Minotaur Games


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4.80/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Go ALL IN at the Lucky Dragon

A mountain of gold waits to be won at the Lucky Dragon if your PCs are fortunate enough to win big! All it takes is a few coins, some dice, and a lot of luck. A haven for the desperate, the wealthy, and the unsavory alike, this gambling hall caters to the conquering hero’s every need, serving delicious food, strong drink, and a chance at riches!

This pdf contains everything the busy GM needs to add this iconic location to your game. Located in the heart of town, the Lucky Dragon is the perfect place for the PCs to spend some of the loot from their most recent adventure. Written to be easily incorporated into any setting, this PDF includes a wealth of details on the gambling hall, its staff, frequents gamblers, and possible adventure hooks. Inside you will find:

A detailed introduction of the Lucky Dragon.
A complete list of all the food and drink offered at the Lucky Dragon.
A map of the two-story building, with a description for each area.
Roleplaying notes and histories for each staff member and the frequent gamblers, including plenty of goals, agendas, and secrets.
DRAGON HOARD, a simple new gambling game that you can add to your session!
Four adventure hooks involving the Lucky Dragon and its staff.

Favored Terrain is a series of short, easy to integrate PDFs, designed give GMs everything they need to add one iconic location to their game, including detailed maps, NPCs, and plenty of adventure hooks. Written by veteran game designer, Jason Bulmahn, you can be sure that this setting piece will fit seamlessly into your game.

4.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Our Price: $1.99

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Do Battle with the Most Powerful Undead!

Forsaking life for an eternal existence as a lich, these powerful spellcasting undead seek only one thing: power. Considered the vilest of blasphemes, those that would seek to become a lich do so at the cost of their own lives. For what is one life in exchange for an eternity of knowledge and endless pursuit of power? The only thing that stands in the way of these immortal warlocks is the courage and skill of your player characters.

Inside this PDF, you'll find a number of options for player characters preparing to take on a lich. Options like the True Channel feat, which allows the power of the gods to blast away even the most resilient lich, or the mace of destruction, a powerful weapon that can turn a lich to dust. In addition, there are a wide variety of new rules for the Game Master to power up these undead tyrants. You can obliterate your characters with the black blade spell or keep them guessing with the blackfrost lich, capable of freezing the blood in their veins! Game Masters will also find plenty of new lich feats, magic items, and adventure hooks inside. In total, this PDF contains:

4 New Feats
4 New Alchemical Items
5 New Spells
5 New Magic Items
3 New Types of Lich
3 Adventure Hooks

Monster Focus is a series of short, easy to integrate PDFs, designed to make one classic monster the central theme for an adventure or even a small campaign. Each PDF in the series includes options for player characters and game masters, including new feats, spells, magic items, and more! Written by veteran game designer, Jason Bulmahn, you can be sure that these rules will fit seamlessly into your game.

Our Price: $2.99

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Some Hits are more Critical than Others!

Nothing is more exciting that having that attack roll come up 20! Unfortunately, few things are more frustrating than having the damage dice come up all 1. While a critical hit can add a great deal of tension and drama to a combat, the results can sometimes be lacking. Rule Zero: Critical Hits is here to put the excitement back in to your critical hit. This reimagining of the critical hit system adds special effects and conditions to every crit, with increasing severity depending on how well you roll. From melting flesh to chopping off limbs, or just poking your foe in the eye, this system will give you the critical you deserve!

Inside this PDF, you'll find a revised system for dealing with critical hits in your game. The system includes complete rules for making critical hits a more dynamic part of any combat, optional rules to increase or decrease the power of critical hits, and a number of new rules options designed specifically for this new system. In total, this PDF contains:

4 New Feats
5 New Spells
3 New Magic Item Special Abilities
2 Critical Hit Severity Tables
8 Critical Hit Effect Tables

Rule Zero states that the game belongs to the players and their Game Master and each group should make it their own. This series of short, easy to integrate PDFs are designed to give GMs the tools to tailor the game to fit their needs. Each PDF in the series features an entirely reimagined mechanic, designed to give a new perspective on an existing rule! Written by veteran game designer, Jason Bulmahn, you can be sure that these rules will fit seamlessly into your game.

5.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)

Our Price: $2.99

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Behind Every Villain is a Horde of Minions!

Somebody has to clean up the dungeon while the master plots his next evil scheme. Fortunately, that is where the underlings come in. These groveling bootlicks live to serve their evil lord, hoping only to curry favor and avoid his wrath. Unfortunately, representing these lesser foes in combat can be a chore, especially if there are a lot of them. Tracking their hit points, conditions, and abilities can turn an exciting combat into a real grind. Rule Zero: Underlings gives busy GMs a way to incorporate a horde of these lesser monsters into any combat without slowing the game down to a crawl.

Inside this PDF, you'll find a new system for including a new type of monster, the underling, into your game. Underlings are made using simple statistics that don’t bog down the GM with unnecessary statistics and details, while still providing a threat to the players. The system includes complete rules for creating thousands of different underlings, suitable for any adventure. In total, this PDF contains:

  • 21 Underling Statistics, ranging from CR 1/2 to CR 20
  • 47 Unique Underling Types, from goblins and kobolds to demons and devils
  • 4 New Universal Monster Rules, unique to underlings
  • 6 Simple Templates to customize your underlings
Rule Zero states that the game belongs to the players and their Game Master and each group should make it their own. This series of short, easy to integrate PDFs are designed to give GMs the tools to tailor the game to fit their needs. Each PDF in the series features an entirely reimagined mechanic, designed to give a new perspective on an existing rule! Written by veteran game designer, Jason Bulmahn, you can be sure that these rules will fit seamlessly into your game.

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $4.99

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Unlock the Power Of Magic Gems!

Gemstones are more than just valuable treasure. Used to cast powerful spells or create mighty magic items, these precious stones are worth far more than a pile of gold. With Rule Zero: Gem Magic, gemstones can become an integral part of any adventurer’s arsenal. Once attached to an existing magic item, these jewels grant new abilities and powerful spells allowing heroes to get more out of their magic items. For the GM, gemstones offer a new way to reward your players, giving them the ability to upgrade items without having to discard their old gear. Of course, gemstones can add power and versatility to your favorite villains as well.

Inside this PDF, you'll find a new system for including gem magic into your game. Each gem comes in four different qualities and each quality grants different abilities depending on the item to which the gem is attached. In total, this PDF contains:

  • A Complete System for creating Gemstones and Sockets, including a new feat and 3 spells
  • 100 Magic Gemstones, 4 of each type of Gemstone

Rule Zero states that the game belongs to the players and their Game Master. Each group should make the game their own. This series of short, easy to integrate PDFs are designed to give GMs the tools to tailor the game to fit their needs. Each PDF in the series features an entirely reimagined mechanic, designed to give a new perspective on existing rules! Written by veteran game designer, Jason Bulmahn, you can be sure that these rules will fit seamlessly into your game.

Our Price: $19.99


4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Betray your friends and steal their loot! ... Pirate Loot is a fast-paced game of treasure and treachery for 2-4 players, designed by Jason Bulmahn, creator of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, with art by Scott Kurtz (PVPonline) and Dylan Maconis (Family Man). ... Recruit pirates from your hand...

Our Price: $11.99

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3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

More pirates to help you claim all the loot! ... By adding two new factions of pirates to your game, you can play Pirate Loot with up to 6 players. Recruit sneaky pirates that strike while hidden or undead pirates that raise the dead to fight for you! ... Pirate Loot is a fast-paced game of...

Our Price: $8.99

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Hopefinder is a Modern Zombie Apocalypse Survival Hack of Pathfinder Second Edition! ... The world came to an end in October, 2022, when a parasitic plague caused the dead to rise up and consume the living. Within weeks the Z Plague spread to every corner of the globe and within six months the...

Our Price: $1.99

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4.60/5 (based on 7 ratings)

Give Skeletons New Life! ... Skeletons have always been a danger to young heroes venturing into lonely graveyards and ominous tombs, but these classic monsters are quickly replaced by their more powerful undead. Monster Focus: Skeletons is here to give Game Masters a wealth of options to give...

Our Price: $1.99

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4.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

Zombies are a plague, an ever present threat that must be put down before they become an unstoppable horde. While most adventurers regard them as a nuisance, the common folk know better. Zombies are a rot, sent to gnaw away at the foundation of civilization itself. Monster Focus: Zombies is here...

Our Price: $1.99

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4.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)

Feast on the Living! ... Hunger is a ghoul’s constant companion. The desire to consume rotting flesh dominates their thoughts, leading them to strike out at the living to acquire the carrion that they so desire. Unlike other lesser undead, ghouls possess a terrible cunning that they use to plan...

Our Price: $1.99

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4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Unleash an Ancient Curse! ... Asleep for all eternity, buried with priceless treasure, and cursed by the gods, the mummy is one of the more terrifying undead. The mere sight of one of these desiccated corpses can bring a chill to the heart of the living and their touch carries with it an eternal...

Our Price: FREE

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4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Get Familiar with the Undead! ... Bats, cats, and rats, these are the familiars of lesser wizards, but for the necromancer only the undead will do. Carefully made from scraps of flesh and bits of bone, the graveling is the perfect servant for a master of the blackest of magics. Monster Focus:...

Our Price: $5.99


A bundle of Undead! ... This bundle of PDFs contains everything you need to unleash a hoard of the walking dead on your unsuspecting players. This bundle includes all of the following PDFs from Minotaur Games: Monster Focus: Ghouls; Monster Focus: Liches; Monster Focus: Mummies; Monster Focus:...

Our Price: $1.99

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4.80/5 (based on 4 ratings)

Don’t leave your players out in the cold! ... At some point during their travels from one adventure to the next, your characters are going to look for a place to stay, safe from the weather and wandering monsters. Fortunately for them, the Crossroads Inn is always open for business! ... This PDF...

Our Price: $1.99

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Go ALL IN at the Lucky Dragon ... A mountain of gold waits to be won at the Lucky Dragon if your PCs are fortunate enough to win big! All it takes is a few coins, some dice, and a lot of luck. A haven for the desperate, the wealthy, and the unsavory alike, this gambling hall caters to the...

Our Price: $1.99

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4.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Do Battle with the Most Powerful Undead! ... Forsaking life for an eternal existence as a lich, these powerful spellcasting undead seek only one thing: power. Considered the vilest of blasphemes, those that would seek to become a lich do so at the cost of their own lives. For what is one life in...

Our Price: $2.99

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Some Hits are more Critical than Others! ... Nothing is more exciting that having that attack roll come up 20! Unfortunately, few things are more frustrating than having the damage dice come up all 1. While a critical hit can add a great deal of tension and drama to a combat, the results can...

Our Price: $2.99

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5.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)

Behind Every Villain is a Horde of Minions! ... Somebody has to clean up the dungeon while the master plots his next evil scheme. Fortunately, that is where the underlings come in. These groveling bootlicks live to serve their evil lord, hoping only to curry favor and avoid his wrath....

Our Price: $4.99

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4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Unlock the Power Of Magic Gems! ... Gemstones are more than just valuable treasure. Used to cast powerful spells or create mighty magic items, these precious stones are worth far more than a pile of gold. With Rule Zero: Gem Magic, gemstones can become an integral part of any adventurer’s...