Lyra Heatherly

Emerald Delta Waters's page

410 posts. Alias of GYPSY ROSE.


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Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

* large 4 man tent - used to carry barrels.

* two light ballistas - on ship

* light catapult - on ship

Wand of cure light wounds- 5/8 charges
Wand of summon nature's ally II-11/11 charges
2 lesser bracers of archery
small masterwork silver dagger
leather flask w/ depiction of a crocodile
potion of cure moderate wounds
MW Greatcoat with five large silver buttons (Button is a anchor feather
2 silver hatpins set with tiny obsidians worth 5 gp each
moonstone ring 30 gp
a silver locket depicting a beautiful, buxom young blonde woman worth 45 gp.
A finely tailored courtier’s outfits, worth 30 gp
40 gp, 99 sp, 98 cp

Chest containing:

* Scattered gems worth a total of 250 gp, 56 gp, and 97 sp.

* scrimshaw blade of great workmanship depicting an octopus worth 125

* jawbone of a shark carved with scrimshaw images of a vast
octopus eating whales and containing a dozen silver and
gold rings hammered into it (worth 250 gp),

* a huge hooked tooth from some colossal sea creature with a seaweed
plugged cavity containing six pearls worth 75 gp each.

1 finely tailored courtier’s outfits, worth 30 gp each. 1 each person and two in the chest.

lobster pot containing:

* Eight 4-pound silver ingots, each worth 20 gp.


* 3 Giant Coconut crab carapace for bone armor

* 3 small quarter cask barrels rotten food, now purified food,

* Two small Octave barrels of very cheap perfume worth 25 gp each.

* Wedding dress inlaid with pearls and set with three tiny rubies (worth 400 gp), - Sandara carrying

2 silver hatpins set with tiny obsidians worth 5 gp each, (2 each person) - Sandara wearing

* Among the furnishings in the lodge looted from the ship Infernus, wrecked on the beach, including a comfortable bed, a small writing desk, cooking gear. - leave in place.

* A score of chickens and three goats wander freely throughout the
Kitchen chamber. - on ship

* 12 barrels containing 20 gallons of oil each, - on ship

* 14 pigs - on ship

everyone received over 200 GP for their share of taking the Man's Promise.

Plugg +1 Cutlass and a MSW Cat O Nine Tails.

2 points of punder will be needed for squibbing the ship.

potion of cure moderate wounds,
screaming bolts (3);

tidewater cutlass (+1 cutlass; see page 59),
masterwork cat-o’-nine-tails*,
light crossbow with 10 bolts, amulet of natural armor +1, bracers of armor +1,
shackles of compliance (see page 58),
leather drinking cup,
betting stash of 100 sp and 200 gp
potion of blur,
potion of cure light wounds,
black adder venom (on punching dagger);
leather armor,
punching dagger,
masterwork handaxe carved with notches for kills,
shortbow with 12 arrows in leather quiver with a buttoned shutter to protect them from the elements,
boatswain’s call,
corked dark green bottle containing 8 doses of oil of taggit,
six gold teeth worth 5 gp each,
hefty waxed coat with many hidden pockets,
leather snuff box with a diamond stud worth 100 gp containing 1 dose of dark reaver powder,
silver wedding ring worth 25 gp, 14 pp, 29 gp

Laroisael gear RETURNED:
Wand of cure light wounds- 5/8 charges
Wand of summon nature's ally II-11/11 charges
2 lesser bracers of archery
small masterwork silver dagger
leather flask w/ depiction of a crocodile
potion of cure moderate wounds
MW Greatcoat with five large silver buttons (Button is a anchor feather
2 silver hatpins set with tiny obsidians worth 5 gp each
moonstone ring 30 gp
a silver locket depicting a beautiful, buxom young blonde woman worth 45 gp.
A finely tailored courtier’s outfits, worth 30 gp
40 gp, 99 sp, 98 cp

Plunder Points: 1
Party's Plunder 2

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Well unless we are planning on going to a larger port, I don't think we will get a better price here. However, we do have some barrels and items from smugglers cove that we fence to increase the value of the plunder and take the ship to the bigger port.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Type Magical college
Leader Darchana of House Madinani
Alignment Neutral
Headquarters Absalom
Goals Increase use of magic throughout society
Scope International
Source: Faction Guide, pg(s). 6-7
The Arcanamirium is Absalom’s foremost magical academy. Practicality and generalism are emphasized there at the expense of f lashiness, abstraction, and specialization. Journeymen are encouraged to practice and experiment with industrial and commercial uses for magic, and many of Absalom’s export goods owe their higher quality to the innovations of an Arcanamirium maven’s transmutations. The Arcanamirium strives to populate the world with wizards who are capable of using magic to help those around them, not just in times of crisis but for everyday needs as well.[1]

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

My vote is Crown’s End, it's close to where I attended school and running into cut throats and slavers might lead to trouble. TROUBLE IN PORT IS FOR LOOSERS!!

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Fire scorch ray

ScorchingRay: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 224d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 6, 6, 1) + 2 = 20

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Two more more ballistas to fire at point blank range, I will move up and fire one.

light ballista with thunderstaff/bloodline evocation: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 263d8 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 8, 5) + (5) + 2 = 22

light ballista confirm crit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

light ballista crit damage: 3d8 + 2 ⇒ (8, 2, 7) + 2 = 19

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Those chelish rats, can anyone make water to put out the FIRE??

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Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17
Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta wrote:
Emerald Delta Waters wrote:

can you tell my fortune?

Funny you should ask, I'll actually get the ability to perform a harrowing at 8th level.

Until then, I can make up some BS and see if sounds plausible!

I hope the information above helps with content and rituals for role-playing the mystical nature of your character, not just a cleric, as well as the reason the village might have you tied up, you probably hosted a confidence game on them to acquire some of their gold.

Maybe your mother was a shavani with a reputation for readings and medium so you know how it goes and haven't got your powers yet, but still hold rituals for people to con them into donating funds to a temple you have a deal with for a cut of the spoils.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Maybe, but waiting on Cap

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

The Oracle with either psychic discovery, Time or ancestral might give you some ideas and below is some other sources.

Mind Power bloodlines:

Psychic Bloodline
Source Occult Adventures pg. 125
Psychic power runs thorough your blood, whether it be from a familial predisposition to psychic power or exposure to a powerful psychic phenomenon. Whatever the source of this power, your mind is a dangerous weapon.

Harrow Bloodline
Source The Harrow Handbook pg. 28
Just as knowledge of the harrow has passed from generation to generation since time immemorial, so too has a deep spiritual connection to the otherworldly forces bound by the harrow passed through the ages. Your family line might trace back to a branch of the ancient Imlios clan (see History of the Harrow on pages 6–7), or one of your ancestors might have once escaped the Harrowed Realm, carrying its inf luence back in his blood.

Source Legacy of the First World pg. 30
Time is not an immutable force but an inscrutable phenomenon. Rare arcane scholars known as chronomancers demonstrate the ability to shift themselves in short bursts between the past, future, and alternate presents.

Impossible Bloodline
Source Champions of Balance pg. 21
You can see beyond the mundane, and are capable of visualizing the improbable, and even the impossible. This ability derives from an equally unlikely source, such as the godmind of the axiomites or the monad of aeons. If this expanded perception doesn’t drive you mad, you may learn to make the impossible into reality.

Vestige Bloodline
Source Blood of the Ancients pg. 4
You trace your ancestry to a bygone civilization and can call upon its forgotten people or places for power.

Protean Bloodline
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 138
You have in your veins the ever-changing wildness of primal chaos, the raw essence of unbound creation. Your mind and spirit burst with the constant inspiration of consummate freedom, though you have difficulty following through on a task when another, new and exciting, catches your interest.

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Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17
Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta wrote:

Ahoy shipmates! I'm looking forward to joining your crew on this adventure.

hello gypsy, welcome aboard!!

can you tell my fortune?

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17


cast shocking grasp, ready to touch first enemy that attack, cl5 +3 Atk if in metal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 165d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 6, 4) = 19

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17


Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Oh no, I will miss you. Your energy and wit are too fun.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Cast expeditious retreat and charge, sword drawn

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Whispers come from an invisible voice behind the two,"Ok, I will keep the light spell ready, I'm right behind you, anyone want invisibility?

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Hi gang, been busy working ot due to the hurricane, how's the weather at sea.

what fishguts said, plunder and recruit

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17
Callum Carnvegas wrote:
"Aye," Callum nods in agreement. "We want word o' our exploits te spread. As the fear grows, so too will willing volunteers wishin' te join. Then mayhaps we be needin a fleet."

the ones that join will be tellin the story much better in port than the venom of the hatred of those bein marooned on a island.

Infamy be a good might better than nastiness.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

I think we recruit more crew to our ship to keep a eye on them and train them up and that way we can have some senior crew take a skeleton crew with the new ship for sale at auction with us staying near as escort. Those who don't join get marooned. That ship is at least 10k gold.

How big is the truewind comparatively??

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Blimey, so ye be the bilge sucking Captain of this here vessel!! Avast ye, since you choose to dance, I promise ye will meet Davy Jones in the briny deep!!

concentration: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

shocking grasp touch; 5ft step to flank with capricia, pulling my sword (bloodline arcana applies CL5): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

so if I missed him & he hits me, then I'm still charged holding the touch spell and considered armed; can that charge conduct through his sword?? Ps, if he is wearing any metal in his armor, add +3 to the attack modifier.

+1 morale to attack rolls and fear.
Freebooter's Bane on the officer that's in the middle. All attacks on that individual get a +1 to attack and damage.
& flanking.

If the touch hits??

Damage: 5d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 2, 6, 6, 2) + 3 = 21

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Move out of the way and cast burning hands as electricity.

Electric Hands CL5 DC 17 point to DC and bloodline arcana: 5d4 + 2 ⇒ (4, 2, 4, 3, 2) + 2 = 17

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

My condolences, let us know if their is anything we can do.

The dice roller does seem fickle at times, the algorithms they use only emulate so well.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

stealth: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (9) + 23 = 32

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17
Callum Carnvegas wrote:

Callum moves to cross, trying toll past one of the sailors to stand beside Emerald.

Double move SE, S, SW, S, S. Bad roll means likely provoking AoO

I am invisible, remember

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17
Nutѕ wrote:
Hey all. Note I will be travelling over the weekend, so short posts only from my end. We're gonna toss some dice, smear our skin with fox blood, and dance naked in the light of a full moon.

Must be a English Fox hunt.

Being a descendant of Lord Ralph Grey Earl of Northumberland and Chieftain Andrew McFarland Baron of Arrochar, I've heard of such, but it's definitely nuts.


if I recall, it's a right of passage under a full moon.

Over here, they do the same thing, but with deer. It's interesting how ancient traditions migrate with families. Also, how the church turns a blind eye to rituals that would have been unacceptable but in some cases embraced as simple fun.


Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17
Emerald wrote:

Seeing that we are getting close, I cast vanish and take a rope up the rigging 15 ft. Preparing to swing across to the other ship. Hoping to get over the head of the front line to flank from behind, sword at the ready.

climb the riggin

I am sorry, this is emeralds post, posted unintentionally under my default.

acrobatics to swing on a rope over there heads to the other ship and land next to manny: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

landing safely and invisible, I cast mage armor on manny, quietly with a whisper.

+1 morale to attack rolls and fear.
Freebooter's Bane on the officer that's in the middle. All attacks on that individual get a +1 to attack and damage.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Move 30 feet and throw my dagger.

Thrown Dagger thinderstrike: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 231d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (3) = 7

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

MM CL5 all at the first creature: 3d4 + 5 ⇒ (2, 4, 1) + 5 = 12

move action to ring the bell, free action to call out

Alarm, Condition 1, All hands, General quarters, we are being boarded

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

It's late as her Grace moves across the water to an unknown encounter. Maybe it's an obstacle or a creature, it always be a surprise mates!!

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Manny, the captain thinks people with darkvision should be on night watch, can you take a 4 hour shift at night, either 1st or 2nd, then we also need a 3rd watch in the morning, 1 other person should also be on watch with you, regardless of if they can see, they just need to be able to fight.

Profession Sailor at the wheel 1st watch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Profession (sailor) +12 and low light vision, don't think anyone has better except maybe manny.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

I can take night watch, it's a good time for reading after rounds in the din of the night, I can meditate to reduce my dependence on sleep. I LIKE SOLITUDE

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Queens Grace

A small but mighty ship

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

No, move on, she is Queens Grace

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

BECAUSE IM ALLERGIC TO MANUAL LABOR, I'd rather think my way through, LOL

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Queens Grace

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Queens Grace and Fevered Dream

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

hold on, I will fix the tower,....there good as new!!

cast mending several times and prestidigitation go stitch and weave all the thatch back in place.

craft carpentry/ships: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

think of sorcerers apprentice scene with all the mops and brooms coming to life and fixing themselves

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17
MannyGoblin wrote:
Manny is floating in the bay

Do we need to keep a death watch little brother, Manny has gone insane!!! By the way, we have too much time invested to allow crew members to commit suicide. However, he does like to play with his chemistry set to make bombs though. Like putting cherry bombs on cats tails kinda way. shaking my head in a disappointing and scolding manner

move over to within 15 ft and casting Electric hands on the last swarm. Callum will need to roll reflex dc16

Electric Hands DC16 CL5: 5d4 + 2 + 7 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 2, 2) + 2 + 7 = 21

It's shocking to see monkeys exploding everywhere, Go Cap and thankfully Lief got to little brother in time.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

I voted on the link, but to be sure

Queens Grace

Sea Serpent (ugh)

Thunderbird Fury

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

I still like queens Grace and callum didn't want to use his suggestions because he said it in jest.

Queens Grace is a good dignified name, even over the Thematic Thunderbird Fury or even phoenix fury.

Wilde Ride could be interpreted as Jesters Journey or Harlequin Harper as both it and Sea Serpent were meant as innuendo between 2 guys.

Fever Dream is good too.

SALTY APPROACH is a very Old Salt

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17
brvheart wrote:
Emerald Delta Waters wrote:

[dice=concentration]1d20 + 11

[dice=Fortitude]1d20 + 2

[dice=5ft step and burning hands (fire) CL 5]5d4 + 2 + 7

angling away from the party

Flaming monkeys, one swarm down

Anyone for fried monkey brains!!

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

concentration: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

Fortitude: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

5ft step and burning hands (fire) CL 5: 5d4 + 2 + 7 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 3, 3) + 2 + 7 = 21

angling away from the party

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Those were 2 separate elimination list because 2 rolls came up on the same name, so I had to take the rest and roll off between them, and the DM gets a pick too only because the brace method requires 8 in the list for elimination.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Nuts is a barrel of monkey's

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

casting shocking grasp defensively: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Touch Attack and Damage: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 145d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 5, 1, 3, 4) + 2 = 16

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Not everyone, Dm is Male, looks like Nuts, you and Callum, I'm the DMs wife.

Please submit your vote and roll a percentile dice.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22


Fortitude: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

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