
DonKeebals's page

Organized Play Member. 154 posts (155 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Sovereign Court

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Not interested in a Diablo style game for Pathfinder. Pathfinder is popular because of the deep character customization mechanics that pairs well with a CRPG like Kingmaker not a hack and slash like Diablo. Instead of making a custom character you get only 4 iconics? Really?

Sorry, passing this. Holler when you and Owlcat make another CRPG

Sovereign Court

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I have been wanting this ever since I noticed DTRPG had POD service. I am so happy this has happened

Sovereign Court

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't know. Given the political leanings of the staff and their commitment to left leaning social justice values, if even a fraction of what was alleged were true, there should have been legal actions taken by at least one person.

There was nothing. Nothing but a social media smear campaign. Seriously having a fit because a piece of art had an "iron cross" in it is not a serious accusation. The vacuum accusation made me LOL.

The whole thing read like a temper tantrum fueled hit piece. With the worst allegations against Jason and his predatory advances. But no one said anything to HR, or any management? Not one? That is highly suspect.

And the person making all the fuss has been canned for toxic behavior before. This is just more of it.

I support Paizo here.

Sovereign Court

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Zaister wrote:
Kingmaker for Pathfinder First Edition PDFs are readily available without the need for a crowdfunding.

But they are not in hardcover book format which is what I and many others would like to get out grubby hands on.

Sovereign Court

Is there a process to convert 1ed to 2ed, or are they completely incompatible?

Sovereign Court

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I keep going round and round with this. You can't do X without doing Y. Y does Z, but Y is a different thing when doing X.

Sovereign Court

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Tacticslion wrote:

The others are nominally correct, though it has nothing to do with double-dipping (which is a terrible argument).

Supernatural abilities are defined as a standard action, unless otherwise noted (sorry, you'll have to scroll down). The melt stone ability doesn't clarify, thus it's most "standard"* rulings, it would be a standard action to activate.

The clarification that it's using its breath weapon means that it's subject to breath weapon rules, and any feats or other effects that modify the breath weapon would apply, unless incompatible.

But... why would a dragon do that? It's clearly less damaging, and covers a smaller area, right?

Well, yes, initially, but it's unclear if people get a reflex save (it's not described with a save anywhere), and it creates nasty terrain for two rounds (potentially causing more damage), and thus it creates great tactical situations (forcing people to flee or get wrekt). Also, it permits avalanche.

That said, I could see a GM ruling otherwise (that using the breath weapon melts stone on contact, allowing both effects)... but there are problems with that interpretation, too.

Namely, it's the range of the thing that makes no sense.

The breath weapon is a sixty foot cone from the dragon's space.

Melt stone applies to a 50 ft. radius at a range of 100 feet: that's 40 ft. further than the range of the breath weapon.

And that's where you start to realize the abilities are entirely different: they can't operate at the same time, because you can't resolve both simultaneously if you use the second to its intended manner.

Still, it's a GM's call. It'd be kind of harsh to rule against PCs to enforce a TPK (or even a partial party wipe).

Anyway, hope this helps!

* Okay, it wasn't intentional, but... it's funny, dang it! :D

The distance thing really bothers me as well. Why can a the breath weapon be used to turn solid stone to a molten state far beyond where it could hit any other time. I was thinking, if I were to do it, giving bonuses to the PC against the DC for every x number of feet beyond 60'. Just doesn't make sense to me that I can engulf the ground you are standing one and not touch you while doing it.

Sovereign Court

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If a creature were standing on the stone floor of a red dragon's cave, and the dragon was old enough to have the Red Dragon Melt Stone ability, would the creature take damage from the breath weapon AND the lava, just the lava, or just the breath weapon on the first round?

My first thought is that it takes both unless it has some way to negate the damage of either. Others are telling me that only the damage of the lava floor would apply because "you can't double dip" and Melt Stone is "a standard action separate from the standard action of the breath".

Sovereign Court

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Aerick-Order of the Amber Die wrote: took years of playing optimized characters to realize that even though it made our PCs better--it didn't make our game better. ....

Can I get an AMEN for brother Aerick?


But like you said, to each their own.

Sovereign Court

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Aerick-Order of the Amber Die wrote:
It IS rough. But it's right, according to the developers who have said on several threads that the AP encounters are scaled to a party of 4 characters with 15-point builds. We play to the author's intent, so the same goes for the developers' intent. So yes, your reaction is spot on--fear of death is quite prevalent for us, just like a horror game should be!

I think it's fine. It's just that so many see Pathfinder as a tactical strategy game, rather than a role playing game. If a PC isn't optimized to the hilt, they don't want to play it. If a class can't put out the numbers they want, it's a worthless class.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

When it said "15-point build" I LOL'd. I know, and see, so many that would be aghast at the thought of trying to build with only 15 points. That's a real horror adventure.

Sovereign Court

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Varun Creed wrote:

Question, why are you guys looking forward to this Ironfang Invasion AP?

If I look at the description, it sounds very generic? Am I missing a link somewhere? Please enlighten me! ^_^

What you call generic, I call classic.

Sovereign Court

Sorry if I missed it, but what is the latest to pre-order?

Sovereign Court

I was all set to cancel after HV, now I need to hold off.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:
DonKeebals wrote:
I saw someone mention GM's and cheating, so I figured I'd add my $0.02. A GM can not cheat. GM's are the god at your table and they can do what they want. I almost always roll behind the screen and if I think a miss would have been a hit, it will be. Especially if I need to knock a player off of their high horse. To me this is no different that adding the advanced template to creatures.
This whole quote is a perfect example of terrible GMing, and the part I bolded is a good illustration of the level of blindness required to not see it.

A terrible GM is one that allows the players to run the table. And yes, GM's are the gods at their tables. What they say goes, period.

Sovereign Court

That is funny to see this. I got my AP today and in big bold print, right there in the corner, "DO NOT BEND". That didn't stop the mail carrier from doing the exact same thing though. I believe it was Ms. Sharaya there that helped me too. Thanks again! I called the local post office after calling customer service and they said they are going to speak with my carrier about that.

Sovereign Court

I saw someone mention GM's and cheating, so I figured I'd add my $0.02. A GM can not cheat. GM's are the god at your table and they can do what they want. I almost always roll behind the screen and if I think a miss would have been a hit, it will be. Especially if I need to knock a player off of their high horse. To me this is no different that adding the advanced template to creatures.

Sovereign Court

A Belker can turn to smoke, enter an occupied square, and try to force the occupant of the square, to inhale a part of itself. If the Belker is attacked, does the square's co-occupant run the risk of injury from the attack? The bestiary doesn't say, but it sure seems likely to me that it would.

Sovereign Court

I like a good Sci-Fi movie, I like video games and tabletop RPGs.Though I have ADD and find reading difficult, I have, on occasion, enjoyed a fantasy/sci-fi book. Lately though, I have felt less like calling myself a geek. I like geeky things, but that is what I think the problem is. I JUST like them. I have no infatuation with any of the things I mentioned. When I see people talk on and on about Dr. Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, comics..... I feel as if I am really out of place and wonder if I should even bother with any of it.

Can you just like something and still be classified geek?

Sovereign Court

Ditto here. Tried to add the the PDF of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars. No discount.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Can we get one superdungeon a year please?

Sovereign Court

I received an email today from Paizo that said


"An anonymous person has given you a gift on

1 x Gift Certificate

Your gift certificate has been automatically redeemed and store credit has been applied to your account.
You may view your gift certificates on your My Gift Certificates page at:"

There is nothing there. Was this an accident, spam or a joke? Do I need to go through the process of buying something to see the store credit?

EDIT: I did go through the process of buying something, there was no credit.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

For some reason I can't help but picture a Fallout 3 type setting.

"Valley of the Brain Collectors?" Shut up and take my money!

Sovereign Court 1/5

nosig wrote:
James Martin wrote:
DonKeebals wrote:

I did, many times.

Oh, I explained it. Told them that it will be a skill heavy game and that they have the possibility of never raising a weapon. They were excited about it.

I am under the assumption that if there are at least 4 players, the GM can't run a pregen.

I'm sorry to hear that. You warned them, they chose to proceed. It's too bad, but you did your due diligence.

And I meant the players could play as a pre-gen. The iconic bard or rogue might be perfect for this. And then they could start a new character to have as a back-up. In case their current character meets Bonekeep or fails a will save...

Yeah. Even if the party was at sub-tier 4-5 I could easily see a 1st level bard carry this table thru the mod. It would be kind of funny to see 4 PCs of level 4 and 5 trying to assist the 1st level to get them thru the mission.

I don't like telling people what or how they should play a character (unless they are doing something illegal) so it never occurred to me to offer up a pregen. I have each level of each class in a 3-ring binder in case of walk-ups. I feel quite ashamed.

Yeah, that would have been hilarious to see a lvl 1 show out a table of higher ups.

Sovereign Court 1/5

James Martin wrote:

There is certainly something to be said for reading through the scenario before you run it. My first table had a good mix of skill and combat types and everyone had a part to play. My second table I explicitly warned them that this was a skill mission more than a combat mission and they chose their characters thusly; they had a good time and enjoyed the game.

Read the scenario before you run it.

Read it twice.

If the table of characters you have looks to be poorly suited to the scenario you have, tell them. If they choose to play with the characters they have, especially in a 1-5 tier where you could easily start a new character or play a pre-gen, then at least they went in with open eyes.

I did, many times.

Oh, I explained it. Told them that it will be a skill heavy game and that they have the possibility of never raising a weapon. They were excited about it.

I am under the assumption that if there are at least 4 players, the GM can't run a pregen.

Sovereign Court 1/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Did the players have no other characters to use?

No. I guess the players south of Atlanta don't keep a library of characters like many others and prefer to concentrate on one PC at a time.

Deussu wrote:

Well, to be fair, these scenarios should come with "suggested classes to bring". It would help especially with The Disappeared, Blakros Matrimony, Wardstone Patrol and Library of the Lion. Dare I suggest Paizo to start using tags to categorize scenarios? Combat, puzzle, roleplaying, journey, urban etc.

That is a great idea

Thurston Hillman wrote:

Curious, what if the group was 4 skill types and one fighter? Would the reversal of roles helped make this more enjoyable?

Did you not enjoy this scenario because of the lack of combat and emphasis on skills? Or was there something specific with how the skills were handled in this one?

I didn't like it because it's very one-sided for certain types of characters (and players) but more importantly, my players didn't have the fun I had hoped for. I actually feel sad that this is the scenario that gave me my first star in PFS.

Sovereign Court 1/5

John Compton wrote:

I'm catching up on the last couple dozen posts here, but it looks like Kyle and others have been handling questions well. Thanks for the feedback. I encourage you to right a review.

Walter Sheppard wrote:
DonKeebals wrote:
I ran this on 3/23. I hated it and my players hated it. I think it should be taken off the website and rewritten. I will certainly avoid any scenarios written by the this author in the future.

Could you expand on this? I'm curious what about it you and your table didn't like. The author has frequented this thread in the past and cleared up some questions and concerns, so you might find answers to any qualms you have with the scenario.

Also, in general, when posting a review of a scenario, you'll find that your posts carry more weight when you take the time to fully explain yourself. Simply stating that you disliked the scenario and wish extreme measures be taken because of that isn't the best way to go about this.

Good advice. I am likewise curious to here what specifics presented difficulty. Extremely broad feedback is difficult for me to use productively (most true for negative feedback in which something needs to be fixed), and I imagine the same is true for Kyle.

I ran this with 4 fighter types and 1 sorcerer and all but one were under 3rd level. This scenario is geared toward the cerebral "skill monkeys" and my players had a difficult time with it. I honestly figured the game would be done very quickly and it did only take 3.5 hours. But only because they were caught and gave the letter to the guards.

I wish I had my $4 back for this thing.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Thanks for the responses from Aziraya, Don & Thod.

I co-liaison a store on the south side of Atlanta and sometimes players from as far as an hour away come play, which was the case this past weekend. Even though I had a hard time running I felt bad for thinking about calling the game off after they had come as far as they did.

Sovereign Court 1/5

I ran this on 3/23. I hated it and my players hated it. I think it should be taken off the website and rewritten. I will certainly avoid any scenarios written by the this author in the future.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Is there a rule or procedure for when a GM can't finish a game because of illness or even emergency?

Sovereign Court

I looked at Miniature Market and priced the items I will be getting this month and I would save almost $10 total and MM takes AMEX. The "free" PDFs seem a bit less attractive now. Oh, and the Paizo price included my subscriber discount too. :(

Really beginning to reconsider my subscriptions.

Sovereign Court

Danubus wrote:
Thx, Papa. I wish they would take another look at it. For me, I'd rather use a pre paid card tht won't nickle and dime me to death than Visa or Mastercard which adds charges to card user for everything. It would just be a lot easier on the consumer. Getting a Visa or Mastercard prepaid just isn't worth the hassle.

I guess that's what Paizo thinks about AMEX/Bluebird. Wish I'd have known before I grabbed one tonight.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Why do the best sales always happen when I am out of work? :(

Sovereign Court

memorax wrote:
My dwarf started with an 8 Cha. I still roleplayed his Diplomacy checks as needed and accepted that he was not going to succeed at all of them. Part of the game, and you do few players favors by hand waving that part of the game.
Seconded. No one is saying not to roleplay. Yet if a player takes a 8 cha. He should succeed less at social situations than a player with a charisma of say 16. If anyone can succeed on every diplomacy check no matter their stats no player is going to invest more than one skill point in any skill such as diplomacy. What would be the point if investing skill points does mot make it easier or better to bet the odds of success.

This person though, is at least trying. My impression from the OP is that the monk and fighter weren't.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Core Rule Book Page 9 wrote:

The Most Important Rule

The rules in this book are here to help you breathe life into
your characters and the world they explore. While they are
designed to make your game easy and exciting, you might
find that some of them do not suit the style of play that your
gaming group enjoys. Remember that these rules are yours.
You can change them to fit your needs.

Above all, have fun.

Sovereign Court

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Alexandros Satorum wrote:
DonKeebals wrote:
It's not about what the stats say a character can do, it's about what the player does. If a scene calls for a player to make DC X to achieve something and they roleplay it well, I drop the DC. Why punish the player? The game is supposed to be fun. I'm not saying fighters get to roleplay a disable device check or UMD. I am saying that it's up to the players to make themselves more useful. No point in complaining about not having something to do outside of combat if you aren't trying to do something.
You are balming the player but in your example is you the DM who is lowering the DC.

Only if the player is just going to act like a bump on a log outside of combat. A player that tries to have fun and roleplay a situation out I will absolutely help.

But what about perception or stealth? or perhaps acrobatics, heal, and the knowledge skills? is there a roleplay that lower the DC of those?

Could be if the idea behind it is thought out enough and roleplayed well.

K177Y C47 wrote:
So what you are saying is that, in order to help the fighter, you are going to take away from the Rogue/Bar..blah blah blah blah....

No, what I am saying is I will help a PLAYER that is trying.

Sovereign Court

K177Y C47 wrote:
DonKeebals wrote:
Alexandros Satorum wrote:
DonKeebals wrote:
Alexandros Satorum wrote:
Makarion wrote:
See, that's the problem: players that optimize for combat complain that not everything is combat. There may just be a miss-match between the campaign and the players, which has next to nothing to do with the actual character classes.
Not really. The magus can optimize for combat and still have for free a lot of out of combat utility in the form of skill points and spells. The same for almost every other class out there.Only the fighter have to sacrifice in combat prowess in order to have something to do out of combat.
I can NOT comprehend this. This is what ROLE PLAY is all about.
If the DM say to roll to beah the DC 30 diplomac check no rolpelay help you with that.

Then you roleplay the consequences of it, find another way around it, bribe, bluff, something. The notion that if my character isn't optimized I am useless is absolutely appalling to me. My character is more than a set of stats, he's a projection of my imagination and a character I birthed in to a fantasy world that I intend to see him through. I don't care that he isn't pretty, healthy, smart or strong.

I play Pathfinder the roleplaying game, not a tactical war game.

Bluff- Good luck passing a bluff check as a fighter...

Bribe- Ok, so your suggesting that the fighter has to use his WBL to do what most other classes can do fairly well is kind of weak. Instead of forcing the fighter to waste his money, just let the Bard/Rogue/Caster with Charm/Inquisitor/Oracle/Sorcerer/Paladin/Cavalier take care of it..

Finding another way around it- Like WHAT? Tell me something, ANYTHING, that the fighter can do in a non-combat scenerio that the others cannot do? Do note that in the OP he asks for ways to make the fighter feel less useless out of combat IN A PARTY. I.e. tell me something for the fighter to do that just isn't easier for the...

It's not about what the stats say a character can do, it's about what the player does. If a scene calls for a player to make DC X to achieve something and they roleplay it well, I drop the DC. Why punish the player? The game is supposed to be fun. I'm not saying fighters get to roleplay a disable device check or UMD. I am saying that it's up to the players to make themselves more useful. No point in complaining about not having something to do outside of combat if you aren't trying to do something.

Sovereign Court

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Alexandros Satorum wrote:
DonKeebals wrote:
Alexandros Satorum wrote:
Makarion wrote:
See, that's the problem: players that optimize for combat complain that not everything is combat. There may just be a miss-match between the campaign and the players, which has next to nothing to do with the actual character classes.
Not really. The magus can optimize for combat and still have for free a lot of out of combat utility in the form of skill points and spells. The same for almost every other class out there.Only the fighter have to sacrifice in combat prowess in order to have something to do out of combat.
I can NOT comprehend this. This is what ROLE PLAY is all about.
If the DM say to roll to beah the DC 30 diplomac check no rolpelay help you with that.

Then you roleplay the consequences of it, find another way around it, bribe, bluff, something. The notion that if my character isn't optimized I am useless is absolutely appalling to me. My character is more than a set of stats, he's a projection of my imagination and a character I birthed in to a fantasy world that I intend to see him through. I don't care that he isn't pretty, healthy, smart or strong.

I play Pathfinder the roleplaying game, not a tactical war game.

Sovereign Court

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Alexandros Satorum wrote:
Makarion wrote:
See, that's the problem: players that optimize for combat complain that not everything is combat. There may just be a miss-match between the campaign and the players, which has next to nothing to do with the actual character classes.
Not really. The magus can optimize for combat and still have for free a lot of out of combat utility in the form of skill points and spells. The same for almost every other class out there.Only the fighter have to sacrifice in combat prowess in order to have something to do out of combat.

I can NOT comprehend this. This is what ROLE PLAY is all about.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Feeling worthless outside of combat sounds like a roleplay issue to me. Tell them to brush up on their imaginations.

Sovereign Court

12thman still in effect?

Sovereign Court

Not every character needs to be over optimized and twinked out. If she has fun with the character, leave it alone.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Paz wrote:

Are you looking for any level range in particular?

There are a couple of past threads that might be useful:
Best "Traditional Dungeon Crawl" Scenario?
Good afternoon - New GM here, had a question or two.

Thanks for the links Paz! The players are all 2-4 but I have all the pre-gens printed, so level doesn't matter much.

Castilliano wrote:

I liked running Refuge of Time both times. In one instance the group thought it was a "great way to end the conference" as they high-fived.

There's no "Crawl" to it, it's a mash fest in a mini-dungeon.

Mmmmmm, "mash fest." Thanks for that one Castilliano.

Sovereign Court 1/5

I am looking for good dungeon crawl scenarios and was hoping the wonderful folks here in the messageboards could save me the hassle of looking through each and every scenario by pointing out their favorites.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Earl Gendron wrote:

If the player is also a GM and wants to use one of their GM star replays, they can, though, just no 'replay because of death' if that makes sense

I thought so, wasn't sure though. I ran Stolen Heir for a group and they all died in the first battle. So I wanted to let them have another go at it with new characters(and wiser players).

Sovereign Court 1/5

Simple enough, thanks.

Sovereign Court

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Alster John wrote:
I am not sure how to because I've never drawn one before. I since it my first time I don't want it to look a like crappy image so is it easy or hard to draw one.

Try here

Sovereign Court 1/5

If a character dies, can the player replay for credit? Do dead characters get chronicle sheets?

Sovereign Court

Mystically Inclined wrote:

Haven't we done this before?

The search feature is a wonderful thing.

So is not being a condescending butt.

Sovereign Court

I played 2nd, skipped 3.0 and 3.5 and went right to Pathfinder, so I don't have anything other than the core DMG and PH for 3.5. If I wanted to get something to supplement my Pathfinder games, what would be the best choices out of the DnD 3.5 catalog?

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