
Evil Genius Prime's page

Organized Play Member. 812 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.

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Dark Archive

I was wondering if anyone had compiled the creatures from the bestiaries by terrain type? Just a list of names and which book they're in organized by terrain. It would greatly help in creating random encounter tables.

Dark Archive

I can't remember off the top of my head. Do any of the bestiaries have elemental templates?

Dark Archive

Just curious. I own most of the Pathfinder hardbacks. But I find myself sticking mainly to the core rules and the bestiaries. How many of the various hardbacks and which ones do you use in a typical campaign? Are there just a few you use regularly or do you sample from them all?

I'd love to utilize every hardback in every campaign in some way, but it seems nigh impossible.

Dark Archive

Hello everyone.

I've finally introduced my 10 year old daughter to the wonderful of role-playing games. We played the heck out of Basic Fantasy, but now she's ready to try something a bit more involved. So now we're playing Pathfinder. She's created a 1st level Vudrani Monk from Jalmeray. She's fascinated with indian culture, so she was immediately drawn to the vudrani humans in The Inner Sea World Guide.

My question is, what kind of adventures should I run for her? I need ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, we're starting off in Osirion. I have all the hard back books for Pathfinder and most of the smaller soft cover books as well.

Dark Archive

I know starting with Kingmaker and onward, the settlements stat blocks use the rules from the GMG. Is it pretty much just the adventure paths that use those rules, or are some of Golarion's cities and towns statted up using the settlement rules in other products?

Dark Archive

On page 206 of Ultimate Campaign in the Edict Phase section, Step 3 was left out. It goes from Step 2 to Step 4. Should Step 3 have been "Abandon Hexes"? If not, what was Step 3 supposed to be?

I posted this in the Rules Questions section but no one seemed to know, and my thread got jacked by someone asking other rules questions about that didn't relate to my question. So I thought I'd try it here. Sorry for the second posting.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

On page 206 of Ultimate Campaign in the Edict Phase section, Step 3 was left out. It goes from Step 2 to Step 4. Should Step 3 have been "Abandon Hexes"? If not, what was Step 3 supposed to be?

Dark Archive

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I don't know if anyone else has shared this, so I'll share it now. The only part I disagree with is the Arabian Niiiiiiiiiiights area. It should have been labeled Egypt or something. LOL!

Humorous Golarion Map

Dark Archive

Anyone know what book I can find stats for Jorogumo. They're mentioned in the Dragon Empires Gazetteer. Have they even been actually statted up officially?

Dark Archive

Can someone point me to a link for the most recent Monk changes?

Dark Archive

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone had extracted the artwork from the NPC Codex. I'm wanting to get the images to use for my games. I understand that the art is copywrited, but it would just be for use in my home game. Can anyone offer some help on this?

Dark Archive

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What is the alignment of the Werebear supposed to be? The Human form says CG, but the Hybrid form says LG. Does anyone know for sure? I know that classically (in RPGs anyway) the werebear was LG. Did this change in Pathfinder?

Dark Archive

Sorry guys, but I've been away for quite awhile now. Just getting back to the forums after about a year's absence. Is Paizo making changes to the core rules? More than just simple errata? I saw that the monk is being reworked.

Not sure how I feel about this if that is the case. I mean, WotC did stuff like this with 4E and it got so out of hand that the corebooks were pretty much unusable after get monthly "revisions" for over a year. If this is what the future of Pathfinder holds, I may have to stop buying products from Paizo. I hate to be that way, but I don't want to have to buy the newest printing of the core rules everytime they go in and change something.

This really bums me out.

Dark Archive

Does anyone know the official average lifespan of lycanthropes? There's been a bit of a debate in my group with half saying they are immortal and the other half saying they have the lifespan of the race the template is placed on. I agree with the latter. Any help?

Dark Archive

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if there are any actual rules that govern the Samsaran Reincarnation process. The entry in the Advanced Race Guide only mentions it in the flavor text, but offers no specific game mechanics for it. Does anyone know?

Dark Archive

I wasn't sure where to put this thread, so I put here in General Discussion.

So, have you made any new races? If so, post them here, including the RP totals.

I'm working on a Panda Race. No I don't play WoW, but the commercial inspired me. LOL! I should have it up soon.

Dark Archive

Like the subject says.

Sell me on the Advanced Race Guide.
I will more than likely pick it up anyway, merely because I am a completist.

But please, go ahead and tell me the Pros and Cons of the book. I've read a few reviews but they're all over the place ranging from Great to Terrible.

Dark Archive

I was wondering if anyone had compiled lists for the Summom Monster & Summon Nature's Ally spells to included all the possible new entires from Bestiary 2 & 3.

Dark Archive

I've seen several of these on the web and on these message boards. But What I'm wondering is if there is an official chart for Random Tiefling Traits in any Paizo Product.

Dark Archive

I'm thinking of allowing Paladins to be any Good alignment and Antipaladins to be any Evil alignment in my campaign. Can you, my fellow Paizoites help me examine the potential pitfalls in doing so? I know that one of the minor changes will be changing the spell lists to match the alignment of the character. For example, Adding Detect Law and removing Detect Chaos for a Chaotic Good Paladin.

Dark Archive

Does anyone know if there are any official stats for Thri-Kreen in any pathfinder book or supplement? If so, what book are they in?

Dark Archive

I'm planning on running a campaign for my wife. I don't know what character class she is planning on playing yet. But she will be only playing one PC.

I have a basic idea for the start of the game. Basically a group of Cultists who worship a Deity of the Dark Tapestry have gotten their hands on a minor artifact that has the power to stop the wind from blowing. It would only stop the wind from blowing in like a 10 miles radius.

So I turn to my fellow forumites. Why would these cultists want to stop the wind? I'm thinking it's in preparation for summoning something nasty. I humbly ask for your assistance in developing this idea.

Dark Archive

So what is the official Rarity Level in Golarion for Firearms.
Using the Guidelines in UC would you say "Very Rare Guns" or "Emerging Guns"?

Dark Archive

In Ultimate Combat Class descriptions, it actually states that the Samurai is an alternate Cavalier and the Ninja is an alternate Rogue. I'm assuming the Gunslinger is an alternate Fighter, but it doesn't specifically say so.

Dark Archive

Have you all been using Bestiary 3 in your games yet? If so, what monsters have you used, and which ones are your favorites?

Dark Archive

How do you handle this skill in your games? Do you make the players select which region the skill represents when they buy it? I've been thinking of doing away with it.

Dark Archive

We have "Faiths of Purity", and what else? Are there any other "Faiths of" books out yet?

Dark Archive

Some thoughts that have been running through my head.

I noticed the other day that the Iconic Wizard is an Atheist. I was wondering how one could come to have this point of view in a world where some of the Gods themselves were once mortals who ascended. Could it be that the atheists of Golarion just think of the Gods as really powerful, albeit long-lived beings, but still essentially mortal?

Also, could an Atheist/Agnostic wield Divine Magic or be a Cleric?

What about the Shoanti's (and others) Ancestor Worhship? Could you be a cleric and get your spells/Domains from your Ancestors?

And before anyone says "Check with your GM", I just want to add that I am the GM. :P

I guess what I am looking for also, is an official answer. Barring that, I'll settle for advice on how my fellow forumites handle or have handled these situations in their Golarion games.

Dark Archive

Hello fellow forumites. I'm gearing up to run a one player game for my wife. She's playing an Oracle of the Heavens, with the Haunted Curse.

What I'm needing is adventure/campaign ideas. She's going to be playing just the one character, and I am thinking of making a stable of NPC's that adventure with her from time to time. I only want to run one NPC at a time. So it will essentially be a party of two, and the NPC's will swap out between adventures or during downtime. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I was pretty sure there used to be one in 3.X. I don't see one in the PF Corebook. Does this now fall under the purview of the Detect Good, Evil, Chaos, and Law spells now?

Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

So, for those that have it.
How does it compare to the original 3.5 version?

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

It says that if the oracle dies the come back as a Star Child in 3 days. What is a Star Child? I checked the Bestiary 1 and 2 and can find no such creature. Can someone help me with this?

Dark Archive

Just like the title says. Tell us about your duet game and how its going. Also feel free to include the kind of adventures your solo player is going on.

Do you use NPC's to help out the solo PC?
How do you adjust the CR of threats to compensate for one PC?

Lets discuss!

Dark Archive

So we all know how to pronounce "Demon" (Dee-Mun).

I've always pronounced Daemon the same way as Demon. Mainly because Demons in Warhammer are spelled "Daemons"

So to differentiate the two, do we pronounce Daemon like "Day-Mun"?

How do you pronounce it?

Dark Archive

Like the topic title says. Also, how are your players and/or your GM handling their implementation.

Do you use them differently than the deck intended?

Dark Archive

I was wondering if anyone has made, is making, or plans on making, the sheets in the back of the GMG into form-fillable PDFs. If anyone has any info, please let me know.

Evil G.

Dark Archive

Does anyone know if its planned to be remade? Or what?

Dark Archive

How many of you run games for one player?
What are your campaign specifics?
Do you have the player run multiple characters?
Do you run NPC's along side the PC to help out?
If you run for just one PC, what do you do to keep the game balanced and enjoyable for one player?

Unfortunately we don't all have large gaming groups. I do good to get more than two people together at a time. I'm wanting to start a new campaign for just my wife though. Anyway, there's the topic. Running for one player.

Let's discuss.

Dark Archive

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If so, how did that go for you and your players?
What point buy amount did you use?

Dark Archive

Still looking for players in the Paducah area of Western KY.
Wanting to run Pathfinder (Kingmaker AP).
If anyone is interested, let me know.

Dark Archive

One of the things that has always bugged me about the Mummy entry in various books (Monster Manual, Bestiary, etc) is that its never a template. Compared to other undead templates (Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Ghost, etc) shouldn't the Mummy be one as well?

Also, whats the best way to advance a mummy? Adding Class Levels, or a simple template?

Opinions anyone?

Dark Archive

Even though Witches get their powers from a mysterious patron, how many of you still have your witch worship a deity as well? Especially if that deity is not said patron.

Basically, what are your Witch's religious beliefs?

Dark Archive

So far, is the Inquisitor the only one that has errata issues? How are the other five on this front?

Dark Archive

I've been GMing for 18 long years. In my recent Kingmaker game, one of my players refuses to take part in any combat encounters. When combat breaks out, he retreats and tries to flat out leave the area. The other players are getting pissed because he's not helping out in the combats but he still thinks he deserves EXP and Treasure. Last time, I had enough of it, and decided to not award him any EXP for the combat encounter. At which point he crossed his arms and plainly said he didn't care.

He loves to be the "self-proclaimed" leader when Roleplaying encounters happen, and just refuses to participate in the game otherwise. I've spoken to him about this, and the other players have expressed displeasure at how he abandons them during combat. For the record, he's playing a LN Monk.

How would you handle this situation?

Dark Archive

People who type "rollplaying" but mean "roleplaying" because they are too stupid to know there is a distict difference.

Dark Archive

Just wondering if anyone knows how close we are to having this as a compiled PDF. Thanks!

Dark Archive

I have the money to order this book NOW! Should I do it and why?

Help me weigh the Pros and Cons of owning this book.

Evil G.

Dark Archive

Check THIS out!


Dark Archive

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Hello all. I am currently running Burnt Offerings for my wife as a modified solo mini campaign. Both of her characters are female. I don't want to pass up the opportunity to run this encounter as it usually has amusing results.

I could could always make Shayliss a bisexual or even a lesbian. Or I could turn the NPC into a teenage male, and give Ven a son.

Any suggestions on how to modify this for a female PC?

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