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Hi everyone. I'm planning to play an unchained monk soon. More specifically, I'm looking at the ascetyc build (home game) and have a few questions: For the sake of discussion, let's assume I pick the urumi as my weapon (weapon focus)which is part of the monk fighter weapon group. I will take ascetic style ans later ascetic form. 1) Is the urumi's base damage die (1d8) increased by ascetic style when my unarmed damage besomes 1d10 and above? (I've seen many discussion and debate on this, but I don't know if there was a concessus). What is the current accepted interpretation/rule? 2: The special ability of ascetic style indicates that at 5th, it "can use Ascetic Style with any monk weapon, in addition to the chosen melee weapon." Since shuriken is a monk weapon, would it's base damage also increase with ascetic style? 3)If I get an amulet of might fist, does its bonus also apply to the urumi through ascetic style? What if the urumi's is also enchanted? 4)If I wield the urumi two-handed, can I still use Elbow smash? (I understand that the name of the ability relates to an elbow, but the text explicitly indicates that: "The monk must attack with a fist to use this style strike." Since your hand is occupied in wielding the urumi 2-handed, it would seem to prevent the use of a fist??? Thanks you for your help ![]()
Was wondering about the spell Revenant armor:(Armor Master's handbook): This spell endows a suit of armor with a singular purpose realized only after its wearer goes unconscious or is killed; whenever the wearer of a suit of armor warded by revenant armor is brought below 0 hit points or otherwise rendered unconscious (but not paralyzed or held) in combat, the armor is immediately brought to life as a Medium-sized animated object. This animated suit of armor still contains the unconscious (or dead) body of its former wearer and moves with a shambling gait at a speed of 20 feet. This animated object has average hit points and, if the armor is made from metal, it has the metal animated object extraordinary ability (plus additional abilities based on the type of metal). Once animated, the revenant armor remains standing (and stands if knocked prone, doing so without provoking attacks of opportunity), and prevents the wearer of the armor from being considered helpless. If an ally of the wearer is within range of the armor, she can direct it to move, though it refuses to go anywhere that requires a skill check. If grappled or otherwise restrained, it can attempt to break free with a Strength score equal to your caster level and a CMB equal to 1 + your caster level + the armor’s Strength modifier. If the armor’s wearer is reduced to dust, made conscious, or removed from the armor, the spell ends. If it stands beside an enemy and an ally direct it to move away, does the movement provokes AOO? (I assume yes). Does the enemy gets an AOO against the armor or against the wearer of the armor? (can he choose?) thanks ![]()
So we kept his character with us and we try to play it as best we can, but having some issues as he’s relatively weak in combat (mostly having low AC and his impact seems minimal). Info: - Currently, we are all lvl 10
Weapon: +1 Furious Greataxe
Gear : amulet +1, ring +3, +1 furious greataxe, belt of physical might +2 (Con and STR), a bunch of minor wands, extend rod Spell list: 1st: Ill omen X2, Divine favor X2, Mount, CLW ; 2nd glitterdust, Mage armor, Raven’s flight, bull strength, Web; 3rd Dispel magic, lightning bolt, Summon 3 ; 4th Dimension door, Black tentacles; summon 4 Main issue: when not too many enemies, he will debuff with hexes or cast spell or go into melee. As he built it for EK, he was meant to go in melee, but his AC is really low and his witch class doesn’t allow armor or doesn’t have access to defensive spells such as mirror image, displacement, etc. So I seek your help for 2 things:
Thanks ![]()
I'm making this new thread because of other threads that raised a lot of debates and questions but came to a circle with still a desagreement to the correct interpretation (both sides believing they are right) The two interpretation/opinions are: 1- No. You cannot because the definition of Full Round action indicates that it consumes the whole round and thus you can only take those actions within the Full round action (and under any restriction imposed by the type of Full round action you took) 2- Yes you can. Basically, the notion is that there is a gap before or after that full round actions that allows you to take the Free (which take no time at all) and swift actions. I believe that this thread is necessary to look at the overall RAW and defines if it is possible or not and should be Faqed because it would greatly benefits from clarification from the PDT and resolve many other threads in the forum. Thanks! ![]()
So, our party reached 10th level and both the hunter and my magus now have access to 4th level spell. We immediately noticed Caustic Blood....This is soooo good, that i'm beginning to be concerned about the impact on our game. Fire shield is one thing, but 10d6 acid each time you are being hit, is another thing.... I'm looking for any feedback based on your experience to see if we should play with this spell, or if it's too OP. Our party have access to resist energy, so meeting enemies with this spell is not too big an issue, but I doubt that most of our enemies will have the same access... So what do you guys think??? thank you for your feedback!! ![]()
If you create/upgrade a headband of intellect, can you add (and then use) a trained only skill to it, or it has to be untrained only skills? For example: could you choose disable device as the skill associated with it when you create a new headbeand of intellect and then use it just like if you were trained into that skill? thanks ![]()
Hi guys. This is a follow-up to a recent thread that I initiated: Paladin of Abadar and good/evil Many good comments in it.... However, we faced a debate yesterdday about potential interaction with LN Hellknights. Background: The order of the Nails (LN Hellknights) have established a settlement on the border of our Kingdom. Initial discussions with them went well as they are here to spreading civilization and order and eliminating barbarism, which our Paladin ruler is fine with. Now, in face of an agressive neighbour, the Paladin pondered if it would be a good idea to propose to the Hellknights a settlement within our kingdom (thus forging an alliance). Questions: 1) Assuming the Hellknight would come and build a temple to their God in the new settlement, is that something that the Paladin can accept (having a temple dedicated to an evil Devil) within his realm even though he knows that the Order of the Nails are not evil and are there to propagate law and order? - two points of view discussed so far about this:
(edit: I repharase those two points of view to present a more neutral aspect of the two points of view) 2) Would accepting such a deal make a paladin falls??? Side question:
That last question is of particular interest in the sense that if Abadar is giving the power, then he doesn't care that his paladin make deals with Hellknights (hey, he even has lawful evil cleric in his ranks). But if it's the power of Goods, then might be different. Thanks for your insights.... ![]()
Hi Everyone... Trying to get a little bit of perspective and opinions about some tricky situations. If you have a Paladin of Abadar. That paladin meets a Hellknight of the Order of the Nails (Lawful neutral). How should the Paladin see that person and what kind of relationship could be expected between the two of them.. Could the paladin forge an alliance with him knowing which God the order worship? For example, let say the paladin comes into a neighbouring settlement and see the hellknight working on renovating his temple (Asmodean)...if he offers to help him in his work...is it enough to make him loose it's paladinhood? (why would Abadar make him loose it's paladin Hood, since it technically doesn'T care about evil or good; it wouldn't appreciate helping to build another god's temple) thoughts? Thanks ![]()
Ok, I'm seeking to build an half-orc invulnerable rager. Want to say up front, that I never played a barbarian before and haven't rolled or attributed points yet, but can expect to have mostly the usual high STR and high CON... I like the concept of deathless initiate which basically allows you to keep fighting (even stronger some might say) while being in negative hp and I would like to build something around it. However, I'm looking at ways to extend the survivability of the character at negative hp (either reducing damage, avoiding damage, increasing threshold of negative hp where you die, etc) With the stalwart and improved stalwart feat, my barbarian would have a huge DR, but probably at the expense of low ac which would mean being hit probably most of the times... Of course, as I understand this is dangerous to keep fighting at negative hp, planning to take Tenacious Survivor in case things get bad... So any suggestions? (particularly interested to know if , aside from mythic, there are ways to incease threshold of hp when you die)... thanks ![]()
If a flying creature becomes entangled, can it still use a normal move action to keep flying without having to roll for a Fly skill check? For example, PC targets and hits a chimera with a rime cold spell (such as snowball. Chimera becomes entangled. On it's turn, the chimera now moves at half-speed. I assume it can still use a move action to keep flying without having to roll a fly skill check. It could use that move action and move 25 feet (instead of regular 50 feet). From the Flying maneuver table (CRB p.96): Move less than half speed and remain flying: DC 10 Side question:
thanks ![]()
My question is twofold: 1) Is there a rule that allows to craft an object for another body slot. For exemple: crafting an bracer of substenance instead of a ring of substenance? (there might have been a rule in 3.5, but can't see anything for Pathfinder) 2) As it is probably in DM's fiat, how much would it cost, using the crafting table and rules, to be able to craft such an object? Should it be 1,5 more costly? twice more? thanks ![]()
Let's say, you are 8th level and you have 3 ranks in acrobatics, then using "fighting defensively" gives you +3 AC dodge bonus, which is converted in DR3 with Stalwart. Using CE at that same level could also provide +3 AC dodge bonus, which is converted in DR3 with Stalwart. What happens if you use them both at the same time? The AC bonus stack, so that makes a +6 dodge bonus. But, does the DR5 maximum limit apply to each separately, or to the combination of both??? Personnaly believe that it's for the combination (thus no more than DR5), but can see the argument for the other way around. Would like to know how people apply it. For reference, Stalwart (from UC) indicates: Benefit: While using the total defense action, fighting defensively action, or Combat Expertise, you can forgo the dodge bonus to AC you would normally gain to instead gain an equivalent amount of DR, to a maximum of DR 5/—, until the start of your next turn. This damage reduction stacks with DR you gain from class features, such as the barbarian's, but not with DR from any other source. If you are denied your Dexterity bonus to AC, you are also denied this DR. Thanks ![]()
My questions relates to damage reduction and effects not based on damage. Are effects not based on damage affected by damage reduction? Let's see the definitions: CRB p. 561: Damage reduction
APG p. 128:
So, in this case, Rattling Strikes indicates that if the attack hits, target is shaken. Damage reduction indicates that if it complety negates the damage, it negates MOST special effects that accompany the attack. It is quite vague (as it cannot list all possible effects) but the negated effects listed all seemed to be damaged-based (injury poison, stunning fist which requires damage, and injury-based disease). On the other hand, it doesn't affect poisons or disease that are contact-based. So, it appears that RAI, non-damaging effects would still work, but not so sure RAW. Rattling strike only requires that the attack hits (not damage-related, but if the damage of the attack is totally cancelled /negated by damage reduction, would the effect of rattling strike still works? Thanks ![]()
If a hunter activates his animal focus class ability, the duration is at least 1 minute. During that minute, can he change the type of animal focus (using a swift action) or he has to spend another minute increment when he changes it? For example: a first level hunter activates his animal focus ability to get the tiger aspect. This will last 1 minute because it has to be spent in 1-minute increments and he only has 1 minute at first level. During this minute, could he change his aspect each round using a swift action? In ACG (p.27)
We came across the question yesterday. Basically, we see two interpretations here: a) Once activated, the type of focus stay the same for the whole minute. If hunter use a swift action to change the type, he has to use another minute increment b) Once activated, the type of focus can be changed using a swift action without having to use another minute increment. This is not for PFS, but we are playing as close as possible to RAW.
So we recently found dragonhide scales (probably of a huge dragon). So technically, we have enough material to make a medium banded mail armor or a small half-plate. We were trying to evaluate the value of those dragon scales. The dragonhide material indicates that (CRB p. 154):" Dragonhide armor costs twice as much as masterwork armor of that type..." So a dragonhide banded mail would cost: 800 gp
Which seems to corrolate to the actual dragonhide armor found on CRB p. 466. The craft skill indicates that the raw material cost 1/3 of the item cost. But, since we have enough material to produce either a small half-plate or a medium banded mail, the cost in material would either be 266,6 gp (800/3) gp or 500 gp (1500/3)?? Is that correct??? How much is worth the dragonhide scales that we found? On which armor should we base the worth of the scales? thanks ![]()
My new character is a lawful good Magus. The intimidate skill can be use to force an opponent to act friendly: The skill as described in CRB says: "You can use this skill to frighten your opponents or to get
"You can use Intimidate to force an opponent
So,if I want to interrogate a creature to get dome info our of it, I can use this skill. I understand the RAWQ aspect of the skill. But the skill as written, seems to imply some sort of threats to force the creature to talk. I still wonder if a Lawful good creature could use this skill without going against its alignement... I can imagine that this skill might (or not)implies some kind of torture to get the information. So, I'm trying to understand how (roleplaying wise) this skill might be used to get the information out of the creature without using actual physical abuse. For exampel, we encountered some kobolds and we got some unconscious. I personnaly cannot see my character torturing them to get the information. I can imagine threatening them and shaking them a little bit. But if they are loyal to their master or they are too afraid to betray him, How do you think this skill could be played out(roleplaying)to get the information.... thanks ![]()
There seem to be a discrepencies between the individual weight and total weight of starting kits. For exemple, the Magus's starting kit is supposed to be 31 lbs (Ultimate Equipmenet). However, here's the Magus's kit breakdown by items: Backpack: 2 lbs
total: 44 lbs. The Magus's kit describes having 10 torches and 5 days worth of trail rations. The only way to get close to that amount would be if they would only be for 1 item each. That would be 2 lbs instead of 15 lbs, bringing the total weight down to 31 lbs. Have I miss something? Has anybody seen or got an errata or comments about this? thanks ![]()
So we are about to start a new campaign and I need suggestion for a friend of mine. He likes to play melee characters and his last character was a pure fighter. However, we played up to 18th level and he king of got bored at the end of just doing damage... In a previous game, before pathfinder, he played a crusader from the Book of 9 Swords...What he liked about this class was the combination of being a martial but having some abilities that he could use other than bashing So, for this new game, I suggested him the barbarian or bloodrager....but not sure if he's gonna like the barbarian think....Paladin is definitively our of the question (he's good but would losse his paladinhood very shortly)...There will also probably be a ranger in the group. So I was looking for other suggestions that would go in line with a melee class with some abilities or very limited spellcasting abilities. Any suggestions? (other party members will be : magus, witch doctor, ranger and hunter. I do not seek to complement party, just avoid repetition) thanks ![]()
Hi everyone. Got a situation yesterday where we were debating about the rules. Note this is a homegame, but curious to see RAW as well. Situation is like this. My bard is facing many enemies: demon (marilith), a golem, and 2 elementals. Once my turn comes up, i first try to identify the 2 elementals (same kind of creature with knowledge checks). It succeeds and DM gives me a bunch of info. I then try another knowledge check to identify the demon. This is where we got an issue. My position: I don't think that RAW there is a limit to the number of knowledge checks per round, since it is not an action per say. My point is the check let you know if you recognize the creature or not , and then potential tidbits of info about the creature depending on results.... DM's position: Since it was the first time we encountered the elemental, DM thought that only one knowledge check was allowed since, even though it was not an action (or a free action at worst) it took the whole round to analyze, recognize and then provide some info about the creature. thanks So, 1) does anybody know the RAW regarding number of knowledge checks per round 2)What do you believe should be the right way to handle this situation? ![]()
Got two questions actually. 1) as in the title, is there an item, feat, spells, etc that can modify the % on reincarnation? 2) if it doesn't , how would you create a custom item (maybe by using wish or miracle)that would allow some modification on the roll...basically, how would you cost it, requirement to create it, and % modifier range (± X %)? Context: the players have a druid and they are using reincarnation quite a bit...but would like some minimal control on what they can reincarnate the dead into... Players suggested different levels of power for such an item (lesser =3%, normal=5%, greater = 7 %) For example, with a lesser item that could allow this , a roll of 35 could be modified yo yield a result between 32 and 38%. Suggestions?? ![]()
Ok here's the situation. Party is within an antilife shell spell . Than the party's wizard want to use a touch spell. To touch the target, his hand needs to be briefly out of the shell to touch the creature. What happens. is he considered out of the shell? Can he re-enter his hand inside? Don't think the rules or spell cover this specific situation, but would appreciate any input thanks edit: corrected a few typo ![]()
Let's suppose my opponent tries to trip me, but doesn't have improved trip and let's suppose I don't have combat reflexes (so limited to just one Attack of Opportunity), if I already used my AoO this round, do a get a free one when my opponent tries to trip me? Do you have an AoO against a trip attempt if you already used your AoO this round? ![]()
Our group has been debating about this. We know that the create potions section specifically indicates you cannot. But what about magic wands/staffs or wondrous items? CRB indicates for wondrous items:
emphasis mine Technically, when you cast a spells with personal range, you can only target yourself. Now if you want to put a true strike, or mirror image or other spells with personal range into a spell, it doesn't look like you cast the spell itself. In the preparation process you "trigger" the spell (not cast it), and that spell is expended (no more available) Is that correct? So basically, if you want to cast a spell with personal range on another character, you need to create an item with the spells and then give the wondrous item to the character in question? ![]()
I have a few questions about this interaction. 1) Can you cast a wall of force within the area affected by antimagic shell? 2) Assuming yes to question , if you put a wall of force within the field , does the effect of the antimagic field extend beyond the wall (on the other side)? 3)Does forcecage has the same interactions with antimagic field (it's basically a force spell that creates walls of force) 4)Could you create a windowless forcecage around someone who has antimagic shell active in order to contain the effect of the antimagic shell? thanks ![]()
Hi guys. Ok, I've looked at many threads (including the guides ) and I haven't found the exact build that I'm trying to do, which is a frostbite (enforcer)/ bodyguard Magus for a home game (not PFS). So I need your help....up to lvl 15 (don't expect to go beyond) The exact nature of the party (of 5)is still unknown, but I expect 2-3 melee (including me) , a divine caster and an arcane caster(probably a wizard). The idea is to get in melee, bash and uses some debuffs such as frostbites during my turn and then get to use the bodyguard feat during the enemy's turn to protect my friends. However, since 40-50% of the campaign will be in Ustalav, I expect a lot of undead, and thus need back-up plan instead of frostbite. It will be a 25 pt buy, and I will be human. 2 traits (possibly 3 if I take a drawback). Still undecided about the str or dex build. Dex is probably the obvious build for obvious reasons (more AoO) but seems to be more feat intensive....Although, I didn't get the chance to look at the new feats in ACG (maybe there is something worth it in there). Note: I've looked at the hexcrafter and know it is awesome, but nobody has tried magus in our group so far, so want to play the basic one (for now...) So here is my original build:
note: I have considered adopted trait (Halfling) for +4 aid another vs +2 normally , but would have to replace bruising intellect (both are social traits) stats:
By having a low cha and wisdom,, would like to play the character a little bit like Sheldon in Big bang...so clueless in people relationship and little empathy to others. With his high intellect, would feel superior to others though....(interesting roleplaying in mind) feats: this is where the build is tricky (depending on which build)...trying to meet all builds... Dex enforcer/bodyguard build or STR Build
for both builds from then on....
agile weapon for dex damage Looking forward for your advices and experiences about such builds....thanks ![]()
For the sake of argument, if you have a +3 benevolent armor and a +3 benevolent weapon and you use the aid another action or do it through bodyguard feat, do the bonuses stack? Is it +3 to aid another or +6 to aid another? It would appear obvious that they don't because they would provide similar type of bonuses, but do benevolent armor/weapons actually have a bonus type or they don't , hence maybe possible to stack? (the bonus is based on the enhancement value, but they are not enhancement bonus I think) thanks ![]()
I'm currently tinkering on a human build that would focus on the bodyguard and enforcer feats...(used separately of course)
however to get the helpful trait as a human I would need to get the adopted trait (Halfling), but that is a social trait just like bruising intellect. so my question i: Is there any legal way to get both Bruising intellect and helpful for a human? thanks ![]()
Can Bodyguard be used to help ally if opponent has cover, but you can reach him (because of enlarge or reach weapon)? For example, imagine a situation where a big troll (large creature with reach) is in melee with two side by side barbarians and an enlarged fighter with the bodyguard feat, like depicted below: TT
T: the 4 spaces occupied by the Troll
if during combat, an effect modifies the initiative, does it affect the order of initiative in further rounds? For example, let's say that a party is facing un big Troll who rolled 13 for its initiative, and the whole party all rolled 12 (very unlikely, but just for the sake of argument). If the party's bard cast good hope during the fight giving (among others) +2 to initiative, does the party's initiative moves up to 14 next round, or its just good for the next encounters? thanks ![]()
So undead have: Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless). Soundburst has two effects: it deals 1d8 sonic damage (no save) and stun that can be negated by fortitude save... For reference (CRB p. 346):
So are undead vulnerable to the sonic damage (which has no save) or they are immune to all the effects (damage included) ? ![]()
Situation came up yesterday. Party is behind a door, and a big dragon possibly stands on the other side...Party would like to open door to see if dragon is there, but suspect that if he is, he might be in a ready action to breath as soon as door is opened... Now, if a wizard readies an action to cast a wall of force in front of the door IF said dragon would breath. What will happen? and why? 1) Dragon breathes and wizard cannot cast wall of force in time to protect party, or;
thanks ![]()
Got a situation yesterday where an opposing enemy cast a silence spell on a object and we were all within the area of effect of the spell. I wanted to cast a silent dispel magic to get rid of the silence. Problem was I did not know on which object or location the silence was cast upon In the CRB (p.272)dispel magic it says that: "You can use dispel magic to end one ongoing spell that has
Targeted Dispel: One object, creature, or spell is the target of
...You can also use a targeted dispel to specifically end one spell
So the question was: since silence can be cast on a creature, object or place in space, do you need to know the location or object affected by the silence spell to be able to dispel it, or just casting dispel magic in the area will remove it? For example, if silence was cast on a dagger or copper or any other unattended object in the room (a pot, a table , etc)do you need to locate the source affected by the silence spell to be able to dispel it? thanks ![]()
Ok here's a tricky question: Using the create staff feat, I would like to include in the staff the spell: stoneskin communal (from ultimate combat) Assuming Stoneskin is the highest level spell of the staff, how would you compute the value of adding that spell to the staff knowing that stoneskin communal has a material component cost of 100 gp per creature affected? According to CRB, the spell itself should cost (400Xspell level X CL with minimum CL 8): in this case 400 X 5 X 9 = 18,000 gp
How do you compute that value if it is variable?? thanks ![]()
Virtuoso performance indicates that you can start a second performance. Do they have do be different types of performances (e.g: one singing, the other dancing) or they could be using se same type (for example: 2 singing performances blending two songs together)... Logically, I would assume 2 different performances, but would like to know by RAW which is true... ![]()
Our 12th level party is composed of a rogue, cleric, bard, sorcerer and fighter (classic composition as you can see). In recent fights, some players have expressed having less fun then they used to have. The reasons being that they feel that the fighter is taking all the attention and they can't contributed as much. Now, our fighter ( a two-handed archertype) is a pure classic fighting machine who has maximized his Con and STR (both around 24) and with the usual feats such as power attack, furious focus, etc)
Of course, he's the center of attraction of opposing monsters and get damages quite a lot...As a result, many PCs (the cleric amongs other, but also the bard sometimes ) just spend rounds healing the fighter to keep him afoot and fighting, otherwise the party could be killed. When meeting big solo monsters with high ACs, again only the fighter has any chances of hitting him. The rougue would then do help another to add +2 to the fighter. So many players think that the fighter is too strong (I disagree with that) I’d like to know if any of you guys has had a similar experience and what kind of suggestion you do have to prevent this.... thanks ![]()
What happens when a soundburst modified by the marid bloodline arcana to do cold damage and change the spell descriptor to cold is cast into an area affected by silence? for reference, CRB wrote: wrote:
I assume you still do 1d8 damage, but do you still stun the creatures within the silenced area? One can assume that is is because of the tremendous cacophony that the creatures are stunned. But if it's now a cold spell, do you still create that cacophoneous effect? would the cold/frost still stun the creature even within the silenced area? Strickly RAW, i would guess that only the damage/descriptor is changed and nothing else, but still.....what do you think???? ![]()
Ok , basically the questions comes down to is it better to use spellcombat with arcane mark (to fight like a two-weapon fighter) or is it better to use use your weapon two-handed??? Assumptions: Human Strength build Magus stats:(arbitrary...just for the sake of the discussion) Str: 18
Feats: Power attack Of course, this is for when you are not using spellcombat for shocking grasp or other good offensive spells. Imagine, you are low level, you hae wasted all your good spells, and you have a choice of using either spellcombat for 2 attacks or 1 attack two-handed ![]()
Ok, there’s been a lot of different magus build around in the last 2 years… Now, assuming the traditional intensified shocking grasp strength build magus (with magical lineage and such)….I’m pondering the value or not of a 1 level dip in sorcerer or wizard and would like some feedback experience on which of the following cases is best (for sake of discussions, assume a 11th level character, but the question could be for any level): A) Magus 11th (Full Magus, no dip)
On a side note, If you take a dip, at what level is it optimal to take the dip? So advise???? ![]()
An interesting situation came up last nigh: Enemy cast a reverse gravity on us in a room with a ceiling at 100 feet. Character A cast a feather fall. When it was Character B's turn, he was still 40 feet away from the ceiling, so he took a move action to get a potion of flying and then a standard action to drink the potion. Is turn ended Question: After he drank the potion, was character B able to try to hover in place (I guess using a fly check), or it's only after it's next turn that he could try to fly (in any way)? ![]()
What happens when we are in the process of transforming from gaseous to corporeal form (thus within the 5 rounds period) and we are being attacked? What stats are you using? Does it stays the same from round 1 (almost gaseous) up to round 5 (now solid) what is your ac (and other stats) on rounds 1, 2,3 ,4, 5? ![]()
The spell intially has no saving throw. However, if a creature attack the victim, he then gets a saving throw. Euphoric tranquility says:
it appears to me that the easy way to beat that spell is for one of the target's ally to attack him for the round. He doesn't need to get hit, just get attacked. So if you target the big boss in front of you, he only nees one of his minion to attack him once to get a save and potientially be free for that round. Is that spell so easy to beat???? Sign in to create or edit a product review. |