Kutholiam Vuere

Corwin Avelard's page

190 posts. Alias of ZetaGilgamesh.


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Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Real life does raise its head from time to time. I still had fun with everyone while it lasted.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4
Thorfinn Wyrmblod wrote:
Hey guys, I'm back-ish. I had an old injury flare up on me during training and I'm getting medically discharged. I should be back to posting as early as tomorrow or Wednesday. Right now I'm in an airport posting from my phone.

Dang dude. That sucks, I am sorry.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin barks a short laugh at Pia's suggestion. "Aye lass, that is the truth. I can't imagine that anyone wouldn't welcome a priest at that point!"

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"I don't like the idea of simply lying to them. If we are looking to give them a chance to return to the guard, then they need to be talked to. On the other hand, we have to be careful. The folks around here will not likely take kindly to us, regardless of our papers, doing ill to the folks that have been handing out free meat." Corwin scratches at his beard for a moment.

"I wish the plan was a bit simpler than that, Aglund. Complex plans have more parts to fail, and end up with us in trouble. But honestly, I don't have a better idea at the moment. How about we scout around a bit, and see if we can find a likely place to set up this ambush?" he suggests with a resigned expression.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"And if he repents, such as him realizing that there are bigger things at stake?" Corwin asks, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"I don't know about heroes. Concerned citizens perhaps." Corwin says, brow furrowed with dislike of the suggestion, but at the mention of payment, his demeanor changes.

"Well. While I certainly do not like the idea of being lumped in with those misbegotten ne'er-do-wells, it should be said that we do need money both for our own upkeep and to ensure the wellbeing of the children that we rescued." Corwin says, glancing at Wren.

"However, we are not guards, and I would like assurances that we will be allowed to discharge whatever you task us with through our own prerogative. For example, we may decide to disperse a crowd through discussion rather than force, regardless of what we were ordered to do. We aren't going to be Hellknights."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

I was really hoping Wren would be able to break in. :(

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin looks through the doorway for a moment, then down at Wren. "Wren, I think that we will stay here and help from the doorway if we can. I don't like the look of that crowd. I think that the solution here will be talking, rather than steel or magic."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Yep. Corwin is still outside till the fun starts.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"Glad to have your help lad." Corwin says, eyes crinkling with a short smile.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin's bushy eyebrows slowly go up as first one, then all of his companions suggest that he stay in the alleyway with Wren. He glances around at the filth and shadows, then back at the raucous crowd inside the Mermaid.

"Wren, while normally I would say that staying in the dark alleyway might be a poor decision, I think we will wait here, on guard."

Corwin sets his hand on Wren's shoulder and guides her into the shadows near the door.

"I am certain that if things become...difficult, you will make enough noise to alert me. Corwin says intensely. "We don't need to leave any of our companions in the gutters like these unfortunates."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"Wake what lad? I can't pick out anything in this half-light", Corwin whispers back, peering into the shadows, his left hand holding tight to his daughter's arm.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Perception : 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

"I am now entirely certain that this was not a good idea...I had forgotten how seedy this part of town is. Certainly nothing good happens here, especially at night!"

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"Thank you Amin, for this kind gesture. Your kindness will not be overlooked." Corwin says, kindly.

"Now let's see about getting you home, unless you have guards or employees here who will see you safely to your residence?" Corwin asks.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"I feel the same as Thorfinn in this matter. The law is the law, for a reason. And the law has kept this city together when it would have fallen apart. Now is another time. The murderer here knows the law, and she knows that she broke it. I recommend that we see her to a guard post quickly and be done with this matter. We have enough on our plate at the moment."

"Let's get Lord Jalento here off the streets before he attracts more undue attention. If he is offering a reward, we should take it. As we still have our young charges to ensure the welfare of, we cannot be stingy when opportunity for funds appears."

Then turning to the noble. "Thank you for your offer of a reward. We recently rescued some young children, including my daughter from a thieving ring, and will be needing funds to feed and clothe them." he says by way of explanation.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Poor lad, doesn't look like this will end well for him without some help. Let's see how the crowd reacts to Rebecca before I cast something.

Corwin will delay and simply look menacing as a professor can...sternly serious...and wait to see if he needs to cast prestidigitate to bluff the crowd.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"Good enough then. But with so many of the stores closed, we should probably focus on getting food first. I don't imagine that the task will be easy."

"We can head towards the Harrower, and as we do, keep on the lookout for stores that might be open, or if closed, still occupied and we might be able to talk the owner into selling us some of the wares."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"I would say yes. Lets push it back Algund." Corwin says, poking the corpse with his toe.

"We can't leave it festering here on the streets, the carcass will likely bring more the otyughs to the surface, and now that I have had a moment to think about it, I do recall one of the King's decrees about 20 years ago was about using these in the sewers to clear blockages, ostensibly by eating through them. If they have been breeding down there, they may be at a point of overpopulation, which would make them desperate for food, and therefore likely to follow any potential trail."

"Let's get this done and be on the way. The patch of grease should allow us to push the creature more readily, or pull it back with ropes. Whichever we choose, we should complete it swiftly."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"Bah. We have had enough of omens. This is most likely willful failure to do a job. Someone somewhere either opened a gate that shouldn't have been, or forgot to give this creature its slops." Corwin scoffs professorially, attempting to interject reason.

know, dungeon, uses of otyguh in cities: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Thats ok, I was up until 2am discharging patients and writing patient notes. My brain is fried so badly I can barely type.

I feel ya.

Oh, and take it easy for the next few days. Re-concussions are no joke. Your brain needs time to heal, and that means lots of sleep.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin moves forward, his eyes darting over the ground, the walls, the crowd and his companions, searching for some tactical advantage.

He halts behind Cataria, his hand dipping into his component pouch with practiced ease. "Zariss", he intones, a bit of grease slipping between his fingers, his eyes locked on the cobblestones at the creatures feet.

grease, centered under otyugh

Hopefully it will fall.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"Be careful if you decide to close with the creature, it spreads disease...also, its hide is known to be quite thick and difficult to penetrate." Corwin calls out to his allies.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

know dungoneering, weaknesses of otyguh: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Corwin turns and grasps Wren by the shoulder. "If the otyguh moves towards us, I want you to run back to Pia's house and get the children ready to flee. I don't want it getting to them." he says, then moves Wren behind him when she nods her understanding, wide eyed.

"Siv" he says, pointing at the creature, and a pencil thin ray shoots from his outstretched finger, striking the ground as the creature moves aside.

ray of frost: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
ray dmg: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4


Pia Verlaine wrote:
"The Acadamae's locked down tight" Pia gives a bit of a nod to Corwin. "No plans to open doors until order reestablished." She shakes her head, trying to quiet some of the louder voices to their natural murmur.

"No surprise there. The Acadamae is always more interested in protecting its own hide first. Probably the reason why it has existed as long as it has in Korvosa, enlightened self interest." Corwin snorts.

"Sounds like an excellent plan. We have a significant number of mouths to feed. The gold we have gained from Lamm should be adequate to feed the children for some time...if we stretch it."


Corwin gets back to his feet, helped by a white-faced Wren, as a chunk of road slides off a nearby slate roof and comes crashing to the roadway, accompanied by dozens of slate tiles.

"By the Gods, what is that thing!" Corwin exclaims, watching the thrashing beast climb up onto the road.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Also my apologies, I had several shifts in a row that kicked my butt. The ED is also a bit too busy for me to post from. I think that next month will be better when I am doing ObGyn/Labor and delivery.

For my post, I know its out of turn, but I wanted to catch up and throw some color in. So no actions, no rolls and no coordination, just exposition.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin will be taking Wren along. He worked too hard to find her to just drop her off somewhere. If he knows that they are heading into danger, he will of course, weigh that threat against his fear of losing her.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"Pia, I am glad that you didn't have any significant problems last night...well, aside from the lack of sleep. Children can be very...energetic." he says with a beardy grin. Like my children that I will not see again... The grin vanishes with a flicker of pain.

"In any regard, is this going to work to take care of the children? The orphanage that Wren was taken from...well sold to Lamm from actually doesn't make me too comfortable about the prospects of any child in one of them." he says scratching his chin.

"As for apprenticeships...that might work. But usually the family of the apprentice pays the way of the apprentice into the craft...which is why so many orphans take bad turns. They don't have many prospects beyond thieving or the guard."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4
Rebecca Mavern wrote:


"As for connection, we found this in Gaedren Lamm's prized possessions after dispatching him." She pulls the key shaped dagger out of her bag of evidence. "Note the inscription: 'For the inspiration of a father.' I would find it bizarre that Key-Lock would sign his own weapon for personal use... it strikes me more that he was either one of Lamm's Lambs at one point, or otherwise knew him." After allowing Algund to examine the blade she takes it back and places it back in her sack of evidence.


"To be honest Rebecca," Corwin begins, "I think that your hypothesis has a strong ring of truth. Gaedren was a bit of a monster, so its not a surprise that he found and or molded a child into someone who was as much as a monster as he was."

"As for the cessation of violence, I have always thought that once started, some outside agency must have been applied to the serial killer. Just my lay opinion of course. But the killer could be simply rotting in prison for some other crime, dead by violence or simply passed away in a plague."


"Gentlemen, if you are unable to restrain him, I can attempt to put him to sleep. In his crazed state, he might be more resistant to magic, but it could be worth an attempt."

know religion Groteus: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 since nobody has said anything about this god yet, and Corwin would of course rack his brain

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Excellent. In these city adventures, oracles are super useful!

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin stays vigilant on the walk to the guardhouse, taking note of where the fires appear to be located in relation to them and listening for the sounds of any disturbances coming their way.

At the guardhouse, Corwin remains silent as Rebecca and the others conduct their business. Then at the mention of going to see the children, Corwin nods in agreement.

"We do need to check on the orphans. And we shouldn't loiter too long in any one place on the streets. I fear that now that criminal elements are able to organize, they will be taking the opportunity to waylay honest folk"

"We should be off."

As they continue along the streets, Corwin continues his previous thought. "We have several items that need to be returned to their owners Rebecca. Individuals who will likely need closure from the loss of their loved ones at the hand of the Key-Lock Killer."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin had awoken, stiff, sore, and aching in places that hadn't hurt for years. The physical ache was nothing compared to his heartache however. Finding Wren had been a joy, a solace, a reprieve. But it also reminded him of his wife and children, the grave in the Grey District, the crushing loss and guilt caused his absence when they needed him.

So he sat, quietly, Wren's head pillowed on his lap, his daughter sleeping deeply, as the sun began to turn the light from the silver of moonlight, to the grey of near dawn. Then the others began to wake and stir.

Corwin had simply listened to all the various conversations and plans. Catching Rebecca's eye, he made a small wave, pointed to himself and Wren, then pointed to Rebecca, followed by waggling his index and middle finger in a sort of walking motion.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

I will be out of wifi until Wednesday. Which looks like it will be ok for the moment.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Quick confirmation on the home. 1 room? 1 entrance or is there a back door? It seems to not be that big...

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Don't sweat the writing. As long as the sentence structure works and we can follow what you are saying, it works.


Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin, a large smile on his face, puts his hand on Wren's shoulder. "Thank you for introducing us to Cataria, Wren." Then, turning to face Cataria squarely, he speaks as plainly as he can, "I am Corwin, Wren's father and a professor of Thassalonian history." His eyes look away from Cataria's as he continues, but he remains facing her, so she can continue to read his lips if necessary. "Zellara's spirit reached out to me in one of my darkest moments as I dispaired of ever finding my child again. I owe her an eternal debt of gratitude, and the benefit of any doubt because of it."

"As for thoughts on what we should do...I think that the best thing we can do is rest the night, then when dawn comes, we can aid the people nearby who need help. We should also keep an eye out, if we are needed to assist with a fire."

"I think that might have been what Zellara was hinting at. Stay alive and help those in the neighborhood who need assistance."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4
Algund Neithan wrote:
And another question, when you say you found some people with honor and whatnot, does that include all of us, or is it just the people who you sent to kill Gadren? And what about Pia, Kamilla, and Verlaine?

Corwin snorts a bit at this. "I don't think that you would be here right now young man, if Zellara hadn't pushed the strings of fate a bit."

Corwin then turns to Zellara, his eyes narrowed a bit, the lines of age crinkling at the corners. "When you say "dark times ahead" it seems that you mean a bit more than the chaos surrounding a normal succession. I expected the tumult and turmoil. But if the city requires heroes...then things might be a bit worse than I believed."

"Can you provide any guidance as to the form of the troubles?" Corwin asks.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

And the rest of her was probably dumped in the river.

Gaedren was not a very nice customer.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin moves Wren back behind him after the heavily armed and armored man addresses her.

"Have a care not to talk to my daughter so freely sir. I don't know you." Corwin cautions him, his tone cold, sounding every bit stern and professorial. "And tonight being as wild and disrupted as it is, I think we should all be very polite to one another." he continues, eyeing Gadren's hand that is still holds the grey iron warhammer at the ready.

"That being said, good evening, and hopefully good meeting Gadren."

"There is a fair amount of traffic around Zellara's home for such an unsettled night." Corwin says in an aside to Rebecca.

DM wrote:
As the group discusses their intention in front of Zellara's home, the door opens with a creak, slowly, as by an unfelt breeze.

Well that is mildly disturbing. Corwin thinks as Wren darts behind him at the door eerily creaking open.

Then seeing the state of the home, and its current occupant Corwin continues aloud,
"Well, the home looks as I expected. The footprints are likely ours from our earlier visit Rebecca. Well, and the new, and thankfully alive-appearing, individual in the home."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

"Young man, I would turn none away this night. We need to protect who we can from the riots and mayhem...and I certainly don't need your fate burdening my conscience."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin, moving a bit slower than his companion, arrives to firmly take Wren's hand, then kneels in the street to look square in her face.

"No more of that now, Wren. I can't have you disappearing into the smoke and confusion when I just found you again. Getting separated, even for a few moments, could be enough for you and I to lose sight with one another." he says to her, then gives her a quick hug.

Corwin turns to the two newcomers, the guard and Rebecca.

"Of course with the Knights of the Nail, they tend to just hammer things into the ground until order is restored. After all, if troublemakers are dead, then they stop making trouble." Corwin says, ruefully.

"But Rebecca is correct, the place that we have in mind will be a good place to shelter. I believe that there is an alley behind the location as well where we might lead your mount to keep it from searching eyes...and off the street. You may not be able to take to the sky from there, however...it would be narrow." Corwin says, thinking back to the home, and how the dragon stuck his head in from the side.

"We should get moving..."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin curses inwardly as he sees the Hellknights come around the corner, and catches Rebecca's quickly hidden expression.

"Wren," he says quietly to his daughter as the knights tromp closer, "Keep very silent, we have to be very careful or the Hellknights will come to the wrong conclusion."

Listening to Rebecca make the introductions he thinks, She does have a silver tounge, at the very least. Might allow us to keep our heads this evening.

"Good evening Sir Knights. As Madame Mavern has said, I am Corwin Avelard, and this is my daughter, Wren Avelard." Corwin says, echoing Rebecca.

Good enough, I will let Rebecca take the lead. She will likely handle this much better than I would.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Hello all.

Corwin and Wren are simply trying to keep the remnants of their small family together amidst the insanity gripping the city.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

That works for me. 6 players seems to provide enough interaction to keep things moving along well without bogging down the combat too badly.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

I would like to continue as well.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

I have GMed online and off. But my concern is time constraints between dadding and starting my residency program in 2 weeks. I have no idea how much time I will have to actually provide the required thought and effort that pbp requires.

And if I did GM a pbp campaign, it would be Kingmaker. ;p

So yes, lets wait a bit longer. Then we can discuss how we want to tackle this.

I am also looking forward to the Starfinder pbps when that happens in 2 months.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Ditto. I am looking forward to continuing the game.

I am back in the States from my honeymoon now. All three of us are still sane, despite the train travel and flights. My daughter weathered the flying well and is now slowly re-accustoming herself to the local timezone.

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Escorting the prisoners:
Corwin looks at the young man and shakes his head.

"Listen to the lady lad, she knows what she is talking about, and practically everyone here about knew of that slime shaped like a man, Gaedrin Lamm. Shove them in the cells and we will bother you no further."

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Agreed. It should be fine. Good PbP players know how to separate out what they know and not be jerks about it.

I will be traveling to Italy for the next week and a half. I have no idea what my ability to post will be as we are taking my 10mo old along. I will do my best!

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4
Rebecca Mavern wrote:
Back home from the graduation... ceremony was lovely, the car ride there and back not quite so much (the joys of traveling with a baby). Glad that we went, glad to be back.

I know how you feel!

Chelaxian Male Professor of Thassilonian History 2 || hp 13/13 || AC 11(15), touch 11(15), flatfooted 10(14) || Perception +3, Sense Motive +3 || Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7 || CMB +0, CMD 11 || Init +1 || Harrow 4

Corwin looks uneasily at the orange glow in the sky before turning back to the ex-guardswoman.

"Wren and I will proceed directly to Zellara's unless you wish for some accompaniment Rebeca?" he asks.

"To be honest, I feel that it is best to get off the streets as soon as possible. I can't imagine that those who are attempting to reinstate law are going to discriminate from anyone who is loitering around and simply assume the worst...hell knights being what they are."

We are looking for folks on the windward side who are up for some Friday after-work Pathfinder.

We have a group of three right now in Kailua, but we are looking for a few more folks who want to play to help round out the party.

[location: Kailua, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii, HI]

It appears that the holiday12 code is no longer active. What is up with the post?

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Under Construction! Opening soon!

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Rova 10 4708. Wealday. Afternoon. Clearing skies.

Artume had been a quiet, depressed town. Despite your best efforts, there hadn’t been any work, nor any promising leads, just a sullen malaise. Your swiftly dwindling gold reserves made you eager to move to a more hospitable location, such as the nearby city of Gralton. However, the rumor of pirates on the Gralton branch of the Sellen river had caused all barge traffic from Artume to Gralton to grind to a halt. You were one of five individuals who hit upon the same idea, to go by caravan on the overland route to Gralton. Five or six days easy days on a wagon, no problem.

Several other wagons had left earlier that day, but by the time that you had gotten to the gates, the only wagon that was still loading, was a lone wagon taking bags of potatoes to Gralton.

If you had to describe the merchant, Emet Arde, in a single word it would be curmudgeon. Grumpy, clean shaven, with big bushy white eyebrows and constantly smoking a foul smelling pipe weed (a cross between dead fish and anise seed), you had second thoughts immediately, but there was nobody else leaving for days, and he was amicable about taking you…for a price.

A gold for food and your promise to help with the wagon as the need arose got you a seat on the potatoes. The first days had been easy. The track was dry, the potatoes could be shaped into a semblance of a seat, and Emet. despite his disgusting pipe, was both a decent storyteller, and with your gold filling the larder, an excellent chef. The track wound across the low hills, passing through forest stands and across empty meadows as it meandered its way east. Despite the emptiness of the countryside Emet still drove the wagon carefully, his well used and loaded crossbow always on the seat beside him.

Then the third day the rains began. The track became a morass, constantly sucking at the wheels of the wagon. The wagon seemingly got stuck at least once a mile and your pace slowed to a crawl.

The third time the wagon got stuck, it would not move despite everyone pushing, slipping, and trying to rock the wagon out of the muddy hole the wheel had gotten trapped in. It was then you discovered that Emet was a better trader than you had taken him for, as the nearly half ton of potatoes, that you were forced to unload, concealed nearly a hundred sword blanks, ready for the final shaping and sharpening. You repeatedly unloaded and loaded the potatoes each time the wagon was too stuck to move.

After two days of nearly constant deluge and struggle, the rains have finally stopped.

Despite your cloaks and leather, water has gotten into nearly every stitch of clothing you own, and where the water hasn’t gotten, the mud has. Emet and the five of you are caked from head to toe, and everyone is looking forward to drying and cleaning clothes off around a roaring campfire this evening. Spirits are slowly beginning to rise just as the wagon gets stuck once more.

It is in that moment of quiet, without the constant creak of the wagon and the jingle of the horses’ harness that you can hear a muffled, indistinct sound carrying down the track on the damp afternoon air.

You can consider your characters introduced. You can also consider that you have just worked very hard, in quite miserable circumstances, over the last few days. While there is no reason for you to have shared your entire life history, nor to completely trust one another, you are quite comfortable working together after your ordeal. If there is any part of your history that your character would not like to share with the other characters, please put it behind a spoiler button.

And with that, away we go.

Set in the River Kingdoms

15 point buy
Standard Races
Standard and Advanced Classes
2 Traits (with approval and appropriate backstory inclusion)
No Evil Alignments (LE may be approved, but I am going to make you a subordinate of another PC)
Level 1
Average Starting Gold (per Starting Character Wealth Table)
No starting magic items, no starting masterwork items(unless per trait)

Post submitted characters on Paizo and please use the following template: Demo template. I recommend copying the template into a document program, editing and then posting it as a character on Paizo.

This will be at least a single adventure. Depending on how well this runs, I will probably roll the characters into one of the campaigns, so the better you are at keeping up with posting, the more likely we will continue.

Be disciplined. Treat this like a journal. You don’t have to post an epic tome every day, but I expect you to post something every day, even if it is just a couple of sentences.

I promise to keep you informed as to any changes in my personal status, but as I have a steady 8-4:30 job, I expect little problem with posting on a regular basis. If I go on a temporary duty to an offsite location…well that is why Paizo sells the books as PDFs.

I expect the same courtesy from you to the other players: keep us informed and always attempt to find a way to post.

I just got into the area and am looking to join/start a Pathfinder or scifi RPG. Anyone have any leads?

Paizo, is there any chance you can strip the Pathfinder RPG main book and the other core books of all their art so they can run as stripped down pdfs for e-readers?

I am trying to decide if it is worth it to bring dice and rulebooks to the Died. If anyone is currently there and running/in a game or is interested in getting a game started, I need to know quick because I am heading out there in a few days.