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There is PIE of a Most Delicious Kind.
Hopefully, he got all the wolfsbane, too.
(Thanks, Ambrosia Slaad!)
Moorluck wrote: Stop him before he corrects again!!
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Has trouble following directions.
I'll move there! C'mon, Southwestern College!
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Crimson Jester wrote: !!RESURRECTION!! Psst. Crimson Jester. Wrong holiday.
TANK GIRL: Under-appreciated cinematic classic? Discuss.
Today I had to deliver harsh truth to my students: "It's time for you people to get your s~&+ together." Any chance it will do any good? I'm not kidding myself. But one does what one can.
And people seriously question what philosophy had done for us. :D
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Jeremy Mcgillan wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Jeremy Mcgillan wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Jeremy, you know what relieves stress right?? Don't make me Urizen/LPM you. Can't Alex is at his defense right now. :P At his defense?? OK maybe I do not want to know. Ummm.... let me rephrase it, if I said his dissertation would that make more sense? Why yes. It might make it seem more of a scholarly development and less of a legal proceeding. Yeah they call it a defense here for some reason. But it's the same thing, your final research presentation followed by a grilling question period by your supervisory committee, at the conclusion of which you receive a PHD.
Edit: It would actually be your examination committee not a supervisory committee 2 different bodies. Sorry for the mix up :P Yep. Dissertation Defense. If only life in general could be so successful. If you people paid more attention to every little detail of my life, you'd be less confused in general. Or is it the other way around? I will argue either thesis for $.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
KenderKin wrote: Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote: In my opinion, most posters need to take some of my religion classes before commenting on religion in public. An doc about my milk issue? ;) I'm a real doctor, not a physician.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
In my opinion, most posters need to take some of my religion classes before commenting on religion in public.
Lobriathus Berwell wrote: Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote: Lobriathus Berwell wrote: Wouldn't this have been a draw, as Sebastian is someone...
Thread Title wrote: ...WHO HAS EVER POSTED ON PAIZO... ? Very good point, as I had misread or misremembered the title as "PERSON" rather than "POSTER." On the other hand, you are assuming that Sebastian would make a critical difference (or maybe even, any difference) in the outcome: a supposition that is far from established. Well, since Sebastian is so AWESOME!!!!!!1!one!! (which was established as a premise at the beginning of the thread) he'd be able to defeat everyone else, thus rendering everyone else negligable. Since he's on both sides, it should be a draw. False premises yield false conclusions.
Lobriathus Berwell wrote: Wouldn't this have been a draw, as Sebastian is someone...
Thread Title wrote: ...WHO HAS EVER POSTED ON PAIZO... ?
Very good point, as I had misread or misremembered the title as "PERSON" rather than "POSTER." On the other hand, you are assuming that Sebastian would make a critical difference (or maybe even, any difference) in the outcome: a supposition that is far from established.
The title of this thread should give us philosophic pause:
Does a poster exist if s/he has never posted?
How am I supposed to get my Dr. Jones on? Damn political correctness.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
So here's a fun little habit you might want to lose before becoming a Religion professor at a non-sectarian, public institution of higher learning.
Crimson Jester wrote: Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote: Samnell wrote: Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote: Samnell wrote: Erik Mona wrote: No.
On behalf of myself I wish to thank Paizo by not catering to the lowest common denominator and slathering their products with objectifying, pornographic depictions of women. Truly this is a great victory for human decency and good taste.
That's what pictures of men are for. Hunka hunka. I'm still carrying a torch for the Lads of Paizo speedo calendar. Maybe we can get the good Prof to pose? Please forgive them, they know not of which they speak. HEY! Oh, you probably were worried about somebody else. BTW, they made me stop saying, "I wear nothing under these robes," in my intro lecture. Prudes.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sebastian wrote: Don't we need someone new to take his place in the Vaughan-Pett-Logue love/feud triangle (henceforth, the lofrangle)? My reading of the Book of Revelations and the Mayan Calender indicates that, without Logue, Vaughan and Pett will combine to form a demogorgan-esque creature which will consume the stars and void.
This is some solid stuff right here.
Just to be clear, Universe, I would be happy to take a TT faculty position in Kansas. Very happy.
Cosmo wrote: Gark the Goblin wrote: Whee, non-deterministic universes are fun! You can't prove that. I believe all concrete proofs (matters of fact) are only probabilistic.
Gark the Goblin wrote: And before anyone jumps down my throat, remember that you can interpret Shakespeare to mean anything you want. WOW. I would never have been tempted to jump down your throat. Until you typed THAT. Now, you die by throat-jumping. ::Puts on spiked boots::
Sebastian wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Sebastian wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Sebastian wrote:
Dude! Winky face absolves comment of all malice. Sheesh.
Hey, there's perfectly good malicious smiles... I told you this in the other thread, but I think you have some berries in your ears:
Don't be a dick! ;-)
(See, winky face absolves all malice!)
(Wait...can you even absolve malice?)
That's what absolution is for, lapsed RC. Yeah, but isn't it sin that's absolved, not malice? Or is the existence of malice in the past a sin, and therefore capable of absolution. Don't you have some type of advanced degree on point? You have like 30, right?
Wait...isn't sin a giant ball of water that destroys cities?
Vocabulary is hard. Come over some time. Some scotch over a couple of volumes of the works of St. Tommy and then we'll watch that Clint Eastwood movie where he plays a character based on John Huston. That'll make sense of it all.
Low-fat Ranch Dretching wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Callous Jack wrote: Wasn't that two weeks ago? Where you been? I'll ask the questions here, thank you Mr. Callous Jack...IF that's your real name. Where were YOU two weeks ago? Reacting poorly to changes made to a game and then blaming someone else for your behavior, I shouldn't doubt!? <Doubts.> Nobody cares about YOUR internal epistemic acts.
Mothman wrote: Kruelaid wrote: Done.
This is one of the reasons I've always liked games that run off of multiple d6s. More bell-curvy... but then I will also look twice at short girls.
Short girls are hot.
Well, hot short girls are hot. That's why we calls 'em sho'ties.
EDIT: Naked sho'ties!
Emperor7 wrote: Gary Teter wrote: Oh man sm is the best. She brought me BttH for lunch. Now my outside is all crawly but my inside is all warm and snuggly. FIFY
Remember you are in the FAWTL thread, so we have to go there. It's in our charter. One to treat the outside and one to treat the inside. This follows the sound principle: The whole man is sick; the whole man must be treated.
Celestial Healer wrote: Urizen wrote: Jeremy Mcgillan wrote: Hey Leafy quick question
** spoiler omitted ** ** spoiler omitted ** ** spoiler omitted ** Ah...the dog collar. I'm not sure I can beat Wikipedia on this one. Like most clerical garb, the stiff collar is an older style of clothing that has been kept and incorporated into liturgical and/or clerical clothing as societal styles moved on. While older pieces, such as the palladium, have been invested with symbolic meaning, I have never heard anyone attribute any to the collar. Like the clerical shirt (or vest) and cassock with which it is worn, it is as more a signifier than a symbol. (Attn: I'm a priest.) The purpose for wearing it is to identify one as a priest in public, so that one is available to people in any setting, whether they have a relationship with a priest or parish or not.
Outside of Roman (and Eastern) circles, the collar (along with other garb) was for sometime a good indicator of how high church a cleric you were looking at, especially in Anglican/Episcopal circles (and perhaps also with Lutheran pastors). At one time, liberal and evangelical clergy wouldn't have been got dead in one. Now its use is more widespread (denominationally, if not numerically) and is often worn for convenience sake more than for reasons of a traditional vision of 24/7 ministry (e.g., "The hospital won't give me any trouble if I wear my collar.") Its popularity in the Anglican Communion is especially due to the influence of the Oxford Movement (early/mid 19th C). Due to the prestige of Anglicanism, the practice spread to other groups (who don't have priests but other kinds of ministers) who either wanted to look more churchy or benefit from its practical side. There is a also a version that has two bands hanging down from the collar. This is often called "preaching bands."
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: I think, therefore I yam. I hate to burst your bubble, but it's much more likely that you're actually a sweet potato.
That's just because they didn't have educational loans in Ben Franklin's day.
Solnes wrote: Kajehase wrote: Naked bird-spotting? Prolly the only time that particular activity is interesting. :P ::Cough! Sputter!::
Gark the Goblin wrote: Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote: Gark the Goblin wrote: So yeah, I'm not going to read everything that went before.
Actually, just anything life-shattering. Since like January 2009? I got all doctored up, PhD style. Still no tenure track, full-time position though. Why do you not have a bullwhip?
Gark the Goblin wrote: So yeah, I'm not going to read everything that went before.
Actually, just anything life-shattering. Since like January 2009?
I got all doctored up, PhD style. Still no tenure track, full-time position though.
Knowing and Stating are not identical acts.
E7: I worry about your drinking habits, my friend. As a Dr., I'm prescribing two (2) weeks of Unibroue products only, STAT! Your palette must heal!
Urizen wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Final for the morning with the cute girls class. Are you lecherous with your extra credit? Who, me?
Mothman: Hahahaha!
Sharoth: Very sorry. :(
Good morning to all you FAWTLY & LOAN pals. Today I give the Final to first section bound for slaught- er, I mean, bound for summer, and hopefully some for summer school.
Darth Knight wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: niel wrote: Big M. wrote: COOL.
Not carried by the Paizo store, I guess.
EDIT: Of course, you could just use this table and not spend money on yet more dice. But with Ten Commandment Dice (tm), I can roll for a random sin at need! Yeah, I agree. (Well...relatively random, anyway. It's not like they're Gamescience dice!) Do we roll a D4 first to see which interpretation to consult? No. Think of it as knowing what edition you are playing.
It's easy to elucidate Dan Brown hatred.
Clearly, people who blame their anarchy on pie are Anti-Christ.
Stupid physicians, always pretending to be REAL doctors.
Too late! They have a style guide that specifies these things, and they've seen me mark down papers in the past for the wrong font.
SP and Urizen are just jealous. Isn't that right, Solnes?
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote: Figure that one out an atheist just gave a pastor a sermon on repentance. What's to figure out? ;-)
Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote: Saladin, Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Averroës (Ibn Rushd), Homer, Horace, Ovid, Lucan, Aristotle, Virgil, Sebastian, Jeremy.
That is all.
Reposted for sufficient appreciation by the parties involved.
Saladin, Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Averroës (Ibn Rushd), Homer, Horace, Ovid, Lucan, Aristotle, Virgil, Sebastian, Jeremy.
That is all.
Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote: hedgeknight wrote: Sorry Sean - not impressed by these examples really. The only one that even implies that it relates to a paladin or order of paladins is the Round Table link. None of the rest have anything to do with the character of the paladin, although some of the concepts would make for a great adventure. Except for Depeche Mode - they're just...weird. :) Argh! Must...not...be...pedantic...academic.... GO! GO! GO! GO!