Dwarf Fighter

Fafhrdnorseman's page

Organized Play Member. 35 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

Allright, So, I have this awesome new thing called Google Wave, maybe you've all heard about it, maybe some of you haven't. Well, I've been using it with a couple of my friends as a format for keeping track of my games, and to discuss rules out of game, that deal with the individual gaming group I'm a part of. And I had an idea I thought would be wicked cool. I've got a bunch of invites, 23 right now. And last I checked Google wave is still invite only. I was thinking it would be awesome to invite some fellow Paizo Messageboarders in, and kickstart something. I really Like the wave, and, I really really like Pathfinder, so I thought I'd meld the two. It would work so well for rules creating, etc. Anyway, If someone wants to join the wave, and doesn't have a wave acct. Let me know. I can only invite 23 people right now, so its first come first serve, but I'd like to see a Community of us there. We can share character ideas, things like that. leave a msg in here and we'll find a way to share contact information in a responsible way.