Angvar Thestlecrit

Eysterlun Macros's page

35 posts. Organized Play character for Tin Foil Yamakah.


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Vinsomner wrote:
@Eysterlun Macros: Great! It's looking good, and thank you for switching to Lur'dalen, I think it just fits better :)

No problem me and bitey like elves don't we boy

Dark Archive

I am finished, I had to change his background to fit with Lur'dalen

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Ok then step right up and let me craft you all some items. I can do Armor, Wands, Weapons and Wondrous Items.

Let me take a look at the kingdoms again and see if I can find another one.

EDIT: I believe coming from Lur'dalen makes sense after all the search for more knowledge is right in my wheelhouse.

Dark Archive

Vinsomner wrote:
Lets go ahead and give everyone a starting wealth of 10k gold.

Would it be alright for me to craft my items or anyone else's stuff. Sorry guys I cannot do guns 8>(

Dark Archive

Vinsomner wrote:

Op, another good question I should've covered.

Normally I either Max HP or Roll it. But seeing how dicey the paizo dice can be, I will settle for Average + Con. (Would suck if the fighter got five 1 rolls...)

Also, I normally don't use WBL due to the situations that arise in my homebrews. As of the current situations in the world, wealth is scarce and money is becoming a very precious thing. So to answer your question, do not use WBL for 6th level.

Alright let me make some adjustments

Dark Archive

How do we do HP? Roll or Average + con ? and are we doing WBL for 6th level?

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IMO, 9 is the sweet spot for builds.

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I am done. I want to save some cash to shore up any potential needs in the party like for instance fabricate bullets for the gun guys

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I just need to buy stuff, but I am a guy and suck at this kind of stuff

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Cash: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10 x10 =100 that right

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Ok I have adjusted my skills to fit the system. How much cash do we start with?

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@Sir Longears: Hell yes a trapfinder would be awesome

@DM: What skill would wands, rods, wondrous items fall under?Spellcraft?

Dark Archive

Would anyone like a crafter in the party?

I am not close to being done yet

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Until Monday, I bid you all adieu

Dark Archive

Eric Swanson wrote:

@Jamie: Your character looks good!

@Eysterlun: I think Damnation feats will work fine in this setting. What feats were you looking at?

I am thinking Maleficium.

Dark Archive

Eric Swanson wrote:

@Eysterlun Macros: OK your character looks good. Just keep in mind the new crafting house rules I have set up here. Basically, you will need to find various rare and exceptional materials in order to craft anything more powerful than wands. Be forewarned.


That sounds like how we used to play back before there were rules for crafting.

Will there be a check involved to find materials for items?

EDIT: What is your opinion on Damnation feats from champions of corruption. Sounds kind of cool to sell my soul for my art

Dark Archive

Ok I changed my mind, I will submit a crafter extrodinaire

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Ok then, I believe I am done

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So I got most of him done, I need a backstory and 1 more trait. I am envisioning a typical halfling slave that caught the Stockholm syndrome and started snitching on others including family members to gain favors.

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Good luck all,

If picked I will be interested in seeing psionics in action.

Dark Archive

Tech5bb wrote:

Ok Submissions so far;

Eysterlun Macros - Wayan Umbral Shadow Sorceror/8 - Hit Man for the decimvirate

Actually more of a scout/spy type

Dark Archive

I have finished my character

Dark Archive

Tech5bb wrote:

Yes average WBL - 33,000gp

@Jonny Panic i'll allow Psionics :)

@CampinCarl sorry without giving away to much about the campaign i can not. Having a knack with langues in general will help.

@Eysterlum Macros No, how campingcarl explained it is correct. but thanks for asking, your right in thinking homebrew games are all different.

No Worries Tech, I am good either way. My concept is to use MM as a distraction more than damage per say. By the way do you allow MM to target individual targets. i.e. If I come across a room with say 3 folks in it. Can I target each one with as many as I choose.

Dark Archive

I have no problem with that. However every DM is different.

Also good to see you again, we played together breifly in a campaign that died. You were Jietin and I was Katya the adultress.

Dark Archive

@DM What are your thoughts on intensified magic missile, Does it let me cast a 10d4 + 10 MM at level 20? Whenever I build a caster I like to have a signature spell.

Dark Archive

So I am thinking something like this, I am going to tweak the backstory, spells, magic items.

Dark Archive

I am going to have to back out of this one, Have fun everyone.

Dark Archive

Active Spells:
Male Human Wizard(Arcanimirium Crafter) 9 | HP:27/27 | AC:11 | T:10 | FF:11 | Fort:7 | Ref:4 | Will:8 | Move 30 | Init:0
Craft(Weapon) 18, Craft(Armor) 18, Arcana 10, Dungeoneering 10, Engineering 10, History 10, Planes 10, Perception 13, Spellcraft 18

With the sun setting,Eysterlun will move over to the assembled masses of newcomers, giving Ambrus a knowing look. Good evening gentlemen says a 2'10" wayang. He is dressed in black and grey gauzy robes and is sporting long straight black hair dangling to his mid chest region.

Dark Archive

Doombringer the DM wrote:

No purchase limit, but remember to try to avoid cheese. Seriously. Cheese is bad for the soul... and your PC's life expectancy,

Do you think you could let me know if I gots any cheese? Cause I am happy to change whatever.

Dark Archive

Ok Dice rolls for HP 8d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 5, 4, 4, 6, 2, 1) = 27

Edit: I have him at 9th level let me know if you any questions/concerns

Edit: Oops 1d6 ⇒ 3

Dark Archive

Active Spells:
Male Human Wizard(Arcanimirium Crafter) 9 | HP:27/27 | AC:11 | T:10 | FF:11 | Fort:7 | Ref:4 | Will:8 | Move 30 | Init:0
Craft(Weapon) 18, Craft(Armor) 18, Arcana 10, Dungeoneering 10, Engineering 10, History 10, Planes 10, Perception 13, Spellcraft 18

The Nightcrawler comes as summoned, unhappy to be in the cursed sun. Yet knowing that if he was asked to come personally it must be important. The nightcrawler had performed many missions for the decemvirate in the past always quietly and efficiently.

He looks around and skulks off in search of a shady place.

Dark Archive

Excellent, I will make the proper adjustments(This is a level 6 PFS character) so he is a 20pt buy. Also yes I have played the ToH and DMed the ToH and White Plume. Now White Plume I have not done for 25 years or so. ToH I am running now but am quite able to keep that kind of knowledge out of the game and I'm sure you have many extra surprises in mind as well. 8>)

Dark Archive

How about a wayang umbral shadow sorceror scout/spy type with a focus on party buffing

Dark Archive

I am going to be starting this character for PFS. Kind of a scout/spy guy Magic missile will be his only offensive spell the rest is going for utility/buff. Depending on party make up