Loris Raknian

Darius Darkblade aka Legionare's page

402 posts. Alias of divineshadow.


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Guess not sigh.....

Kaouse wrote:

He must mean a Mantle of Immortality, not a Mantle of Authority.

Of course in a theorycrafting battle, it's way cheaper to just implant a Nacreous Gray Sphere Ioun Stone.

So that's what we target with a dispel and watch as the weight of his own gear prevents him from breathing and he dies?

A 20th level cleric/druid would be about the only thing that could take a 20th level wizard besides another wizard in a theory battle. And even then no one is ever really "getting the drop" on anyone else. It's gonna be what did you prepare today and how can it mess up what I have prepared. Best thing the cleric can do is drop a AMF on the wizard and wade in and beat him up.

Has anyone ever converted the old 2e mantle spells from the magistar source book?

They forgot Bruce Campbell's red bathrobe

Nope it's all gone. It's there if you can side link to it via someone's profile but all direct links are gone ugh.

Thanks for the info. We love you guys even if us and the forums themselves don't currently love each other.

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My side bar is gone. I was sorta dealing with that I hated it but was dealing. Now the whole forum is gone and I just realized how asmodeus awful this new post box is in the last day or so cause it's the first time I have been able to find stuff I want to post about. And I only found this cause of a link in GD. Please for the love of Aroden give us back the old forum. We will do whatever you want just please in name of all that is T Rexy give us back the old forum. My next step is to beat my computer with a copy of the CRB and see if that helps.....

Does anyone know how long the litanus sequestering paralysis lasts?


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I keep getting document look up failed it's possible it may have been deleted when I try to go to the guide.

Anyone know why he took these down?

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Sub-Creator wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
taks wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
taks wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
taks wrote:
Except that countless stories are based on the very concept. Also, this is a commercial venture, and the company absolutely does not want scum of the Earth out there guaranteeing they'll lose money.
This commercial venture stands to make more money from graverobbing and plunder than from building a colony - the latter is a pretext to get government backing.
Which is still a commercial venture, again precluding scum of the earth from being on their team, and likewise does not change what I said.
Who is more well-suited to graverobbing and plunder than the scum of the Earth?
A trained archaeologist.
Hardly. They might have scruples. And might be squeamish about the necessary native-massacring.

But . . . you're going to an island whose only native population died over 10,000 years ago. There may be monsters there, or animals and the like, but otherwise this shouldn't be a problem.

So, essentially, you're looking to build up a stop-gap between you and an economically viable trade partner on another continent across the ocean, as well as be able to possibly dig up priceless relics from a millennia-old civilization that was magic intensive.

No, I don't want scum-of-the-Earth types doing this because I can't trust them to work in the best interest of my business or my country. They'd be in it for themselves only and would sooner work against me rather than with me. I want people I can trust. People who are reputable. People who won't simply do what's best for themselves, but what's best for everyone involved.

A land without a people, hmm? Except for the skum and other sundry wrecks of Azlanti civilization, aquatic elves and others who've also encroached on the place over the years, and other peoples that I can't call to mind right now but that I'm sure Paizo's had no trouble imagining.


You sir are an epic troll. Well played. Well played.

So does the wizard take the dreamstone with him when his soul departs or is it still there with the pc who's body he used?

Ephiril the collector wrote:

Helikon here.

May I present Ephiril the collector.
An half-elfen Occultist.
Backstory pending.
Only question what about traits?

First poster in the thread called the nonbasic class Helikon....

Are you allowing archetypes from any source or for the rest of us is it straight crb?

4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 4) = 1211
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 5) = 1916
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 6) = 1412
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 5) = 2016
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 1) = 87
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 3, 3) = 1815

Investigator perhaps lol got beat while doing maths. So wizard for me.

You know there is a feat chain that does this without eldritch heritage called nature souled or something right?

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Efreet smith or an azer smith

Grond Doomhammer wrote:



Bad Grond no wants to see his wobbly bits. Not give him your used snot rag.

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Errr pretty sure its mentioned somewhere he has passed through the boneyard. Pharasma had him jump line so all the other gods couldnt get to him for some reason. Anyone able to back me up on this? Its been to long since i hunted aroden lore down.

Castle greyhawk.... and wasnt the quicksilver hour glass set for greyhawk also? It was like the only ever published epic adventure

Currently finishing a meeting at corvallis. My umpteenth reread of the dresden files. Destiny's road by niven. Body Electric and the elegant universe.

Waiting on Doors of Stone and Peace Talks

Wild talent and speed of thought feats... and dash

Soulknife warsoul yeah... or giftedblade one

Im leaning towards a vashini harrower...

Yeah i got nothing when i clicked the link.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Secret Wizard wrote:
Mmh... I never really considered Skalds and Bards to be casters, but so be it.

*blank stare of amazement* Really?

What about hunters, inquisitors, magi, warpriests, and summoners? Same amount of spells, them...

To the OP: take a look at the 3.5 PRCs: occult slayer, forsaker, and...crap...I don't remember the other one, but it's a monk-ish one, and I read about it in a book...starts with a J, I think...dangit...can't remember it...

But those first two are pretty sweet...since you're creating custom stuff, anyway, might as well dabble in the ol 3.5. (I usually don't do the 3.5 thing anymore, but I don't do custom stuff too much either, so, in for a penny, in for a pound, eh?)

House jordain or something visir from the shinning south fr book?

The Morphling wrote:
nosig wrote:
The Fox wrote:
I vaguely recall some homebrew barbarian tribe whose shamans could create blue-colored oil of mage armor and whose warriors would charge into battle shirtless and protected by their war paint - literally. An excellent historical allusion, if you ask me.

There were some in the 3.x dragonlance that did that. It also gave you fast healing 5. Then ran out after 4 hours or healing like 30 pts whichever one cam first.

M Half-elf Gunslinger (Siege Gunner) 1/ Alchemist (Grenaider) 1

I vote Haria

M Half-elf Gunslinger (Siege Gunner) 1/ Alchemist (Grenaider) 1

Wasn't planning on a "spare" its just well the leader is clear. But there the second highest looks pretty good too.

Yeah an edit ate he numbers. I swear the dice gods hate me here. Lol. Wonder if he will want me to reroll again. Just in case.


1. 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (1, 1) + 25 = 27

2. 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (9, 1) + 25 = 35

3. 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (4, 5) + 25 = 34

4. 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (9, 5) + 25 = 39

5. 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (8, 8) + 25 = 41

6. 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (9, 7) + 25 = 41

7. 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (9, 1) + 25 = 35

8 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (4, 9) + 25 = 38.

9. 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (7, 3) + 25 = 35

Reroll 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (5, 9) + 25 = 39

M Half-elf Gunslinger (Siege Gunner) 1/ Alchemist (Grenaider) 1

Korwin are you out there man?

M Half-elf Gunslinger (Siege Gunner) 1/ Alchemist (Grenaider) 1

Ah okay lol. We will be good.

M Half-elf Gunslinger (Siege Gunner) 1/ Alchemist (Grenaider) 1

Its okay to cry. If the gods didnt mean for us too they wouldn't have made us this way. I know it hurts but sometimes you have to endure pain for the greater good.
He hugs her and fishes out an pouch of raisins he was saving for later and gives them to her.

on that note can Vis be an Amyr/Cirade?

We are still here.

It did it did.

As for magic items say that they have been purified by the local witchdotor. As for the bad medicine thing I have no ideas at this time.

Just wanted to bump the thread and make sure we were all here lol.

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M Half-elf Gunslinger (Siege Gunner) 1/ Alchemist (Grenaider) 1

Darinius are we ever gpmma fomosh that aspu conversation??

Magecraft stupid auto correct.

I'm still here just buried in work.... and yeah its not so much that tech doesnt work as when the event happened it took down the grid and the net. And most people who know how high tech stuff works and can make it arent the sort to survive long enough for people to help them get to the places they need to rebuild it. Not with asshats looting and going crazy and stuff. At least that's what I felt when I read it. Like my guy is a tech type guy and was alive then he could build a nonmagic power plant if he could get the help he needs doing it with primitive to him gear.

So true lol.

That's what I'm doing lol.

Okay that's one vote for setting and gestalt anyone else?

How would Alchemists be affected Sir? Being that they dont really cast and can give away their spells. (Infusions)

Okay guys the question is do we want to wait on someone else to keep the setting the same and the gestalt or wait and see what nightflier has?

And hi Nightflier. Been awhile sir.

Sorry got cass was on the accepted list she just read it wrong lol.

And yes these are our alias felt for Rebnal she was waiting to be accepted before putting up the alias....

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