
DeGrog Coarse-Hair's page

200 posts. Alias of Reagh Greenleaf 738.


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Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

The outcome here depends entirely on tradition. My understanding so far, is that it is Shoanti tradition that a Truthspeaker's words are incontrovertible. I vote we show confidence in our case and respect for Shoanti tradition by letting Akram's testimony stand on its own. This will further mark us as Shoanti in spirit and deed, and not tshamek

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Well, at least there ain't saltwater to want to drink,
1d20 + 11 + 4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 11 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 27
1d20 + 11 + 4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 11 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 33
1d20 + 11 + 4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 11 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 33

(included +2 from both Grym and Ferox?)

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Hey gang, back on board for the moment. That whole worm thing was nuts. Nobody died, right?

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Hey'all: I just started a crappy seasonal job working mad unpredictable hours. Please Autopirate (that always sounds dirty to me) if you're waiting; I'll chime in when I can, thanks.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Please see discussion
Retcon please: DeGrog makes sure Sandor has two Air Crystals; pretty sure he already gave one to Sandor earlier. DeGrog also approaches the scene with a Resist Fire(10) potion in hand.

DeGrog chugs his potion, and positions himself near Akram, hopefully in a spot with a clear view, but some kind of cover nearby. DeGrog's ready for anything (hopefully) with a focus on keeping the Truthspeaker alive (as well as 'imself). DeGrog will give Akram cover if nasty fire spews their way.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

ignore what I just wrote about 'half-' and 'full-facing'. It was referring to something other than stances.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Welcome to the Chungakwan! (whatever that means, Mr. Anctil always used to say it).

The third form is Do-San.
As you probably know, TKD has two main branches, often referred to as ITF and WTF, differentiated by the two main groups of forms/patterns they use, and other boring stuff.
The most trad. style of the ITF 'branch' is referred to as 'Chang Hun style' after the founder's pen name. I found a cool site on Chang Hun TKD requirements, which will probably give you the most traditional version of the forms:
It has way more information than we ever learned in class.

If you click on a form, it will give a text description of each step, with links to a description of the technique/stance/strike/block.

We called 'half-facing' a 'side stance'.
'Full-facing'='Front Stance'. Kenpo's half-moon is basically a hybrid of the two.

I've never heard the word 'teul' to describe 'form'; we used 'hyung' or 'poomse'. We also never formally learned four-directional blocking exercises as a testing requirement, at least not by that name.

It's likely your TKD guests will do the forms slightly different than presented on that website. It's probably good custom to follow their approach, at least in front of them.


Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

oh yeah, what about this?

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Didn't we find a 'Bottle of LOTS of Water' or something?? Could that fill up the fiery beastie and protect whoever's getting eaten, and maybe flush 'im out again?

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

DeGrog, trying to follow this talk of becoming burnt poop, takes an equal interest in Akram. DeGrog has a soft spot in his ManOrcky heart for the (non-damage inflicting) attention of humans.

If Akram speaks Common, DeGrog respectfully tries to get a sense of his gear, armor, magic, i.e. defensive abilities.

Since the truthspeaker's presence and survival are crucial to this part of our quest, I propose we make extra defensive/protective items available to him. DeGrog inconspicuously asks Morkeleb (or others) if he knows tribal custom regarding 'lending' items.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86
Odric wrote:
Odric suggests the tactic of recruiting a tribe member to train under the truthspeaker. (Retcon)

What does 'retcon' mean?

What does 'baffled' mean?

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

mmmMmm. . . "good will of the maidens"

Be sure to make no mention of Morkeleb's 'unnatural' spell.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Odric, while you're at it, check my face wounds for any valuable items that mayhaps got lodged there. Ya know, maybe that beastie had an emerald stuck in his teeth or somethin'

DeGrog also confers with Sandor regarding a suitable mounting for the reaver tooth on Salt Reaver's guard. Yar, it would be pleasing to my aesthetic sensibilities to be able to punch someone in the face, and have the tooth jab them just so . . .

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Despite our wayward postings, that was a great fight (for me anyway). This is my first fighter/melee-focused character, now I get why players dig it.

I think if DeGrog withdrew, he'd still potentially draw an AoO due to the monster's reach - so I went for the 'kill it first' tactic.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Oi! Gaius, thank yer lady for the healing - I thought it was buckets for me! DeGrog grunts as he yanks an errant Reaver tooth out of his skull-flesh for a souvenir. (he's already imagining a metalworker mounting the tooth on Salt Reaver's guard.)

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

DeGrog's mini placement updated to reflect 5 ft. step (now in order).

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Yah, I have a dumbphone, so can't keep up that way. But, I can agree to follow the round order.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86
Rich wrote:
Or if you must post out of order, PM Chris so he can post for you as appropriate and we can keep the gameplay thread a little cleaner.

That's a great idea. It seems that some of us, myself included, experience disruptions in internet access, schedule, etc. that might keep us from being involved in play, unless we can post out of order sometimes. Private Messaging could be a good mechanism to keep it clean, as long as it's not an additional headache to the DM. Thoughts, Bucho?

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86
Ferox wrote:
I don't see how anyone is flanking the creature

Now that you mention it, I don't see either. Earlier, DM said I was flanking, so I assumed that was the case.

DeGrog's Round 3 attack roles should be reduced by 2 (I really hope it's prone)

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86
Grym wrote:
i got confused with the order, who's turn is it?

We're waiting to find out:

-if Sandor knocked the baddie prone
-then the result of Odric's attack
Round 3
- result of Ferox's attack (posted)
- result of DeGrog's attack (posted)
- Gaius
- Grym
- result of Mork's action (posted)
- Baddie
- Sandor
- Odric

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

If Odric's rnd. 2 attacks and Ferox's rnd. 3 action drop the beast, DeGrog will still do exactly the same thing

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Flog it, it has reach. Posting early, cause I can't contain meself:

DeGrog takes it like a ManOrc, and gives it right back. Flinging his futile shield aside, the Coarse-Hair clamps both hands on his trusty cutlass' grip and swings into the beasties mouth, still oozing with gloppy clumps of his own coarse hair and such. With all his might, DeGrog reaves the Reaver with the Reaver.

I am suddenly back in 8th grade reading a Lobo comic I borrowed from Rick Shagoury. Feetal's Gizzard!

Salt Reaver 1: 1d20 + 16 - 3 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 16 - 3 + 2 = 28
DMG: 1d6 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 20 = 22

Salt Reaver 2: 1d20 + 11 - 3 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 11 - 3 + 2 = 29
DMG: 1d6 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 20 = 22
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 11 - 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 11 - 3 + 2 = 14
crit DMG: 1d6 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23

And . . . 5ft. step back

Hi there, looking to get into my second pbp game.
What do you require for a 'character sheet' submission- just stats fleshed out on a profile page, or a specific spreadsheet?
Posted on the messageboard, or emailed/PM'd to the GM?

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

I posted this earlier, not sure on protocol whether I should re-roll:

DeGrog wrote:

I'm on limited internet access, so if you're waiting have DeGrog do the following (unless things change dramatically):

Round 2:

Shield in use (AC: 23)
Move close to attack (he'll take the AOO)
Flank if possible (please add +2 to attack roll)
Salt Reaver: Power Attack, one-handed
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28 for 1d6 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19 dmg.
crit confirm: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21 for additional 1d6 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18dmg.


Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86
DM wrote:
Sandor and Odric to close round 2.

before we get all discombobulated, I think it's round 1. Correct me if I'm mistaken..

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

That was DeGrog's whole turn (took up all his movement).
I'm on limited internet access, so if you're waiting have DeGrog do the following (unless things change dramatically):

Round 2:

Shield in use (AC: 23)
Move close to attack (he'll take the AOO)
Flank if possible (please add +2 to attack roll)
Salt Reaver: Power Attack, one-handed
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28 for 1d6 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19 dmg.
crit confirm: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21 for additional 1d6 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18dmg.


Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

DeGrog moves upstairs, shield up, Salt Reaver out, ready to rumble.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Assuming Grym can communicate with DeGrog (he's fairly animal-like) Grym, did ya magick both yer blades wit that fancy scabbard o' yorn?

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Making believe to understand Shoanti: let me at it, whatever it is. Hairless! Can't be that fearsome!

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Perhaps DM can clarify if we misread 'gift' vs. the 'found-mark'. Maybe we're supposed to chop off Ferox's hand and give it to the ladies. If necessary, DeGrog volunteers - he's accustomed to this sort of thing.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Gift: what's the overall haul from the Acropolis? Some item may show itself obviously appropriate by its characteristics.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

At least Gaius wasn't involved, or maybe there's a convert in our midst (drunken birthday post)

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Off-topic, meant to post this yesterday:

Someone should come up with D+D stats and related feats for this: crazy weapon (scroll down the page for pics).

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

DeGrog hastily knits his nose-hairs together to form a protective filter.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86
Mike wrote:

I really want something with a triceratops mount.

For my birthday?

Thanks guys, happy birthday AAAYYYYEEEEE Capt.

Phil's story reminds me of an Iron Jim story about some old dude with a knife helping him fight off street punks in I-taly.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

If relying on stealth DeGrog will stay at camp and take turns on watch. He attempts to position himself upwind of Odric. survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

DeGrog would dig the dagger. The scabbard would be best for Grym (sword/dagger weapons)

I was suggesting Dwarf and ManOrc for mission as both have darkvision (and seem to enjoy their alone time together)

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Arrrggh, I mean, aye. Unless you can magic up some invisible light ? a torch will give ye away far across this wasteland at night. If we'z goin' to back track, I'll go wi' the pretty smelling Dwarf. I don't think noise would give us away as quickly as light

I spent my new skill points on Survival, a class skill, so likely DeGrog could aid in tracking

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Vorpal bite

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

oops, I thought I saw DM say it was a spectrum at some point. Must be thinking of an earlier edition. I stand corrected.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

those with Power Attack and new BAB +8, remember to update. Attack, -1/-2/-3. Dmg 1-handed: +2/+4/+6; Dmg 2-handed: +3/+6/+9. I almost skipped this

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

HP: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

I'll take that
+1 Str
favored class: +1 hp
bonus fighter feat: Improved Critical - Cutlass
Damage Inc.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

DeGrog moves surprisingly nimbly-bimbly in his armor, ducking and dodging the tentacles

acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Armored Pirate ability rules

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

DeGrog follows the salami closely, with a sidelong glance at Bucho

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Could we use the sphere's power to get into the vault and save some of Mork's magic. He could DD out afterward.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Might there be a sneaky door to get in somewhere?

DeGrog starts prodding the walls with his trident.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

Hey mates, lookie 'ere . . . Dwarf, think we can get in here without crushing anything important?

DeGrog peers into any openings to see what's in there. Darkvision 60'.
perception: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

DM: is there a door/room in the east wall of the main corridor on this level?

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

DeGrog, eager to get away from the obviously beastie-filled pool featherfalls down to the next level - but it's more like a dirty, grimey ostrich feather laden with tar and bits of bone and teeth.

I hope ye lads know what yer doin' . . . I don't want to get trapped down here when CERTAIN DEATH comes out o' that water. I'll fight anything on one or more legs, but some things can't be fought - they just swallow you whole with no carvin' yer way out

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

DM: What is the status of the pool of Doom at this point?

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