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Hello, my players at Kingmaker want to do "Viking raids" during the winter's months.
As the Viking were doing, "all the population able to fight" will go to do the raid: the idea is to simulate the sending of fighters gone "to plunder another countries" using the rules of "Ultimate Campaign: build kingdom".

The results should be a gain in BP (Build Points), points of infamy, loss of population (because of battles in foreign plundered lands), gain of population ("slaves" captured), etc...

I think it's important that there is always a risk for players: they are not sure "the Raid" will be successful...

I don't want to play this part in the game and just to resolve it by "throwing a dice".

So i thought to simulate by a "temporary building" called "Raid" which will follows particular rules.

My idea is:
- 1 raid by kingdom in the same time
- minimum 3 months
- all development is locked inside the district during the raid (no other building construction for the chosen district)
- a penalty for the district on its bonus??? (like -x economy, -x stability)
- a loss/gain of population???

The "raid" is a temporary building which must be build each month of the raid.
The Raid
10 BP by month

penalty: x= number of the month of the raid
The first month, penalty =1, the second month penalty = 2, etc...

gain: when the raid is ended
draw a 6-dice.........1: 80%, 2: 90% 3: 100%, 4-5: 120%, 6:140%
result= (number of months x 10 BP) x (6-dice)= gain in BP

so a raid of 3 months may do a gain of
24 BP on a "1" & loss an point of infamy
27 BP on a "2"
30 BP on a "3"
36 BP on a "4" or a "5" & 50% gain 1 point of infamy
42 BP on a "6" & gain 1 point of infamy

Not sure at all of my idea...Do you have one???????

Maybe give another bonus-penalty system for:
- choice of the NPC "horde-leader"
- the defense of the land "plundered"
- counter-attacks of lands plundered or hostile raids against player's land
- ???

Any idea????


In one of my campaign, one of my player (his PC is human) had children with a fey (i.e a dryad). For several outside reasons, we stopped the campaign.
Now, i'll launch again the campaign 15 years later (in game-time) and this player'd like to play one of the children.
The idea is fun, but...

I checked the races and i don't find what could be an off-spring of an human and a fey.
May be i missed it.

I don't play with OGL, but if there is good stuff, why not?
I thougth for this race as something like half-elf or tiefling: i vaguely remember of an half-fey somewhere, but i believe it was too "overpowered".

1) Do you know if something not too strong exists?
2) if not exists, how could be this race?

I would verify if i play "well" the grab/HOLD: i have no time to search the forum, and i'd like to have yours comments and/or links if any.
NOTE: i don't like very much houserules, and i prefer say "be nearest of spirit and balance of game".

This is how i play and read the rules:
A monster with 3 tentacles with grab ability.
1st round: the monster attack in full-round action
- tentacle 1 attacks, touch and the monster chooses to make a grab/hold (at -20 CMB except if it has special ability like tongue of Giant Frog). It succeeds and hold the ennemy.
The ennemy has the condition "grappled" but not the monster.

That's the point important!!! The monster isn't grappled, so it isn't subjected to the rules of grapple.

The monster chooses to keep the hold.

- the 2 others tentacles attack (without malus because not grappled) and the monster don't grab with them.

1st round bis: the ennemy grappled check an escape attempt against the hold (vs CMD monster = "standard" CMD - 20 of hold), but fails.

2nd round; the monster has 2 tentacles (free) and 1 tentacle (hold). As it is not grappled, the monster don't have to maintain the grab/hold with a standard action (i.e that's why rule says "maintain the grapple" and not "maintain the hold").
The monster can do a full-round attack action...
- tentacle 1 (hold): the monster chooses to maintain the grab/hold, so check CMB (with -20 except..) +bonus +5 (the ennemy is always grappled)

- the 2 others tentacles make their attacks.

As i play, i understand why the grab/hold is interesting.

What do you think of that??? You're welcome! :-)

I have a cleric pj who wants to hide his alignment: with spell 2 "Undetectable alignment" it is very easy.

But what about his summons?
May "Creatures on Table 10–1 marked with an “*” (of the same alignment than the summoner) take advantage of "Undetectable alignment" too?

If not, how could this cleric do to prevent a basic "detect" spell on his summons to reveal his true nature...?

Hi. I have a doubt. One of my player ask me if it is possible to prepare a charge with the ready action.

If the PC/NPC doesn't move any distance during the round when he take the "ready charge", can he prepare a "partial charge"?

PF 198 "...If you are able to take only a standard action on your turn, you can still charge, but you are only allowed to move up to your speed..."

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Hi, i had a problem(s) with my players. The case:
A paladin with a longsword +1, greater magic weapon on it (+3) and divine bond (sp) to add +2 more and holy. So the longsword is +5 holy at the end.
The monster do a sunder attack with its bite (it has the feat improved sunder) -it has also an effect of magic fang.

PF 468: Damaging Magic Weapons: An attacker cannot damage weapon that has an enhancement bonus unless his weapon has at least as high an enhancement bonus as the weapon struck.

1) Can the monster damage the weapon?
1-a) the spell Magic Weapon, greater and the divine Bond (sp) count for the rule PF468, so the weapon is no more considered as a weapon +1 but as a +5, so you need a weapon at least +5 to damage the weapon of the paladin.
Does the natural bite attack of the monster sunder the weapon of the paladin? or not?
If not, it means that for instance that an ancient white dragon (which has the feat Improved Sunderd as standard allocation) cannot sunder even a poor weapon +1.

1-b) the temporary enhancement doesn't count for the rule PF468. So in this case, the longsword is just considered as +1 to know if a sunder could make damage.
Does the + enhancement given by spell or divine bond give more hardness and HP for the item (+2 hardness and +10 HP by +1 enhancement)?
Does the natural bite attack of the monster sunder the weapon of the paladin? or not? (in this case, the magic fang doesn't count for PF468).

1-c) If anyway the weapon take damage, what happens when the temporary magical effects (Magic Weapon, greater & divine bond) wear off?

2) dispel magic against this weapon
The monster has an effect like a dispel magic against the weapon. The paladin fails his save for the weapon.
What happens?
2-a) the effect renders the item non magical during 1d4 rounds, so all magical effects (+1 enhancement, magic weapon greater & divine bond) are suppressed. And the weapon is just masterwork (so can be sundered by non magical weapon or shatter).

2-b) only the bonus "natural" +1 of the sword is suppressed, but not the spells effects on it (MW greater & divine bond)?

First: the demi-lich has not been re-writed for PFRPG.

The special Trap the Soul (Su) is not a death attack (see spell Trap the Soul p362 core rulebook).
So Deathward doesn't protect against the Trap the Soul and if the save is failed, the soul of the target is drawn from its body and trapped...

But...for the power of demi-lich, if the target makes his saving throw, " gains three negative levels...":
Does Deathward protect against this effect????

If we consider that " gains three negative levels..." is an energy drain, so deathward protects, but it means too that Trap the Soul is an energy drain, and deatward should protect against the "drain of the soul"!
It is then a contradiction.??????

How do you see that!!!

Hello. I am more often DM than player, and never have played cleric (except NPC, but it is not the same thing), nor a mystic theurge, nor played at very high level.

for play PFRPG Campaign in Cheliax "Council of Thieves", and after the DM want to go to EPIC levels.

Books ONLY authorized:
Core Rulebook
Companion "Cheliax: Empire of Devils"
Add-on of "Council of Thieves" i.e tiefling
Feats of "PFRPG: The inner Sea World Guide" (the last)

Build: ability purchase 25 pts
2 traits (magical knack +?) +1 campaign traits (Conspiracy Hunter?)
race tiefling ONLY (because it's fun!)
so 1st feat: Fiendish Heritage (Council of Thieves n°1) because i don't like tiefling at random...
god patron: Calistria (hard way in Cheliax but fun!!!!) or Shelyn
Alignement: CN or CG

<the 4 members party should have no caster except me...>

I hesitate:
1) more wizard than cleric (wizard 7 /cleric 3 /MT 10) or more Cleric (W3/C7/MT10) or half-half (W5/C5/MT10)?
2) use of an armor (feats Arcane Armor Training + Arcane Armor Mastery, and/or Still Spell) or not? so feats?
3) Specialize in one wizard school (enchantment?) /opposition schools ? or universialist school? So which cleric domains?
4) i think to use more Touch attack (spell spectral hand) than ranged,
which spell to concentrate?

Any suggestions are welcomed!!! Thanks

Question: Can the "eye sensor" fly or dive/swim?

The spell is written as the eye "look primarily at the floor" (it must go slower to look around), so for me, i imagine this sensors moving as if they were the eyes of a virtual wizard walking...
But one sentence says "the eye can travel in any direction": it seems the sensor could fly or swim, but in this case how play "primarly looking at the floor".
So the wizard just needs to put his sensor near the ceiling to look all... and turn around the rule...

How do you play that?

NB: as DM, i consider the moving of sensor as "a virtual wizard walking". But perhaps do i a mistake?

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One of my player has a ranger with skill "Craft bow" opened.
If he takes Master Craftsman (craft bow) +Craft Magic Arms and Armor, may he make other magic melee weapon or magic armor/shield?
OR is he limited only to magic bows?

Nothing in the feat Master Craftsman seems to prevent this. And i think it would be very "expensive" to buy 2 feats just to make only bows...

So should i conclude animals are at a disadvantage on their own terrain compared to PCs?

I know many players think that when a prestige class offer an increase in caster level/existing class, the PC keep on to gain:
- new slots for Domain Spells or Arcane School
- new spells known for Bloodline
But nothing in the rules says that.

Base classes have CLASS TRAITS, and those which cast spells have all the Class Trait "Spells" or "Spells by day".
The Class Trait "Spells" gives a base daily spell allotment (4 max by spell level for a prepared spellcaster, 6 max for a spontaneous spellcaster, 5 max for a bard, etc...). The spontaneous spellcasters have also a number max by level of spells known. Inside this trait, you can add a bonus spells by day which depends on ability score needed to cast.
That's all.

Some base class have ANOTHER Class Trait which may give bonus spells by day.
Class Trait "Domains" for Cleric: this trait gives powers and bonus spell domain which depends of level of cleric.
Class Trait Arcane School for Wizard: this trait gives powers, forbidden school, bonus spell specialization school

The Class Traits "Spells" are different of class traits "Domains" or "Arcane School" or "Bloodline" or...

A prestige class may add "+1 level of existing class", which means "spells per day, spells known, and caster level", so an increase of Class Trait "Spells", NOT of other class traits, like "Domains" or "arcane School".
Unless the prestige class is written with "Domains" or "Arcane School" class trait, the other class traits are blocked to the level of the base class: you cannot add new domain slots...

Ex: cleric 3/wizard Evocation 3/ Mystic theurge 3
spells by day
Divine - caster level 6:
lvl 1: 3 (base allotment) + bonus of ability score + bonus Domain spell
lvl 2: 3 (base allotment) + bonus of ability score + bonus Domain spell
lvl 3: 2 (base allotment) + bonus of ability score

For Domains power and spell bonus, the PC is level 3: he has just one slot bonus for lvl 1 and lvl 2, NOT lvl 3.

Arcane - caster level 6:
lvl 1: 3 (base allotment) + bonus of ability score + bonus Evocation spell
lvl 2: 3 (base allotment) + bonus of ability score + bonus Evocation spell
lvl 3: 2 (base allotment) + bonus of ability score

For School power and spell bonus, the PC is level 3: he has just one slot "specialization school" bonus for lvl 1 and lvl 2, NOT lvl 3. The PC keeps on his forbidden school, but gains no more.

I admit the rules are not "very" clear: have the developers given a clarification since?

One of my players have created a Witch with Hex Evil Eyes and Slumber.

It is terrible against animals/fighter:
1st round: Hex Evil Eyes to lessen save (Evil Eyes is optional...)
2nd/3th round: Hex Slumber followed by Coup-de-grâce

In Kingmaker, there are many monster/animals which are "alone" and many fights are random encounters with often one animal/fighting monster.
I fear my game will be "broken" and uninteresting...

Did you test the Witch?

Hex is a standard action unless noted.
1) Hex Slumber causes magical sleep as per the spell sleep: is this Hex a standard or 1 round to "cast" it.

2) Is this Hex too powerful? A DC will save which increases with level, no limit on HD, no need of concentration, no opportunity attack, nearly at will, not stopped by silence effects,...
A real bane for "alone" fighter, animals, etc...

Master "You see a very big and furious owlbear which want more than a kiss! Grrr!"
Players "The witch do her Hex Slumber and i go to block it"
the next round...
Players "I do the coup de grace, the owlbear is dead. Master! The experience!...who's next?"
Master "..."

Something i have missed?

From Exactly which spells can be potions and/or oils?
* Duplicate the effect of a spell of up to 3rd level
* Must have a casting time of less than 1 minute
* Must target one or more creatures (objects too, I assume)
* Spells with a range of personal cannot be made into potions
* The drinker of a potion is both the effective target and the caster of the effect
* The person applying an oil is the effective caster, but the object is the target
* When you create a potion, you make any choices that you would normally make when casting the spell, yet “though the potion indicates the caster level, the drinker still controls the effect.”
* Magic oils are similar to potions, except that oils are applied externally rather than imbibed

You can make any potion from spells 1-3 which have the line "target" opened other than "you" or "personnal".
potion of Shield (target personnal) or Fireball (it's an area and not a target spell) are not allowed but potion of Bestow Curse or Chill Metal are ok...

1) Is it possible to apply potion/oil on creature not willing?
The rules:
- Standard Action with AoO to imbibe/apply potion on himself
- Full-round Action with AoO to imbibe/apply potion on unconscious creature

- Melee Touch Attack as improvised weapon (with AoO) against a not willing? Standard or Full-round? Do the creature have a save?

2) Choice of (bad) effect: case of potion of Bestow Curse
If 1) is ok, who chooses the curse: creator of oil/potion or the "user"?

3) Adding New Abilities on potion: possible to create a "double-potion"?
So can we brew a potion and add anothers spells inside the same potion?
Ex: a potion with two or more spells inside like Bull's Strenght and Cat's Grace together.
Of course, it is not possible to put the same spell more than 1 time.

How much the cost? cost of 1st potion +cost of 2nd? or the second one x150%?

Rules are rules, and are built to be logical with themselves and the game, not necessarily reality.

Paladin is immune to fear effect. In the rule p563, effects of Fear is described as 3 conditions, so Shaken, Frightened, Panicked.
It means that Paladin is immune to these 3 conditions.

Paladin is immune to Disease. In the rule p55-557, disease is described like an affliction which make damage ability and/or give some conditions.
Nowhere it is written that effect of disease is conditions sickened or nauseated.
So immunity to disease give only immunity to this special affliction and NOT immunity to condition sickened or nauseated (or an another...).

Hello from France
I have had a problem with one trap of the Ettercap: the Noose
It is vritten
effect: +15 CMB check (grapple)
Yes, okay but when one of my PJ has been "grappled" by the trap, how should he escape?
I have no CMD for the trap: may i use the Ettercap CMD?...but the CMB of the Ettercap +5 is less stronger than those of its trap +15, so Ettercap 's CMD 18 should be less than the trap's CMD (??).

Or should i see the PJ trapped is tie by a "rope", so break DC 23 or escape artist 20+CMB ettercap, or 2hp to cut so just a standard action for another PJ: not a real threat for PJ...