Carmilla Caliphvaso

Eliselda Thrune's page

19 posts. Alias of eruzim.


BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

Eliselda puts a finger to her lips; Becky's already pretty quiet, but still, best to keep their voices down. "Hmm. Whoever it is must have gone around some other way. Do you recall seeing another door out of that room...?" She gets up as close to the pile of rubble as she can safely, listening intently.

I don't suppose a perception check would do any good here?

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

Unlike the rest of you poor people, Eliselda hasn't touched the food at all. She's been witness to enough of the backstabbing that goes on among the upper class that she is quite content to sit back and watch everyone else suspiciously. It doesn't seem like anyone's been poisoned - yet - but that's no reason to let her guard down.

(She's convinced that paranoia will serve her well one day. For now, it's simply going to keep her from having any fun and that's the way she likes it.)

Honestly, she's content to just watch everyone else get drunk and make fools of least until the halfling loses his free meal all over the floor. Her lip curls in disgust and she leans toward Becky when she speaks. "Darling, you read my mind. Whatever it is is sure to be more entertaining than this. Even if it's just more dust."

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

Eliselda spent her time traveling to the meet-up location seriously reconsidering having anything more to do with this group, and the sight of the derelict estate nearly has her turning right around again. But she did almost die for this loot, and like hell is she going to let go of her share. So she steps out of the shadows to join the group, giving the creaking building a wary once-over. She reflexively clutches at the collar of her blouse, as though the action will somehow block out the filth of the place.

"Hn. Let's get on with it, then."

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

You're all monsters.

Eliselda has no choice but to follow, staying as far away from Mary as humanly possible...and then some. She clucks at the halfling as they pass to make sure he hurries up and doesn't get left behind.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

"Cimri, why was there a dog?!" STOP BEING DEAF AND ANSWER ME. I'M STILL BLEEDING AND DISTRAUGHT. "I thought you were prepared for this! Aren't you a professional or something? Why did you not tell us there would be a dog?? We could have all died, we- oh gods, we're all murderers now! This was supposed to be simple!" it a bluff check to start crying on command?

Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Well, she is actually in a lot of pain so the tears aren't even really fake! Wah wah, pity me.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

".........and who in Asmodeus' name is this???"

She gestures helplessly at Mary's...all of her.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

"Why was there a dog?!?"

Eliselda, being somewhat dead for part of the fight, doesn't realize that most of the people in this room can't hear her.

Eliselda also probably doesn't care.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

Eliselda begins to stir with a groan, squinting around the yard blearily...only to jolt upright in panic as the sounds of continued battle reach her ears. She winces in pain at the sudden movement, but a quick survey of the scene has her pushing to her feet anyway, shoving roughly past the halfling.

"Wh- what are you all doing?!" In other words, WHY ISN'T THAT GUY DEAD YET. HE SHOT ME.

She stumbles forward as quick as she can, digging somewhat blindly in her pouch. Component, component, where's the damn component for- aha! Daze! Make a Will save, Louislik- and please, PLEASE, for the love of god, fail it.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

Elise stabilizes and ticks up to -5 HP. Also, Mary? Gross. Keep your weird long arms to yourself.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

Stabilize: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (10) - 4 = 6

Eliselda fails to recover from the blow, and continues to lie on the ground bleeding. The player begins to prepare a backup character sheet.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

GM, I...don't know enough about music to answer that question. Let's say she's vocalizing the tune to Call Me Maybe.

Eliselda almost chokes on her own voice when this..."Hardgore Mary"... suddenly appears, absolutely baffled by the dramatic interruption.

(We can only have so many drama queens in one party, Mary, quit butting in on my territory.)

But she is still kind of dying, and everything is mess, so what else can she do but keep singing? Nothing. The answer is nothing. Singing it is.

Inspire Courage continues. +1s for everyone. ALSO I'm placing my bard in defense mode, which Trin tells me is +4 AC, woo.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

OUCH OUCH OUCH. Well, this has just gone to all hell already! Screw this. Since stealth is now completely out the window (and also she's got a crossbow bolt in her gut and doesn't exactly feel like jumping into the fray) Eliselda does the one thing she's actually trained to do: sing.

Because she's a bard, so screw you. Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage. Allies get +1 on attack and damage rolls.

As she suddenly belts out a wordless aria, everyone feels weirdly more competent.

So please don't let us all die in the very first combat.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

"Tch!" Barely one step in the front door and already in trouble. And basically all of her abilities would be wasted on a dog...instead she moves past the halfling and runs around the tubs of foul liquid, readying her whip.

Double move to get in a better position. That'll teach me to forget a ranged weapon.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

Eliselda jerks back slightly, mentally cursing their luck. "Well, don't just stand there!" she hisses at the halfling as she moves to draw her whip. "Do something, before it alerts all the guards!"

Move action to draw weapon.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

...not one person in this party has Disable Device, do they.

...son of a bi-

Eliselda, despite being just as useless as everyone else in this situation, looks completely put out. "My, my. Who would have ever thought that the door might be locked?"

Sigh. She takes a step back and cranes her head around the area, looking for any other possible routes in. They'll need one, unless someone else has a trick up their sleeve.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

...boy, it must be awfully dark out tonight.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

She clicks her tongue lightly as she watches Becky scurry off. "Tsk...poor dear. Stage fright."

She joins the others in moving forward, dropping her voice as she gives a sideways glance at Cimri. "I do hope she's able to compose herself quickly. You realize we'll only have so much time before someone from the late shift comes through."

Another 10 on stealth. Sneaky sneaky.

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

Eliselda flashes a beguiling smile right back at the tiefling, either unfazed or somehow unaware of his intent.

"Well, how sweet of you to make a suggestion! Don't you worry about me, though~ I already have a rigorous skin care routine; it would be far too risky to go changing it up so suddenly."

She then rounds abruptly on Becky, giving a cheerful hum as she steps up next to the other girl. "Nineteen! What a coincidence, darling, we're the same age! This is a good omen, I'm sure of it." Unless stopped, either by girl or weasel, she attempts to loop her arm through Becky's playfully. "We just have to slip in, avoid the night crew, get what we're after and get out. I think even a couple of 'children' can handle that much, hm?"

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

Well now, why go skulking around when you can walk right up to some local rube and just sweet talk them for what you need?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

...which seems like it went pretty well, assuming the people she talked to actually had any relevant info.

Eliselda gives a dainty sniff as she glances around at her new "associates." She's dressed down for the occasion (no need to be tripping over fine skirts in the middle of a heist!), but from the way she holds herself, it's still hard to mistake her for anything but a sophisticated highborn girl.

"Oh, I'm sure we won't have any trouble. I think this will be a fine amusement, don't you all agree?"

BP: 2/7 | Spells cast: 1/0 | HP 2/10 | Init +5 | AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | Perception +4

great, looks like the boner squad is all assembled...good lord this will be a hot mess of a campaign

here's my character sheet, which i THINK is done but i'm sure people (trin) will be able to tell me something that i've missed. which i'll fix when it's not 3am.