MSH Krakoan Age (Inactive)


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I’m still up for it.

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Okay so I see this group might be looking for a GM but I need to ask two things:

1) If we sort of say the Krakoan age exists but its not exactly per the Marvel Universe cannon would that be okay with everyone?

2) Is everyone okay with playing Mutant characters that are part of a sort of Krakoan special forces unit meant to help the world in general especially against mutant villains as well as other super-villains?

I mean that sounds like an ok idea, or we can do something different. I'm up for whatever.

Grand Lodge

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i'm in for whatever...might i suggest starting a new thread in recruitment though?

Yes to any or all of that.

Okay I have posted MSH Interest Re-Check those who are still interested please drop in and as soon as I get a Campaign Tab opened I will post the random roll rules so you can get started rolling up your characters.

Are we back to recruiting here?

Did you say Marvel Superheroes? :D
Interested, yes.

Esteban "Bantha" wrote:
Are we back to recruiting here?

#DAMN - good luck!

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Dejoker started a game and it's very cool, but we need more players.

I could try with Shadow Scalar again.

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Sure. DeJoker, where do you want this discussion?

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Okay Bantha poked me and I am working on moving this from Discord back to Paizo as I find I just do not do well with out posting alerts.

The official recruitment thread and thus the game is over here

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