Akiton World Building.

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I have found that the races on this planet all have extremely contradicting goals and interactions when their cultures interact with one another. Anyone have some fun ideas on how everything on this planet goes down? As of now, the Shobhads and Contemplatives in my game hate each other and use slurs such as shabs and brains to talk about each other. The ikeshti are constantly messing things up to pursue their wild cultural/biological goals, and the Hylki are trying to hold this societies together through gang manipulation. Also have you guys implemented the Thurok in your campaigns?
Also my players have coined the term Shobad-neh is the way xD. Im trying to use the bounty in my story line and don't know which way to go as of now.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Akiton is really the worst part of the Pact Worlds. Time has passed it by, and it's been plagued with bad choices, poor outcomes, and failure.

My Ysoki Technomancer was raised in the Diaspora, but he was essentially a climate/economic refugee from Akiton, as part of a mass resettlement program of Ysoki off-world.

It's a world of garbage, run down cities, chaos anywhere beyond the gardens of the entrenched elites. It's the back end of the system.

I run Akiton as kind of Borderlands-ish, if more serious. The civilized parts of Akiton are only somewhat, and the wilds tend to be outright Mad Max. Its often a functional kind of dysfunction, but not fun if your not big on neo-feudalism and warlord gangs.

In theory, the larger Pact could and probably would give Akiton the hand up it would need to reassemble itself into a functioning planetary polity. The problem is, the Pact collectively has bigger problems. Akiton having gone all "fall of Rome" is bad, but there are a lot of problems that are way worse. So, everyone else largely allows Akiton to shamble along as a relatively unthreatening world of neo-feudal megacorporate enclaves and raider armies.


I am building a long adventure that start in Akiton, I use it as a world where everybody tends for themselves and where mercenary, criminal, corporation all use it with no regards to each other.
No real structure, except in certain cities

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With all of the company towns, defunct mining operations, and general lawlessness, I like to think of Akiton as an ideal planet for a space-western feel.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm a Leigh Brackett fan, so I tend to run Akiton as a Brackett-esque Mars. With a little bit of Burroughs "Barsoom" and a lot of Blade Runner thrown in.

Don't all those things make it so lovely, though?

I'm intending to run a Madmax/Death Race scenario on Akiton.... probably using the rules from the game Gaslands, as sort of a mini-game within the SF game.

For fun IRL, I'm going to try to get my PC's to go to the local small figure 8 racetrack for an evening to get hyped up for the vehicular war that will go on shortly after. :D

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I'm a pretty big fan of John Carter of Mars so I would enjoy a dip into Akitonian culture. I would also add a little Wild West and Borderlands gunslinging to keep things interesting.

I picture the Shobhads and Ikeshti similar to the Fallen in Destiny, just scavenging warriors who fight for precious resources and technology in the scrap heaps of Akiton's once vibrant cities and abandoned settlements. I can picture the Witchwyrds and Contemplatives spending most of their days having subtle, manipulative battles over hidden knowledge, using the tribes of their fellow Akitonians as proxy armies.

The red skinned Hykli, native born Kasatha, and the Ysoki are trying desperately to either leave the planet or fix the broken local government. These city dwellers struggle to keep the planet in some functioning society and largely succeed inside the cities but outside their dusty metropoles, the smaller settlements are under constant attack by raiders.

Then there's the corporations, who are happy to keep the entire planet in a state of utter desperation while they pillage the planet for it's mineral riches. The few legitimate workers who are conned into moving to the planet are payed just enough to stay in their dead end jobs while the convicts and refugees are exploited, intimidated into quiet, or placated with televised blood sport and cheap thrills like sex and booze.

Then there's the Stewards, the only real law on the planet. Here are men and women who came to Akiton in search of a tough assignment but found local "law" in the pocket of the Witchwyrds, The Contemplatives, the Corporations, or all three at once. They see an exasperated but well meaning government in the city and a bunch of cowering civilians huddling in the outer settlements.

It's time...*grabs hand cannon, a white ten gallon hat, and scattergun* for someone to fix this mess. *racks the slide on scattergun* By any means necessary.

I love the Mad Max aspect of Akiton. As thecursor mentioned, there's definitely also some Borderlands flavor in there, with the lack of a functioning government, oppressive megacorps, and roving bands of raiders. It's the concentrated scum of crime and desperation that the more civilized regions of the Pact Worlds have shed.

I'd think the Hylki are torn between trying to keep their traditional ways and moving on, their nomadic nature urging them to leave the desperate and dying world of Akiton.

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