Varisian Barbarian

Ebon Kai of the Skoan Quah's page

383 posts. Organized Play character for Chakka.

Current Campaigns

(PFS) GM Alice's Voice in the Void (inactive)

GM Auke - Tide of Morning (inactive)

GM Auke's Among the Living (inactive)

GM Auke's Delirium's Tangle (inactive)

GM Auke's The Forgotten Laboratory (inactive)

The goblins of the dungeon's upper level took more than one trinket from the ancient laboratory that dwells beneath them. The wizard that created these items also performed dangerous experiments, many of which have gone out of control over the years. Stranger still, someone appears to be using the ancient equipment with sinister results.

GM Mezegis The Begger's Pearl (inactive)

GM Mezegis- The Infernal Vault (inactive)

PFS #02-13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid (inactive)


[PFS] GM Derek W's Decline of Glory #24 (inactive)