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![]() I'm playing in the Starfinder 2E playtest as a Healing Mystic and have some questions about the cantrip Adhere since I am required to take it. 1)There is no size limitation on the object I touch. Does that mean I could touch a shuttle and Adhere it to the hangar floor?
![]() KerryJ wrote:
The DC 40 Will save would be made whenever they put the armor on. If they fail then nothing happens for an hour. After an hour passes they get hit with stage 1 (or stage 2 if they crit failed the initial roll). The next day they get another DC 40 will save to determine what happens. If they pass their current stage is reduced by one (possibly to zero). If they fail they advance 1 stage to stage 2 or if they crit fail they advance 2 stages to stage 3. This is a super deadly trap for the PCs and you should signal to them the danger (whether through recall knowledge checks, identify magic item or creepy scene description) ![]()
![]() My players just hit "Flooded Workshop" in Chapter 2. They did well enough on the gather information check to get both rituals. I had thankfully seen the note in this thread about adjusting the level of the Community Repair ritual from 4 to 2. My party ran into an issue when looking at Community repair though, none of my 5 PCs have Expert proficiency in Perform. I didn't do a very good job of presenting them with an NPC who could take the lead in the ritual so they chose to attempt the cheaper material cost but higher level Unseen Underpinnings ritual. It's been a while (since book 1) for a ritual to come up in the game and I flubbed the rules on it. I missed the "Very Hard" modifier on the primary caster check and also used the Spell level DC instead of the level based DC for twice the ritual level. In my case the secondary casters were rolling against a DC 20 when they should have been DC 22 and the primary caster was rolling against a DC 20 when it should have been 27. Even with the lowered DCs they still failed the first day and just hit DC 20 on the second day. If I had used the correct DC they would have had to attempt a third day burning at least 45 gold (15 gold an attempt) ![]()
![]() We encountered this tonight and it was not a fun encounter. We all retreated to the other room while the rogue tried to disarm the trap. It was the only thing we did tonight and was the first time we encountered something in the beginner box that felt this imbalanced. At first we thought that the mechanisms had damage resistance to a certain type of damage (piercing for example) but once we hit with all three damage types it was a no go for most of us. ![]()
![]() A druid in my campaign has expressed interest in the Halcyon Speaker Archetype dedication I want to understand the sentence "gain two common Halcyon Cantrips". 1) Does the druid have 2 halcyon cantrips that they can choose from when choosing their 5 cantrips for the day (giving them extra choices off their usual spell list) OR does the druid get to prepare their 5 primal cantrips in addition to the 2 halcyon cantrips giving them a total of 7 cantrips? (This statement ignores the extra cantrip the druid gained from the Magaambyan Attendant Dedication which was a prerequisite for the Halcyon Speaker Archtype) 2) Under the general rules for Halcyon spells it states "You can’t heighten a halcyon spell beyond your maximum spell level of halcyon spell". Normally cantrips auto heighten to half your level rounded up. Do the Halcyon cantrips auto heighten as normal or are they impacted by this specific language? ![]()
![]() At my tables players have not responded well to talismans. They look at the selling price (when the talisman is found as loot) and consistently make the choice that the gold (split five ways) is worth more than one character getting to trigger the item once. I really think consumables are overpriced in PF2e in general. The disdain was very clear when one of my players tried to craft special material arrows. When he saw the price and days required he said "nevermind". As a longtime player of first edition I am very happy with the changes to wands and the removal of the Big 6 list of items. ![]()
![]() I made sure to explain to my players that any player who played a wizard or druid (or witch or magus) would get to choose anything they wanted for their free archetype. It lured 2 of my players into playing those classes. It allowed my druid player to pick up the beastmaster archetype. It felt punishing to force the two main classes to choose the other one as their free archetype. ![]()
![]() I'm curious to hear from other DMs who have ran the earlier parts of the adventure path regarding the 4 gold a month stipend. It was my understanding that the room and board was free for the students and that the stipend is extra spending money. Going by the treasure per level chart it seems like the players will outpace that after a year of schooling. Should I reduce that to 3 gold a month? ![]()
![]() One of my players in intrigued by the inventor class and would like to play one in our upcoming SoT game. Since it is uncommon he is asking if it would be a good fit for the campaign. I haven't read the volumes out so far so I was wondering if this had come up anybody else's game? The players guide for the campaign doesn't mention the class because it hadn't come out yet. My gut reaction is to tell him yes its ok but to steer the theming of his character towards more nature grafting or arcane enchanting as opposed to steampunk. ![]()
![]() For the last few weeks (since at least August 11th) Adventure Path Volume #146 has been showing up in the upcoming releases scrollbar on the Paizo homepage. When you click on the link, it takes you to Cult of Cinders product page, so it isn't just an issue of a bad image link. I'm tired of seeing valuable page space selling me something I already have instead of something new and shiny I can't have yet. lol ![]()
![]() My cleric player asked me a question about the new spell "Healing Well" in SoM. He pointed out that the range listed is 30 feet but the spell description mentions "The well appears as a disc of shimmering light on the ground in a square you touch". For tonight we ruled that the spell was cast on a spot within 30 feet but to interact with the spell you had to be in touch range of it. Is there something I am missing? ![]()
![]() My team had found the restore senses spell already but the cleric was worried about missing the roll to clear the DC. I hadn't realized the importance of the unlimited duration of the blindness. This means that the sorcerer with dispel magic can also work on dispelling the effect and not just the cleric. ![]()
![]() My group is looking at 5th level spells and had some questions about the spell Cloak of Colors page 324 in the core rulebook. Our questions are
![]() I am no expert but in general: If your players aren't in a fight, they are in exploration mode. Have your players tell you which exploration mode activity they are doing. My table has given me a default exploration mode list that they are doing unless they tell me differently. Run exploration mode in ten minute chunks of time. Frequently after a fight some of my players will be spending that ten minutes refocusing or doing medicine checks on their teammates. Others might be repairing shields or searching for loot. 1)PC would have to search to trigger the secret roll to see if they found the item. I do a secret roll per player searching (page 480 search activity) 2)Seek is used in combat, in exploration mode it is the search activity. 3)
![]() My players finally encountered the gelatinous cube. It was almost a TPK so I wanted to warn any other DMS who could run this fight. I had 3 of my six member party in the cube at once. The 2d6 acid damage at the end of each turn in the cube really hurts for a level 2 character. The DC 20 fortitude saving throw to avoid paralysis is also most likely to be failed by most players. I had to flex the rules and allow the fighter hacking at the cube from the outside to free her teammates (a slight corruption of the engulf rules) The cube's AC is very low but is also immune to criticals. My players were very hesitant to go toe to toe with it since they saw how it could just engulf them for free. Because of this they were standing back and casting cantrips at it from a distance. It was harsh. ![]()
![]() One of the benefits of only rolling damage once and then comparing results is that it helps reinforce the positive or negative aspects of the saving throws. It would kind of stink to get a success on your saving throw and by the variance of the dice (half of the roll of 18) take more damage then the guy who crit failed his save (double the roll of 3). That isn't a fun player experience. ![]()
![]() I was soooo happy to see the materials removed from Detect Magic in the new edition. I don't know if I agree that a simple sealed paper envelope or a pocket is enough to prevent a 4th level detect magic from detecting an Orb of Gold Dragonkind or a Holy Avenger Longsword. This rule also prevents the spell Detect Poison from detecting if the fluid in that stoppered vial or bottle is poison or not. At my table, it will work regardless of material. (it does stink for Society players though) ![]()
![]() A wizard in my game is using the Telekinetic Projectile cantrip to avoid various forms of cover by arguing that she is launching various items from the other side of the cover at the target. Usually this is used to avoid the soft cover penalty caused by other people in the way. Looking at the spell it appears that any unattended object within range is launched at the target. Lately our fights are in a junky abandoned dungeon so there is plenty of rubble and detritus for handy projectiles. So far I've ruled that this works ok as long as the object and the target are both within 30ft of the caster. Has this come up at any other tables? ![]()
![]() I recently started DMing again at a friends house. My storage solution is2 parts: a messenger bag with the CRB, Bestiary and Module. One of my players also bought me the combat pad that I use as well. The other component is a craft tote/suitcase I got from the container store: https://www.containerstore.com/s/craft-hobby/artbin-deluxe-super-satchel/1d ?productId=11003039 This product has a deep storage chamber that holds my dry erase map tiles along with dice bags, dry eraser, condition cards. There are flip down side storage compartments that contain all my pens and markers. The top layer is perfectly sized for miniatures. The top layer has customizable compartments so I can split up the minis as I need to. Previously I was hauling 2 bags and a large toolbox filled with all of my miniatures and I needed to downsize. Picking the miniatures I needed for just the module I was playing helped a lot. ![]()
![]() We had come across the grab a ledge reaction later in the session (after a player pushed an opponent off the same 10ft tall roof) and thought it might have been useful earlier. In the future I will allow the use of "grab a Ledge" in order to attempt to reduce the falling damage of a purposeful jump. Thanks everyone for the response and making me feel a bit better for not missing a glaringly obvious rules reference. ![]()
![]() I had a situation come up this week in my game that stumped me and I was hoping that somebody could point me to an overlooked rule or reference. A player wanted to jump from a roof to the ground 10 feet below. I couldn't find anything about jumping down, so to speed up the game we just ruled it as working like a high jump. It seemed a bit silly that the only way to resolve it is stepping directly off the roof, taking 5 damage and falling prone. Was there something we missed? ![]()
![]() We had a situation come up in last night's game that I want some opinions on, and if there's one thing these boards have, it's opinions. The party was fighting a drake who had decided that flying away was better than dying. Our cleric attempted to cast airwalk on the Paladin's combat trained warhorse to allow the Paladin to give chase. Is the horse smart enough to understand what just happened? How does it handle flying? Does the spell "teach" you how to handle the flight? The party's leader is a sorcerer with fly and the cleric recently started memorizing airwalk. The party has a consistent source of these spells and the Paladin is trained in handle animal to start teaching the mounts if we wanted to make this a trick. How have other DMs handled this in their games? This is the highest level Pathfinder game I've ever ran so I'm quickly running into situations I hadn't anticipated. ![]()
![]() This came up in our game last night. How can one of the PCs determine the relative health of the people in combat? They wanted to determine if a downed foe was dead or merely dying. They also wanted to determine relative damage to their companions (Simon is still standing and fighting but how damaged is he?) We looked in the heal section and didn't see anything. What are people using as a house rule to cover this? What kind of action would tthis be and I'm assuming it is a heal check but what would be the DC? ![]()
![]() My player wasn't wanting the sneak attack damage to be strength penalty. He just wanted to do the Str penalty and some good ol' fashioned damage. I feel better that some other posters are following the same reasoning I did on the sneack attack. Are there any other spells that have an attack roll but don't do damage or drain? I realize this is a corner case but was curious how big this particular corner is. ![]()
![]() I am DMing a Pathfinder game and I'm not very proficient with the system. One of my players is a rogue who picked up the talent that lets him choose a first level spell. He was considering Ray of Enfeeblement but wanted to know if he could get sneack attack damage with it. I said no because while it had an attack roll, it didn't deal damage but was a penalty. Question 1) Can a rogue get sneack attack damage with Ray of Enfeeblement? After answering his question I had the random thought Question 2) "What happens if you crit on a Ray of Enfeeblement attack (and confirm the critical)" I appreciate any help the more experienced members of the board can give this lowly flame. |