Red Dragon

Erixian's page

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I was wondering if anyone else who picked up the base set and character add-on at GenCon, has these items showing up for their September subscription. I checked today to see if that had gone away, but it is still there. Is that just a bug right now?

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Just curious, those of you who have played S&S, how do you feel about the difficulty? My wife and I have played through the first 4 scenarios, and have found S&S to be far more challenging from the get-go than RotR. We failed two scenarios due to running out of blessings, one of which because our Magus was killed by a Siren Caller. Including that previous death, we have had two characters die. I was wondering if anyone else was having a similar experience.

Also, I was expecting S&S to be more difficult, but the difficult out of the gate surprised me. I was expecting the beginning experience to be similar to RotR to ease people into playing, and ramp up later in the game to account for the gear that you are acquiring. I am not upset with it, though, in fact, I like it a little. I felt that until adventure 6 RotR was a little too easy. Like I said, earlier, I was just a little surprised by it.

This may be the wring place for this, but I was wondering when subscribers should expect the promos that were missing from GenCon. Should we be looking at our next shipment, or do you think that these will go out before then? I know that it is not a big deal not to get the promos since I am enjoying the new AP, but it is a little disappointing to not get everything that we were told we were getting. Thank you!

So this is just a general question that comes from a different thread. Thinking about it now, I should have copied the link and put it in here... Anyway, I was wondering what people thought about the idea of characters having an alignment. I think that with the current sets, and with futures sets, it could be a very interesting idea. For instance, Divine spells that have different effects, or items that certain alignments can't use as effectively. Just a thought. I know that it means there are more and more boons, or banes for that matter, that you are less interested in revealing from a location, but it might add another layer to the depth of this game. What do you all think?

Okay, so previously I wasn't going to GenCon, so I avoided a lot of the threads about GenCon, but now I am going and am hoping to get all of my questions answered in one place. Here are a few:

1. How do I set my subscription up for pick-up at GenCon? Once it is set up, when and where will I be able to pick up everything.

2. Can I add a class deck pre-order to my sub for August. If so, can I also pick that up at GenCon with everything else?

3. Once everything is set up in this manner, will my card be charged, or will I have to pay for everything at GenCon?

4. I know that most of the events are already full, but might there be openings in events so that people could come in and just play, or is that unlikely?

5. Lastly, who is going?


It has been a while since I have started a thread like this, so I thought I might try it again. I am betting that it is not just my group that uses nicknames for certain cards or powers on characters. Here are a few examples...

Masterwork Tools = Mastertwerk Tools. Run into a barrier that you can't beat? That's fine, just twerk it.

Ring of Protection = Bonk Ring. Taking some damage? Nope, bonk.

Lini using her discard power to get a d10 dexterity = Cat form.
Lini using her discard power to get a d10 strength = Bear form.

Lem using his power to add a d4+X = Guitar Solo!

There are others, but I would like to hear more from the community. So, what are your nicknames?

Is there an update for subscriptions going out in June? I know that it is early in the month, but i have not heard anything about upcoming subscription send outs. Also, a preview of the new adventure would be awesome. So are we getting these things? Thanks!

So this is pretty cool. I am a little torn, though. I play in a few large groups, so this mat makes sense, but it seems like overkill when I am soloing or just playing with my wife. If the other side was designed for less people, then I would be all for this. I might still get it anyways.

So, since i did this the other way and it got people talking a bit, why not try it in the other direction. Once again, this does not have to be a discussion about the worst cards in the game or anything like that, but what are your least favorite cards in the game? Cards that you just don't like to encounter or just don't like to have in your hand.

One of these for me is the Enchanter. I feel like this might make a lot of lists, actually. For a lot of characters, you are just going to be taking 2 minimum damage. Obviously there are ways to prevent that damage, but you still have to get those cards. Also, the fact that these are different types of damage makes things a lot more interesting as well.

So, I have not seen a thread like this, and I do not know if one is out there. Anyways, I am wondering what everyone's favorite card in the game is right now. It can be anything. Just that card that, either when you play it or when you encounter it. I think mine is Mokmurian's Club or Charmed Red Dragon.

I like the club, because it is pretty great for combat. I have not had a chance to use it a lot, but in my limited experience, it seems to be extremely powerful. I think that it is Amiri's dream weapon, but can also work for a lot of characters effectively.

As far as the dragon goes, it is a Dragon... Enough said? No? Okay. I think that it is powerful, because it is a straight plus 5, and while it does have a slight drawback and no ability to let you explore again, I still really like the effect. The risk/reward is just fun to me.

Before you rush in and tell me that Poog is better, I have not had a chance to play with one, because I do not have it. And he is just flat out ridiculously good.

So this is a question that I think is mostly directed at Mike and Vic, but can be answered by anyone. How exactly would a person sign up to get on the playtesting list? I am just curious, because I am absolutely loving this game, and would like to help make it better. I know there are other ways to do that, but playtesting the game is a great way to help work out the kinks.


My wife and I have been playing for a few weeks and have a question about banishing cards. We have beaten adventure 3, but thought the rule about removing cards from the game was after that, not beginning at that adventure. When you banish a card, you place it in the box and shuffle it in. So the question that we have, is that should we be removing from the game? Here are a few scenarios:

With all of these, just assume that the option for boons I am taking as a must.

1) I successfully beat a bane with the basic trait, or I fail to acquire a boon with the basic trait. In both cases, the card is placed in the box. I believe that this cards should be removed from the game.

2) We close a location and in the remainder of the cards, there is a basic boon and a basic bane along with other cards. Are these cards removed from the game?

3) After we beat the scenario, we are rebuilding our characters and don't need 7 cards. If any of those boons are basic, are they removed?

These are cases, where I am unsure if the word banish is necessarily used, but i know that the cards go back in the box. I guess that leads to another question. Banishing is placing a card back in the box, but is placing a card in the box banishing it?


Hello everyone, I am fairly new to the game, but am loving it so far.

On topic, though, I have a few questions about the subscription. I am sure the answers to my questions can be found in the subscription product topic, but I figured this was faster. Here we go:

1) When does the product ship to you in the subscription? Is it sent to arrive on the day that it would be available in stores, or is it a couple days after? It's not a big deal, just wondering.

2) I noticed that you get the Promo cards. How often are there Promos? Is it possible to get the older Promos without buying them individually for quite a price increase?

3) What is the shipping cost approximately if I am in the Midwest US? I am wondering if the 20% off makes up for the shipping cost, basically.
