Bishop Ze Ravenka

Elizabeth Brasell's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 6 posts (8,768 including aliases). 8 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 24 aliases.


I have a great many who can do this for me. Tee hee.

Goblin Squad Member

I HAVE always been good at that kind of stuff...


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I started out Playing Pathfinder at TotalCon 2012. I played Castles and Crusades, Pathfinder, and 4th Edition. My dad gave me a choice of what to follow, and I chose Pathfinder. I got the core rules for my birthday in march,contacted the society in July, and started playing in October. My dad recently asked me if I regret my choice, and I told him "No @#$%!%& way."


I'd say Ranger, then choose whatever combat styles you want. When it goes down ot it, Rangers are quite versatile, and they have limited spellcasting abilities. I might say take Infiltrator Archetype, because you can get cool stuff from your favored enemies.