
eruzim's page

16 posts (35 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


we can only hope and pray that that's the case, because it is objectively the best outcome

in other news, will this site PLEASE STOP LOGGING ME OUT AND HIDING NEW POSTS???

it is SUCH a shame that half of you are deaf right now

or it's a blessing, for that half

either way

i also missed the potion thing, i'll get on my turn now

Well I'll tell you this, Elise is VERY unimpressed with how under-prepared this expedition was!!!

Nevermind that she's, y'know, part of the problem. That's irrelevant.

sorry i took so long to post, i...honestly, i just genuinely did not realize that many days had passed. i'll pay more attention now.

mister gee-emm, could you toss me youthere's character sheet at some point? i'll need it in the future if i'm gonna properly boss him around.


s!#%, this really IS the evil campaign.

edit: yeah i can't see the map either

yep, we're off to a roaring start here, folks

Sounds like there is some kind of reference going on here that I am not privy to, lol. I'll let you all work that out I guess! My vote would have been "Youthere".

Anyway, I'm really not sure how Eliselda got to working with/for this Cimri person? I understand the campaign starts in media res but I'm honestly having trouble figuring out how a noblewoman got from "swear loyalty to the majestrix and volunteer to help crush her enemies beneath our mighty heel" and "working as hired muscle for a local thief". I have...maybe an idea or two that could work, but I might need a few more details on what exactly is going on.

Trinam wrote:

Hey mizu hey.

Are you gonna give your horse...


:D:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ::D :D :D :DD

well it was fun while it lasted but i've instantly changed my mind and am dropping out of the game, goodbye everyone, i'll miss you all except for trin

ooh, big starting town. ok, I'll keep it at Longacre, maybe central Longacre or something at your discretion.

ANOTHER QUESTION(S). as a high-bred noble daughter, i can't possibly be bothered to carry my own stuff. I'd like to get a pony, because of course I do. I have some clarifying questions about that, though.

1: can my pet pony count as my "sentimental item"? It's 30gp.

2: if yes to 1, can i UPGRADE my pony to a light horse, using my other funds to make up the difference (75gp for a horse - 50 = 25 out of pocket) (probably not but hey, might as well ask)

3: speaking of ponies, how much can they actually carry? there are 3 different answers I've found for this. (for a light load,) the bestiary says 100lbs, general carry capacity rules suggest 75, and the mounted movement chart indicates that it's up to 150. which of these should i follow?

forgot to ask: for my diva ability Famous, I need to choose "a settlement or settlements with a total population of 1,000 or fewer people". I assume the starting region fits this criteria? at least the first town, i'm sure.

i'm more confused than ever, lol. "Three traits total with a drawback, and one of the traits needs to be a campaign trait" that means it's actually "one normal trait, one campaign trait, one drawback"?

i'm picking the Chelish Noble campaign trait for my character, are there any specific rules or guidelines the GM would like me to follow as far as which house to pick, titles and positions within the house, family connections etc? i'm thinking i'll just err on the side of some minor branch family, but it could set up some really fun NPC connections as well, so...

diva for me. my bro's helping me set it up but neither of us has statted a bard before, so we'll see how that goes. (i'll bully trin into minmaxing it for me later anyway. :P)

hi i don't know what's going on yet but trin made me post here