Anthropomorphized Rabbit

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RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. 120 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


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This is the game that never ends. It just goes on and on my friends. Somebody started playing it a long long time ago, and they'll keep on playing it because... This is the game that never...

Thanks all! Especially Gwen Smith who sited Flurry of blows from the zen archer as it specifically states it does not work with rapid shot & manyshot.

I also tested rapid shot with haste using Hero Lab and they work together just fine. Neither manyshot nor clustered shot have an active button for the program, but it was good to see haste work considering the shared wording.

p. s. I miss reverie. Did elves also lose their presence thing they had or was that all the way back from AD&D 2nd edition?

I've seen a discussion about whether or not manyshot and rapid shot can be used in conjunction. Maybe there is even some discussion about clustered shot, but I haven't checked it out.

I did note that there is a split regarding manyshot and rapid shot being used together or not. Interestingly, the idea of the haste spell used with rapid shot does not cause this argument. It's assumed rapid shot & haste work together.

Why do I bring this up? The 3 feats & 1 spell all start with the words, "When making a full-attack action..." So, why would there be a split (yes/no with the occassional "I don't care.) as to whether manyshot and rapid shot (and clustered attack) can work in conjunction?

Another feat for comparison is whirlwind attack. It is written differently and states you give up your regular attack. Not to mention, it's melee only. I bring it up because the others don't seem to replace; they add to the use of the bows.

Any OFFICIAL RULING out there that anyone has seen?

Star Voter Season 6

I love it! This one gets my vote.

Star Voter Season 6

I'm with Drejk on the utilization of CHA instead of WIS for all associated special abilities (AC Bones, ki). I also don't have a problem with [i]ki[/] being channeled through CHA since the favored soul does something similar (though I never understood why there was still a WIS requirement for spell DCs).

Diamond soul is not something I'd ever give up if I played a monk that high.

Star Voter Season 6

Just the name invigorates thoughts of Arthurian legends. I'm a sucker for that.

Didn't like what you did to Smite Evil, but I understood you were trying to give a power up considering most games don't go that route for enemies. That said, a smart DM would incorporate those more anyway to work with his player so I'm not completely sold.

I'm also not a fan to giving the vorpal special ability, but it's not going to be seen for a long time (20th level to my understanding) so it's really not a big deal.

Nature's Lure and ranger spell list. I get it for the flavor.

I like this one. It get's my vote.

Star Voter Season 6

Gerrard Dixon wrote:

Chelish Silver-Tongued Devil

Thanks, Gerrard. Someone else is in agreement with you about the use of suffocation, and I'm very glad the Diplomacy rules were clear for you. I can see the point of the save (a couple have brought that up so you are in good company).

Star Voter Season 6

Nazard wrote:
Chelish Silver-Tongued Devil

Short, sweet, and well put, Nazard. Much obliged.

Star Voter Season 6

RonarsCorruption wrote:

Chelish Silver-Tongued Devil

Thanks, Ronar. I'll take it to heart and see what I can do.

Star Voter Season 6

Thanks, Solspiral. Step to far is a take away from your review. Makes sense and some others have mirrored it.

Star Voter Season 6

agirlnamedbob wrote:
Chelish Silver-Tongued Devil

Thanks, Bob. I'll do a bit of spit and polish... Sorry, wasn't thinking there and provide one that is closer to the original idea. You can let me know if I should follow with the original or what was submitted.

Star Voter Season 6

Garrett Guillotte wrote:
Chelish Silver-Tongued Devil

Thank you for the direction of your critique, Garrett. All valid points and some address things that haven't been brought up. I realized I needed to explain how the item worked such as mind affecting or some such that would have been in format. Great thinking out of the box to give me some direction.

Star Voter Season 6

Clouds Without Water wrote:
Chelish Silver-Tongued Devil - Sometimes voted for it. Thought the theme was a little forced. The substance seems to be silver just to make the real-world allusion work.

Point taken. I'm learning that I should have went with my original version despite the SIAC. Still, from others there were some other things to work on. Thanks, Clouds.

Star Voter Season 6

Thanks all around, Zylphryx. With that range of adjustment, I can see where pricing was off or where it can be abused. I was hoping to give a character with the language being understood something to work with in this item. Maybe a 2 step if Diplomacy effective per GM? Something for me to think about.

Star Voter Season 6

James Raine wrote:

Ummm... Thanks, James. As a a roleplayer who enjoys acting, I know where you are coming from. As a roleplayer who has played with many different players, not all of them able to articulate well due to varying circumstances (physical/mental/emotional/social), the rules allow them freedom to enjoy many different characters and thus dreams. But, again, I understand your dislike for this particular rule.

Thanks for enjoying the other part.

Star Voter Season 6

Thanks, Thomas. All very good thoughts and very good points; low cost, skill requirement, better spell (or stick to the original concept instead of web), darn that "rumor" and icky, and no good reason for dispel magic.

Star Voter Season 6

Steven Helt wrote:

Chelish Silver-tongued Devil

I think the items suffers from strange design choices. Why web? Why 4k for a potential 3-round kill? Why isn't suffocation or comprehend languages a requirement?

Thanks for the formatting recommendations.

Maybe I didn't understand suffocation rules, but I thought a PC/NPC can hold her breath for 2 rounds per point of CON before starting to actually suffocate; even a person with a 5 CON could last for a minute before beginning to suffocate. This is probably another thing I didn't get across effectively though I would have had to rewrite it in the item which is one of the things we are told to avoid. Suffocation? Excellent question that I don't have an answer to.

Thanks again, Steven.

Star Voter Season 6

Jacob W. Michaels wrote:

I guess I’m mostly going through and doing free form thoughts as I go. I’m happy to answer follow-up questions, of course. These are just my personal thoughts.

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks, Jacob. Many of your comments are mirrored by others. I'm seeing a trend and I appreciate it. It's important. And, yes, it was forced on the second power.

Star Voter Season 6

theheadkase wrote:

Chelish Silver-Tongued Devil

You had a very interesting concept here. I can see this being useful in Spy scenarios and RP heavy games...

Overall, I liked this item and I up-voted it several times... It just doesn't quite make it up to Superstar though.

Thank you, Jerry Keyes and TheHeadCase.

Jerry, you are right in that it seemed a disconnect. I was going to design the item visually different to cover the mouth playing on silver-tongued and have a different effect than the "kiss attack". It was going to have a way to control someone else's summoned creature. The problem was that thanks to a spell in UM, it would have been a SIAC. Could the item have overcome that, I'll never know.

TheHeadCase, it was never meant to allow someone to comprehend languages. Diplomacy requires a person to understand what you are saying before their attitude can be adjusted. The item was supposed to overcome that drawback buying the wearer time. Kind of when a person speaks french to someone of the opposite sex. It makes the heart run and you feel drawn to the person. I didn't get that across. The other things you bring up make brilliant sense.

You two were awesome. I wish I could break things down as well as you two. I look forward to other input.

Star Voter Season 6

I got the item up quickly, but I want to say thank you all for the time and effort. And if someone wants to "pimp my item" to show me how they could have possibly taken the item to Superstar status, please feel free.

Star Voter Season 6

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Chelish Silver-Tongued Devil
Aura faint conjuration and enchantment; CL 3rd
Slot head; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This silver masquerade mask is adorned with black feathers rumored to be of erinyes origin. The wearer may make diplomacy checks to adjust the initial attitude of humanoids even if the target creature cannot understand her. If the target creature does understand the wearer, his attitude may be adjusted by more than two steps per the results of the diplomacy check.
Once per day, the wearer may attempt a touch attack as a standard action while grappled or kissing a creature within one size category of her. A successful touch attack ejects a viscous, silver substance from the wearer’s mouth into the target’s mouth and throat, occluding his airway and causing the target creature to begin suffocating (see Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, page 445). A DC 20 heal check will dislodge the substance and a successful dispel magic will cause the silver substance to dissolve. Regardless, the substance dissolves 10 minutes after being created.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, web; Cost 2,000 gp

Star Voter Season 6

That's what I was thinking, Nickolas.

Star Voter Season 6

Much appreciated, Anthony.

I tend to be an infrequent on the messageboards. Doing them year round would greatly decrease the number of years I will remain married. :)

That said, I'm noticing the amount of respect you have garnered. I find it very intriguing and would hope Paizo might be paying attention to this as ask you for an interview outside the RPGSS.

Star Voter Season 6

I'm hopeful the judges will also throw in on the critique my ride... I mean, critique my item thread. Will that be at all possible?

By the way, I appreciate the feedback on my prise de fer plastron from a couple years back. I even listened to the no french part. I also think I listened to other stuff as well, but that doesn't mean I got the whole point. Slow learner here.

Much appreciate, everyone.

Star Voter Season 6

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CHEERS wrote:
CouncilofFools wrote:

[/]Bracelet of Versatile Summoning[/] I never saw, but I'm definitely interested. Anyone have a copy of that for a PM?

Should be in your box.

Thanks, CHEERS. Well received!

I like the idea immensely, but I like summoners too. I would have up voted this if I had seen it.

I can think of some tweaks, but I wonder if that's a result of my biases and not a reflection from the judges point-of-view which would help the designer more. I suppose that's the joy of looking at an item from the non-creator side. I want to play a summoner in a campaign and would love this item. It will be interesting to see what people have to say on this.

I'd definitely put it on the player using it to keep up with how to apply it.

Star Voter Season 6

I know I already said congrats, but you people have some awesome sauce going on! All the best!

Star Voter Season 6

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
CouncilofFools wrote:
There was an item that was some type of insignia patch (military I think) that allowed those with the item sown onto a worn garment to talk to each other in a secret language. I liked that one a lot. It envoked a special forces/military vibe that as military myself I got.
Badge of the Lost Unit.

That's the one! I loved the concept! Thanks, Zahir.

Thanks for the mixed reviews of votes for and against the Chelish Silver-Tongued Devils. Sounds like there was enough right, but it didn't hold. Ahhh... Somewhere in the middle. Story of my life. Which isn't bad wh... Nevermind.

I admit, it went through some tinkering that never jelled for me either because I was avoiding a SIAC (darn Ultimate Magic spell), but I look forward to the feedback regarding the many elements of the creative/formating process. I'll def put it in for critique (and possibly my original intent as commentary to see if that would have been a better fit for the crowd).

Bob, I had an 1st edition kensai that did origami. The concept appealed to me in so many ways!

[/]Bracelet of Versatile Summoning[/] I never saw, but I'm definitely interested. Anyone have a copy of that for a PM?

Also, any of you in the KCMO area? Looking for a gaming group.

Star Voter Season 6

There was an item that was some type of insignia patch (military I think) that allowed those with the item sown onto a worn garment to talk to each other in a secret language. I liked that one a lot. It envoked a special forces/military vibe that as military myself I got.

I didn't take any notes, sadly, so what I did like a don't quite remember the names. However, some mentioned sparked my memory...

Linarian's Bane
Paper Messenger
Seer's Soap

Those last two were built on interesting concepts for me that put them a step above similar items. Imagery were fantastic.

I'm going to go out on a limb now that we are almost 260 posts in and ask... Chelish Silver-Tongued Devils anyone? *Crosses fingers while seeking a pat on the back or an "I saw that one".*

Wow, I feel really... Oh, well.

Star Voter Season 6

Joseph Kellogg wrote:
Rabbitball wrote:
Well, there's my nightmare for the rest of the year. *gulp*

GUH! No doubt!

Star Voter Season 6

Neil and Clark, thanks for that last feedback.

One thing that stands out this year in the favor of those who voted is that we were able to see a significant number of items that were out there for judgment to compare to the Top 32. I realize I could have looked at old posts to look at what didn't make it, but having us vote this year has created some understanding of what works vs what doesn't.

Again, thank you for that last bit. It really starts the noggin a thinkin.

Star Voter Season 6

Clark Peterson wrote:
Maybe it would be valuable to figure out why you and the judges come up with different lists. That may help you understand what the judges are looking for.

Yes, pwease. :)

You struck the cord I was looking for, Clark. I'm doing my best to wait for a number of reasons, but I'd like to understand better what the judges are looking for as well. What resonates. I've had 3 goes at this and thought I learned a lot from the feedback on my 2nd item. 1st item was a SIAC (with SPAM) so I learned quick the error of my ways on that one.

Thanks for bringing this up.

Star Voter Season 6

ciretose wrote:

How many other people are waiting to see someone mention the item they made, but not mentioning it because that feels like cheating? :)

Meh, I made the cull, that counts for something.

I'd be one of those on both accounts.

Actually, I don't think it would be cheating. More like I don't want to say it because I don't want, "Yeah, that was okay" or no response at all.

I liked the paper messenger too.

Star Voter Season 6

Congrats, all of you. I wish you all the best of luck, creativity and skill as you put your ideas forward. You can choose the order you want that in.

Star Voter Season 6

Yes, I feel better. But then there's the whole guilt thing for feeling better because you're suffering so the double edged sword got me.

God bless ya, bro. It sounds like a rough time.

Star Voter Season 6

Nazard wrote:
And the image of lonely adventurers sitting by a fire having whispered wistful conversations with friends a league apart has a certain charm for me.

That imagery I can get behind, Nazard.

Star Voter Season 6

mamaursula wrote:

As the resident mama bear, I love to be fed. And tormenting. They are in my Top 32 Favorite Things to Do!

HA! :D

Star Voter Season 6

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Clark Peterson wrote:
Well then, m, I can tell you and you only that for sure you are not in the top 32 if you didn't submit an item. :) I appreciate the torment.

You know, at zoos they have signs that state, "Do not feed the bears." I would suggest the same for demon lords when it comes to messagebaords. See, he's not tormented at all. He rather enjoys passing it on to the rest of us.

Star Voter Season 6

Clark Peterson wrote:
You know what is truly evil? Reading your posts and knowing which of you made it and which of you didn't. Hehehehe.

OHH... The demonity of it all!

Star Voter Season 6

Anthony Adam wrote:

It's weird, normally I would be looking forward to reveal with great excitement and trepidation, whereas this year, it's more, "I wonder if my picks made it" rather than "I wonder if I made it" excitement.

Ever hear of Fantasy Football? I believe you're reeling from a case of Fantasy RPG Superstar.

Star Voter Season 6

Matt Goodall wrote:
My advice to competitors is to ignore the boards and get some sleep tonight, because if you make Top 32, you are going to need to be well rested and mentally prepared.

Not to mention some of us are going to work early in the morning.

Star Voter Season 6

Dennis Baker wrote:
It'll be curious ... what I'd love to know is how long it took for those top 90 to 'float' to the top.


Star Voter Season 6

Curaigh wrote:
Clark Peterson wrote:

Either way I'm glad to hear the entire field is getting stronger :)

For some reason, I hear a song from Rocky I...umm... 2... or 3... Maybe it wasn't a Rocky movie.

Star Voter Season 6

Clark Peterson wrote:
Oh, and the item ranked 1 was a No from me and 2 and 3 were weak keeps.

I find it very interesting the #1 item was a "no" for you. Not interesting in that I do not like this; I actually find it invigorating. I think it qualifies the process in that your approach to these items is based on a significantly different standard than the masses (Me being one of those unwashed... Actually, I took a shower so we'll just keep the comment as figurative. Rabbit trail, anyone?).

One of the other unwashed (figuratively) made a thoughtful statement regarding viewpoint; being thankful that it wasn't just up to him. I agree. We unwashed (figuratively/literally) have very different leanings, but there are some items that will out. We can trust that the mass process followed by a review from the professionals has enhanced the process.

Additionally, you went down 200 deep to ensure the process worked. Thanks for doing this.

Star Voter Season 6

Feros wrote:
ciretose wrote:
Can they just tell me I'm out so I can stop thinking about Archetypes...
I'm right there with you, pal.

I've been working on "archetypes" before Pathfinder existed for purchase; I just didn't have a cool name for them. However, they tended to be very long winded... and... well... No where near Superstar level. I haven't been able to break into the top 32 for a surplus of reasons so I'm hopeful this will be different. I'd like, very much, to give a true Superstar archetype a go. Everything's still in my head at this point.

Star Voter Season 6

Anthony Adam wrote:

Well, here's an unusual benefit from the voting this year...

All the time I spent voting, I wasn't feeding my face with Christmas goodies... or huge roast dinners - I simply didn't have the time for the cooking >.<

Now I admit, I was cutting back a little prior to the competition but oh my god, has the no snacking paid off! :D

Net result - I lost weight for the first time in ages and I am now lighter then I have been in the last 7 years!

Needless to say, I am going to work really hard on keeping it off and maybe doing even more!

For the tally, I lost 18 pounds in the last 2 months!

Now that's an unusual voting stat for you!

Who knew that voting can be good for your health?

Star Voter Season 6

Feros wrote:

I forgot the counting down in this post and previously read a post about a list of keepers...

Keeping in mind that Feros is a Champion Voter, I almost lost it thinking there were only 5 good items in this individual's opinion... ouch.

Luckily, I eventually saw the previous 6! and breathed a sigh of relief. I might still have a chance.

And like everyone else, I'd love to see people's tops in the hopes that mine might have survived the culling of a few.

Star Voter Season 6

I think we can be as objective as we want, but eventually, there is going to be subjectivity.

Star Voter Season 6

agirlnamedbob wrote:

I think seeing how someone used an item I designed in a game (or would like to introduce it into a game) would not only be very flattering,but also very instructive/informative.


Then again, people tend to get butthurt over the weirdest stuff...

If we can be built up by words, we can be torn down by them too.

I think the critique my item string is a good place to get both sides for those of us with thick skins wanting a little masochism in their coffee. A string devoted to "I'm using this because I thought it rocked the casba" would be for the ego.

Hmm... I think I might like the ego side this go round.

Star Voter Season 6

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Andrew Marlowe wrote:

Typically for Superstar I like items that:


An item need not tick off any or all of those boxes to be a Superstar Item but to sway me they certainly help. IMO there is no secret Superstar Rosetta stone but typically we all know it when we see it.

I cut the quote for brevity, but I wanted to mirror Andrew's statements. These were well thought out criteria that I could stand behind.

One of them that stands out the most to me is the "break the rules in a small but significant way". Wondrous items are your opportunity to do just that. In fact, Superstar items should per a comment from either one of the posts from the judges or a comment made from the panel discussion recorded and available on the messageboard. It's very easy to get stuck in a SAK or SIAC if you do not break the rules just a little.

As for pricing, Alexandar Augunas, this was also addressed by the judges. You didn't have to get it right, just don't get it wrong. Meaning, as long as the item was priced within the ballpark of similarly powerful items, you were going to be okay. This mechanic and the art that goes behind it, could be taught. It's the creativity that seemed to be more of a concern.

Star Voter Season 6

Phloid wrote:


Of course if the item just references a rule section in another book (not a spell or other item) and you can't get an idea of what it does without referencing that, that could be a problem. But certainly if the item has a spell effect and the spell is hyperlinked for ease of reference, kudos to the designer. The items in the books reference spells and you have to look them up to get the details on how the items work.


Actually, I'm sure I voted down an item or two during my mad voting run where I was looking for my own item, because I couldn't tell what it did without looking something up. If they had a hyperlink or two in order to make that easy, I might have clicked and then voted the other way.


I'm not sure that was the best way to go with the whole voting against. I've seen a number of items reference page ### in the Core Rules or Ultimate Combat. The guidance stated we shouldn't be rewriting rules that can be found in other books. Referencing is how it would look in print format.

I suppose it's a matter of opinion, but I figure other opinions be heard before it becomes a matter of course.

Slurmalyst has not participated in any online campaigns.