
Countess Clarissia von Schism's page

30 posts. Alias of Charles Scholz.


Each store with a different line of products.

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Absorption of kines: 100d1000 + 100d1000 + 100d1000 + 60d1000 - 306 ⇒ (748, 242, 436, 706, 286, 759, 951, 58, 527, 585, 302, 85, 694, 278, 624, 507, 224, 335, 938, 527, 185, 401, 460, 742, 307, 565, 528, 497, 648, 342, 375, 246, 5, 722, 322, 624, 613, 962, 122, 582, 182, 196, 116, 65, 701, 632, 389, 679, 441, 447, 469, 53, 470, 311, 75, 474, 753, 979, 853, 350, 459, 999, 90, 81, 612, 17, 279, 384, 149, 52, 538, 258, 265, 254, 230, 409, 217, 161, 931, 243, 475, 695, 897, 696, 950, 246, 617, 702, 333, 715, 80, 353, 757, 331, 961, 742, 221, 836, 438, 94) + (913, 882, 363, 336, 899, 661, 215, 223, 951, 160, 543, 227, 152, 172, 777, 515, 84, 387, 130, 864, 186, 561, 500, 844, 611, 589, 240, 921, 588, 421, 388, 775, 606, 327, 745, 373, 528, 708, 403, 985, 666, 830, 886, 362, 30, 795, 121, 578, 717, 858, 882, 842, 884, 537, 110, 853, 713, 57, 891, 382, 773, 761, 68, 454, 96, 744, 904, 685, 500, 399, 583, 242, 335, 754, 890, 973, 312, 326, 502, 130, 5, 446, 884, 320, 311, 752, 617, 951, 843, 516, 565, 657, 693, 941, 10, 47, 771, 184, 235, 660) + (579, 297, 246, 318, 490, 213, 32, 8, 74, 978, 99, 749, 7, 699, 878, 160, 439, 880, 505, 319, 220, 762, 804, 93, 959, 683, 659, 958, 58, 348, 48, 933, 729, 448, 621, 602, 966, 70, 204, 615, 57, 244, 885, 849, 824, 910, 139, 420, 288, 206, 611, 839, 624, 414, 98, 487, 479, 857, 682, 688, 698, 407, 313, 605, 827, 527, 791, 960, 32, 903, 841, 454, 999, 526, 919, 274, 580, 51, 174, 337, 247, 471, 346, 517, 813, 373, 532, 995, 585, 297, 604, 768, 534, 990, 460, 728, 403, 362, 880, 391) + (964, 940, 413, 88, 546, 726, 541, 66, 414, 965, 764, 75, 999, 685, 379, 461, 53, 506, 695, 757, 33, 705, 300, 578, 763, 612, 419, 650, 967, 389, 397, 16, 470, 314, 275, 522, 804, 790, 748, 159, 507, 329, 890, 950, 628, 925, 961, 889, 845, 393, 349, 856, 67, 267, 239, 658, 405, 806, 827, 647) - 306 = 183993

Delicious. Thank you.

Blood: 0d1000 ⇒ (-) = 0

Sorry Count, no blood either.

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Hearts: 0d1 ⇒ (-) = 0

Sorry Count, no heart here.

cares: 0d1000 ⇒ (-) = 0

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All kinds, as long as it is good.
My favorite style is the sonnet.
That was starting to become popular when I got locked in the oubliette.

Sorry. Bad poetry puts me to sleep.

Eats the eggs. Gains 100d1000 + 100d1000 + 100d1000 ⇒ (11, 101, 260, 27, 681, 723, 304, 440, 311, 676, 730, 892, 818, 404, 877, 451, 942, 118, 175, 495, 792, 84, 77, 86, 399, 785, 552, 442, 875, 405, 662, 337, 818, 744, 295, 261, 507, 986, 757, 998, 697, 278, 814, 419, 902, 263, 410, 880, 545, 291, 187, 657, 893, 444, 837, 341, 160, 269, 980, 950, 37, 602, 572, 684, 302, 640, 602, 217, 1, 315, 85, 71, 597, 654, 271, 606, 818, 293, 558, 362, 563, 119, 593, 8, 617, 504, 449, 97, 949, 226, 151, 440, 649, 755, 652, 245, 515, 193, 560, 180) + (735, 722, 970, 432, 784, 721, 169, 320, 723, 794, 405, 99, 937, 207, 757, 776, 447, 243, 502, 983, 747, 467, 476, 827, 340, 685, 16, 48, 78, 864, 230, 985, 121, 363, 218, 243, 726, 290, 231, 886, 334, 858, 315, 673, 534, 406, 186, 948, 242, 362, 942, 529, 893, 396, 24, 324, 218, 835, 46, 554, 411, 280, 584, 741, 107, 337, 160, 813, 210, 716, 374, 195, 701, 313, 829, 887, 623, 168, 598, 561, 472, 105, 750, 708, 183, 418, 351, 262, 399, 267, 600, 709, 540, 949, 978, 252, 633, 65, 704, 906) + (488, 214, 929, 516, 309, 106, 478, 560, 127, 793, 722, 306, 691, 124, 403, 164, 158, 792, 340, 510, 895, 255, 660, 286, 144, 484, 799, 617, 119, 432, 902, 295, 805, 185, 213, 396, 145, 450, 290, 978, 82, 86, 21, 44, 152, 878, 896, 854, 854, 242, 132, 264, 966, 772, 733, 305, 344, 384, 947, 240, 417, 615, 527, 166, 132, 99, 558, 728, 503, 221, 453, 744, 637, 594, 673, 410, 899, 836, 137, 548, 985, 677, 651, 783, 832, 982, 111, 907, 730, 669, 196, 718, 682, 989, 629, 308, 305, 143, 560, 91) = 147433 hp.


But a cut in the right place makes all things possible.

Personally, I think you use too much eye shadow.

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What makes you think Schism has another personality inside her?

I didn't know you were psychic Comtesse de Malodor?

It hasn't been that long since my rebirth, but even I know that you are going to regret any dealings with Senor GoatToucher, even when you come out ahead.

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A dirge band vs a marching band.
Please vote for your favorite.
Winner gets an all expense paid trip to perform at halftime during the bloodbowl quarter finals.

Hey now. That is no way to talk to a Lady.

Count, remember when the best music was played on a Sousexflooderhoofington?

Can't hardly blame her.
She does take after her father.

Takes control of body the moment Count Reiner sinks his teeth.

Really Count, a hickey?

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No on can match you, so most of us don't even try.

With pleasures.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

I thought those trombones sounded a little off.

I think those several centuries in the oubliette may have driven me a little insane.
Or it could be Schism is having an influence on me.

Squishy Squishy husband sauce.

Since a vampire can't digest regular food it comes out just as hot as it went in.

INdiana is the perfect place to be. Several natural caves to explore.

The next poster is about to get a lot of snow.

Torture, Torture Torture.
That is all you care about.
Even when you are not doing it yourself, you enjoy it.

Count Reiner Heydrich wrote:
Oh yes, Angelique, such a beautiful name for a beautiful lady. Definitely was the purer of the two of you. As far as killing me goes, not only was I already dead (being a vampire), but I have been killed MANY times before now and I always come back to life.

You mean unlife.

Hmm. Seems I have my work cut out for me.

Just like a man. Out of sight, out of mind.
Her name was Angelique.
As for our 'dispute', that will only end with your death.

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I was Countess Clarissia von Antwerp.
That blood was a trap I set for you while I was in the oubliette, but you never came back for a drink.
Thanks to that doctor finding my body and the cursed blood, I thought I finally had a chance at revenge.
But no, he was careless enough to leave his bag unattended and that silly girl drank my blood instead of you.
Thanks to her unique heritage, I found myself resurrected as one of her personalities.

You may now call me Countess von Schism.