Epervier's page
85 posts (100 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.
I have a Droid Charge and a color nook rooted to cyanogen 7.1.0-rc1
Vic Wertz wrote: Laithoron wrote: To be clear, my objection isn't over the viability of the product itself or it's price. My concern is over its inclusion in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Subscription. IMO that line should be reserved for actual reference materials that expand the game itself, not accessories and game aids. From the beginning, we've stated that that line is likely to include something each year that's not a book: so far, that's been the GM screen, the Beginner Box, and this. (I realize that you're saying you don't *like* that; I'm just trying to make it clear that we've been upfront about what this line includes.) How do I NOT get this item? I.E. when should I cancel my subscription and then reup my subscription after this blows over?
Sean K Reynolds wrote: Epervier wrote: Unfortunately the Adventurers Armory version only states that the weapon does leathal damage (which makes little sense, all weapons do leathal damage). sap
and so on. Sap, Whip and Bolas all state that they are nonlethal weapons in their description (specifically under the special column of table 6-4). All weapons do lethal damage unless they have this quality. The description of Brass knuckles shouldn't need to point out they do lethal damage, unless they are not a weapon.
Brass Knuckles, APG wrote: Brass Knuckles: These close combat weapons are designed to fit comfortably around the knuckles, narrowing the contact area and therefore magnifying the amount of force delivered by a punch. They allow you to deal lethal damage with unarmed attacks. You may hold, but not wield, a weapon or other object in a hand wearing brass knuckles. You may cast a spell with a somatic component while wearing brass knuckles if you make a concentration check (DC 10 + the level of the spell you're casting). Monks are proficient with brass knuckles and can use their monk unarmed damage when fighting with them. Brass Knuckles, AA wrote: Brass Knuckles: These weapons are designed to fit comfortably around the knuckles, narrowing the contact area and therefore magnifying the amount of force delivered by a punch. They allow you to deal lethal damage. You may hold, but not wield, a weapon or other object in a hand wearing brass knuckles. You may cast a spell with a somatic component while wearing brass knuckles if you make a concentration check (DC 10 + the level of the spell you’re casting). Monks are proficient with brass knuckles. Jim Groves wrote: In fairness, they're not that dissimiliar. I've compared the two texts you've quoted, and the only difference that I see is that they've left off that little bit at the end where it reinforces that monks can inflict unarmed damage when fighting with them.
However, that is an unnecessary clause, because the item description already says you can do lethal unarmed damage, regardless of whether you're a monk or not.
Unfortunately the Adventurers Armory version only states that the weapon does leathal damage (which makes little sense, all weapons do leathal damage). It says nothing regarding unarmed attacks. That little bit at the end of the original weapon was the only rules anyone was interested in in the first place!
There's the 'Pole Fighter' feat from Paizo's Dragon magazine compendium that lets a monk choose one pole arm as a special monk weapon. I'm sure there's some high damage/ high crit range/ high crit multiplier pole arm that will suit the player's desires.
If the nosoi has a circular hold through its body it could be a hollow!
(heh, birds, Yay birds!)
Munkir wrote: 6. If a character is exposed to multiple doses of inhaled and ingested poisons simultaneously, only one save is made at the higher DC. If the save fails, the character is subject to all of the doses, but still only takes the effect once for the failed save
I was wondering what about injected into the bloodstream does it rase the DC or the Damage
I ask because i have a Alchemist with a Syringe Spear from the Pathfinder Armory
Scenario B should answer your question. Two inflicted applications during the same initiative.
Under the description of weapon bond a Magus can alternatively teleport to their bonded weapon once per round. Does this mean a Magus can move to close distance to an opponent, throw their weapon as an attack, and teleport to where the weapon struck as a free action? Is this an intended use of the ability? As a 19th level ability I don’t think it’s too overpowering, but I wonder if there’s room for abuse.
Thanks, Mike.
The problem with creating a globe of Golarion is that the entire map would have to be redrawn to fit on a spherical shape. I just have to point to greenland as an example of the level of distortion a flat map has on a curving surface.
Just to further drive the point home compare:
world map
north america
I think the amount of work needed to stretch the map onto a globe will be the biggest hurdle for the cartographers and I think they could be put to better use doing other projects.
A spell that allows me to straighten out a snake and shoot it head first from a longbow.
Anyone know were I can find a stat block for a vehicle using the updated pathfinder rules? I know of the Apparatus of the Crab has a stat block but was hoping for something a little more, mundane.
Huh, I was going to post a little game of match the iconics with their names, but reaper already supplied them:( ... Ohwell, I really enjoy these sculpts (three of them are by my favorite artist Julie Guthie, I've been a fan way back when Grenedier made figs).
So in the last 3 months or so I have done a lot of additions to my Iron Kingdoms pathfinder convertion project.
IronPath work in progress.
You'll notice that I based my gun mage heavily on the_Gun_Nut's write-up of the gun mage. I just rearranged some of abilities around. I also recreated the gun mages spell list to my liking. In addition, I have made a character sheet cooresponding to these changes. IronPath Character sheet.
Please tell me what you think of my ideas. One of the biggest road blocks I have is the bodger's core ability to MacGuiver-up wacky stuff. I have some rudimentary ideas right now but can't seem to get in writing elequently and fit the existing rules of pathfinder.
A madu is listed as an Exotic one-handed melee weapon on the back cover, yet the description says that you treat it like a light shield when not proficient. For the purpose of penalties on attack rolls, a light shield is treated as a light weapon. Which should you use, one-handed weapon or light weapon?
To heck with goblins, I want kobolds! Little, mean, dragon beasts.
This illo officially declares that paizo is made of awesome.
My vote went to:
Matt Goodall - Cult of the Ebon Destroyers
I really wanted to vote for Jim Groves but when I think of the encounter of the crumbling dream fortress, I think that as the denizens disappear so does a part of the fortress. The more important the critter that gets defeated by the players the more details disappear in the fortress until only the shell of the fortress remains with the players hovering in the center, trapped. Then it’s up to the players to “remake” the fortress so they can escape. But I know that is not how the fortress will be designed, and it will be another mundane “rocks fall, run now or everyone dies” kind of encounter.
And that kinda disappointed me.
The horsebow was stowed strung as can be seen in the website below.
Just click the link to see a perfect example of how to carry a strung bow.
horsebow quiver.
This is the website I got the image from, check it out, it'll be informative.
Grozer horsebows
By the way, not all unstrung bows look like wooden staves. Horsebows have a distinct 'C' shape when unstrung.
Why don't we just pair them up as couples? That way both genders are represented! And no, I don't think Lem and Lini should be together, Its too obvious. Though who would be Seltiel's date? That could be awkward and hilarious at the same time.
Maeloke wrote: Actually paying attention to the swarm rules, I'd say you're probably safe with them at any level after 5 or so. 7 to be safe, I guess.
Basically, you take animal companion progression, then start out with a statblock like
Bat Swarm
Starting Statistics: Size diminuitive; Speed 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good); AC +4 size; Attacks none; Ability Scores Str 4, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 4; Special Attacks swarm (1d6 per 5 hd); Special Qualities blindsense 20 ft., low-light vision, swarm traits.
I'd justify it with a feat, minimum level 7, at which point they'll be fairly harmless. While you make big gains in evasiveness for the swarm traits, you'll actually do less damage than a tiger or wolf in combat, and lose out on a great deal of utility (no riding a swarm, can't equip it with items, can't enhance it with spells, etc).
I can see a cognitive disconnect happening when trying to figure out how it is a single character masters a teeming pile of rats or whatever, but we can leave that as an exercise in druid hand waving :)
Perhaps you've heard of the Pied piper? A bard thats able to control hoards of tiny animals through music seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Ravenot wrote:
It's a shame, because it's my number one favorite campaign setting. I really hope its updated and re-released for pathfinder, error free, someday.
Fortunately/Unfortunately, Privateer Press has other plans for their RPG.
Interview with Matt Wilson.
Though I'm still jazzed that this rich world setting will be getting the attention it deserves. I just wish that the minis game didn't take so long for the new edition.
here's a link to my work in progress for the races and classes of Iron Kingdoms.
IronPath work in progress.
I still haven't made a list of bonus feats for the arcane mechanik due to my dislike of how mechanika crafting works. Right now there are too many craft feats that you need to indirectly make what you want. Craft Cortex ultimately doesn't make anything useable to the party, It just makes a part of something usable to the party and that's my main problem with their feat design philosophy.
KaeYoss wrote: Asgetrion wrote:
You just made me angrier than I've ever been... on the run from the Hellknights (thanks to your little "prank"), and now you're calling us "carbon copies"?!?
Well, you could tell them you're not the dwarf they're looking for, that you're just out of the mine and eager to get back to your home and the human girl who cooks for you.
Asgetrion wrote:
Truly I'll send my fiendish squirrel assassins to steal your jester's cap!
That's not a cap.
Let's say I have been given strange gifts by my associates. So, you're a twi'lek with face paint? Where's your slave outfit?
my vote are:
Alexander MacLeod — Cloister of Saint Bethaene
Matthew McGee — False Tomb of the Crawling Pharaoh
Matthew Morris — The Lost Winery
Benjamin Bruck — The Peerless Menagerie of Ashpanjara Isle
Charles Evans 25 wrote: Epervier wrote: my votes went to:
Alexander MacLeod — Chymick Swarm, A Thousand Alchemists
Benjamin Bruck — Churjiir
Jason Schimmel — Chaitrakhan, icy pack-hunter
Matthew McGee — Astrumal
Matthew Morris — Caltrop Golem
Richard Hunt — Slithering Horror
All really hard choices, I needed the extra 2 votes!
Extra 3 votes, as compared to the equivalent of this round last year, actually, but all feedback to this effect is useful to Paizo, I suspect... :)
Oh... I was refering to the increase of votes from the second round to the third round for this years contest. With only three votes, I couldn't pick who I would keep and who I would have to drop. Thanks Paizo for the 6 votes!
my votes went to:
Alexander MacLeod — Chymick Swarm, A Thousand Alchemists
Benjamin Bruck — Churjiir
Jason Schimmel — Chaitrakhan, icy pack-hunter
Matthew McGee — Astrumal
Matthew Morris — Caltrop Golem
Richard Hunt — Slithering Horror
All really hard choices, I needed the extra 2 votes!
Twowlves wrote:
Reaper already makes a metal "Dung Monster" which is about 95% identical to the otyugh.
Yeah, I've seen that one and was about to get it too but there's something about it that keeps me from ordering it. Maybe its the pose, maybe the proportions I don't know, but there's something not cool about that figure. The lifeleech otyugh is the closest to awesome I can get in a figure but I'm not a big fan of the plastic prepainted sculpts. They all seem very textureless and flat. So until Reaper makes another otyugh, I'm just going to have to settle for something less.
I have been on the hunt for a cool-looking, noncollectible, metal sculpt of an Otyugh. This image really evokes the kind of awesome I want in a figure.
My votes went to:
Slithering Horror
Its not an ankheg but an antlion. Even antlions are closely related to the lacewings (which is possibly where it gets its name). This bug seems very closely inspired to these real-world critters.
As for every wizard character I played, I insisted on getting a Bacaab's Blessed Book in a Heward's handy haversack. Now that's perfection!
Monkeys make everything better. Just like bacon.
The Hadozee are a Gliding ape race from Stormwrack splatbook.
Here's another metal miniature from DEAL miniatures.
Hawk mini
Just a simple typo page 9, first paragraph, first sentance.
An oracle’s selection of spells is extremely limited. An
oracle begins splay knowing four 0-level spells and two
1st-level spells of her choice.
I had my fencing stuff stolen from the trunk of my car. I called the insurance company for a claim and after some (un)necessary forms I got a check for 60% of what everything was worth. Expect to provide receipts and/or photocopies of product catalogs of everything you lost.
Good luck, and remember they're books, they can be replaced. I lost a lot of unique and irreplacable gear that day but I look at my new kit with just the same sentimentality.
I figured they would never release these books to PDF. Looks like i was wrong!! So far I got the Character guide and the World Guide. I'll probably get the two Monsternomicons next. Thanks You Privateer Pess!
Dennis da Ogre wrote: If there is something hidden in the markings (perhaps some of the glyphs are bigger than they should be for emphasis) I might consider a separate perception check to notice it. Deciphering hidden meanings should be a Linguistics check.
Will they be illustrated? If so who do you have lined up to do the artwork?
I just got my copy today! It's a nice solid softcover book (not a hardcover). :( But that's alright. there is a lot of good stuff in here. Just the chase rules alone is worth the money.
thanks, Mike.
Give it to them both! But if I had to choose one, that starknife looks so much better made than the mask. that's just my two cents.
I prefer to use the names:
Perform (Entertainment); Includes Act, Comedy, Dance, Oratory, Sing.
Perform (Instrumental); Includes Keyboard, Percussion, String, Wind, Sing.
Yes I allow sing to be used to Enterain or as an instrument. I depends on how the Bard wants to use it.
Paul Watson wrote:
We're playing Curse of the Crimson Throne. Having him able to do +26 damage AND ignore the massive DR ** spoiler omitted ** is too much. That would turn a fearsome, party killing monster into a two round at best encounter.
DUDE! You nerfed your own lich. He should have had 10d8 + 50 hit points (from charisma). That should be an extra 30 hit points.
mdt wrote:
I tried going to the magical items section and using the adamantine items as way to work out what you'd do, but that makes even less sense. A 1 pound adamantine dagger costs the same as a 6 pound adamantine battleax costs the same as a 12 pound adamantine greataxe. That boggles the mind.
I just rationalize that regardless of the weapon the same amount of Adamantite is forged into the alloy giving it the weapon's new properties. An adamantite just has a more concentrated amount that the adamantite greataxe (which arguably some of the weight is in the wooden handle).
Mithral though is dealt rather clumsily with leaving it at 500gp/lb. Is it original weight? Or do you use the reduced weight? And then questions come up: Why do my 20 arrows need to cost 1500gp? Thats 75gp each! Adamantite costs only 60gp. And how about this one,How much does it cost to make my blowgun darts mithral? Cause I totally want to poison those wererats!
Seriously though, the mithral costs need to be broken down the same way alchemical weapons are ordered. Ammunition, Light, One-handed, and Two-handed/Double weapons.
Jason Bulmahn wrote: Synergies are dead and buried. We felt that they added little to the game, and came with an irritating price. I cannot tell you how many stat blocks I have gone through, on both sides of the screen, that had these left out.
To top it off, they also worked to make many of the DCs completely irrelevant. Diplomacy comes to mind.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
And good Riddance too! I played a Factotum and HATED synergy bonuses. Yeah I was arguably 2 points less than I should be but it never really made a difference.
Take this daisy from my hand, young grasshopper...
I got mine in yesterday along with Bastards of Erebus, Qadira and Cheliax. :) Only thing is, I'm still waiting for The Final Wish to be delivered. :( I've got to say that I love the new Pathfinder Chronicler PRC art work. The old one looked like he's holding a compact and is about to powder his nose. :P I'm at work and have the book in front of me so I hope noone expects me to get any work done today!
thanks, Mike.
Ah! Ah! Ouch! You twisted my arm enough. I'll order your blasted book. Sereously, nice book guy's, I enjoyed the weekly previews.
Thanks, Mike.
Raises a mug of dwarven ale!
Here, here.
Charles Scholz wrote: I know this has been posted elsewhere, but I can't find the article or link to downloand the font for the Pathfinder logo (not to mention which font it is). Anyone out there know this information and where I can get it.
The font used for the Pathfinder logo is called Saber, but it's not a free to download font. If you're willing to spend the $40.00 for it, you can download it here.
Saber Font
I didn't mean any disrespect, I just kinda preferred Eye Tyrant for years over the slightly corny name beholder. I love the sketch the Hugo had done. It really has that "Sphere of Eyes" vibe down pat. To address the multiple beams on a single creature I would simply increase the DC by +2 for each extra beam striking its target just like what Jason suggests has been done with poisons. That way even an optimized character would fear having the Ogler bare all its beams on him for a single intense “super beam”. So, I you were struck by two slow beams, the duration would be increased by 50% and the DC would increase to 21. Not too shabby if the Ogler really needs that monk put in his place.
So I have to ask, What's wrong with naming it an Eye Tyrant? The name isn't on the prohibited list from the GSL or the OGL. The eye tyrant has been a nick name for the beholder since the 1st edition monster manual.