surrounded by fellow children carrying the same burden.

Franco proved a terrible servant. He was fiercely defiant in the face of beatings, and worse. Until his sixteenth year, he was sold countless times after fed up owners cut their losses after the defiant slave's multiple escape attempts and surprisingly forceful presence proved to be to big of a problem. Knowing that dissension at his current age and track record could lead to death served as no inhibitor to his fiery spirit.

Franco's last time as a slave found him in the slave market of Calliphas, a seedy but accepted part of the Cosmopolitan city.Fate smiled upon the fair haired man for a moment and a passing Petros Lorrimor happened to witness the fearless Franco practically reducing a slave marketeer to tears with a stringent of threats,sharp tongued insults, and a bit of spit too. Although Franco suffered quite a beating in reprimand, it lasted only so long the the Professor could close the distance between himself and Franco.

Lorrimor bought the enslaved man's contract and freed him from his chains, generously granting Franco his freedom. " With a spirit so defiant and a determination so dogged, there is little you could not do. I ask only that you make the best of your liberty and do not squander it, I'll be in touch. " The grateful Franco vowed to do so and assured the Professor that he would be ready to return the favor.

The years since proved quite disappointing for the young man. His standoffish nature was most pronounced in his late teens, and proved to be a problem in society as well. After losing multiple menial jobs over arguments with owners and customers, and one particularly bad experience that ended in Franco assaulting a bartender for not serving the baby faced seventeen year old. Angered and on the run from authority, he soon fell in with the seedier side of Calliphas.

Here he was in his element, and advanced fairly quickly in power with a Sczarni group. He worked as an efficient enforcer, was subtle enough not to get caught, and proved able to lie his way out when he had to. He made money profiteering but consumed most of his money in alcohol or pesh in an attempt to numb himself. He was a man consumed with self guilt, having his life saved by Llorimor only to be squandered. He lived in fear of the day the professor would collect his debt. Worse he feared that the old man had died off long ago after not being able to catch the on the lamb Franco.

His habits made him sloppy and he was subsequently caught in the act of extorting a silk merchant, but in drunken stupor roared out threats loud enough to attract guards. Franco has spent the time since then in and out of prison, never finding a cell he can't escape, one lesson he's thankful for learning as a slave. But still most recently he found himself in a chain gang working outside of Ardis, -- I could use some DM input here on what exactly one might be doing there, if there's nothing specific i suppose he could just be working in the fields.-- . Years in and out of chains has turned his defiance more subtle, more of the cerebral bent. He's a bit less defiant now, at least outwardly, but still just as intimidating. He felt fearless once more, untouchable, having largely forgotten the fear of debt to the professor which gripped his criminal days. He faced his current sentence with a quiet defiance of stoicism and plotted his next escape. A plot, that as it turned out would not be needed...

A messenger upon a horse arrived one morning as Franco plowed the field[/ooc]--Or appropriate activity we decide.--[/ooc] bearing two letters, a letter for Franco , and a letter for his release. It seemed the ever generous Llorimor had one last kindness for the misguided Franco, paying for his release of the prisoner and his passage to Ravengro. Franco hardly had time to rejoice before finding out that the professor had passed and had named him specifically in his will. Franco secured a cache of possessions stashed near the old orphanage of his home and set off for Ravengro, fear of what the late Professor might ask of the man growing along the way. But also growing curiously, is a dogged determination, and a fearless defiance to make the best of this chance Llorimor had given him. "Third time's the Charm."

Redclover here, I'll be moving forward with this concept, hope to have some things completed soon(today). Franco here is a thug(rogue), former scarzni muscle, and a bit of a loudmouth, albeit a generally intimidating one. He'll be sure to excel in disable device, stealth, and intimidate, hopefully with a bit of knowledge too. Probably go with the making good on promises campaign trait, the late professor having got him out of some trouble formerly or something like that.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco will enter the room behind Jo and swing(and miss)at the third skeeter with his flail

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco laughs, relief resounding heavily in his giggle that bounces around the enclosed space.Bending down to retrieve his flail, he turns to watch Alarra Stroll before standing to his full height." My heart is yours for the ripping as long as you always protect me from zombies." He says coyly as he goes to work searching the rotten bodies.

1d20 ⇒ 20

That's a perception roll, as there's no way Franco's making a DC 22. How much damage did he take?

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco lets the Flail fall out of his hand as he weaves to avoid the attack. He swiftly unsheathes his short sword from his side and brings it to bear against the zombie, snarling his teeth he offers a nonchalant glance at Jo in the midst of the chaos" Is that smell this guy or your breath big guy?"

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

"Franco Nymmis." He says simply, taking Alarra's clawed hand, he grips it firmly and nods at her sentiment." The pleasure is all mine Alarra, Would you join me at point? Let us hope Janiven has made it to the Safehouse by now." He chuckles slightly at Jo, glancing at him one last time over his shoulder before taking point and walking into the darkness.

Perception1d20 ⇒ 16

Franco doesnt have the best perception modifier( having none at all). Henceforth I invited Alarra to join him since she was at point before.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Relaxing, Franco laughs and lets his flail hang over his shoulder. Walking forward calmly he tries to get a better look at the two in the back, suspecting they must be on our side if they're running from hellknights." Well simply put, that's cause I'm about the farthest thing from that darlin. Where's Janiven got off to?" He looks about with his arms up and his shoulders shrugged.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco follows close to Coran, the sounds of battle having died down, He lets his flail weigh heavy in his hand and he adopts a weary stance, in case those on his side were not the victors.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco has been updated as well, when should we enter ?

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

GM i don't think I'll have the time do do the rewrite tonight bu i plan on rebuilding Franco as a "Cad" Archetype fighter

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

"I could scout around another way, my eyes see just fine without torches and if I'm quiet enough and i remain out of there lights, i should be good. It is a risk though, and perhaps Coran is right, some sort of snare or trap would be ideal, any ideas on specifics?"

Franco would work as a stealth/ mobile based fighter/ or even a monk, I don't mind rebuilding if it's needed.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

" I think we have to keep moving until we make it to the safe house, that's the ultimate goal. If we drop back and wait at an intersection to defend, we could be quickly overwhelmed. We have the advantage of surprise here and also of knowing where we're going." Franco explains in a hushed voice that almost sounds like a hiss." Janiven, is there any way a couple of us could go around the hell knights and hit them from the front and flank." His heart races and he clearly doesn't shy away from testing his steel against this foe. " If we're gonna take them out, it's gonna have to be fast, the loner we fight them the better chance they got, and we have to be prepared to run for it.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Sludging ahead through the water, Franco shook his head and doubted that the smell would ever come out of his nose, much less his boots.

"So where is this Safehouse? Anyone we know?"Franco talks absently, seemingly aloof of the distant Hellknights

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco paces at the edge of the sunrod's illumination, peering into the darkness both left and right before turning to Janiven, whom he lets his eyes rest on for a little longer than a moment."Left or Right then?"

Perception Check1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco goes to reach for his dagger but shakes the idea from his mind calmly and clears his throat. Moving swiftly ahead of his halfling friend he searches for the fore mentioned trap door." Antal Do be careful descending old friend." He says thoughtfully as he crouches near the entrance."Although I doubt those clankers from the Nail would be able to pursue us very far for fear of rusting up their greaves." Apparently pleased, He flashes a toothy smile.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st
GM/Lictor Lane wrote:
Janiven replies, "I agree with you Coran. And, I believe small actions can potentially make big changes. Even little things like standing up to criminals or bullies can make a difference. Once we have the support of the Wiscrani, we can tackle bigger challenges."

Franco listens intently, and flusters a bit with pride as they talk of reform. " So how do we proceed, might i inquire? " he absent mindedly stopped for a moment to pick a bit of chicken from between his cat like teeth"There's some sort of plan I assume?"

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco eats politely and interjects into the conversation only one."As an apprentice to Meddyg, and through martial prowess, i have become adequate in the practical uses of alchemical poisons. And I'm quick with a blade." Franco seems supremely confident in his statement, and continues to eat once he's satisfied all had heard his two cents

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco is content to be silent. He takes a seat and waits patiently for Janiven.

"Lemonade Please." Franco hardly considered himself old enough to be drinking and besides he didn't have a taste for the stuff.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

" Oh yes Antal, forgive me for telling a tale without embelishing it." Franco teases the halfling, rolling his eyes."Honesty is a pretty good policy most of the time."

He turns his head sideways at the talkative little gnome, but offers only a look towards Antal before entering the tavern himself.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco is sure to relate any information he can think of to Antal."If what I heard is true, this Janiven once guarded out-of-town merchants visiting Westcrown. Apparently one of her charges refused to leave a brothel at the time she requested. She went up, found the room and dragged him half-dressed back to a safer part of town before dark and the shadow beasts." He explains colorfully before scratching his chin for a moment." If memory serves this Vizio's place is under new ownership,-a half-elf man and a human woman. From what I've heard they purchased it some time ago, but it hasn't re-opened yet. Hmm, maybe Janiven is going into real estate aswell?



Noted, it should be fun, I'll leave it up to you how and when Franco will discover the whole truth.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

Franco can hardly keep his mind on task as he goes about his daily routine of cleaning up around Meddyg's stall and studying alchemical texts. He keeps an eye on the sun, and goes to find Antal when he thinks his friend will be ready." I suppose it's time, Antal." the tiefling suggests .


Once his halfling companion has readied himself, he'll head to Vizio's tavern, preferably with enough time to walk leisurely to to Rego Scripta. Franco planned to enjoy the unusually cool day, it was a welcome relief from soaring Erastus temperatures "Janiven said Vizio's tavern was it?

Knowledge (local) about Janiven/Vizio's Tavern 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Once at the tavern, Franco enters immediately and has a look around for the tall woman.



If this idea would mess things up, or if you don't like it, feel free to say so, but i thought I'd share the thought. I never made up a name for Franco's father because I didn't plan on him playing a large role, however, what if his father was the same as Calseinica, Kalder Nymmis?
Kalder and family, shamed by the birth, Handed him off to Meddyg, and fabricated the lie of his mother dying in birth, and his father disowning him because of it. This would kind of guilt Franco into not asking about his Noble ties, at least as of yet. Just a thought, tell me what you think GM.

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st
GM/Lictor Lane wrote:
No problem, glad you're on board.

Indeed sir, also:

While looking over NPCs on the d20pfsrd site, i found Calseinica Nymmis, given the blood relation, and being disowned by it, it seems like she would make a good connection for Franco. Any thoughts?

Male Human Rogue(Thug) 1st

" I'm Sorry Antal, I'm good, save a sore bottom." Franco admits as he pulls himself to his feet and watches the tall woman depart as quickly as she came. "A strange occurrence indeed." he adds slack jawed, absent mindlessly searching for the lady among the crowd she dissipated into. When his senses had came back to him, Antal had already gathered his hat and cane and went inside. Rushing after his halfling companion, Franco followed him to his stall and leaned heavily against the wall, his eyes searching over the daily customers of Meddyg Apothecaries." I think it's a marvelous idea really," he began." I could use some like minded company. And maybe we can really do something for the good of this Wiscrani cesspool." he said almost in a fervor, before gathering his composure and sweeping his long hair back out of his face."Besides, she was practically undressing me with her eyes, didn't you see?" He said slyly, nudging Antal with his elbow pleadingly.

Sorry about the hold up!

Antal Syiel wrote:
I'm fine with that, sounds like some fun drama to play a bit into, however I feel it might be more like Antal would be an uncle (considering the difference in our ages, and that Antal sees Meddyg more as a mentor and not as a father.) Antal would have been around 30 when he got training from Meddyg. But I think tying the stories together sounds fun.

That sounds fine to me, Antal might even be something of a mentor to Franco, seeing as we both also have the Conspiracy Hunter campaign trait, perhaps Antal introduced Franco to such conspiracies.

House Nymmis was thrown into upheaval on the day of Franco's birth. The birth was too much for his young mother Olivia, only 20 years old at the time. Olivia died as the result of severe hemorrhaging shortly after delivering a crying babe with a mouth full of teeth. Franco's father Philippe, outraged by the death of his young wife and the embarrassment of a fiend blooded heir of Nymmis, planned to take out his vengeance on the infantile Franco. Phillipe's older brother Max pitied the babe and hatched a plan to save the young life. Max volunteered to take care of the families little problem. Phillipe, besieged by grief, gladly accepted his brother's offer. Max, having lived a life as a criminal for a time, called in some favors and found an adoptive home for the child...

I got this far into Franco's background and remembered Antal's NPC Meddyg Niorlo. I'm certainly not trying to steal from ideas but i think it would be interesting if Niorlo was Franco's adoptive father. I had originally planned on making an NPC alchemist/merchant from the Duskmarket but I think it's in interesting way to tie backgrounds together. I think it will be interesting to play up the fact that Franco feels slightly neglected by his adoptive father, and he thinks that his father views Antal as more of a son than Franco. Franco isn't vengeful and I plan on playing him as neutral good, so he wouldn't be planning to murder anyone or anything like that( although many who see him as a tiefling first might suspect otherwise) but it might add some drama.

Just some ideas, I'd appreciate feedback from Antal, GM, or anyone else! Thanks

Franco Nymmis is in the works. I plan on taking the Fiendish heritage feat, with Rakshasha spawn, or maybe Div spawn heritage. here's the 3 rolls for tiefling traits.

3d100 ⇒ (15, 84, 22) = 121

15-You possess a fiendishly cunning tongue, granting you a +2
racial bonus on all Diplomacy checks.

84-You are immune to magic sleep and paralysis effects

22-You can detect evil, as per the spell, three times per day.

Based on that, it'll be Rakshasha lineage with the immunity to sleep and paralysis

Also GM, I'm considering the pathfinders exile campaign trait. what can you tell me about Delvehaven?