
Evil Genius Prime's page

Organized Play Member. 812 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.

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Great idea, Corvino. I actually remember watching that show when I was a "tween", as the kids call it today. LOL!

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Change wasn't needed, it was balanced and acceptable. This retroactive crap irritates me.

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I don't know if anyone else has shared this, so I'll share it now. The only part I disagree with is the Arabian Niiiiiiiiiiights area. It should have been labeled Egypt or something. LOL!

Humorous Golarion Map

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Rynjin wrote:

Have a Hello Kitty/My Little Pony crossover mystery about who stole the cupcakes.

Or just don't treat your girlfriend any differently than you would any OTHER new player just trying to get into RPGs.

Steer her into one of the classes that doesn't require a lot of system mastery to be good.

Bards, Rangers, Fighters, Barbarians, Heal/Buff Clerics, etc. Keep her away from Rogues (it won't be her fault when she sucks with one) and Wizards (they're a bit complex for a complete newbie).

Have some other fairly new players around.

This. This indeed.

Dark Archive

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Anyone else notice that the Android from Inner Sea Bestiary looks like the robot in this commercial? LOL!

Car Commercial Robot

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I prefer my players to name their characters according to the naming conventions I set down by the cultures I've created. We mainly play in Golarion so this isn't a problem because the campaign setting does a great job of laying down some guidelines. I do have one player though who pushes pretty hard. He's fairly annoying and I doubt he'll last in the group. That is if I don't kick him out first. He wanted to name his first character "Enzyme Benzoate". I vetoed it immediately. Ugh.

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I've always wanted to run Pathfinder (D&D) with a Final Fantasy 6 feel to it. At the start of the campaign, magic is essentially dead, except in the "Empire" that is actively trying to bring it back. Never really got around to it though.

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Second Edition talk is blasphemy! LOL! But in all seriousness, I hate it when people talk about Second Edition Pathfinder. It makes me feel nauseous, just like when WotC announced 4E. Pathfinder is IMHO as pretty close to a perfect "Legacy" system as we'll probably ever get. Call me a grumpy Graybeard, but if Paizo does do a Second Edition, I won't be following them. I'm happy with Pathfinder. It's better than D&D ever was (and I've been playing since AD&D 1st ed). I see no reason to "fix" what clearly isn't "broken".

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Some call me Tim wrote:

However, reading the bestiary text of the elementals reveals:

"Air elementals are fast, flying creatures made of living air."
"Earth elementals are plodding, stubborn creatures made of living stone or earth."
"Fire elementals are quick, cruel creatures of living flame."
"Water elementals are patient, relentless creatures made of living fresh or salt water."

Pretty hard to dispute that.

Indeed. According to the Bestiaries, they are alive.

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Lobolusk wrote:

I am not trying to start a is killing baby goblins wrong thread i am trying to get practical advice and honest feedback to what I understand Lawful good to be. let me start with an example that some one used

I am a paladin and the land lord is just about to evict a old women and her children because they can't pay the rent. Her husband died in the last war as a paladin I have a few options

1. sell my gear to pay for her rent

2. ask my church to help her

3. ask the landlord to have a heart.

4. help the land lord evict them ....READ FURTHER BEFORE REPLYING

If i am the only legitimate law in some po-dunk town isn't it my sworn duty to uphold the law? and if all other options fail and the land lord asks me to execute a lawful legal request don't i have to comply? I may hate it but it s my duty so it wouldn't be lawful evil because I take no pleasure in it. right?

that is where I see the kryptonite of LAWFUL GOOD having to obey the law that is awful or against your moral code. I admit this is an extreme circumstance. but police in my country have to do it every day. as long as i give to charity help the needy and be a shining night to ladies and all that jazz. I Am still lawful good?

what if i catch a run away slave and his master catches up with me and him and he provide she a legal Writ of ownership I am then bound to return the slave Correct? this situation to me is much more frustrating to a paladin then the goblin baby scenario

I may have this all wrong and I am open to helpful feedback. the reason this came up is we are playing Serpents Skull and I have been watching a lot of Westerns in my free time. I was thinking of a lawful good gunslinger who works for the sargavians. they give him a writ of law or what ever you want to call the legal document. he brings law to the lawless, so many time in serpents skull we have been ambushed by who ever or what ever and we are 100 ,miles from any Lawful entity, watch, guards ECT. I was thinking a way around this is if i am a paladin i...

A lot of what you're talking about here seems to fall under Lawful Neutral IMHO.

Dark Archive

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You evil, creepy, bag. (Shudders)

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I had an ass like this in my group. After months of this garbage we just kicked him out.

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I'd just like to toss out here that I like Gluttony's idea. And as for those people saying that no "mere mortal should be able to traipse into Hell" you forget. These aren't "mere mortals". These are PCs. The heroes of the story.

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Holy Mother of the Gods! This shall be mine!

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Kendril Shad wrote:
Don't listen to those crazies. Back in the days of 3.5, I played an elven paladin for 6 years, and he did quite fine. Was it always optimal? No. Was it fun? Heck yeah, it was! You don't need to min-max a character to make a good character. Min-maxing, is what players and DM's who roll-play do. Building a character with a creative story and a solid core is what roleplayers do.


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Black Fang wrote:
As long as everyone's having fun, what does it matter?

I agree with this. In my 18 years of GMing, its never really been a problem for me. I also do the occasional "audit", like Bruno, and make the necessary adjustments in future adventures if it needs to be done.

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I don't think rules for epic play are needed per se. Just keep advancing characters as usual. If someone has maxed out 20 levels in one class, pick up a new class, or a prestige class. Just keep going.

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I've always thought of Eberron as a High Magic campaign setting. Just my two cents. I mean Airships and Trains (Lightning Rails)! Powered by magically bound elementals! Thats pretty high magic indeed.

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If so, how did that go for you and your players?
What point buy amount did you use?

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Hello all. I am currently running Burnt Offerings for my wife as a modified solo mini campaign. Both of her characters are female. I don't want to pass up the opportunity to run this encounter as it usually has amusing results.

I could could always make Shayliss a bisexual or even a lesbian. Or I could turn the NPC into a teenage male, and give Ven a son.

Any suggestions on how to modify this for a female PC?

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Auxmaulous wrote:
Oh, so they are only utterly moronic in your game - got it.

Dude, there's no need to be a dick, okay. Like he said, this is a thread about Anti-Paladins in your game. If you don't like the way someone is handling it in their game, get over it. Its their game, not yours, and you're obviously not playing in his game. Jeez.