Mithral Scarab

Ellara's page

34 posts. Alias of Dragonborn3.


Azten here with my bard submission. I'm not feeling well today but I will finish it tomorrow if it's not too late.

"Don't worry, little brother, she won't hear anything at all soon..."

Why? We'd be on the same side until ordered to kill a party member. Don't fail too much, don't succeed too much, and you'll like a little longer.

My submission. Well, it's background anyway. It's a start at least, and helped me figure out which skills I'd want. :)

DM Darkhoof wrote:

Well give me a backstory, history, stats, ect :)

The more complete your character the easier it will be for me to decide :D

Amazing how much sense that makes... ;)

I'd like to play an Eldritch Godling using this alias. Half-elf reaserchig the blot because it's the most interesting thing she's found in the city so far. More to come after I have some time to think.

Ellara is teaching a make-shift class on basic spells, from Detect Magic to Haste. While her 'students' are busy trying to cast, she checks the Wards for weaknesses, a reflex she can't help.

.... wrote:
The Servants suddenly begin to leave. There are flashes of light as they disappear, until there seem to be none left. However, the shadows outside the Eyrie seem unusually long, and strange birds constantly fly about.

"That can't be good."

Sytt, Lesser Yugoloth wrote:
A small snake slithers through the Eyrie, looking for bird's eggs.

Oh, snake, its whats for dinner! And I believe all the eggs are being guarded by several starhawks, not to mention the wards of the Eyrie. I swear I said something about a snake in a place filled with birds before...

Panting, Ellara sits down, frustrated. She looks at Glider, her bat familiar, perched on her shoulder.

"I can't even scry the hair color of the lowest ranked warrior! I am seriously considering going down there ans summoning vermin and poisoning their food and drink while protected by the most powerful magic I can find."

Glider sqeaks.

Arielle wrote:
Ellara wrote:
"They were spies, as far as we know they meant us no harm. A certain raen stated that they were not people though, and that they had ways around the wards. I have used some of my stronger spells to put up wards of my own, and I added a few twists for fun. Now a question for you. Where did you go? People were worried."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry anyone. I had to run an errand for Mom. An old friend of hers was asking for help, but was in a place she's not supposed to go. Something about professional courtesy and not wanting to open that can of worms again. Anyways, I had to act as a sort of courier."

This is the image that came to mind when she said courier.

"Well, if she knew, I guess it is okay. Now why don't you go see if Lk and Tristan want to play?"

"They were spies, as far as we know they meant us no harm. A certain raen stated that they were not people though, and that they had ways around the wards. I have used some of my stronger spells to put up wards of my own, and I added a few twists for fun. Now a question for you. Where did you go? People were worried."

Arielle wrote:

Arielle walks around surprised to find the Eyrie so quiet, almost as if it were deserted. Finally she finds a whole crowd of people in the Hole in the Wall.

"What's going on?"

"Someone was trying to spy on people here in the Eyrie, Devlyn is currently searching for any more. In the meantime, we are being housed here for safety reasons."

Jack Hammer wrote:
"You'd have to earn a Dark & Stormy Knight t-shirt for me to reveal the wild and crazy side of Callous Jack."

"That's not wild and crazy. Wild and crazy would have involved a Sladd and a Poodle."

Jack Hammer wrote:
Slip and Slaad wrote:

*Slides wildly into thread holding up a picture*

Look what I found!

*snatches picture and smacks Slip and Slaad*

"Bad slaad!"

Ellara uses her bat familiar to see the picture when JH isn't looking, and nearly collapses in a fit of laughter.

"Okay, that is a story I'd like to hear."

Sytt, Lesser Yugoloth wrote:

Shut up, human! It so happens that this snake has a very large, very poisonous tooth!" The arm retracts, dowsing rod and all. After a moment, it comes back out with a sickle.

"So don't threaten me!"
The arm goes back into his body and comes back out with the rod.

"Threaten me when there are no children around and we will leave the temple to see how far your 'tooth' will get you in a fight."

Arielle wrote:
"Hi, Ellara! Have you met Little Kiba? Well, I guess you have now. And this is Tristan. He doesn't talk. Keehaar brought some fun new amulets that let us fly. LK and I were going to have a race around the playground. But then Sytt interrupted."

"It is nice to meet you two. Why don't you all use they amulets and fly your race? I'll watch to make sure no one cheats."

She has that tone of voice adults get when they are kidding but still a little serious.

Sytt, Lesser Yugoloth wrote:
He hears Kiba's comment to Tristan and hisses.

Appearing next to Sytt, Ellara smiles.

"Your a snake in a temple filled with bird nests. The boy has a point yugoloth."

Jack Hammer wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
"You should teach her how to use a warhammer," she said, watching Arielle run and jump. "She needs an outlet for all of that energy, and she should know how to defend herself if she ever needs to."

JH mulls this over as he watches Arielle, gauging her natural ability against weapon choices. The weapon you wear sometimes reveals more than you wish it to.

"Too bad Warforged isn't here. He'd be able to tailor a weapon for her..."

"...and help me repair the dents she'd likely cause on me as she learns."

"I do not mean to interrupt, but why not let her pick a weapon and then give her one that is padded but weighs the same?"

Ellara just stays by the Eyrie's wall, smiling and watching the multi-colored lightning.

lynora-Jill wrote:
:Rio cares for her, and will likely react badly to any attack on her.:

:I just hope some one is there should that sun priestess be the one to do so... again. He will need somebody to make him stop before he goes to far.:

lynora-Jill wrote:
:But you still think of him as your son? That is the important part.:

:Yes, I still think of him as my son. I am very angry at Kaelar for bringing him into all of this, especially since my latest whorl revealed Rio is currently traveling with a ex-vampire. I beleive he is trying to help her. But he is making friends everwhere, so I am happy for my Little River.:

lynora-Jill wrote:
:Ah. I see. Well, I am glad you are here as well. Not to pry too much into your personal life, but I'd rather not step in where I oughtn't later on. Is Rio your son?:

:You could say that. But genetically? No, he isn't.:

As far as I remember, LJ has pryed into the lives of Kiba, The Bard, Ellara, and Sky. She doesn't 'mean to pry' a lot doesn't she? ;)

lynora-Jill wrote:

"Thank you, though I can't take much credit for it. My grandfather and Djuhah have had a good deal more to do with building and maintaining it."

:Duskwalker. Any relation of Kaelar Duskwalker?:

The elven lady smiles.

"Still a beautiful temple, no matter who created it. The man up in the nest has a surprise. Something about a party(that part isn't the surprise) tonight. He is hoping the lady up there will be ready for it. As I saw him prepare it, I can say it will be an electrifying experience."

:We were married once. We are rarely in the same place nowadays. He thought the Eyrie could use some help, so he swallowed his pride and called in a few favors. I'm glad I decided to come here.:

lynora-Jill wrote:

LJ meets the equally amused eyes of Ellara.

"How do you do?" she asks, barely holding back the laughter as she spoke. "I don't believe we've met yet."

"No, I don't beleive we have."

:And since you are the goddess everyone here knows, I won't try to keep my name hidden from you. I am Ellara Duskwalker.:

Keeping her ruse going,
"My name is Ellara, and you must be Lynora-Jill. You have a beautiful temple here."

lynora-Jill wrote:
LJ's shoulders are shaking with silent laughter as she listens to this exchange.

Your not the only one!

Ellara wrote:
Arielle wrote:
"Why would you eat a white castle?" Arielle asks, confused.
Sitting out of the way, Ellara tries to keep her laughter silent.

Arielle wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
"He'll say that he's glad to have missed out on the dirty diapers."
"Depends on if she takes after my side of the family. Your side might have been safer for all involved. ...But of course, you don't put alcohol in baby bottles to wash down the white castles do you? Ah, forget it..." ;)
"Why would you eat a white castle?" Arielle asks, confused.

Sitting out of the way, Ellara tries to keep her laughter silent.

Djuhah the Djinn wrote:
Djuhah's smile broadens. "Now that's a sign of a woman who comes prepared for anything." He holds out one of the chairs for her and politely makes sure that she is seated before sitting down himself. He also politely waits for her to make a selection before placing any food on his own plate.

"The sign of a woman who learned to be prepared, actually. Now where to begin? Ah yes, Nethys the god of magic, has two sides. One that is destructive and the other healing what he destroyed. This two sides makes his magic very potent, and he is a powerful god. I actually stylized my magical studies based on this lore." Ellara continues on in this fashion until all her knowledge of Nethys is spent.

I actually don't know much more than what I already typed.

Djuhah the Djinn wrote:
"I have been doing my best, but the task of caring for the Eyrie is sometimes a bit much even for a djinn," he added with a charming smile.

"Then perhaps it is time for a brief respite. I can discuss Nethys to you in length while we rest." Pulling a piece of cloth from her robe, she places it on the ground and stands back as it becomes a table and two chairs with a selection of small baked goods seemingly still fresh from the oven.

Djuhah the Djinn wrote:
"Her name is Lynora-Jill, the Star Song. She is a goddess of air, music, and healing. But not perhaps the most conventional goddess. Her life-force is tied to Yggdrasil, which I think changes certain things. She is fairly recently ascended. But her body was destroyed in a recent battle with the Black, and her daughter has been working to restore her so that Lynora-Jill may return to us here."

"A goddess of the air who has ties to the World Tree? Interesting. So this mountain is her temple? Then everyone here must be her allies. You may count me amoung her allies Djuhah, but Nethys takes point for me when it comes to worship. This is a beautiful place, and you can be sure I'll protect it and all who reside here with all the magic I can cast."

Djuhah the Djinn wrote:
"As you like, just Ellara," he said with a weak smile. "I am not sure what the thing was that did that. It was large. It blotted out all the light for a moment. I do not like this at all. I will feel much better once the goddess returns."

"Returns? But I sen-, oh, I see. That will be a good day won't it? I'm sure that day will come soon. Tell me of this 'goddess' you are the high priest of. She sounds like someone I could like."

Djuhah the Djinn wrote:

Once all the structures are stable and the wounded have all been treated, Djuhah will approach the mysterious woman. He is looking rather tired and disheveled, an unusual state for the usually fastidious djinn.

"Greetings. I am Djuhah, the high priest of this temple. I give our sincere gratitude for your assistance in this latest crisis."

"Greetings djinn, my name is Ellara Duskwa-, just Ellara. I was told by a friend that the Eyrie could use a little help. It would seem he was right, though he may not have known this had happened. Do you know what happened? There are gouges on the side of the mountain, something big made those."

Djuhah the Djinn wrote:
Hey, I'm busy here. There's a lot of work for just one djinn.;)

Lol. Your probably not to worried about anyone who is helping anyway.

Back at the Eyrie, a women steps through the portal and looks around, surveying the damage some recent event has cause. Without a word, she sets to work making repairs using a spell


Walking between several magic selling shops, a woman buys several items, including some that are costum made just for her. She leaves after collecting her items and leaves the Bazaar via the omniportal.