Bishop Ze Ravenka

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 6 posts (8,768 including aliases). 8 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 24 aliases.

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I've always loved the Greek Myths, and this product really helps capture the feel of them, and a few alterations (like the rules for Bronze in UC, as well as Armor as DR) make this something that's a pleasure to DM for. For $Free.99, why have you not downloaded this yet?

Our Price: $3.99

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Manflesh for Thought



This 17 page booklet is about the Darakhul (duh), essentially ghouls with more magic and more power who rule a good chunk of Midgard's Underdark. Due to my unfamiliarity with Midgard, I was a bit lost on the finer points, but got the gist of it.

Mechanically, the race is a challenge to play in a standard adventuring party, due to it's vulnerability in sunlight and need to consume flesh. It is definitely something for the skilled roleplayer.

After that comes advice on how to survive and thrive in a world where everyone hates you, as well as some traits that are interesting enough that they will definitely see use by someone. The feats after THAT are also interesting, although a few are a bit too situational for my taste. The archetypes are good as well (my personal favorite being the Imperial Hunter).

After that comes magic, and then roll credits. Overall, this is great for those seeking to do more with corporeal undead, on either side of the screen.

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One of the best of all possible worlds


This is definitely one of my favorite PF books. The setting is comprehensive, with a sense of malice (the pulsating Worldwound) and the fact that it doesn't give exact dungeons (like, for example, that Mendevian fort whose name I forgot.) I'm honestly so impressed I think I'll run an open world campaign with this son of a @#$%!.

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Definitely worth your time.


My major and only complaint is that as a skill character I felt useless. This scenario, however, made a lot of fun with it's time constrains. Until the final encounter, however, I was just "there".

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Seems like a good idea...


...but my character felt useless. Don't get me wrong, I was a Cavalier and had something to do (I personally loved role-playing the influence attempts), but I felt like I was taking second saddle in everything, even the combat. There were a lot of great moments in this module, but none of them had anything to do with the module (e.g. a Hellknight player kept intimidating by giving out his resume full of grizzly mutiliations and playing "stab hands").

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Good for interaction and crunching skulls.


I was lucky enough to have my character have diplomacy as a class skill, even though I had a SWEET battleaxe attack bonus. The tasks you are sent on offer a wide array of roleplay and combat opportunities. If you enjoy either social interaction or interesting combat(I won't spoil anything) this is a good scenario to play.

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I feel alive again!


This is the book I have been waiting for! All of a sudden, Pathfinder was a new and exciting thing again, not just another textbook! I was confused, trying to memorize traits, figure out Alchemist Discoveries, and trying to decide if I should take Dual-Minded or Ancestral Arms. If you have the Core Rulebook, buy this book.

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Giant anti-noob fortress.


This is a great rulebook. It is where I learned to play Pathfinder. But I cannot stress how FRUSTRATING it was trying to find the little things, like Hit Points, and various Rage Powers. It took me two months to figure out how to navigate myself around with the book, and another two to master it.

Our Price: $7.50

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Great mini but Hokey-Pokey Scabbard


First mini I got from the set to fit my character (a longsword wielding rogue) and it fit the bill. The sword is ambigous enough to serve as a rapier, the red and black contrast on the robes is perfect. My one complaint is the scabbard is a bit pokey-it is not something to fiddle with!