So this is the situation. My players have had an unfortunate case of death in the Sightless Sphinx and now the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh is in the hands of the Forgotten Pharaoh and the ib and ka have been rejoined. My players want to continue the campaign with new 12th level characters but I have a quandry. Everything in the campaign assumes that Hakotep rises as a result of the release of his ib when the Forgotten Pharaoh dies. That hasn't happened because the Forgotten Pharaoh is still alive, the ib and the ka have in fact rejoined. Given that I don't want to go back to the Sightless Sphinx and I don't want to give my players an effective redo of the fight against the Forgotten Pharaoh I am turning to you guys to give out some advice. For me this makes the FP the ultimate BBEG of the campaign. He/she will be the final fight of the campaign rather than Hakotep. But from a campaign perspective what happens next? So with that in mind how should I proceed?
I just have this image of the Paizo developers sitting down to discuss an AP, someone has an idea and then James Jacobs says no because it's on the banned list. I can't see that happening. The only place I can see a moritorium on for a while is Cheliax and maybe Varisia but I suspect if somone came up with a brilliant idea I reckon that would be lifted.
Nefreet wrote: 5) Item Creation feats are incredibly unbalancing as it is. Most home games (and PFS) simply eschew them all together. Opening their access up to (virtually) all classes is extremely unbalancing. You are presenting your opinion as empirical fact. You do not have any evidence that most home games ban these feats. These feats are not unbalancing. There are plenty of ways to manage them.
I have completed LoF CoT and Skull and Shackles as well as CC and many others. CC is notable in that it doesn't give you much time to craft or do downtime. This is unusual. LoF has significant downtime after book 1 and whilst books 2 and 3 do run on after each other it's not a race against time and you will have plenty of travelling downtime. Book 4 gives you enough time for you to do what you want although there is a plot reason for you to get a wiggle on. Books 5 and 6 don't give you much time for downtime. CoT works best if the players are given enough time to immerse themselves in the setting. As such the AP should give you time for downtime. S&S gives you plenty of time to set your own pace. Based on my experience of this AP I would recommend someone take Craft (Coffin) though :)... The other two I have not got round to. Though I would advise not starting an AP until it is fully released.
When I heard about the ACG I did what I normally do with new books. I call it the five stages of class acceptance Stage 1: Disdain: "Meh they all look totally uninteresting. Hunter? Why wouldn't I play a Ranger?" Stage 2: Curiosity: "sigh... I suppose I need the book for PFS... Where's my debit card?" Stage 3: Surprise: "They can do what now!? That's... That's actually really cool!" Stage 4: Acceptance: "Heheheh suckers! Let me show you what damage a Bloodrager can do!" Stage 5: Indulgence: "OK so warhorn bookings for the next con.... Lets see... Slot 1 Swashbuckler followed by Slots 2 & 3 with my Warpriest and then the Mod on Sunday with my Investigator." Right now I'm at Stage 1 with Occult Adventures and Stage 5 with the ACG.
Captain Zoom wrote: 3B. The Detect alignment spells do not automatically detect people based on their alignment. You have to have an aligned "aura". So, joe-blow Fighter who is Lawful Evil doesn't normally show up on a detect evil spell (unless he meets the exception of "evil intent"). But Lawful Evil cleric Mathias will ping on a detect evil spell even if he's thinking pure, good thoughts, or is sleeping. Certain creatures can also detect auras. I think Devils and Demons might have the ability to detect good auras (so they know who the holy guys are), but I'm not sure and don't have time to look it up. This isn't true. Anything has an aura if it has an alignment but normally it is too weak to show up under detect alignment spells until you get to 5th level at which point you radiate the appropriate faint auras of your alignment. What the Aura class feature does for you is enhance your aura so it radiates stronger. There is a table under the spell here Thus a 1st level fighter wouldn't radiate an aura but a 1st level warpriest would. At 5th level said fighter would have a faint aura and said warpriest would have a moderate aura.
I'm a bit meh on Varisia mainly because I've done so many AP's and modules there that I'm a bit sick of the place and eager to see some love for the neglected parts of Golarion instead. So in answer to those saying "everybody loves Varisia" the answer is no, that's not necessarily true... It's a bit like weeping angels in Dr Who, amazing when you first see them but familiarity breeds contempt. HOWEVER... (shouting over the cries of outrage) (ahem...) A full AP, boxed set or series of modules? Written exclusively by JJ? Based on a campaign played within the hallowed halls of Paizo HQ itself? Shut up and take my money!
My question about Belzen is this: Lastwall is presented as a battleground whereby the forces of civilisation have built great bastions and walls and are barely holding back the savage horde. OK that's fine but that begs the question: What about Ustalav? Renchurch is roughly 100 miles from Urgir which by all rights should make it a fortified frontier town yet when it was detailed it was presented as a sleepy farming town with no mention of orcs. I can understand the Orcs reticence to attack the Mammoth Lords or the warlike tribes of the Shoanti (even though I reckon the Orcs would smash them into goo if they felt like it) and no-one messes with Irissen but Ustalav? What's stopping them?
Go through them and ask her which one sounds the most fun. In the end it's not the mechanics that hook most players, it's the flavour of the class. Ask her a few questions about how she sees her character, is she civilised and book learned? Wild and dangerous? Cunning? Clever? Resourceful? Calm? Passionate? Get an idea of how she sees her character then fit that to the most appropriate class.
You have to burn a boon for an Ifrit, Sylph, Undine and Oread character all of which were only available as GM boons at conventions. So yeah, Suli characters are rare. Not super-rare (that's reserved for Goblins, Grippli and similar where you had to do something pretty remarkable to get them) but yeah not easy to get.
So we basically come down to this. The creative director of Paizo says that the intention of pathfinder is that this is not something that is allowed. There is no direct rule for it but that's the intention. You at home can invoke rule 0 and that's fine but every bit of printed Pathfinder material works with that assumption. When someone posts a question on the Paizo boards they are looking for an official line. Well there, you got it from JJ himself (thanks by the way.) In short you have got as good an answer as you can possibly get. Everything else is an opinion. Sure you could argue that JJ's answer is only opinion too and technically you'd be correct. But really of course JJ's opinion holds more weight than about 99.99999% of the people involved in the game. Unless Lisa turns up with a differing opinion I think you are safe to assume that is the Paizo stance...
OK here goes... Shackled City: Completed as player
I'm currently taking a break from Pathfinder to run the Saga Star Wars AP Dawn of Defiance. We are on Book 3 of that. As for the rest, Mrs Camelot is down to do Wrath of the Righteous after Shattered Star and I'm doing Way of the Wicked after Dawn of Defiance. I was down to do Reign of Winter but I took an extreme dislike to it after book 3 so I did Dawn of Defiance instead. If we run out of AP's I'll revisit it. Mrs Camelot and I will split duties on Mummy's Mask (which I like the look of) and Iron Gods. Not sure who's running and who's playing.
DrDeth wrote:
Sounds like a fantastic game to me. I don't play for loot, xp or magic. I play for the plot. Stop criticising a game you haven't seen based on your own preconceptions, it's rude.
Think of it in cold war terms. The gods are the USA and Russia brimming with enough "nuclear weapons" to totally obliterate everything. There is no pact, no ceasefire, just the understanding that actual full all out war is nothing but mutually assured destruction of everything. So in that scenario prime material worlds are the Korea's, Vietnam's and Cuba's of the multiverse. Places where the gods fight by proxy through agents and followers. So in short Gods don't directly interfere because that would cause a cataclysm which would destroy everything including themselves.
CathalFM wrote:
Yup that's fine :)
Dragoncat wrote: 5. Don't bring your phone to the table, and especially don't text people in the middle of the game. Not sure about this one. Some people (myself included) have their books on pdf's and use their phone or tablet to look at them. Also some gamers I know are on call or need to have their phone at the table for family or work related reasons. Heck, I don't want to miss an important emergency call and have to explain that the reason that I couldn't take that call is because I was gaming. That's not a legitimate excuse. So yeah, I disagree here.
I don't always play the same character but I do have preferences. I like characters that do the job themselves, so characters that rely on summoning, pets or buffing others do not hold my interest for long. I like civilised characters so I'd rather play a fighter, sorcerer or inquisitor than a barbarian, druid or ranger. Defined religion>"powers from a mysterious source" I want options, many options. Spamming the same thing over and over, no matter how powerful, is not for me. (I'm looking at you witch.) If I have a spell list I want it to be awesome. I don't care how useful a spell freedom of movement is, I'm here to blow things up and turn my opponents into paint. On that note I don't want to confuse my enemy I want to blow them up. Sure it isn't optimal, makes no sense and is just needlessly flashy but you guys can keep your Toyota Prius' I'll be over here with my Dodge Viper thanks... 2 weapons>2H weapon>ranged weapons>being set on fire>becoming an accountant>sword and board. If you are a 6 or 9 level caster and your spells are a side note then your class sucks. I think that pretty much covers it.
If you feel no enthusiasm for running CotCT you won't get through it. So basically it's pointless starting. Your group wants traditional fantasy and that's OK. Traditional fantasy doesn't have to be boring. My advice? Come up with an idea and pitch it to your players. The bottom line is that both GM and players need to have buy in to the game, otherwise it's not going to be fun.
Seth Parsons wrote: @FallofCamelot: A good GM should be able to integrate those readily enough if needed/wanted. Well sure. I could rewrite it too but that kind of makes running an AP pretty pointless. For reference I have run or played every AP up to and including Shattered Star including the 3 Dungeon magazine ones. The only one's I have abandoned have been Council of Thieves and Serpent's Skull and I am in progress with Rise of The Runelords, Savage Tide and Shattered Star. In total I have either GMed or played to completion 9 AP's Every one of the AP's I have enjoyed in some way. Even Second Darkness. Reign of Winter is the first one I want to leave on the shelf to gather dust. I accept the criticism of Legacy of Fire and yes, book 5 wasn't great but I would contend that Legacy of Fire has a better plot than Reign of Winter by a country mile. Legacy of Fire has a narrative whereas Reign of Winter has a long series of boring fetch quests. No recurring villains or characters, no intrigue, no twists or surprises and in the end nothing investing the players in the plot beyond a nebulous and pretty generic "save the world" plot. Where is the personal connection? Why should my players invest emotionally in the plot? Just saving the world isn't enough. They need personal investment in what they are saving a trigger for the heroes journey. In Reign of Winter that's just not there.
FattyLumpkin wrote:
1) Is there enogh in that for an entire AP? Seems more like a module to me. 2) Serpent's Skull 3) Yup that sounds cool to me. 4) Thornkeep? Also Shattered Star is basically all dungeon all the time. I would hate to see a megadungeon, I'm dungeoned out... Some dwarf stuff might be good though...