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Lantern Lodge 5/5 * RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 13 people marked this as a favorite.

I would like to request that the unchained rogue be legally allowed to use the Eldritch Scoundrel archetype from Arcane Anthologies in PFS play.

Caveat: If the allowing the archetype for the unchained rogue is being reserved as a chronicle or boon reward, then see this a post of love for a cool, flavorful archetype.

Using Jiggy's excellent post that got Magical Knack legalized as the basis of the post and noting the copied premises below.

Premise: An option is banned only if it conflicts with the nature or goals of the campaign (unless it is reserved as a boon reward for later).
Premise: An unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel does not conflict with the nature or goals of the campaign.
Premise: The power increase of an unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel to a core rogue Eldritch Scoundrel is not greater than the power increase of an unchained rogue to core rogue for other archetypes.
Premise: The unchained rogue is not overpowered compared to other similar classes.
Conclusion: The unchained rogue should be allowed to take the Eldritch Scoundrel archetype.



Premise #1:

Note, this is almost exactly what Jiggy posted nearly 3 years ago and noting that I am using his words here.
As I see it, there are two ways of looking at content legality in PFS.

One method is that nothing outside the Core Assumption is allowed, unless it appears to specifically benefit the campaign. That is, when a new book comes out, we "start" with everything banned, and then Mike looks through it and sees something and says "Hey, X would make the campaign better" and makes an exception for it (i.e., legalize it).

The other method is that new content is generally legal, unless it appears to specifically hurt the campaign. That is, when a new book comes out, we "start" with an assumption that its content will be legal, and then the OPC/PFS developers looks through it and sees something and says "Hey, X would cause problems with the campaign" and makes an exception for it (i.e., ban it).

It is my understanding that the latter is the stance of PFS leadership, hence Premise #1.

Premise #2:

This section is also nearly word from word of Jiggy's argument, but repeating it as I believe this to be true for the Deep Marshall.
I am not aware of any aspect of the campaign with which an unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel conflicts.
It does not directly affect wealth.
It does not invite unregulated customization.
It does not skirt alignment restrictions.
It does not slow down gameplay.
It does not have canon issues.
It does not skirt PvP rules.

I contend that this is not the case. In fact, it cannot be this case because the Eldritch Scoundrel is legal for core rogues, and unchained rogues are legal, too, which means that both of the base parts do not conflict with the campaign system.

Thus, I contend that an unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel does not conflict with any aspect of the campaign.

Premise #3:

If the unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel is to be considered overpowered over a core rogue Eldritch Scoundrel, then the comparison must be made across other archetypes using an unchained rogue vs core rogue.
Note: I am not good at number theory crafting, so this will be a bit more subjective than I prefer.

What an unchained rogue offers
The easy part of the comparison is that the unchained version of the rogue nearly just adds or improves the core rogue abilities. There is some contention of the rogue tricks list for an unchained rogue; while I believe the unchained one is superior, the fact that it misses some recently added rogue tricks is noteworthy. Here is what is added in base abilities:

  • Finesse Training (new): This single ability allows the unchained rogue greater combat ability by granting free weapon finesse and eventually Dex for damage for a weapon of the unchained rogue's choice.
  • Sneak Attack (improved): While the core rogue has it, the wording for the unchained rogue works better as concealment no longer prevents sneak attack (total concealment still does).
  • Rogue Talents (revised): Many core rogue talents were replaced, some new ones added, some removed for unchained rogue use, and others left unchanged and legal for unchained rogue use. Overall, I believe that the updated talents are an improvement over the core rogue talents (powerful sneak/deadly sneak, minor/major magic, and resiliency come to mind).
  • Danger Sense (improved): A slightly improved version of trap sense and counts as trap sense for archetypes and prerequisites.
  • Debilitating Injury (new): Another radical new ability that allows the unchained rogue her choice of scaling debuffs to apply when sneak attacking.
  • Rogue's Edge (new): The last unique ability to unchained rogues is the ability to use the skill unlocks listed in Pathfinder Unchained. It scales slowly and in PFS, an unchained rogue will only unlock 2 skills in her normal career.

Listed here, there are three brand new abilities unchained rogues have over core rogues. As of the time of this post, there are not any rogue archetypes that replace these abilities. That means every single unchained rogue with an archetype will have those abilities over a core rogue with the same archetype. Since the unchained rogue is legal for those other archetypes, then it must be assumed that those abilities are not overpowered. Which means that if the unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel is to be considered too overpowered compared to a core rogue Eldritch Scoundrel, it must be one of the three remaining ability updates: sneak attack, rogue talents, and danger sense.

However, the Eldritch Scoundrel archetype affects all three of those abilities! The sneak attack and rogue talents are effectively cut in half and don't come online until level 3 and 4 respectively. If the unchained rogue's sneak attack and talents are deemed superior to the core rogues, the archetype actually affects the unchained rogue more negatively than the core rogue by restricting the more powerful abilities! Meanwhile, danger sense is replaced by a special magic only version of trap spotter. Again, replacing the (slightly) superior danger sense for the unchained rogue technically affects the unchained rogue more than the core rogue.

Thus, I conclude that the unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel is not vastly overpowered to the core rogue Eldritch Scoundrel as compared to other rogue archetypes that are legal for both the unchained rogue and core rogue.

Premise #4:

The only other reason why the unchained rogue would be banned is if it was considered overpowered to other classes. As the comparison to rogues has already been made, I'll go with two other classes that will be most similar to it: wizard and magus. As noted before, I am not a theory crafter and some points may be more subjective than I prefer, but please bear with the arguments.

Unchained Rogue Eldritch Scoundrel vs base wizard (no archetypes)
At level one, the unchained rogue will have the following class abilities/features over the wizard.

  • 2 more skill points per level. Higher compared to a wizard, but worse than a rogue without an archetype.
  • Higher HP: Always meaningful at the low levels.
  • Better weapon proficiencies: While the wizard can only use five weapons, all simple weapons and a few specialty weapons are at your disposal.
  • Finesse training: Free weapon finesse at level 1.
  • Trapfinding: Bonus on finding and removing traps and can remove magical ones looking at you explosive runes.

Meanwhile, the wizard has over the Eldritch Scoundrel:

  • School powers: These vary by the specialized school, but it will vary from minor defensive buffs to some offensive abilities to supplant the low level spellcasting. In either case, it's another option for a wizard besides 'cast a spell' and 'hit things with a stick'. Also, unless you go universalist wizard, this means an extra spell per day, too, all at the cost of making some spells harder to cast.
  • Free Spell Focus feat: From PFS rules, it replaces the Scribe Scroll feat you would gain, making your spells of choice harder to resist.
  • Arcane bond: You get your choice of cool little intelligent companion that grants some passive buffs or the ability to get an extra spell cast per day.

Same between the two classes:

  • Armor proficiency: Neither one can wear armor without risking arcane spell failure, nor have proficiency in any armor.
  • Base spellcasting ability: Both classes can only cast a base single level 1 spell without having an high intelligence. Of course, a wizard can increase that based on school choice and arcane bond choice, but ignoring those abilities, both classes cast the same base number of spells from levels 1-2.
  • Same starting initial BAB progression: From levels 1-2, both classes will have the same BAB score.

Comparing the two classes, the eldritch scoundrel will have more melee options thanks to finesse training, while the wizard can get more magical abilities and potentially more spellcasting.

Jumping to level 3, both classes begin to diverge greatly. The unchained Eldritch Scoundrel will get a far greater melee ability with another BAB increase, sneak attack, dexerity modifier to damage for a weapon of her choice, and effectively trap spotting for magical traps and 1 more level 1 spell/day over the base wizard spellcasting.

Meanwhile, the wizard will hit level 2 spellcasting. It doesn't seem like much as a single line, but the wizard will add 1-3 spells per day he can cast, at a minimum equaling the total number of spells per day as the Eldritch Scoundrel and more than likely being superior and that is not even counting the new spell options granted to the wizard. At this point, trade off between the two is melee options for the Eldritch Scoundrel for more powerful spells.

Level 4 is where the Eldritch Scoundrel arguably sees a power increase over a wizard. The Scoundrel now gets his level 2 spells, albeit wizard base spellcasting will have at least 1 more level 2 spell over the Eldritch Scoundrel. The Scoundrel, though, will get Debilitating Injury for a nice melee debuff and now get her first rogue talent for more supporting options.

But at level 5, the wizard takes the reigns once more and holds onto them for the rest of their career. The unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel will still have 1 more BAB over the wizard, more HP, and now gain a Skill Unlock, but the wizard gets 3rd level magic while the rogue will have to wait another 2 levels for such power wherein the wizard will be touting 4th level magic. And as a bit of extra icing on the cake, the wizard also gets a bonus feat, too (which could arguably be seen as equal to the Skill Unlock the unchained Eldritch Scoundrel gets).

Thus, I believe that the two classes are somewhat equal at low levels before the wizard's greater spellcasting ability will significantly overshadow what the unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel can do. The Eldritch Scoundrel will have better melee abilities than the wizard to make up for the weaker spellcasting.

Unchained Rogue Eldritch Scoundrel vs base magus
The comparison here will be easier to account as both use the same spellcasting progression and have the same HD and BAB increase. Thus, looking at the initial abilities at level 1

unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel over base magus

  • More skill points: Same as the wizard, the Eldritch Scoundrel will enjoy 2 more skill points over the magus.
  • Finesse Training: Free weapon finesse and eventual Dex to damage.
  • Trapfinding: To find and remove those hard to get to traps, including magical ones.

Base magus over unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel

  • Better saves: The magus has 2 high saves versus the rogue's single.
  • Better armor profiencies: Can wear light armor and cast spells in it, too.
  • Better weapon proficiencies: All martial weapons encompasses what the rogue can use and then some.
  • Arcane pool: A scaling buff to the magus' weapon
  • Spell combat: Two weapon fighting where one of the weapons is a spell.

Comparable between the two classes:

  • Spell list: The magus has a smaller spell list, but has plenty of solid offensive spells and will get some spells at a lower spell level as compared to when the Eldritch Scoundrel will get it. The Eldritch Scoundrel, though, will have a far wider spell selection at her disposal.

In this case, at level 1, the magus is more melee suitable with better weapon and armor choices as well as the ability to buff the weapon right at the get go. The magus will have spell combat, but the accuracy hit at level 1 is noteworthy. The Eldritch Scoundrel has more skill options and gets a bonus feat effectively. At level 1, I call it a wash between the two classes.

At level 2, the magus is superior offensively with spellstrike being added. The Eldritch Scoundrel only gets evasion. Magus is superior at this point.

Level 3, it balances out with the unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel now having Dex to Damage and sneak attack while the magus gets his first magus arcana to enhance his abilities. These vary, but effectively, I see the two classes as closer to equal at level 3.

Level 4 is similar as the unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel gets Debilitating Injury as a debuff and her first rogue talent while the magus gets Spell Recall to improve his spellcasting potential.

From this point on, the magus slowly gets more unique abilities while the unchained rogue only gets a skill unlock for something unique. The magus offensive power goes up with the arcane pool becoming more powerful, heavier armor potential, and bonus feats while the unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel will just add to the sneak attack dice and rogue talents.

Overall, while I see the magus as somewhat superior offensively due to spellstrike and better defenses, the Eldritch Scoundrel has more passive abilities that will remain useful if spellcasting is not an option. The Eldritch Scoundrel will also have a better choice of spells to choose from as well.

Note: It should be mentioned that in fact a core rogue eldritch scoundrel would be incredibly underpowered compared to a core rogue without an archetype at levels 1 and 2. It would be an inferior wizard or magus without any other class abilities excepts casting 1-2 level 1 spells and some cantrips. Even at level 2, the only thing gained would be evasion (a passive, defensive abilitiy) and another level 1 spell, making it far weaker than the wizard in spell potential, having the same BAB as the wizard, the lack of school powers, and the lack of an arcane bond. Compared to the magus, the magus is better armored, and will have spellstrike and spell combat come online at that point as well as the arcane pool ability to enhance his weapons. And without the unchained rogue abilities that keep the Eldritch Scoundrel capable compared to those two classes, the core rogue Eldritch Scoundrel is markedly inferior.

Thus, comparing the unchained rogue Eldritch Scoundrel to a base wizard and base magus, I contend that it is not overpowered compared to the other two classes.

With all those premises made, I conclude that the Eldritch Scoundrel should be a legal archetype for the unchained rogue to take.

Lantern Lodge 5/5 * RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 9 people marked this as a favorite.

I would like to request that the Deep Marshal magus archetype from Arcane Anthologies become legal for PFS play.

Caveat: If the archetype is being reserved as a chronicle or boon reward, then see this a post of love for a cool, flavorful archetype.

Using Jiggy's excellent post that got Magical Knack legalized as the basis of the post and noting the copied premises below.

Premise: An option is banned only if it conflicts with the nature or goals of the campaign (unless it is reserved as a boon reward for later).
Premise: Deep Marshal does not conflict with the nature or goals of the campaign.
Premise: Deep Marshal is not overpowering or identified as a must have that will override other magus options.
Conclusion: Deep Marshal should not be banned.


Premise #1:
Note, this is almost exactly what Jiggy posted nearly 3 years ago and noting that I am using his words here.
As I see it, there are two ways of looking at content legality in PFS.

One method is that nothing outside the Core Assumption is allowed, unless it appears to specifically benefit the campaign. That is, when a new book comes out, we "start" with everything banned, and then Mike looks through it and sees something and says "Hey, X would make the campaign better" and makes an exception for it (i.e., legalize it).

The other method is that new content is generally legal, unless it appears to specifically hurt the campaign. That is, when a new book comes out, we "start" with an assumption that its content will be legal, and then the OPC/PFS developers looks through it and sees something and says "Hey, X would cause problems with the campaign" and makes an exception for it (i.e., ban it).

It is my understanding that the latter is the stance of PFS leadership, hence Premise #1.

Premise #2:
This section is also nearly word from word of Jiggy's argument, but repeating it as I believe this to be true for the Deep Marshall.
I am not aware of any aspect of the campaign with which Deep Marshal conflicts.
It does not directly affect wealth.
It does not invite unregulated customization.
It does not skirt alignment restrictions.
It does not slow down gameplay.
It does not have canon issues.
It does not skirt PvP rules.

I contend that this is not the case.

The one point that the Deep Marshal affects wealth is that at level 3, it grants free ranks in Profession: Miner which can be used for Day Job checks. However, even with good boons, this doesn't add up to a lot of gold over the standard PFS career. Assuming a solid 25 for the Day Job check for 50 gold a session, playing normal progression, and only playing 1XP scenarios or modules, that is only about 1,350 gold between the beginning of 3rd level to level 12.

Thus, I contend that Deep Marshal does not conflict with any aspect of the campaign.

Premise #3:
If the Deep Marshal is to be considered overpowered, then it needs to be compared to the base magus.
Note: I am not good at number theory crafting, so this will be a bit more subjective than I prefer.

Deep Marshal vs base magus

Pros over base magus

  • base medium armor access and gets heavy armor access far sooner than the base magus.
  • At 3rd level, gets 1/2 the enhancement bonus to caster level while wielding dwarven themed weapons or the full bonus to overcome SR checks.
  • At 3rd level, gets bonus ranks in Knowledge: Dungeoneering and Profession: Miner and uses the Intelligence modifier instead of Wisdom modifier for the Profession: Miner.

Cons under base magus
  • Can only use dwarven themed weapons for the three core magus abilities: arcane pool, spellstrike, and spellcombat. Note that these weapons do not work very well for burst spell strikes due to the low crit threat range as compared to other popular magus weapons (rapiers, scimitars, etc.)
  • Gets less arcane pool points compared to the base magus at 1/3 magus level + Int modifier instead of 1/2 magus level + Int modifier. Over a standard PFS career, this accounts for 2 fewer arcane pool points by level 12.
  • Does not get a magus arcana until level six as the ability that replaces the first arcana at level 3 isn't an arcana itself, so the magus arcana class feature does not exist yet. This also means FCB that add magus arcana or feats to add more magus arcana cannot be selected until over halfway through a deep marshall's career.

Even comapred with base magus
  • Adds some wizard crafting, earth-themed, and abjuration spells to the magus spell while losing enchantment, illusion, or necromancy spell capabilities. I see this as even as the useful spells lost are arguably even with the useful spells gained.

To me, it seems somewhat even. The deep marshal has more defensive options between better armor earlier than the base magus and gets abjuration spells for other options I admit this is subjective, and depending on playstyles, this may be more or less point of contention. Offensively, the weapon selection is more restricted, but this is balanced by the potential caster level increase and bonus to spell resistance checks. The base magus, meanwhile, can use any weapon he/she feels like using and can more often get spellstrike crits using the higher crit range weapons that the Deep Marshall cannot use.

One thing that should be noted is that the caster level increase can never exceed +2 as the caster level increase is 1/2 the weapon's enhancement bonus and weapon enhancements cannot exceed +5. This also means that the weapon needs to have a +4 modifier to get the +2 CL boost. The absolute earliest this could occur would be level 5 as it would require using a +2 enhancement bonus via arcane pool and having a +2 weapon which requires 27 fame, with level 5 being the earliest that can occur. That will eat up about half a PC's wealth in most cases. The most obvious benefit will come from spells enhanced by Intensify Spell or those few spells that provide additional rounds/effects based on level (acid arrow and scorching ray come to mind).

Thus, I conclude that the Deep Marshall should be made for PFS play. The archetype trade-offs are fairly even and it does not disrupt the campaign setting or organized play rules.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I would like to know how Vital Strike works, if at all, in the unusual situation listed in the title.

From the latest errata in Ultimate Combat, it is an attack action to simultaneously fire both barrels of a double-barreled musket. Likewise, the wording of Vital Strike is 'When using an attack action...', so Vital Strike should be usable with the double-barrel fire attack action. However, Vital Strike then states that using it is a single attack at your highest base attack bonus.

This takes some weird turns in that there are three ways this can pan out:

1. Vital Strike cannot be applied in this situation as Vital Strike specifically claims that it must be a single attack and firing both barrels with the attack action produces two attacks.

2. Vital Strike applies, but only to one of the attacks as Vital Strike states that one attack deals additional damage.

3. Vital Strike applies to both attacks as Vital Strike was printed before methods of getting multiple attacks using the attack action did not exist and the feat needs to be 'modernized' to account for new features (much like the Spell Mastery FAQ).

RAW, 1 and 2 are the strongest contenders as option 3 doesn't work RAW and requires an update to the Vital Strike feat to work, but it is a possible solution to this conundrum if Vital Strike is to work with all attack actions.

Thank you for reviewing this and I look forward to a possible PDT response.

Grand Lodge

Belhaim map combat map

First discussion post!

Grand Lodge

Belhaim map combat map

Introduction post here!


Deepmarket handouts Deepmarket maps

Starting thread for discussion

Deepmarket handouts Deepmarket maps

Starting thread for the campaign!

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Black Powder Chocobo

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This small humanoid bears large gray eyes. Its round head is supported by a lithe, narrow frame.

Aetherling CR 5
XP 1,600
N Small fey
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, force sight 60 ft.; Perception +13

----- Defense -----
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+4 armor, +2 Dexterity, +4 shield, +1 size)
hp 52 (8d6+24)
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8
Defensive Abilities aetherwall

----- Offense -----
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +7 (1d3-1/19–20)
Special Attacks force javelin
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +11)
Constant—mage armor, shield
At will—mage hand

----- Statistics -----
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 18
Base Atk +4; CMB +2 CMD 14
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse
Skills Escape Artist +15, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (geography) +12, Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +19, Use Magic Device +15
Languages Canto, Undercommon
SQ force alteration

----- Ecology -----
Environment underground
Organization solitary, squad (3-4), or team (5-8)
Treasure standard

----- Special Abilities -----
Aetherwall (Sp) Aetherlings are able to string together aether strands to form a defensive barrier. As a standard action, an aetherling can create a 5-ft. square of force similar to a wall of force that lasts for 1 round. An aetherling can maintain its aetherwall as a move action, extending the duration another round. Up to nine aetherlings may form their aetherwall next to an existing one, each expanding the original by an additional 5-ft square. An aetherwall can be dispelled by a DC 19 dispel check, the DC increasing by 1 for every two aetherlings supporting the aetherwall.

Force Alteration (Su) Aetherlings manipulate force effects with the same joy and effort as children playing with clay. As a standard action, an aetherling can touch a force effect and make a dispel check against it. If successful, the aetherling alters the effect’s shape, reforming up to a 10-ft. square area. When used on a force effect that grant an AC bonus, the aetherling may reduce the AC bonus to 0, negating the effect. If the effect is on a creature, the aetherling must succeed at a melee touch attack to use this ability.

Force Javelin (Sp) As a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, an aetherling can launch a projectile of force at a target that strikes as a magic missile with the Toppling Spell metamagic feat (Ultimate Magic) and deals 1d8 points of force damage + the aetherling’s Charisma modifier.

Force Sight (Su) An aetherling has arcane sight to 60 feet, but only to discern force effects such as mage armor or wall of force.

Hidden and reclusive, aetherlings have lived in small villages dotting Nar-Voth since leaving the First World millennia ago, drawn to the numerous pockets of aether trapped within the massive cave system. When the dark fey arrived, most of the aetherlings fled to hidden and isolated caverns to avoid joining the Court of Ether’s vile populace.

Aetherlings are unique in that they can see and touch aether in all of its forms and as such it drives these fey to experiment and perfect their gifts. Their creativity shines brightest when creating elaborate aether art that only they can appreciate.

Typically non-aggressive, a single aetherling prefers to use stealth to avoid confrontation. If noticed, the aetherling will try to slow down an enemy before making an escape. In larger groups, though, they work together to form defensible lines from which they can launch accurate strikes, picking off one foe at a time.

An aetherling stands roughly 2-1/2 feet tall, weighing around 30 pounds.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Black Powder Chocobo

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The Gravepit Basin of Fallen Sercai

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

This is win just for the WBG pawns.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Black Powder Chocobo

8 people marked this as a favorite.

My first two items to vote are a pair of wondrous items.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Black Powder Chocobo

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 20,340 gp; Weight 14 lbs.
Molded and crafted from raw iron ore, this +1 thundering earthbreaker bears the coolness of loose soil while grasped.

Three times per day as a standard action, the wielder may slam earthcracker at the ground of an adjacent square, causing earth and stone to rise and fall from a violent wave that travels in a 30-foot line from the impact square. All of the affected squares become natural difficult terrain. The wielder may make a free trip attempt at a single creature within the affected squares and cannot be tripped back if the attempt fails. If the trip roll is a natural 20, the creature is also subjected to the thundering effect from earthcracker as the ground below it explodes in a cacophonous explosion that showers the area with earthen debris.

Requirements Craft Magical Arms and Armor, blindness/deafness, move earth; Cost 10,340 gp

Lantern Lodge

Here's the thread for non-gameplay related posts. This can be out of character talks, bs'ing, campaign questions... whatever really. Just make sure if follow's Paizo's posting guidelines :)

Lantern Lodge

Hey guys! First post for our game! I'll put my 'house' rules and character creation limits on the Campaign tab. I'm looking forward to this :)


Lantern Lodge


I'm trying to order some Pathfinder Society scenarios to some GMs for this weekend, but I have been unable to complete my order.

After I select the gift recipients, clicking on any of the other payment buttons causes the site to forget the selected recipients. This includes the Confirm Order button. When going to that page, the Digital Gifts button is in red and the Place Order button is disabled.

Is there a way to get this order processed by this afternoon?

Thanks in advance,

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Hey guys, welcome to the board! This thread will be used to supplant our Kingmaker game outside of sessions. Hoping I can find a way to add the kingdom spreadsheet as a linked file, but we'll see.

Fort Inevitable Map map Gardens map

Welcome to the Discussion!

Fort Inevitable Map map Gardens map

Welcome to the new gaming thread for a new set of adventures!

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Dotting for others :)

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Hello there Pathfinders!

I have a spot up for some Pathfinder Society module adventure! This will be to supplant a somewhat established group that has run through some Thornkeep, but are off level for the next stage. Thus, Carrion Hill will be used to gather the party's strength and take a breather from the horrors beneath the River Kingdom town. After Carrion Hill, we will be heading back into Thornkeep to finish the last two levels.

I'm looking for someone to be in a mixed group that has:

A rogue with a touch of arcane shadow
A balanced melee oracle of metal
A warrior priest of Trudd
A sorcerer of mysterious origins.

What I want:

Legal PFS build within levels 4-6. I'd like steady posting as I'm trying to push a module through the Gameday. Preference will be to those who have not played Thornkeep: The Dark Menagerie and Thornkeep: The Sanctum of a Lost Age.

Please post your PC by Thursday Oct 30th and I'll leave the party to decide on which PC to join the adventure. Then we'll get started on November 3rd.

Good luck and happy die rolling!

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Dotting, making the initial post here!

Welcome to the regulars :)

Deepmarket handouts Deepmarket maps


Deepmarket handouts Deepmarket maps

Placeholder text for the first game!

Lantern Lodge 5/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Gambit-style Warpriest, here I come!


I need one or two willing participants to dare enter the second level of Thornkeep. This will be run for PFS credit, so only level 2-3 PFS characters please. Because this is a dungeon crawl, majority of the RP will be done with your teammates. The base team is:

Halfling fighter
Elven magus
Human monk
??? cleric

I'll accept the first two applicants who have fully filled out PFS character profiles on Paizo's site. I use Google images for battle maps.

Looking to get this started before the end of the week!

Lantern Lodge


Over the past few months, I've had issues trying to gift multiple PDFs for different recipients on the site. When doing so, after selecting each person who would get the PDF and continue to checkout, the page then shows only a single recipient instead of the multiple recipients. Out of four attempts, only once has it worked correctly. This has caused me to purchase several scenarios one at a time, at the very least an inconvenience and at worst could cause potential issues with my card (showing multiple transactions for the same amount in a short period of time may raise flags with my bank and lock the account).

I would greatly appreciate you looking into this issue and getting it resolved. Please let me know if you need any information regarding my occurrences with this bug.


Niswan map Ebon Destroyers handouts Combat map


Creating this so there's a tab for you. Please introduce yourselves as you await your orders in Adril Hestram's large office in the Grand Lodge of Absalom. Also, if you haven't, please read the Campaign tab to read about my rules for this PbP. I'll be fully ready to go tomorrow evening, so thank you for your patience!

Fort Inevitable Map map Gardens map

Howdy all! Please read the Campaign notes thread to check my setup for this. I'll be fully ready to go tomorrow night. Until then, please introduce your PC's to each other either in the gameplay tab or the discussion tab as everyone awaits their orders in Adril Hestram's large office in the Grand Lodge of Absalom.

Howdy! This post is only to make this easier to find for those who signed up on the online PbP Gameday on Warhorn.

So sup!

Hello! This post is only for those who arranged to play this on the online PbP Gameday on Warhorn to make it easier to find.

Fort Inevitable Map map Gardens map

Hello my players!

As a heads up, I'm going to be out of the state until October 6th, so we're going to have a day or two late start. Gasp!

If you have a problem with this, I'll make sure and reserve my GM 20's just for you.

So a few things I'd like to note:

1. If you would, either a quicklink or brief overview of stats to always display on your character post's would be nice (either in the Race or Class section of the character sheet). Makes it easier for me to do quick references.
2. I use Google Docs for maps and will take your PC avatars and drop 'em in the appropriate map. I'll have a few map links under my name between the town of Thornkeep, the floor you're on, and finally a special combat map for better tactical planning.
3. For combat, I roll initiatives and play things roughly in turn order. You can feel free to post ahead of time and I'll allow another post to change your action if its invalidated (example, attacking a target that is just felled by another player).
4. I'll eventually need everyone's email address so I can email out Chronicle sheets at the end of the session. I do send out unique chronicle sheets that also note any expenditures as well as the Day Job check results (since those are now allowed for modules).
5. For prior character activities, I'm going by the honor system here: as long as everything is noted on your character page, I'm going to be alright with it. I may review PC's just to make sure everything looks good. If you'd like to note previous scenarios, please note that on your character page.
6. My best posting time is in the 10am-5pm MST range, although I'll try to check on things in the evening when I can.
7. Please PM me if you have any questions!

Niswan map Ebon Destroyers handouts Combat map

Hello my players!

As a heads up, I'm going to be out of the state until October 6th, so we're going to have a day or two late start. Gasp!

If you have a problem with this, I'll make sure and reserve my GM 20's just for you.

So a few things I'd like to note:

1. If you would, either a quicklink or brief overview of stats to always display on your character post's would be nice (either in the Race or Class section of the character sheet). Makes it easier for me to do quick references.
2. I use Google Docs for maps and will take your PC avatars and drop 'em in the appropriate map. I'll have a few map links under my name between the town of Thornkeep, the floor you're on, and finally a special combat map for better tactical planning.
3. For combat, I roll initiatives and play things roughly in turn order. You can feel free to post ahead of time and I'll allow another post to change your action if its invalidated (example, attacking a target that is just felled by another player).
4. I'll eventually need everyone's email address so I can email out Chronicle sheets at the end of the session. I do send out unique chronicle sheets that also note any expenditures as well as the Day Job check results (since those are now allowed for modules).
5. For prior character activities, I'm going by the honor system here: as long as everything is noted on your character page, I'm going to be alright with it. I may review PC's just to make sure everything looks good.
6. My best posting time is in the 10am-5pm MST range, although I'll try to check on things in the evening when I can.
7. Please PM me if you have any questions!

Lantern Lodge

I can't help but think of this video after seeing that title :P

Lantern Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, South Dakota—Rapid City


I'm looking for good ideas on how to do minor rewords/plot changes to have some of the Season 2 scenarios make a bit more sense as far as Shadow Lodge history goes.

I have the general idea of playing the offshoot Shadow Lodge as terrorists still using the name despite Torch joining the Society to act as its watchdog, but I'd like any other ideas, particularly for rewordings of some specific Shadow Lodge themed scenarios I have. This list includes

-The Mantis' Prey
-Shadow's Last Stand pt1 & pt2
-Wrath of the Accursed
-The Dalsine Affair

Any advice on this topic would be appreciated!


Lantern Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, South Dakota—Rapid City


I'm slowly in the process of trying to start up a Society lodge in Rapid City, South Dakota. So far I have my regular group of players who I've gotten nearly to level 3, plus a couple of others for 7 regular players. I'm looking to expand this and hopefully find a GM or two to increase the numbers. Post a shout out if you're in the Black Hills area and are interested in playing!

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