
DonKeebals's page

Organized Play Member. 154 posts (155 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

If a creature were standing on the stone floor of a red dragon's cave, and the dragon was old enough to have the Red Dragon Melt Stone ability, would the creature take damage from the breath weapon AND the lava, just the lava, or just the breath weapon on the first round?

My first thought is that it takes both unless it has some way to negate the damage of either. Others are telling me that only the damage of the lava floor would apply because "you can't double dip" and Melt Stone is "a standard action separate from the standard action of the breath".

Sovereign Court

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When it said "15-point build" I LOL'd. I know, and see, so many that would be aghast at the thought of trying to build with only 15 points. That's a real horror adventure.

Sovereign Court

A Belker can turn to smoke, enter an occupied square, and try to force the occupant of the square, to inhale a part of itself. If the Belker is attacked, does the square's co-occupant run the risk of injury from the attack? The bestiary doesn't say, but it sure seems likely to me that it would.

Sovereign Court

I like a good Sci-Fi movie, I like video games and tabletop RPGs.Though I have ADD and find reading difficult, I have, on occasion, enjoyed a fantasy/sci-fi book. Lately though, I have felt less like calling myself a geek. I like geeky things, but that is what I think the problem is. I JUST like them. I have no infatuation with any of the things I mentioned. When I see people talk on and on about Dr. Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, comics..... I feel as if I am really out of place and wonder if I should even bother with any of it.

Can you just like something and still be classified geek?

Sovereign Court

I received an email today from Paizo that said


"An anonymous person has given you a gift on

1 x Gift Certificate

Your gift certificate has been automatically redeemed and store credit has been applied to your account.
You may view your gift certificates on your My Gift Certificates page at:"

There is nothing there. Was this an accident, spam or a joke? Do I need to go through the process of buying something to see the store credit?

EDIT: I did go through the process of buying something, there was no credit.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

For some reason I can't help but picture a Fallout 3 type setting.

"Valley of the Brain Collectors?" Shut up and take my money!

Sovereign Court 1/5

Is there a rule or procedure for when a GM can't finish a game because of illness or even emergency?

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Why do the best sales always happen when I am out of work? :(

Sovereign Court 1/5

I am looking for good dungeon crawl scenarios and was hoping the wonderful folks here in the messageboards could save me the hassle of looking through each and every scenario by pointing out their favorites.

Sovereign Court 1/5

If a character dies, can the player replay for credit? Do dead characters get chronicle sheets?

Sovereign Court

Did this thing come from a bestiary or monster manual? I can't find it anywhere. If not, how do I make it?

And before the "you just do it" replies start and without getting in to whatever disabilities I may have, just know, I can't "just do it" without a guideline to follow.

this is what I am talking about

Sovereign Court

According to the email I just got from, this summer will see the return of D&D minis, by Wizkids. I'm excited to be able to get non-OGL minis and I'm hoping for a price drop all around.

See here

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I get a DIY feed on my Facebook page and found an awesome way to redesign RPG book covers.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Is it okay/legal to use the same event code over and over AND OVER? Except for the games I have run, I believe that all event codes since at least February have been the same where I play.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Is it possible to transfer the benefit of variant channeling to a Hallowed Chalice?

Sovereign Court

The group I play with will be starting Shattered Star soon and so far the group is composed of, as I am told, an acrobatic tank with some combat maneuvers, off-tank with limited support versus evil or aid good creatures a healer that can fight and a spontaneous caster of some sort but " Probably not DPS. Probably not heals. Maybe something weird like melee druid or other weird gish combo".

The GM has given me permission to make a character that is Azlanti pureblood (saved from the Runeforge in the previous game) with a 20 point buy.

I am guessing we have 2 types of fighter/melee, a "druid or other weird gish combo" and a cleric. That leaves us short on roguish talents and a pure arcanist.

I keep tossing around a Thessalonian Specialist and I am very fond of archers but I also keep thinking about trying something new.

If you were setting up a character that was Azlanti pureblood, had 20 points on it and were looking at that possible mix of PCs what would you make?

I have UC, UM, Core, inner sea magic & world guide and the Advanced Race Guide in my library. And I tend to shy away from over optimization, twinking and multi-classing.

Sovereign Court

I'm looking to buy a Lords of Madness Elder Blue Dragon if anyone has one that they no longer want.

Sovereign Court

I received my dragon mini today and it is a bit bent. It leans forward just enough that the wings keep the base from sitting level. Anyone know how I could straighten this thing and keep it straight? I have a pen cap under one wing now hoping that it will stay that way if I leave it there long enough.

Sovereign Court

I just opened my shipment and the dragon is bent down enough that it's wings keep the base from sitting level. What can I do to get this thing straightened up?

EDIT: The dragon I mean not the order. I want the dragon straightened up.

Sovereign Court

Does this thing allow anyone to use it, or like the name suggests hobgoblins? I imagine these are made by hobgoblins for their specific tribes and are unsusable by anyone else. But I can't find anything that says one woay or another.

Hobgoblin Battle Standard


A battle standard is a cloth flag or standard, typically 2 feet wide and 4 feet long, meant to be carried and displayed on a lance, polearm, frame, or staff. It has no effect when not mounted properly or when lying on the ground. Hobgoblin battle standards normally depict the device or insignia of a tribe or nation, and different types of standards grant different effects.

A battle standard may be carried (on foot or mounted) or planted. In the latter case, the standard does not need a bearer, but if it is toppled or touched by an enemy, it loses its effectiveness until reclaimed and replanted by allies of its owner.

Despair: Enemies of the bearer of a hobgoblin battle standard of despair are sickened while within 60 feet of the banner. Any enemy that sustains a critical hit while sickened because of the standard must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 15) or become dazed for 1 round.

Ferocity: Allies of the bearer of a hobgoblin battle standard of ferocity gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws against mind-affecting effects as long as they are within 60 feet of the banner.

Iron Resolve: Allies of the bearer of a hobgoblin battle standard of iron resolve gain 10 temporary hit points and the benefits of the Diehard feat for as long as they are within 30 feet of the banner. The temporary hit points can only be gained once per day per creature

Sovereign Court

"Upon casting this spell, you keep your relative form, but you and your equipment become composed entirely of dust."

Okay, so how does water effect that individual then? Wind? What would happen if a player in dust form were to be caught in an air elemental's whirlwind attack? If they are dust, do they burn easier?

Sovereign Court

I am running my first ever Pathfinder game (ROTRL) and my players know the system inside and out. I don't. They pretty much run through everything and I want to make it a little more difficult. Not that I want the characters to die, but I want the players to think they are going to be very close to it.

I've thought about upping the number of enemies but I don't want the just hand out XP. I've adjusted classes, swapping feats and such, but there again, they cut right through them.

Any ideas will be much appreciated.

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

I just noticed today that the pawns I started my subscription with will not have bases and were meant to be used with the bases of the Bestiary Box. I don't own the Bestiary Box and as much as I would like to get it right now, I can't. So without bases the RotRL set does me no good.

I need to know what to do to get these back to you.

I am looking at having a magical earring or set of earrings made and I am curious as to whether they/it will count against finger rings. Does anyone know?

Sovereign Court 1/5

My first game of Pathfinder was back in December '10, I used a pre-gen character and hastily took a faction to get in the game. When I finally made my own, I decided on a completely different faction based on how I wanted to play the character. I didn't realize that when I put in the info on Paizo for that first game, that my faction was stuck that way.

Anyhow, I asked about it and was directed to Mr. Hyrum Savage and it was changed within a couple of days. That means a helluva lot to me, even if it is something so minor. I bet the folks at WoTC don't interact on the same level that people like Jason and Hyrum do with their customers. I find that awesome!

I love it and look forward to many happy years playing with Paizo. Now if I could only talk them in to moving to the Atlanta area so I can work for them. :)