Jeggare Noble

Dakkar de Enrev Seluj's page

90 posts. Alias of fnord72.


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Embassy of the Alliance of the Undying Sun

The embassy staff has seen all sorts of beings, and seems un-phased by Lian's display, lost city? And where exactly is that?

A notation is written on the clipboard, a small tablet is pulled from a pocket and handed to Lian. This tablet is made of a hard substance similar to metal, but lighter. A rune is carved into the surface. Take this to the man on the left. He'll direct you.

The staffer steps past Lian to the dwarf behind him. State your business.

Lian had noted that the other tablets handed out appeared to be a hardwood.

1d20 ⇒ 11

At the embassy of the Alliance of the Undying Sun

This embassy is just a small building nestled between two others. The exterior matches the architecture of Absalom. Inside is another story. Light and airy, a warm breeze flows through the building, the dusty smell of the desert floats through the air. Incense burns from several braziers in the corners. A line of supplicants winds into the first room towards a desk staffed by two humans. Behind them a jinn stands guard.

A young functionary holding a small board with a sheaf of papers, a swinging holder for a small ink bottle and a pen, walks down the line of individuals waiting in the foyer. To each person he says State your business. After listening to a quiet response he makes a note on the clip board and hands over a small token.

Lian is able to catch that the couple two places in front of him were just married and are traveling to join family in Sedeq.

Lian hears the elf in front of him state that he is here to seek a trade agreement with a trade house in Katheer.

Soon he gets to Lian, State your business.

Dakkar quirks an eyebrow, something interesting approaches, investigating.

Dakkar approaches yes?

Done selling off the extra gear? I believe that standard protocol suggests that a share is do to each of us.

Dakkar waits patiently as the others barter and haggle over the goods displayed.

Copy that. I'm ready.

Dakkar nods agreement Very well, let us visit these 'traitors'.. He then grins as he realizes that their unspoken communication is likely a surprise to the mongrelmen.

Over the comm Anyone else concerned we are being used to handle house cleaning? I've been listening in while I review my book of programs, but I am concerned that we may be accepting a task greater than our ability to complete.

Dakkar looks to each of his original companions. He packs his things up and makes ready to follow the others.

I'm okay with slowing down, but still keeping the momentum of regular movement. 1-2 times a week instead of daily, etc.

I would not mind an opportunity to review my program selections. I had not initially planed for spelunking. An opportunity to load an appropriate set of programs and replenish my energy reserves would be of use.

Dakkar starts thinking about what programs he had that would be better for their current situation. Not to mention those injured would do well with some rest.

Many thanks for your hospitality!

He's kind of like the court jester, best to ignore him. As we were discussing...

Dakkar shrugs, I'm with them. It's obvious that there has been a serious catastrophe. We are but trying to regain the surface, where we belong. We wish you and your own no trouble, but safe passage.

I should be around, I only have the holiday themselves off.

How did they die? Anything obvious? decapitated head, massive hole in chest from burster, etc

Let me see if I can determine what the potion and scroll are.
Dakkar casts detect magic and takes a look at the two bodies, their gear, and the area around before studying the potion and scroll.

spellcraft on potion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
spellcraft on scroll: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Search the bodies for anything useful. I have no qualms about those baseless superstitions regarding dead bodies.

taking 10 on perception to search the bodies (16)

Is this what they call speaking in tongues?

Dakkar follows the scout further into the tunnel.

perc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (12) + 21 = 33

I'm good. Let's go find some daylight.

I'm lighter, and y'all can pull me up if need be.

He's a compact model. Fits in smaller parking spaces.

Go, I'll come up after you. Dakkar makes it pretty clear to Gabriel that Dakkar will wait.

:P I posted last place first!

Dakkar will wait until the others are up, tie the rope around himself, and climb up last.

climb: 1d20 ⇒ 17

I've got a bad feeling about this...

climb: 1d20 ⇒ 8

If we reach the surface... Dakkar mumbles to himself as he looks over the mongrelmen, his first time encountering the species.

At hearing him called out, Dakkar grumbles as he stands from his hiding spot behind the rock that was pointed out and joins the others.

To the surface we search a path. Guide or direct, and leave we will.

A glitch, my speech program has.

If you are hearing voices in your head, stand on one leg and jump up and down.

Dakkar watches the possessed one intently.

str to aid other: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Dakkar comes over to help out.

by getting sarasanna's motor revving...

perc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Ooh, shiny...

I can't part until tomorrow, please mark or bor me.

I was not informed of other units in this area.

Dakkar considers his offensive actions, expecting a trap.

Let me move a bot more over to the side in a flanking position.

Dakkar continues to keep as much cover between him and the two humanoids until he is at least 30 degrees off to one side from Sarasanna.

I made the character before we knew much about androids and I don't know that I've even opened any of my Iron Gods books, don't want to spoil it.

Dakkar was just assumed to have been built as a short android. Hadn't thought too much on emulating a race. Small human (little person) would be most appropriate.

Always helps to go look at the original character creation posts...


Gabriel, I think you have things really confused.

Android is a 0-level race. The android in the bestiary would be an android with a point buy attached. You are trying to add a point buy to a point buy. (Note the green side bar)

In addition, the first posting in the thread gives the rules for point buy building, and was modified further down the page.

The book says:

7 points for a 15
10 points for a 16
13 points for a 17
17 points for an 18.

This game:

5 points to get a 16
10 points for a 17
15 points for an 18.

Since a 14 costs 5 points, and a 16 costs 5 points. You'd really have to be a special type to choose 14 over 16. The reason you see a lot of "16, 18, 16, 18, 16, 8" is because it fits the idea of androids with superior manufactured bodies, computer-like brains, but very little understanding of emotions and "humanity".

This pretty much leaves only a few options, players can take (before the racial mods):
18, 16, 10, 10, 10, 10
18, 14, 14, 10, 10, 10
16, 16, 14, 10, 10, 10
16, 14, 14, 14, 10, 10
14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 10

While they could drop CHA to 8 to boost one of the 10's to a 12, that is less than optimal as the end result would be a 6 CHA.

I'm kinda surprised that you want to bow out over having a nice spread of better than average attributes.

Your last build "14, 20, 15, 14, 18, 10" still seems to reflect a base from the bestiary build instead of a base 10 build.

It's in addition.

And welcome aboard.

I'm cool with whatever comes along.

I've noticed over the years that it seems to cycle. Summers and holidays can be good or bad, depends on if the player is a student or worker. Students tend to post more, worker's less.

One approach is to just skip that player, their character is effectively a "Mark" until the player returns.

Now smaller in size, Dakkar will continue to creep forward, trying to keep cover between him and the two humanoids until he can get close enough to identify their species.

stealth: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (7) + 27 = 34

Comm: don't move! Let them go back to their activities.

Dakkar casts reduce person on himself.

weird, I didn't see a new post notice until I checked the discussion page.

I'll see what I can see from just inside the tunnel, then at the tunnel entrance. Once I see more of the cavern beyond the tunnel I'll decide from there.

My apologies, I will post more often if even to say that I am standing around watching the others when it is one of those occasions when I have limited input.

Dakkar quietly creeps forward, trying to get a better view of what has the lights moving.

comm:I see some lights moving about, stay back and keep quiet if you ere not loaded with a stealth program.

stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (6) + 21 = 27

Dakkar nimbly heads up after them. A few of these steps are likely to be a problem. Anyone have some rope? We may need to haul the injured up here.

climb: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Dakkar shrugs, we'll travel that tunnel when we get to it.

Sneaky humanoid, approx 30' Dakkar informs the others over his comm.

stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (2) + 21 = 23
perc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Dakkar quietly approaches the hallway and peaks around the corner.

It was that or "bad wolf"

This line here, it looks like it was scratched in afterwards, it says The answer is 42. I wonder what that means?

Dakkar shares his brief insight on history with the others, trying to keep it light and interesting so as to not bore anyone with a history lesson.

though it is interesting that in the same time period the city of Korvosa was going through an industrial resurgeance. This was after the fall of Westcraven as the center of Cheliax.

Of course, at that time in Cheliax the lace that was coming from their textiles was just becoming reknown for its patterns.

And don't forget that in the south several patterns of pirate attacks in the middle sea were linked to... well that's all ancient history.

HP: 1d6 ⇒ 4

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