Starfinder Alien Archive 3

5.00/5 (based on 3 ratings)
Starfinder Alien Archive 3
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Feature Creatures

The galaxy hosts a staggering array of aliens both bloodcurdling and benevolent. The pages of Starfinder Alien Archive 3 are packed with creatures designed for use with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! From starmetal dragons and the spiral-winged irokirois to living holograms and body-snatching flayer leeches, the creatures in this codex will challenge adventurers no matter what strange worlds they're exploring. What’s more, player rules for a variety of species let players not just fight aliens, but be them! Inside this book, you'll find the following:

  • Over 100 bizarre life-forms both classic and new, from bioluminescent cephalumes and quantum-entangled oozes to natives of hyperspace and living asteroids.
  • More than a dozen species with full player rules, letting you play everything from a life-hungry undead creature to a sapient swarm of tiny insects.
  • New alien technology to help give your character an edge, including armor, weapons, magic items, and more.
  • New rules for gaining a creature companion that can accompany you as a pet, a mount, or even a fearsome combatant!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-149-8

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
SoundSet on Syrinscape
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscription.

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5.00/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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My wife loves the creature companion rules. 5 stars for that alone.


Wohoo for Starfinder's first CR 25 creature :D


So the capstone for monster statblocks has been reached and we finally know what sort of creature players could fight on ground, but would
most likely still wipe them out at level 20 :D(APL +3 is epic level encounter, meaning system wise CR 23 is highest level threat that is still plausible for PCs to defeat. Which means CR 24 is impossibly hard and CR 25 is straight up unfair unless there is something to buff PCs or weaken the enemy)

Not sure what capstones are really left. Dead Sun's part 6 had max Tier 20 starship statblock so both combat system's max strength level is now accounted for. I guess only thing missing is Tier 20 Starship Monster maybe?

Anyhoo, this book has tons of cool stuff :3 Most of the new races are bit wackier than in previous two books, but they are all charming as hell. This book also teaches tidbits like Vesk-2 having population of intelligent squids(one of the playable races), having exploding snails AND large bipedal badger like animals that vesk consider a status symbol to have as a mount or pet. I guess even vesk appreacite the honey badgers :D I also liked some of the mechanical gimmicks, like shakalta being always multiclassed and having to take classes in order.

Hard to pick a favourite from the new races since all of them are great. I guess from more serious ones, Shatori have great tragedy to them as immortal but sterile species who have been vassalized by azlanti star empire(and know they can't risk fighting back). Oh yeah, some of the new races are either conquered by azlanti star empire or vesk :D And two of them are from pact worlds. So it was great for expanding the known parts of setting again.

...Anyway back to topic, from more silly races I think my favourite might actually be telia(I find dromada to be funniest though just because they look bit like jar jar so lots of people cringe at the picture little :D). They aren't actually particularly funny, but they are straight up turtles. Anyway, they have great old people dignitity to them as 1000 year old living races of story tellers :D I love their optimistic philosophy on life

Now onto the non player races: I was positively surprised by this having lots of Drift native monsters :D I also love creatures with abstract shapes like Time Eater and Drift Architect. We don't have too many of those yet, only other one I can think of is the one with geometric shapes from Dawn of Flame part 6(that one was great :D The NG Gargantuan one! I should write their name down!) Spektra are pretty cool too and so were Driftdead (especially the amalgam) creepy.

Philosopher Worm(Lawful Good) is one of my favourite creatures in book because I love the trend of Hylax's servitor creatures looking stereotypically evil or scary bugs to human eyes :D Plus who doesn't like philosophers?

I love that Thorgothrels returned from Iron Gods bestiary :D Those things were pretty memorable encounter back in that AP when I run the optional side dungeon.

If I have to be negative about something, there being seven star metal dragons means we only got brief sentence about their personality so they don't have lots of identity yet. Especially since only one was pictured out of seven.

Its nice that trolls returned, but seems like they haven't started to use technology much :D I guess they got brought out of golarion by unethical companies for sapient creature experimenting with their regeneration so thats why they haven't culturally changed much.

I wonder if Tripods still come from Mars :D And I find it cool that they also work as vehicles. Tripods are in general cool.

On rest of the creatures I consider to be high lights of the book, but have to avoid the word limit, I'll just list there: Diaspora Wyrm, Gwahled, Oracle of Oras, Tzitzimitl, Valkyrie(specifically the vesk valkyrie art, more non human traditional outsiders are cool) and Vorthuul.

(I also found Kami, Wollipeds and Yithians returning cool and Equinoxian, Ferrofluid Ooze, Flayer Leech, Giant Space Tardigrade, Paraforans(<3), Neutronium Golemz, Quantum oozes, Stridermancers, new Swarm and Weaponized toys cool as well :'D But there isn't space to talk about ALL creatures in the review and there literally isn't creature in the book that I didn't like. Its kinda 3 tier system, 1 what I consider high lights of the book out of stuff I loved or found cool 2 is stuff I loved or found cool and 3 is rest of the stuff I liked, but were beaten by other two tiers.)

Okay, let's hope I have space for talking about pets before I run out of word count: EMPATHNIDs AND PROOGs ARE CUTESTS THINGS EVER. I love the friend spiders and pet oozes :D

On topic of "What next?", what I personally would like next is aboleths to make a return along with new creatures created/engineered/uplifted/enslaved/breeded/mutated/altered by them :D I would also like more fiends to come back, I'm still missing my qlippoths, rakshasas, asuras and daemons.

Any hypothetical new creatures I would like to see? Hmm... Well, I guess I'd like to see more new takes on old scifi cliches or weird combinations of creatures. Like, Starfinder has decent amount of alien parasites that take control of your body, so having friendly symbiont creature or even friendly parasite would be cool. Also more silicon or non carbon based lifeforms is always cool :D

...Wait this was only about 923 words? Geez, I could have spent more time on gushing about empathnids...(ALSO HAH, this time I saved the review in advance! So you won't win this time the review disappearing bug because I wrote it for too long time!) Edit: Crap, had to edit 5 stars back in because review disappearing bug meant also rating got reset'd :P

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Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

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The best way to get better at GMing is to do it. Talk to your local Venture Officer and offer your services. You'll be surprised at how fast you get better at GMing.

Dark Archive

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The cover of the Alien Archive Box 3 looks much better than the cover of the actual book imo.

This is the first time that the book & box art differ from each other.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:

At the moment Starfinder is pretty much dead with the people i know.

As it turns out, Pathfinder Second Edition IS indeed canibalizing the interest for Starfinder.

Also the genre isn't as beloved as fantasy.

We are going to play "The Fall of Plaguestone" & probably "Hellknight Hill" asap & don't plan another Starfinder campaign after "Dead Suns" atm.

Alien Archive 3 doesn't change that, we didn't even use AA 2.

Maybe the "Character Operations Manual" will change that in november, but i doubt it.

I'm playing Against the Aeon Throne at the moment with a group of mostly 20-year-olds, and we're having a blast. As It's basically more like a big adventure than a traditional adventure path, it plays fast, and it's a lot of fun like that.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

The cover of the Alien Archive Box 3 looks much better than the cover of the actual book imo.

This is the first time that the book & box art differ from each other.

That's not how I see it...

The art for the pawn box is more akin to a place holder. We can actually see they are only different illustration, one over another.

natives of hyperspace

Hyperspace? What's that? Is it like the Drift?

FriarZero wrote:
natives of hyperspace
Hyperspace? What's that? Is it like the Drift?

My guess would be that it's referring to the Drift, yeah. But for someone who isn't familiar with the setting, they'd have no idea what "the Drift" is so rather than thinking these are inhabitants of the Tokyo street racing scene, they use the term hyperspace which is an established sci fi term that most people have at least a vague idea of.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Legally, Hyperspace is also how us Third-Party publishers have to refer to the Drift. "Drift" is specifically called out as product identity that we're not allowed to use.

It's possible that FriarZero is referencing that.

Anyone know if this will be at Gencon?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
ForeverQueen wrote:
Anyone know if this will be at Gencon?

It will not. This book will release next month. Street date is August 28.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Starmetal Dragons!?! (So does that mean 7 different types of Dragons)?

Random question (a player of mine would like to know) will there be kitsune playable race options in AA3 (or perhaps an upcoming adventure path)?

Grand Lodge

Zaister wrote:
ForeverQueen wrote:
Anyone know if this will be at Gencon?
It will not. This book will release next month. Street date is August 28.

I cannot wait to see it!


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

Starmetal Dragons!?! (So does that mean 7 different types of Dragons)?

Random question (a player of mine would like to know) will there be kitsune playable race options in AA3 (or perhaps an upcoming adventure path)?

Just nudging this again.

Very curious about the Starmetal Dragons (will there be 7 different types)?

And a PF player of mine wants to know, will there be rules for kitsune in Starfinder, in the Alien Archive 3?


Paizo Employee Developer

10 people marked this as a favorite.
The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:
Starmetal Dragons!?!

Yep! They use the basic statistics of dragons (as presented in Alien Archive and Alien Archive 2), along with different template grafts (which add special abilities and other adjustments) for each of five starmetals: abysium, adamantine, horacalcum, noqual, and siccatite.

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:
And a PF player of mine wants to know, will there be rules for kitsune in Starfinder, in the Alien Archive 3?

Nope. If you're interested in what else is in the book, I'll be talking all about Alien Archive 3 next week on the return of Starfinder Wednesday, with host Payton Smith! Join us at 1pm Pacific on August 14th.

Joe Pasini wrote:
The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:
Starmetal Dragons!?!
Yep! They use the basic statistics of dragons (as presented in Alien Archive and Alien Archive 2), along with different template grafts (which add special abilities and other adjustments) for each of five starmetals: abysium, adamantine, horacalcum, noqual, and siccatite.

Awesome! New "SPACE" dragons! I'm always happy with new dragons, specially true dragons. By the way, those are true dragons right?

It's sad to known there aren't going to be illustrations for each of them, but I hope to at least see all of them in the Pawn Collection. Unlike previously released dragons, those are completely new dragons.

I'm so excited!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope that Alien Archive 3 has 1) Kaijus and 2) Giant Robots, because my Starfinder games need Kaiju vs Giant Robot fights

Paizo Employee Starfinder Lead Designer

4 people marked this as a favorite.
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
By the way, those are true dragons right?

The truest! We knew early on that we wanted to have a Starfinder-specific "family" of dragons, so I'm excited too.

Paizo Employee Starfinder Lead Designer

7 people marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
I hope that Alien Archive 3 has 1) Kaijus and 2) Giant Robots, because my Starfinder games need Kaiju vs Giant Robot fights

You sound like Amanda (Hamon, our managing developer); she wrote a why-not-both kaiju mech for this book (which you can always pit against the kyokor from Alien Archive 1).

Silver Crusade

Joe Pasini wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
By the way, those are true dragons right?
The truest! We knew early on that we wanted to have a Starfinder-specific "family" of dragons, so I'm excited too.

Space Linnorms?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Joe Pasini wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
By the way, those are true dragons right?
The truest! We knew early on that we wanted to have a Starfinder-specific "family" of dragons, so I'm excited too.

Oh heck yes. Do all of the dragons have illustrations in the book, or if not, can we find them in the pawn box? Star metal dragons are such a wicked awesome concept.

Also, are there any stats for disembodied AIs in this book, like in the Pathfinder Technology Guide? That's currently my most wanted thing in Starfinder right now, aside from expanded starship rules (exploration, space hazards in combat, ramming, and generally more starship build parts and role actions).


4 people marked this as a favorite.
Joe Pasini wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
I hope that Alien Archive 3 has 1) Kaijus and 2) Giant Robots, because my Starfinder games need Kaiju vs Giant Robot fights
You sound like Amanda (Hamon, our managing developer); she wrote a why-not-both kaiju mech for this book (which you can always pit against the kyokor from Alien Archive 1).

Amanda is a smart woman with an impeccable sense for “What this game needs.” :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Joe Pasini wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
I hope that Alien Archive 3 has 1) Kaijus and 2) Giant Robots, because my Starfinder games need Kaiju vs Giant Robot fights
You sound like Amanda (Hamon, our managing developer); she wrote a why-not-both kaiju mech for this book (which you can always pit against the kyokor from Alien Archive 1).

Yessssss, also will this book have the Massive trait explained?

Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Joe Pasini wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
I hope that Alien Archive 3 has 1) Kaijus and 2) Giant Robots, because my Starfinder games need Kaiju vs Giant Robot fights
You sound like Amanda (Hamon, our managing developer); she wrote a why-not-both kaiju mech for this book (which you can always pit against the kyokor from Alien Archive 1).
Yessssss, also will this book have the Massive trait explained?

And the flyby feat.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Opsylum wrote:
That's currently my most wanted thing in Starfinder right now, aside from expanded starship rules (exploration, space hazards in combat, ramming, and generally more starship build parts and role actions).

COM is adding two new starship roles, and presumably a lot more starship related goodies.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Joe Pasini wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
I hope that Alien Archive 3 has 1) Kaijus and 2) Giant Robots, because my Starfinder games need Kaiju vs Giant Robot fights
You sound like Amanda (Hamon, our managing developer); she wrote a why-not-both kaiju mech for this book (which you can always pit against the kyokor from Alien Archive 1).


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So wohoo, CR/Level 25 creature confirmed to be in the book :D

Has anyone received their subscriber PDFs yet?


Looks great, and I can't wait to get my hands on this! Thanks for really fleshing out the world of Starfinder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HTD wrote:
Has anyone received their subscriber PDFs yet?

The PDF has just arrived! Does anyone have any questions?

Yay! What’s your favourite playable race?

What are the new playable races (name, type, subtypes, size)?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Yay! What’s your favourite playable race?

The Orb is partial to the Spathinae, which are swarms of tiny instincts that form roughly human-shaped hive-bodies.

The Shakalta are also cool, in theory. They're energy beings formed from 2 joined souls, but due to their dual nature they have to multiclass. Not just a dip into one class though, Shakalta forced to take levels in each of two classes evenly, which seems like it'd be pretty subpar mechanically.

Cool! And... interesting.

What are some more of your favourite monsters?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
HTD wrote:
What are the new playable races (name, type, subtypes, size)?


Brenneri - Medium humanoids
Cephalume - Medium aberrations (plantlike)
Dessamar imago - Medium humanoid
Dessamar instar - Small humanoid
Dirindi - Medium humanoid
Dromada - Medium magical beast
Espraksa - Medium humanoid
Hanakan - Small magical beast
Hortus - Medium plant
Ijtikri - Medium aberration
Izalguun - Large monstrous humanoid
Morlamaw - Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic)
Raxilite - Tiny play
Sazaron - Large monstrous humanoid
Shakalta - Medium humanoid
Shatori - Medium humanoid
Shimreen - Medium humanoid
Spathinae - Medium monstrous humanoid
Telia - Medium monstrous humanoid
Varculak - Small or Medium undead

Did the big outsider races receive any new members? If yes, what are their names and CR?

The All-Seeing Orb wrote:
Tiny play

Uhh... what is this supposed to mean?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

They’re tiny plants, but they have a species-specific augmentation that heavily reminds me of Irken PAKs from Invader Zim. This aug are a set of dexterous biotechnical tentacles that can hold and use medium sized items

Starfinder Superscriber
HTD wrote:
Uhh... what is this supposed to mean?

"Tiny play" is most likely a typo of "Tiny plant"

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:

Cool! And... interesting.

What are some more of your favourite monsters?

I got to write the gwahled, an enormous fey creature that looks like a world-ending meteor and feeds on the fear of mortal creatures as it plummets towards their planet. I pitched the idea in a brainstorming meeting and was pleasantly surprised when I got asked to write it up for the book.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Michael Sayre wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:

Cool! And... interesting.

What are some more of your favourite monsters?

I got to write the gwahled, an enormous fey creature that looks like a world-ending meteor and feeds on the fear of mortal creatures as it plummets towards their planet. I pitched the idea in a brainstorming meeting and was pleasantly surprised when I got asked to write it up for the book.


... does it peel off at the last moment with a "PSYCH! LOL!" or is this some world ending threat?

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:

Cool! And... interesting.

What are some more of your favourite monsters?

I got to write the gwahled, an enormous fey creature that looks like a world-ending meteor and feeds on the fear of mortal creatures as it plummets towards their planet. I pitched the idea in a brainstorming meeting and was pleasantly surprised when I got asked to write it up for the book.


... does it peel off at the last moment with a "PSYCH! LOL!" or is this some world ending threat?

The former (it is a fey after all). It likes to find planets that are technologically advanced enough to detect it coming so they can get really worked up about it, but without advanced enough space travel tech to do anything about it. Like, Earth would be a primo target for a gwahled.

For a light snack it can also swallow a starship whole and feast on the terror of the trapped crew.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Michael Sayre wrote:

The former (it is a fey after all). It likes to find planets that are technologically advanced enough to detect it coming so they can get really worked up about it, but without advanced enough space travel tech to do anything about it. Like, Earth would be a primo target for a gwahled.

For a light snack it can also swallow a starship whole and feast on the terror of the trapped crew.

Yeah, this was one of the more odd-ball but awesome entries in the book, for sure. I hope you won't be too upset to hear that I immediately decided that if I run one, it will hurtle towards the target planet shouting "Show me what you got!"

Berggen wrote:
HTD wrote:
Uhh... what is this supposed to mean?
"Tiny play" is most likely a typo of "Tiny plant"

Yes, that should be "plant". Damn autocorrect!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What kind of robot/technological creatures are in this book? And did Neh-Thalggus finally make the jump?

Are there any Swarm, Elder Mythos, Dominion of the Black creatures, or colossi?

Are there any outsider subtype grafts?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HTD wrote:
Are there any Swarm, Elder Mythos, Dominion of the Black creatures, or colossi?

There are 2 new Swarm creatures, and the Hounds of Tindalos and Yithians. The Orb does not recall if there's anything tied to the Dominion, and also is unsure what you mean by colossi. There's the Kaiju-sized robot that was mentioned earlier in the thread, as well as a number of Starship-scale creatures.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dire Mosasaur wrote:
Are there any outsider subtype grafts?

Two (unless the Orb is missing one). One of them is a new type of outsider, the other is from Pathfinder.

The All-Seeing Orb wrote:
Dire Mosasaur wrote:
Are there any outsider subtype grafts?
Two (unless the Orb is missing one). One of them is a new type of outsider, the other is from Pathfinder.

Thanks! I'm really looking forward to this book!

The All-Seeing Orb wrote:
HTD wrote:
Are there any Swarm, Elder Mythos, Dominion of the Black creatures, or colossi?
There are 2 new Swarm creatures, and the Hounds of Tindalos and Yithians. The Orb does not recall if there's anything tied to the Dominion, and also is unsure what you mean by colossi. There's the Kaiju-sized robot that was mentioned earlier in the thread, as well as a number of Starship-scale creatures.

I meant Daimalkan colossi; is the kaiju-sized robot one?

Also what are the name, size and CR of these Swarm creatures?

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