Fire Elemental

Flambe's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 6 Organized Play characters.

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We encountered this tonight and it was not a fun encounter. We all retreated to the other room while the rogue tried to disarm the trap. It was the only thing we did tonight and was the first time we encountered something in the beginner box that felt this imbalanced.

At first we thought that the mechanisms had damage resistance to a certain type of damage (piercing for example) but once we hit with all three damage types it was a no go for most of us.

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At my tables players have not responded well to talismans. They look at the selling price (when the talisman is found as loot) and consistently make the choice that the gold (split five ways) is worth more than one character getting to trigger the item once.

I really think consumables are overpriced in PF2e in general. The disdain was very clear when one of my players tried to craft special material arrows. When he saw the price and days required he said "nevermind".

As a longtime player of first edition I am very happy with the changes to wands and the removal of the Big 6 list of items.

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I had similar issues. In my campaign I moved performance to the Uzunjati and gave Tempest Sun Mages athletics and performance.

This gave each branch three skills to test off of.

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I'd also check out the player guide for the campaign. There are no spoilers in it and it offers some campaign specific background options. It is a free download from the paizo shop.

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One of the benefits of only rolling damage once and then comparing results is that it helps reinforce the positive or negative aspects of the saving throws. It would kind of stink to get a success on your saving throw and by the variance of the dice (half of the roll of 18) take more damage then the guy who crit failed his save (double the roll of 3). That isn't a fun player experience.

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I was soooo happy to see the materials removed from Detect Magic in the new edition.

I don't know if I agree that a simple sealed paper envelope or a pocket is enough to prevent a 4th level detect magic from detecting an Orb of Gold Dragonkind or a Holy Avenger Longsword.

This rule also prevents the spell Detect Poison from detecting if the fluid in that stoppered vial or bottle is poison or not.

At my table, it will work regardless of material. (it does stink for Society players though)