[PFS] GM Derek W's Decline of Glory #24 (Inactive)

Game Master Derek Weil

Current Map

Current Characters

Aspis Consortium Agent
Silver Crusade Calanthe Rossa

Female Tiefling Witch 3
HP: 17/17 || AC: 18, touch: 14, flat-footed: 15 || CMD: 14 || Fort: +2, Ref: +4, Will: +4 || Init: +3 || Perception: +3, darkvision 60 ft. || Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5

played by Alice Margatroid (366 posts)
Varisian Barbarian
Liberty's Edge Ebon Kai of the Skoan Quah

male Human/Shoanti Barbarian 1/Cleric of Gorum 3 \33/36 _HP+0 nonlethal dmg | 18/16 AC/raging | 12/10 T | 16/14 Ff | Fort+7/Ref+3/Will+4(+2 Fort and Will while raging) Perception:+6

played by Chakka (383 posts)
GM Derek W

Technic Siege/Full Map

played by Derek Weil (2,990 posts)
Liberty's Edge Mez Masterson

Male Human Inquisitor 3 HP: 25/25 AC: 23, Touch:13, Flatfooted:20 Saves: F: +5, R: +4, W: +6 CMD: 18 Init: +4 Perception +8 Spells Remaining: 4/4

played by Mezegis (495 posts)
The Exchange Muluk al-Zadari

Male Human (Keleshite) Cavalier 2/Paladin of Sarenrae 3 || 44/44 hp (44/44 nonlethal) || AC 19/Tch 12/FF 18 || Fort +11 Ref +4 Will +6 (+4 in hot conditions, +1 vs. fire) || CMB +8 CMD 19 || Init +1 || Perception +2

played by WhtKnt (179 posts)
Fey Friend
Liberty's Edge Norine Pepfarin Epfafeen

F Gnome Cleric 3 HP 25/27 NL0 | AC20* T12* FF19* | CMB+1 CMD12* (*+1 until hit) | F+5 R+2 W+5 (+2 illusion; +2 fear/dispair)| Init+1 SPD20 | Perc+4 SM+6 LL vis
Morningstar +3/1d6; LXbow +4/1d6/19-20

played by FurtiveZoog (799 posts)
Liberty's Edge Targost

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 2/Fighter(Archer)2 HP: 22/22 AC: 17, Touch:13, Flatfooted:14 Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 CMD: 18 Init: +5 Perception +9

played by Daniel Stewart (522 posts)