Threxen, Shirren Information Broker

ForeverQueen's page

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Respectfully, can someone please break out the finger puppets and graphs for me? I feel like I must be missing something here.

Archon is making the minis now (they always were?) Got that.
Backers in the EU are being fulfilled by Archon, got that.
Backers everywhere else are being fulfilled by ND. ....?

...How is it anyone (not in the EU) will be receiving anything?

Isn't the whole fundamental problem here is that ND has no money?

Assuming Archon pays to ship the products to Idaho, (it is my impression) ND still has no money to ship product out with.

Can someone clear this up for me?

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*clicking, chittering* It is not inappropriate for the mating appendages of a shirren to be... exposed. However, it is considered rude to use them for manipulating objects, or otherwise interacting with other sentient beings outside of reproduction.

Is it known if this will be available for purchase at Gencon?

Anyone know if this will be at Gencon?

I asked on 4/22, and also would like some simple yes/no answers which I don't think violate NDA's.

1. Is there a timeline in place for how long the current situation will remain before Paizo pursues an alternative course of action on this? ie, if ND still lacks funding by date x/y/z, will Paizo *try* to do something else for this situation? If we had some sort of end date in sight, even if we don't know what the result will be, I think that would be immensely helpful.

2. Is there the possibility that Paizo even *can*, in some capacity, pursue an alternative course of action? I realize ND is its own company, and NDA are in place, but is there even anything Paizo *can* do, if it wants to? I think many backers feel like Paizo has more strength to express in this situation than they presently are, but I'm not so sure that's the case.

I am interested in.... more. >:>

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Paizo team,

This has been a rough situation for all of us, backers, Paizo, and even Ninja Division. Personally, I know that ND didn't put themselves in this situation on purpose, but the fact is, here we are.

I appreciate all the customer service agents and Erik taking the time to tell us they are working on the issue, and the sincere apology.

I'm curious about a couple things, which I realize Paizo as a company may not be able to answer, but perhaps to consider?

1. Is there a timeline in place for how long the current situation will remain before Paizo pursues an alternative course of action on this? ie, if ND still lacks funding by date x/y/z, will Paizo try to do something else for this situation? If we had some sort of end date in sight, even if we don't know what the result will be, I think that would be immensely helpful.

2. Is there the possibility that Paizo even *can*, in some capacity, pursue an alternative course of action? I realize ND is its own company, and NDA are in place, but is there even anything Paizo *can* do, if it wants to? (Not to throw rotten fruit, mind you, I just like hard facts.) I think many backers feel like Paizo has more strength to express in this situation than they presently are, but I'm not so sure that's the case.

I appreciate in advance your consideration and time,

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One of my PC's in my game is 'swarmborn'- a Shirren that was recovered as a larva. His connection to the swarm was severed, but he retains an overall aggressive tendency, and looks more dangerous than the average shirren, ie, has a spiky shell, etc.

In my headcannon/universe, the Swarm are actually good guys in a round-about sorta way. They are capable of absorbing and storing DNA from any plant/animal, and they are doing it to try to save the Universe. There is a fungus/mold organism out there trying to make the universe 'stop'. The Swarm devour everything organic before the mold can get there to deny it traction, and to save the genetic material of the organisms to recolonize the planets once the conflict is over. They think of themselves as living Arks.

In my headcannon, the Pact Worlds/Veskarium didn't actually stop the Swarm. Rather, the Swarm had to abruptly turn a different way to cut off the path of the encroaching Mold, which took them out of conflict.

Collectively, the Swarm has been through the song and dance of 'we can take care of ourselves' with so many different cultures, they don't bother talking anymore, they just devour everything and move on.

During the War:
The overall casualties were massive, I'm inclined to agree.

Post War:
I think 'Swarm liberation day' sounds like an excellent holiday to celebrate in the Pact Worlds/Veskarium.

As a side note, we are getting a Swarm AP starting in Aug this year. (As a general rule I don't like Adventure Paths, but I will absolutely be buying these, since I am mad-curious about the swarm in general)

Sorry the link didn't work, that is what I was referencing, yea.

Not sure if anyone has posted anything in reference to this, but it appears they still have enough money to go to a gaming convention for a week in Reno, NV. e-legends/posts/2458440?fbclid=IwAR2WRfxmCglxgf5nj5HnFO314PNc_s-vqiPvijlnfH rSmJmYFGb98T0_ejE

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I am a HUGE fan of biological ships. I can't get enough of them, honestly.

The 3rd party 'Starships, Stations and Salvage' has some rules for biological ships.

Living Frames:
"These strange living vessels can be either plantlike or an organic creature. Living frames start small, but will grow over time. All BP spent on mounts, PCU, thrusters, armor and shields are recycled at each growth stage and rebuilt as per the new size. Weapons can be recycled as well, or kept and moved to new facings. "

There are also notations on radiation sensitivity, self-repair mechanisms, and some special abilities it gets just by virtue of being a creature. (I don't know how much I can freely post about the material)

I've got a Shirren party member in my homebrew that was recovered directly from The Swarm. (In my headcannon/homebrew, there are Shirren that are still part of the swarm, as in the rules so far, it doesn't indicate *all* the shirren left, but rather a segment of them.)

After the main plot was completed, a Swarm scout ship came into the area and attacked the group. It was killed by the local militia, and the party inspected the corpse for scientific/educational purposes. It was discovered that the dead/dying ship was pregnant, and they were able to recover the almost-full-term baby ship, and now have it as their crew vessel. :) (It looks like a manta, and has named itself Rahma! :D)

It was my impression that 'The gap' exists to give a reason for technology to have risen.

If you can just *do* everything with magic, why bother developing technology that does the same thing?

If you're looking to quickly name NPCs, maybe try a generator?

One I use pretty often:

Any chance you can provide a single page, to show what one might expect, as a sample?


This is exactly what I was craving! I'm so excited!

Thank you, BPorter. :D

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So, let me preface this by saying I am a DM running three different parties in the same 'universe/continuity'. So, the ships occasionally send messages to each other, and at some point the groups may team up to overcome severe threats, or share knowledge stuffs.

My big three-pot homebrew game is moving towards Swarm stuff. In my head I'm picturing the PCs as being one group of many on a planet battlefront. There are loads of NPC locals, small militias, random folks, all trying to fight against the might of the Swarm. Will they turn the tide of battle? Are they trying to merely minimize loss? Or direct the swarms slaughter until reinforcements arrive?

I'd love to have a hex 'battlefield' map with resources, (a la Ultimate Campaign style), armies, etc, to help coordinate attacks.

Has anyone else had this sort of feeling of needing a bigger venue for planet-side combat? (Is anyone working on something like this for themselves/their party that I can peek at?) Am I thinking too big?

(Also, I realize a lot of Starfinder is 'the ship is home, so we don't need to put down roots', but I think it would be cool to have a method for building your own scifi outpost on a random asteroid in the diaspora or something.)

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What I find particularly interesting is that (using round numbers, for sake of simplicity (28,000 minis claim to be delivered, 2,300 backers)), ND attests that they have delivered a dozen miniatures to every backer. This is simply not the case.

While its nice to finally see *something* all this solidifies is what I feel like the community already knows. They are broke, but not declaring bankruptcy.

Assuming they had all the Starfinder miniatures printed and in hand, we would not be any closer to getting them, as they don't have funds to ship them. :/

Ninja Division breaks radio silence: tures/posts/2420184

Don't all those things make it so lovely, though?

I'm intending to run a Madmax/Death Race scenario on Akiton.... probably using the rules from the game Gaslands, as sort of a mini-game within the SF game.

For fun IRL, I'm going to try to get my PC's to go to the local small figure 8 racetrack for an evening to get hyped up for the vehicular war that will go on shortly after. :D

Don't know if you're still looking for ideas on this....

There is a shirren mini available on Shapeways, but it is a bit pricy at $12. I did purchase this mini and found the quality to be excellent, and it accepts paint quite well, too. 39865&li=marketplace

I also found some wee plastic ant/bees from a local store, and played chop shop with some Starwars minis, to get a pistol wielding bug person.
These might work, and they are cheap too!

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I had a similar musing when sticking an NPC barathu in power armor. (Because nothing freaks players out like a humanoid exoskeleton cracking open to reveal a jellyfish-shaped alien during downtime)...

This makes me wonder if a barathu in power armor keeps its inherent flight ability or not, while piloting powered armor?

(For flavor, I imagine that the barathu tries to pass itself off as a 'normal humanoid', it enjoys wearing roughly person shaped armor, rather than something more fitting to a barathu.)