Alien Archive Player Reward #1 "race" boon question

Starfinder Society

4/5 5/55/55/5

Unlocking races described as part of Personal Boon. Does that mean that wrikreechee created with this boon has his Personal Boon used and he cannot slot any other Personal Boon?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

If you are using a Personal Boon for access to a race, your Personal Boon slot is generally not available for other Personal Boons, as you can normally slot only a single Boon of each type.

A few exceptions exist, and are explicit in how they work, such as the Tier 4 Faction reward for Wayfinders.

1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Superscriber

Yea but that one is specifically applied at character creation.

Its possible that the guild guide v2 will unlock the minor faction "Manifold Host" (distributed as a GM boon at certain 2017 conventions) for everyone, and the capstone boon for that faction is allowing you to slot a second non-race personal boon for an existing PC.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Hop on the boon trading thread and try to get invited into the manifold host if you want to get your personal slot back.

Acquisitives 5/5 *

Some of the recent Personal Boons on scenario chronicles have been limited use that can still be used unslotted. If you have it slotted, you check one box to trigger the effect, but you can also trigger the effect unslotted by checking two boxes. It is a nice balance for those who do have their personal boon slot occupied, so the boons aren't wasted rewards.

Grand Lodge 5/5

What is the actual time limit on this boon, if any? The printed text says 8/17/2017 to 6/14/2018, but mine wasn't even awarded until 7/13/18 (after the deadline) because no other RSP boons were available at the time.

Is there an errata on the timeframe of this boon?

Acquisitives 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

HoloGnome wrote:

What is the actual time limit on this boon, if any? The printed text says 8/17/2017 to 6/14/2018, but mine wasn't even awarded until 7/13/18 (after the deadline) because no other RSP boons were available at the time.

Is there an errata on the timeframe of this boon?

The Alien Archive boon was not actually an RSP boon, it was a separate thing for players only. Otherwise, I would have my barathu.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Mine was awarded after the printed deadline, so is there an actual deadline or was it extended or eliminated because the VO corps didn't receive new RSP package player boons in a timely manner?

3/5 *

To my knowledge (which may be limited), the dates on the boon stand and no new scenarios can be used to increase what access you have with it. If this has been changed, I'd love to know as I was a few shy of Barathu.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

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HoloGnome wrote:
Mine was awarded after the printed deadline, so is there an actual deadline or was it extended or eliminated because the VO corps didn't receive new RSP package player boons in a timely manner?

The Alien Archive boon had nothing to do with the RSP. It was a boon any player could download and fill out in the specified time period. I don’t know why your VO was using it as a “reward” when the base chronicle was freely available to everyone.

Regardless, Thursty has confirmed back in June 2018 that the deadline for filling out the Alien Archive Player Reward 1 has passed.

“Thurston Hillman” wrote:

As a heads up to all our players. The Alien Archive player boon (see here ) is no longer valid for completion.

There has been some misconception on this and I wanted to make it clear. Sorry for being the Grinch... this time.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Thanks. That helps.


Okay, so if I find someone to trade me a Nuar boon that was earned during the active dates, can I still use it?

Grand Lodge 4/5

edit: Not sure about the Nuar boon.


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As far as I know, the only Nuar boons are GM boons, which can be traded.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dracomicron wrote:
As far as I know, the only Nuar boons are GM boons, which can be traded.

Thank you!

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