Red Dragon

Flanderdash's page

46 posts (316 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 aliases.


Cool beans. :D
What region, if that's not spoiler-ish?

So, what setting are we in? Forgotten Realms? Greyhawk? Homebrew?
Just looking at diety options for my clumsy paladin.

First, I forgot the timezone-thing. EST (-5), Michigan.

Anywho, on to the dice rolls:

Str: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 6, 5) = 20
Dex: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 1) = 8
Con: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 4, 3) = 16
Int: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 4) = 13
Wis: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 6, 4) = 16
Chr: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 5) = 17

Whoa. Better than expected. So, that's:

Str 17
Dex 7
Con 13
Int 11
Wis 15
Chr 15

So, Paladin maybe?

Ability Requirements: Str 12, Con 9, Wis 13, and Cha 17
Prime Requisite: Str and Cha 16+

Ah, well. Guess not.

Hi, my name is Steve, and I'm 54, and like long walks along beaches at dusk....wait. Is that not what we're doing?


All that IS true, in any event, and I got into roleplaying around the age of 12 or 13. I've played and GM'd quite a few games in the intervening years, and have loved most of it, and had fun even when I didn't.

I am currently off work due to ankle surgery, so can post daily with little issue...other than the distraction of having four kids. Only two still live home, but even the ones who've moved out can need a hand here and there.

Looking forward to this game quite a bit, I'll be honest. Thanks for inviting me.

Likewise, thank you for the invitation.

My thoughts:

Character Creation
- I'm fine with whichever stat rolling method you like. The very fact that there's some randomization makes it more interesting.
- First level HP: I prefer Max HP, but good either way.


- Weapon speeds can be quirky, as our group used them when we played Arms Law back in the day. Could be fun.

- I like the crit system you propose.

- Honestly, the very fact that this is mostly an experiment and lots of things are in flux while you set it up makes it feel a lot like a real tabletop game. Our group transitioned our "Big" characters from 2nd to 3.0 and it felt exactly like this. :D

Like Smiles, I will also cry a little inside at the lack of opportunity to be rampaging with rolls at this point.

Beyond all that? Sounds great!

Sounds fun, VERY tempted, but I'd lying if it wouldn't end up stretching my time too thin, and that never works out well for anyone. ;)

In any event, HAVE FUN wit this, and know I'll be lurking along, reading what you've come up with for your prequel!

~ Flanderdash

Looks like For Gold & Glory would work for a good number of us, Albion...

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AdamWarnock wrote:

No feedback here. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

I am tempted to suggest 3d6 straight down for stats, mainly because the chaos gremlin side of me would find it funny.

My vote would almost always be 4d6 (drop the lowest) x6, but I like how you think. ;)

I'll check it out as well.

While I loved it back in the day, not the greatest fan of 2e either. (Still like it a LOT more than 4e. LOL). I was overjoyed when our group moved on to 3rd edition. That all said, I'd give it a whirl if that's where you take it. Old school IS the idea, right? And thinking about it, there WERE some fantastic modules written for that edition...some of the best, ever, imho.

* watching anxiously for the recruitment *

Dropping for sure, Adam. Don't want to get stretched too thin with my new game getting started. ;)

Have fun, all!

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Just for the record, I'm working on a dwarven paladin of Moradin, Eberk Kraghelm.

Definitely interested, as I love the Realms. I was thinking either a Paladin or Cavalier....but might go with Bard instead. :D Not sure yet. Will get to work on the character right away.

Did you say Marvel Superheroes? :D
Interested, yes.

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Smiles-a-lot wrote:
Flanderdash wrote:
Smiles-a-lot wrote:

Good, that’s the edition I have. Also, the part of Castle & Crusades I like the best is how they do skills.

Oh? How do they handle them?

Basically this:

1. Every class can make any skill checks using a d20 (roll over a target #).
2. No defined skills the GM decides what attribute bonus (str, dex, etc) you will use on the check.
3. Each class has two attributes they specialize in (one set and one they can chose).
4. Skills based on Specialized attributes always have a target # of 12 otherwise it is a target #18.
5. You add your attribute (and your level generally for skills based on specialized attribute) to your roll.
6. The GM adjusts the target number up to +6 based on difficulty.

So if one of your specialized attributes is dex (with an attribute bonus of+3 and 2nd level) and you want to sneak. You would have to roll over a 12 on a d20+3(attribute)+2(level). However, the GM could say it is a creaky old floor and add +1 to +6 to the target number.

I really like that.

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LOL. Bravo. Touche.

Dotting. Will need to look through the rulebook.

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Smiles-a-lot wrote:

Good, that’s the edition I have. Also, the part of Castle & Crusades I like the best is how they do skills.

Oh? How do they handle them?

Albion, The Eye wrote:

I have done some additional reading on Castles & Crusades - still not convinced you can just straight up use AD&D1e modules/adventures with it though.

I've never played that system, but my buddy that does says it can be done, but there will always be hiccups in play where rules have to be homebrewed.

* shrug *

I THINK whatever edition This SRD is.

Much like OSW, I'm also good with S & W. :D

Albion, The Eye wrote:
Let us not confuse 'being useful to the group' with 'being a force to be reckoned with in combat' ;)

Never. I just forgot how squishy they were. No character is useless. Ever...unless they're purposely played that way.

Albion, The Eye wrote:
Flanderdash wrote:
Ok, I realize this is just an interest check thread and all that, but quick question GM Al: 6 x 3d6 for abilities. IN Order, or arrange them as you want? What's your preference?

I am a bit divided here myself - I like the randomness of being pushed out of your comfort zone, and play according to your dice results. But I am also a player, and I cannot forget the main objective of the game is to have fun. It is not all dictated by stats, but can definitely be conditioned by it.

Nothing is yet decided, but I have seen this really interesting method, in which you roll 2d6 for each stat in order. And then you have a spread of values = 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, which you can add to those rolls as you want. Seems to throw a 'healthy' amount of randomness into the mix, butalso a measure of control.

I really like that. Random but with some customization and choice. Cool.

On another note: Have you officially decided on an adventure yet or are you still looking?

Wow, reading through the rules and this one idea keeps resounding: WOW, I forgot just HOW hard it is to survive as a magic-user back in the old days. d4 hp, few weapons, no armor, and ONE spell? For a full level? lol

Ok, I realize this is just an interest check thread and all that, but quick question GM Al: 6 x 3d6 for abilities. IN Order, or arrange them as you want? What's your preference?

Awesome. Looks like good stuff. Will definitely check out the system.

I think it's becoming clear that you might just have to cobble together the parts you like from a couple of different systems, Albion.

Pick the main system structure you like best, and then add what you want from other systems, and give everyone a list of what's changed. Toss it all together in a Google Doc and there ya go.

Just my two cents.

Sadly, the only other free rpg game system I know of, and liked, isn't really set up for what you're looking for. The D6 System is easy, it's fast, and a lot of fun. We used to play their take on Star Wars, back in the day. But again, I doubt it's what you'd want for this.

Still, figured it might spark something, so why not suggest it?

In any event, I'm willing to pay a few bucks for a new system if need be. Not like, fifty or anything, but $10 or less is reasonable.

Ok, I've never actually played OSE, but I've heard good things (not only here), so I think I should run off and check it out, huh?

Edit: I've downloaded the FREE rules off of, and it does seem pretty cool. Just my two cents.

2nd Edit: OMIGAWD it's got THACO! Attack Roll “to Hit AC 0” (THAC0) I've totally missed having that...I just didn't realize it. lol

Albion, The Eye wrote:

But I perfectly understand what you are saying about PF1e Core only - I have megalomaniac plans for it = running 3.0/3.5 adventures. But we are still in OD&D + AD&D for now :D

Certainly, if nothing else, converting 3.5 adventures to PF1 isn't that big of a hurdle. Just a little time consuming. In any, is that a tease for future games?

Would that mean the possibility of moving on through the A-series of adventures? The Slave Lords bring back both good and frustrating memories from way back in my high school days. The best kind.

I would likely be interested in this endeavor depending on the system and adventure you pick. It's an intriguing idea, at the very least.

I thought this was in full swing already. If the recruiting hasn't officially started yet, count me as interested as well!

Also, Congrats on the new lil' one!

Oh noes! The Gamemasters are conspiring!!

I've been wanting to play this for forever...and with the lure of a possible campaign beyond it? Absolutely interested.

Will be rolling up a spellcaster for my submission, likely a Wizard.

Looks like I'm going with an Elven Cleric of Corellon Larethian. Still working on the crunch and backstory and just wanted to check on this: 8th level with 27k gp to start, yes?

I think I might be interested, but I haven't played 3.5 in many years, and haven't visited the Greyhawk setting in even longer. Still, it's really tempting. I'll have to refresh my memory on the different classes that have healing potential, beyond the standard cleric.

Absolutely interested. Dotting til I can get the character written up, but I really want to take a shot at building a human wizard, a court advisor type, though I'm not sure exactly how I'll go about it...yet.

More on this, soon.

Working on a Cleric of...not-sure-yet. Why are so many ocean/water dieties just plain evil? lol

Edit: Leaning towards Aegirran or Onos

Interested, probably Bard or Sorcerer. Need to look through the player's guide.

Intrigued. Waiting to see more.

What is the remaining party make-up?

Any chance you could post a current roster/manifest so applicants can see what spots are filled and which are available?

Good question. Beat me to it. :)

Didn't D&D have that series of semi-linked modules that stretched from 1 - 20? (Runs off to check GOOGLE) Sunless Citadel or Forge of Fury might be a good starting point.

Consider me very interested. I like the back-to-basics vibe this gives off. While it's fun having a shmorgishborg of choices when playing Pathfinder, it's kind of cool to see that it can be played without all the frills and still be fun.

GM - Obermind wrote:

Wasn’t thinking about any AP - seems like too much to commit to an experience like this, but now you got me thinking some APs do have a really nice ‘low-level’ portion.

Is there an AP that has a good starting chapter/book to base a campaign on, that 1) Hasn't been played to death or at least in a little while on these boards, and 2) Doesn't almost require you play the storyline beyond it if the group/GM chooses not to?

Rolling up a Human Wizard for this. Was going to say a straight-forward, simple Wizard, but there's quite a bit changed with 2e, isn't there? Not all THAT simple... LOL

Just wanted to share. ;)

Intriguing. Would definitely like to play, though I have no experience yet with Pathfinder 2e, either in real life or play-by-post. Would like to try my hand at it, though.

Will check out the player guide, and get a submission ready for you to look over.