Anthropomorphized Rabbit

CouncilofFools's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. 120 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

Star Voter Season 6

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Chelish Silver-Tongued Devil
Aura faint conjuration and enchantment; CL 3rd
Slot head; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This silver masquerade mask is adorned with black feathers rumored to be of erinyes origin. The wearer may make diplomacy checks to adjust the initial attitude of humanoids even if the target creature cannot understand her. If the target creature does understand the wearer, his attitude may be adjusted by more than two steps per the results of the diplomacy check.
Once per day, the wearer may attempt a touch attack as a standard action while grappled or kissing a creature within one size category of her. A successful touch attack ejects a viscous, silver substance from the wearer’s mouth into the target’s mouth and throat, occluding his airway and causing the target creature to begin suffocating (see Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, page 445). A DC 20 heal check will dislodge the substance and a successful dispel magic will cause the silver substance to dissolve. Regardless, the substance dissolves 10 minutes after being created.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, web; Cost 2,000 gp

Star Voter Season 6

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CHEERS wrote:
CouncilofFools wrote:

[/]Bracelet of Versatile Summoning[/] I never saw, but I'm definitely interested. Anyone have a copy of that for a PM?

Should be in your box.

Thanks, CHEERS. Well received!

I like the idea immensely, but I like summoners too. I would have up voted this if I had seen it.

I can think of some tweaks, but I wonder if that's a result of my biases and not a reflection from the judges point-of-view which would help the designer more. I suppose that's the joy of looking at an item from the non-creator side. I want to play a summoner in a campaign and would love this item. It will be interesting to see what people have to say on this.

I'd definitely put it on the player using it to keep up with how to apply it.

Star Voter Season 6

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Clark Peterson wrote:
Well then, m, I can tell you and you only that for sure you are not in the top 32 if you didn't submit an item. :) I appreciate the torment.

You know, at zoos they have signs that state, "Do not feed the bears." I would suggest the same for demon lords when it comes to messagebaords. See, he's not tormented at all. He rather enjoys passing it on to the rest of us.

Star Voter Season 6

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Andrew Marlowe wrote:

Typically for Superstar I like items that:


An item need not tick off any or all of those boxes to be a Superstar Item but to sway me they certainly help. IMO there is no secret Superstar Rosetta stone but typically we all know it when we see it.

I cut the quote for brevity, but I wanted to mirror Andrew's statements. These were well thought out criteria that I could stand behind.

One of them that stands out the most to me is the "break the rules in a small but significant way". Wondrous items are your opportunity to do just that. In fact, Superstar items should per a comment from either one of the posts from the judges or a comment made from the panel discussion recorded and available on the messageboard. It's very easy to get stuck in a SAK or SIAC if you do not break the rules just a little.

As for pricing, Alexandar Augunas, this was also addressed by the judges. You didn't have to get it right, just don't get it wrong. Meaning, as long as the item was priced within the ballpark of similarly powerful items, you were going to be okay. This mechanic and the art that goes behind it, could be taught. It's the creativity that seemed to be more of a concern.

Star Voter Season 6

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Paizo staff:

Are you able to look back at previous day(s) and compare the data from the voting process to the current day's ranking data? I would be interested to know if the top 25% or so are still seeing any fluctuation in ranking. If it is, are these changes relevant mathematically?

Perhaps this isn't something that can be shared pre-results, but, as an observer, it would be interesting to know how this experiment is revealing itself over time rather than a static end result. It might be that the time frame could be shortened in future years.

Star Voter Season 6

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Curaigh wrote:
Herremann the Wise wrote:

I'd be interested in how many times the no. 1 item has been voted for and voted against. Stuff like that would be pretty cool to find out.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

Well, I have voted for it at least twice ;)

Thanks! I really appreciate the votes.

Star Voter Season 6

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Jacob Trier wrote:
CouncilofFools wrote:
Are you sure you're talking to the right Jacob? Because I just found out there are 3 of them.
Only 3...for now. Prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

OH SHOOT! I just checked my birth certificate... You guyz are good.

Star Voter Season 6

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Steven T. Helt wrote:

I have viewed dozens of pairs and only saw one item I was pleased to vote for. And it was stacked against an awful item.

And I forgot to mention pricing. Pricing is an important part of design and balance, so I weight it more than others might. However, getting the price close or right on is not much help to an item. More commonly, an item that is grossly underpriced irritates me until I move the cursor away from that item. Just in case.

Please keep in mind how the judges approached pricing in previous years. One of them stated that they did not cut an item based on price. It was a minor issue that can be taught to the creator. They were looking for the 'mojo' in the items. Creativity cannot be taught.

Star Voter Season 6

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Vic Wertz wrote:
To be frank, the delay also helps ensure that it's a pain in the ass to try to spam votes for your own entry.

To be, I'm happy with anything built in against that. That's not to say that I think anyone is suspect. It's just better to have those things built in to protect the process.