
Dave Tennant's page

29 posts. Alias of BluePigeon.


That was funny.

Wanna bet I win. HAL, I have T.A.R.D.I.S.

Just passing the mackerel everyone. No need to concern yourselves.

Psst. The next poster had bern sanitize their hands.

I feel, you don't becasue you're a dead horse. I win.

Never played it, thus I win.

Enough! Enough with the flames I say!

A Hatgasm is a wonderful thing.

Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for bad hat wear. My God! What are you wearing on your head?

*Side Steps into the Tardis and vanishes*

Sorry. Upgraded Sonic Screwdriver with a new resonance wave feature.

*Dalek Thos and his accompanying Daleks begin to spark, smoke and wander aimlessly. A few explode from self destruction*

Dalek Thos wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:
Oh gone are the days when all you had to do to get away from a Dalek was run up or down a flight of stairs! NOW the stupid little hate-tanks can fly! ;P

Me. Confounding the Daleks again.

*Points sonic screwdriver and does his thing*

Elaine Fisher wrote:
Are changlings confusing?

Only if they are Time Lords.

Celestial Healer wrote:

Reading websites about curbing nail-biting and how bad it can get makes me realize that my compulsion is relatively minor. Holy crap - the stuff some people do to their hands...

Hint: Don't look for images.


TOZ wrote:
Oi, I hate when someone stops responding. Either they have nothing more to say or they refuse to say it to me, but the not knowing, THAT gets me.

Laddie, you gotta make some noise and sometime throw a fist or two!

taig wrote:
Treppa wrote:
What conscussionns?

How many fingers am I holding up?

Sixteen. Damn Rugby...

I want my time box back! Yea, Morning Orthos!

The Tenth Dr. wrote:
Lindisty wrote:

nibbles blueberries and the last of the season's farm market strawberries for lunch

Are any of you FAWTLies fans of Dr. Who? I never watched the original series, or the reboot, until I happened to catch the first couple of episodes of the reboot on my local PBS station a couple of weeks ago. Then I discovered the series is available via Netflix streaming, and I seem to have gotten myself hooked. I've watched about half of the first season, and I have some observations:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

I hate Matt Smith.

Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate!

Self-righteous git-face. He and Moffit took my job away from me.

I must send Daleks after him and Moffit too.

Oh well, I've seem to have arsed-up the space-time continuum. Oh well, back to the TARDIS...,

I just want everyone in this thread to know I scratch myself.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Scientology is a well documented fraud by government standards. I still can't figure out why they just simple pull their tax exempt status away from them and shut them down completely. I mean they were doing it back in 1986.


Steps into TARDIS and disappears.

Inside my time machine.

I am post number 52. That is AWESOME! I want my time machine back.


...And Steve Moffat. Now where's my sonic screwdriver?

I hate Matt Smith.

There is no end of time for a Time Lord, but maybe a hiccup.

Leafar the Lost wrote:
Dave Tennant wrote:

This is the post for Friday. The day after my birthday. Oh, I farted too.

You were the worst Dr. Who ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, Colin Baker, (then Paul McGee) was the worst doctor ever. I dressed better than he did.

This is the post for Friday. The day after my birthday. Oh, I farted too.

Crimson Jester wrote:
For any Dr. Who fans.

Thank you CJ, that was a brilliant piece.