Red Dragon

Erixian's page

318 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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GravenImageRD wrote:
Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Morph147 wrote:
Nothing for Pathfinder adventure card game? :(
We will have Pathfinder Adventure Card Society news as part of the Thursday Organized Play seminar.
What about for folks that aren't interested in the Pathfinder ACG organized play? I was really hoping to hear about new content since we haven't gotten anything since the release last year, going to be really bummed if there isn't anything. :(

I'm with you in this one. Was really hoping to see the next adventure path.

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Just curious, those of you who have played S&S, how do you feel about the difficulty? My wife and I have played through the first 4 scenarios, and have found S&S to be far more challenging from the get-go than RotR. We failed two scenarios due to running out of blessings, one of which because our Magus was killed by a Siren Caller. Including that previous death, we have had two characters die. I was wondering if anyone else was having a similar experience.

Also, I was expecting S&S to be more difficult, but the difficult out of the gate surprised me. I was expecting the beginning experience to be similar to RotR to ease people into playing, and ramp up later in the game to account for the gear that you are acquiring. I am not upset with it, though, in fact, I like it a little. I felt that until adventure 6 RotR was a little too easy. Like I said, earlier, I was just a little surprised by it.

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So I am just going to call a playable Shark Paladin as the promo for WotR. It follows the theme, if you can call it a theme after only one occurrence. Goblins were a larger part of RotR, and pirates a large part of S&S, so a Goblin Pirate. Now, we have sharks being mentioned as a large part of S&S, and the battle between good and evil in WotR, so, basically Shark Paladin. Obviously joking here, but I could see something fun in this same vein.

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Falling Bell is another one for me. There is just no way to win at that card, especially if you have low Dexterity. This card is just punishing. It always seems to crush our Seelah or Kyra.

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Mystic Lemur wrote:
Erixian wrote:
Interesting. So, were you using your blessings to help out your rolls, instead of exploring in these cases? Also, how many people are you playing with? If you have a really large group, like 6 people, then you should be exploring as many times as possible, because you can run out of turns. However, if you are in a smaller group, then using a blessing or two to help out with rolls is just fine.
Yep, we've been playing with 6 and we've been wasting blessings on rolls. Not even important rolls, mind you, but rolls to pick up basic boons. As I said, we're all new to the game. Hopefully we can focus more on the important things when we play this week. We had never really done the math to realize we only got 5 turns each, so we've been playing conservatively and not "pushing our luck" exploring. Now that we realize how quickly the blessing timer runs out, we will put a priority on exploring.

This makes a lot more sense, now. Yeah, in a larger group there are times that you just need to forget about the possible boons that you can pick up with health and just focus on the ones that you are confident that you can get. Basic gear can last you for 6-7 scenarios if you play to your character's strengths. With 5 turns, you just need to start digging through the decks to close them out as quickly as possible. If you get lucky and close down a few locations quickly, then you can use those extra turns to find better gear. Also, with larger groups, scouting becomes much more valuable, so spyglasses, Shalelu, Ilsoari, Eagle and Harsk are very good. Also, the ability to evade encounters is helpful, because it allows you to keep exploring when you might not be able to defeat a monster. Some things to keep in mind.